To Love A Beast

By 8-Youtsu-8

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Chizuru's forgotten past comes back alive when she meets a mysterious fellow out in the forest. With her new... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29

Chapter 28

334 8 7
By 8-Youtsu-8

Spring was once again here. The Sakura trees blooming and the animals running around to shed their coats. The war has calmed down dramatically and things were looking to be pretty good.

Chizuru sat under the tree overlooking the wide river. She touched the water to feel its newfound warmth. A small smile appeared on her face, it would feel nice to take a dip in the water.

She looked around to make sure she was alone, the river was not very isolated but not very close to town, some passerbys can see her waddling around in the water.

Chizuru took off her sandals and socks and touched the surface of the water. It felt nice to the touch, and so she emerged more, lifting her yukata above her ankles. The small fishes came and nibbled on her toes, tickling her, "Haha stop that, I'll get my clothes wet if I laugh too much". She wiggled her feet, the fishes sprawled around.

Chizuru stepped in further to the river, she took big steps enjoying the small splashes her feet made. Out of pure curiosity, she kicked the water. Then again and again, giggling to herself and enjoying the first day of spring.

"You seem like having fun"

Chizuru jumped when she saw Souji leaning against the tree. She turned bright red and looked down to the water, "I was just...testing the water. I mean I-I dropped a pretty flower".

As if on queue, thousands of petals flowed beside her feet, Souji and her stared at it awkwardly before he burst out laughing.

"You're so cute y'know" he smirked as he took a seat on the edge of the river.

Chizuru stared at her feet for a few moment to let her blushed face go away, "It's the most beautiful spring weather in ever. It felt nice to feel the lukewarm water" she replied. Souji gave her a side smile without responding, never looking better than ever.

His tuberculosis miraculously faded away, the doctors couldn't even explain how that was possible. They say it must have been a drive or change of enviornment.

Souji had an idea of what his cure was, and the evidence was standing infront of him.

Chizuru kept staring at the fish kissing her toes, she was being quite entertained. He held out his hand for her to take it, "Come sit with me, I miss you". She tilted her head sideways, "I'm right here, Souji" she giggled after walking towards him.

He grabbed her and placed her on his lap nuzzling his nose in her neck,"Mmmm, my Chizuru-chan smells good". She tucked her neck and blushed, which highly amused Souji but still found precious, "I still don't get how you are still able to blush innocently" he sneered.

Chizuru hid her cheeks with her hands in embarrassment knowing what he meant, Souji took them away to steal a kiss. She giggled, Souji kissed her eye, then her nose and a few on her neck.

Chizuru jumped,"Oh!". He looked up with his brow raised,"Do you still get that excited Chizuru?".

"No, I just felt a kick"

Souji placed his hand on her swollen belly, he felt a small kick on her side making him beam, "I want a girl".

"Is there a specific reason?"

Souji draped his arms over her and smooched on her cheek, "Because if we have a boy, I'll be jealous that another man has your attention". Chizuru giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck, after exchanging a few loving kisses they stared down where the river was headed.

It has been 3 years since Takeshi was with them. Chizuru still carries the memory of him in her heart, he won't be forgotten by her ever or by Souji. The men might still encounter random thoughts about him rarely but they don't bring him up at all.
After his death, Chizuru was almost headed the same way. She was greatly affected by his absence, it even made Souji worry and feel inmensly jealous. Chizuru just stayed in Souji's room staring at the sky through the open door while she lay on the futon.

"Chizuru, you have to eat something. You look thinner every day" Heisuke begged her while pushing the tray towards her. She didn't look up or blink, she just kept staring. Heisuke scrunched his eyebrows and slumped his shoulders, there was no convincing her to eat yet again. Souji watched him go back to the kitchen to clean up, he went into his room and did the same as he would always do. He would hug Chizuru from behind and not say a word to her, he'd stare up in the sky along with her being locked in his thoughts.

It's already been a month since Takeshi died in her arms. She blamed herself for pushing him away and not trying to understand him in the first place. Everyone has become very worried about her, she won't talk to anyone and her cheerful aura was no longer present. The change of mood in her affected the men around her, they can't concentrate during their sparring or patrols.

Sanousuke would browse shops more than walk around patrolling, just so he could find something that would cheer her up. Heisuke and Shinpachi practiced to cook everyday so they could feed her something edible even if she wouln't eat it. Even Saito would be off track which is very suprising, when he'd have spare time he would go sit by the door to keep her company.

A growl came out of Chizuru's belly, she and Souji laughed, he helped her up and dusted off the petals from her hair. "What would my Dango-Cutie like to eat?" he asked as he grabbed her hand.

"Hmm, some beef stew would be nice"

"Whatever my wife desires" he smiled.
He guided her to the best restaurant in town but Chizuru pulled his arm,"Ano, umm Souji? I don't want that beef stew" she told him. Souji cocked his eyebrow, not understanding how his pregnant wife would not want the best food in town. He chuckled and rolled his eyes,"Oooh if this is about the money-"

"I want Heisuke and Shinpachi's beef stew"

Souji's features softened, Chizuru was so great. She didn't care for luxuries as much as most women would. Besides, it's been a while since they've seen the rest of the Shinsengumi, it would be nice to hang out again.

He crossed his arms and furrowed his brows, "Oh? So you rather have other men cook for you than let me spoil you?". Chizuru looked at him annoyed, "Well I miss my friends unlike you do". Souji raised both brows in suprised and shaked his head while chuckling,"Damn, I keep forgetting you have hormones too". They made their way to the Shinsengumi Headquarters.

Saito leaned back against the door frame, he felt a little tug on his sleeve, he turned to see Chizuru holding his sleeve. "Yukimura?" he asked her. Souji was out patrolling with the rest, so he couldn't be with her today.
She looked up at him, "S-Saito-san" she cried. There was no color on her face, her bone structure was more noticeable and her small hands looked like painted bones. Chizuru fainted on the floor, Saito jumped up to help her, "Yukimura!". He picked her up and ran to the meeting room,"Hijikata-san, Kondou-san" he breathed out. Both generals saw the passed out girl in his arms, "Get the doctor and Yamazaki now" Hijikata ordered. Saito lowered her on the floor and ran off to get help, Hijikata picked her up to take her to the other room. Kondou brought towels and water to cool her off, "What's happen to you Yukimura?".
Yamazaki and the doctor ran inside, the examined her and he felt her forehead. "She has a very high fever" he informed them. The generals were not surehow to answer him, if he found out she was not taking even a bite of her food he would think they have her starving to death. Saito spoke for them,"She has not been eating for the past month. Yukimura has been severly depressed". The doctor and Yamazaki stared at him then at Chizuru, she was really weak and frail. "In the meantime keep her cool. When she wakes up you will force her to eat" the doctor ordered, Yamazaki stayed beside Chizuru as he left. The room got quiet after, with only her breathing being heard.
Word of Chizuru's fever got around pretty fast, as usual, Souji was the only one to find out last. The captains were all huddled in the room she was in, only to be half awake. Heisuke started to cry silently, "What if Chizuru dies?" he whimpered. Shinpachi smacked him on the head before leaning on his shoulder,he was showing tears as well.
"C'mon guys, don't bring that kind of mood here" Sanouske said as he held Chizuru's hand.

Souji burst into the room, full of sweat and looking very angry. Everyone stared at him,he was breathing heavily, he eyed the room as his eyes landed on Chizuru. "Why. Didn't. Anyone. Tell. Me?" he gritted his teeth. The men exchanged awkwards glances, Sanou even discreetly let go of her hand knowing how he would get.
Chizuru saw Souji standing at the door, she opened her eyes a little more, everyone taking notice of this. Souji walked towards her and got on his knees,"Why Chizuru?" he asked with pain in his voice. She stared at him with lifeless eyes, they were a dull brown. He shook her ever so lightly, "Why are you doing this? Why won't you take care of yourself?" he said louder. The men all shifted in their spots to make sure Souji's tenper didn't get the best of him. Chizuru looked down, not being able to him in the eye. "Look at me" he demanded. She slowly gazed back at his emerald eyes, "'s my...fault" she whispered. Souji was taken aback and felt anger and frustration at once, he felt the need to punch the wall. "You have to understand it wasn't Chizuru! Don't blame yourself!" he yelled. Tears began to form in her eyes, Sanou ready to seperate him from her but Souji kept his grip on her. "You are acting if he was the only one left for you. Don't you take notice of the men that have grown to care about you for these years?" his voice became solemn with a hint of disappointment. During this month of her mourning, he seriously thought if Chizuru actually loved Takeshi instead of him. She hasn't known him for more than 6 months, it didn't make sense to react this way despite knowing he knew her even long before.
"He...he was with me...before" she slowly said. That snapped something inside of Souji, "Who gives a damn if he was with you before? He abandoned you for god's sake, after he almost killed you! Chizuru, you can't base a bond because of his possessive attitude towards you. I know it hurts you Chizuru, but you have to move on. Is losing him that horrible that you have to risk your own damn health? Have you not even thought about what would happen to us if you would die?". She stayed silent along with the others, her face showed guilt knowing everything he said was true. Chizuru couldn't look uo at his face feeling ashamed, Souji cupped both of her cheeks and looked in her teary eyes. "Then what about me Chizuru? Do you have any idea what I would be thinking everytime I'd see you in this state? What would I do if I lose you?!Were you lying when you said you loved me?!" he yelled, Chizuru cried even more, not having the slightest idea of how he felt. She was swallowed in the darkness blaming herself. He was right, it won't do any good to mourn for something in the past,she won't be able to move on that way. Takeshi wouldn't have want that, he saved her for the purpose of letting her live a better life. Right now she has amazing friends and Souji with her.

Chizuru covered her eyes and started whimpering, "Y-You're right. Everything you said, I'm sorry. I was so sad about his death I didn't realize those other things. Please forgive me". Souji's features softened, he could never be mad at her. He was glad she finally snapped out of it,so were the other men. He embraced her tightly still with the fear if he let her go she would just slowly perish, "Please Chizuru, don't ever do this to me again. I can't and I don't want to live without you" he whispered against her hair. Everyone huddled into a group hug to console her, Souji having most of the hug. "Alright you can let go now" he said. Everyone chuckled but stayed in place, "Oh shut your face, we love Chizuru too ,Souji" Heisuke snapped back.

"You wish. No one is allowed to love her but me"

Now they are standing infront of the headquarters, looking at it a little too blissfully. Souji rubbed her belly softly, "I think she'll be fine having uncles as idiots" he smiled.

"Souji, we're not even sure if it's a girl" Chizuru giggled.

"I'm jinxing it, we'll definetly have a girl as beautiful as her mother" he pecked her lips and walked her inside.
Instantly they could hear the ruckus in the main room, and Hijikata's threats. Souji slid the door open to find a scene he was all too familiar with.
Heisuke and Shinpachi fighting over food while Sanou tries to seperate them. Saito sitting quietly in place and Hijikata rubbing his temples. Everyone looked up at Souji with a suprised look then turned into cheers and greetings. Chizuru still waited outside the door so Souji could have a moment with his friends.

Sanousuke-"How have you been you green eyed beast?"

Souji-"Enjoying the luxury of my luck"

Heisuke-"Eeeh? What luck?"

Souji grinned playfully with his eyes twinkling. He pushed the door more to the right to reveal a blushing Chizuru. She hasn't changed much from before, still the same sweetheart as always. But the last thing they noticed was the bump she was holding. Their brains clicked in understanding, then they all exclaimed at the same time (except Saito), "You're pregnant!!!".
The men congratulated Souji and Chizuru, Heisuke started crying and began hugging her. "Why are you crying Heisuke?" she asked him. He sniffed and wiped away a tear,"Because that pervert got you pregnant". Souji went ahead and smacked his head before pulling him away from his wife. He bent down to kiss her belly and rub it around, he really liked the feeling that Chizuru is carrying his child. After all the commotion was done they all sat down, Shinpachi brought a bowl of beef stew for Chizuru.

Sanou-"How far along are you Chizuru?"

Chizuru-"About 5 months"

Sanou-"No wonder we haven't heard from you haha"

Chizuru(blushes)-"I wanted it to be a suprise"

Heisuke(touching her belly)-"Nee Chizuru, but you look a little too big for 5 months". Souji smacked his hand away

Chizuru-"That's what I thought but I guess it seems like that for my small body"

Souji-"Oh poo, you are still gorgeous"

Hijikata-"Has he been giving you a hard time?"

Souji-"That's hurtful Hijikata"

Chizuru (giggles)-"We've been very happy"

Saito-"That's very good news"

Souji poked Saito's face,"Nee Hajime,nee nee. Wanna feel my daughter kick?". Saito raised his eyebrows, listening to the silly request. Heisuke gaped his mouth and glared at Souji,"Why do you slap away my hand if you letting Hajime feel?!"

"Because Hajime isn't too touchy with my wife"

Heisuke pouted and cursed under his breath. Saito still stayed in his place not knowing if Souji was being serious or was only testing him. "I-I respect Yukimura's space, Okita" he stammered with a slight blush on his cheeks. Souji pulled his hand towards Chizuru's belly, Saito hesitated and restrained himself,"O-Okita,really. There is no need-".

"Oh, so you don't want to feel my firstborn daughter kick, eh Hajime-kun?"

Saito closed his eyes and sighed, talking his time to reach her belly. He stopped when he was about to come in contact with her stomach, Saito was not used to this kind of stuff. Chizuru smiled at him and held his hand, she placed it where she felt the kick more. A silent moment passed as everyone stared at a once in a lifetime scene, Saito stared at her stomach as if concentrating. Then, his eyes widened and his cheeks turned red,"Something wrong Hajime?" Sanou asked him. Saito touched the other side of her belly with another hand, "I feel two kicks" he whispered.

Souji-"She is a bit kicky"

Heisuke-"Why do you assume you have a girl?"

Souji-"Because I say so, we will most defenitely have a daughter"

Heisuke-"I think it's a boy"

Souji-"I think you should shut up"

Sanou(chuckles)-"Still sassy aren't we?"

Heisuke-"Hajime are you...are you crying?"

Everyone turned to see crystal drops slowly running down his face,"It''s just so beautiful". The men chuckled, Hajime didn't show a lot of emotion, much less cry infront of them. Souji saw he didn't take his hands away, his brow started to twitch,he should really work on that. He placed his hand on Saito's shoulders,"Hehe well then, why dont we let my cute Chizuru-chan eat?". Saito seemed disappointed he couldn't feel the kick anymore but maybe later on Chizuru will let him qhen Souji isn't looking
The evening ended wih catching up on everyone's lives, Souji and Chizuru decided to stay in his old room since she was falling asleep. It felt like old times when they first started out as lovers. Souji draping his arm protectively over her belly and whispering sweet nothings into her ear. He pulled her closer to his chest, "Say you love me" he nibbled on her ear. Chizuru giggled as she closed her eyes and whispered, "I love you, Souji".

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