Change of Heart (A Weasley Fa...

By WeaselB3e

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The name is Kayley, sometimes I get called Kay for short. I was taken hostage by death eaters during the Batt... More

Like None Other
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
The Alternate Ending

Chapter 24

665 30 3
By WeaselB3e

I'd figured it out, I can't believe that I'd finally accepted the fact that I liked someone. Not just anyone, but George Weasley. I liked him, I really liked him. Everything made sense now!

I jumped out of the shower, pulling on black slacks and a blue top with sequins around the collar, I brushed out my hair and dried it quickly. I had to go to the Ministry for the morning before working all night at the Leaky Cauldron. Between those times I would find George and tell him that everything made sense.

Grabbing my bag, I apparated straight away, practically running to Mr. Weasley but I was stopped by a gruff looking man who looked down at me and practically glared.

"Can I help you?" He said gruffly.

"I'm an assitant to Arthur Weasley, head of the--"

"There is no such post, you do not belong here."

"Like hell I don't!" I started getting hot, this was my mission. I would not let this...Buffoon stop me. I felt a hand my arm and I turned to see Mr. Weasley himself frowning.

"Simmonds, she does belong with me. I hope you can excuse us."

The man studied Mr. Weasley for a few silent moments before giving a small nod, "keep her out of my sights."

A thousand nasty comments came to mind as I glared, but I wouldn't say a word. I was too happy and not even that git Simmonds could get me down.

After my morning of setting up more bugs around the Ministry, even getting one outside the Minister's door, I was off. I flooed right into the Leaky Cauldron, scaring Tom before rushing through the back entrance to Diagon and running until I was through the door of Weasley Wizard Wheezes.

I was in such high spirits to tell George everything, that it took a moment for me to register what I was witnessing as I stood in the doorway.

There was George Weasley kissing...Alicia Spinnet...

My heart fell through my chest and crashed onto the floor in a million tiny pieces. The air in my lungs suddenly disappeared as I stood there.

I made a squeaking noise, backing up quickly and bumping into something causing it to crash, George looked up. He looked horrified when he saw me.


But I was already out the door and down the street, my eyes were blurred by my never ending tears. I'd never cried so much in my life, I was always strong and tough but now I was just this weak girl that constantly found herself crying...I kept running until I ran into someone's chest. I looked up to find it was Fred.

One look at me and he knew everything he ever needed to know, with a swift motion he picked me up and carried me without a word to my apartment. Helping put the key into the lock and helping me over to my couch.

"You chose," Fred commented.

I began sobbing, "Fred, I'm sorry. I really am. But it's-"

Fred held up a hand and shook his head, he looked sad but he looked worried as well. "Don't worry about me. What can I do for you?" he whispered concerned.

I started sobbing, wishing myself that it was Fred, but it wasn't. My heart knew and my body knew that I loved George more than I could ever love Fred. Fred pulled me into his chest, trying to stop the sobs but I only sobbed harder, this must be hard for him to watch...why was he watching me cry over his brother? I shook as the sobs wrecked my body.

There was pounding at the door and I fell silent, Fred motioned me to stand and without a sound he guided me to my bedroom. We sat in there as the pounding continued.

"What did you see?" Fred asked quietly.

"H-h-he was k-k-kissing A-Alicia," I stuttered as I wiped my nose.

Fred frowned and pulled me into a tight hug, "oh Clay..."

"I'm sorry, I know you must hate me. I'm so sorry," I kept repeating.

"I could never hate you."

"Are you disappointed?"

There was a long pause, "I wish it were me. But if it's George I won't stand in the way. I know it was hard for you to come to this conclusion and even harder now."

I hiccupped, "I don't think it's George anymore..."

Fred chuckled slightly, it was a sad laugh, "it's George. Trust me."

I moved closer to his side as the pounding finally stopped, "what should I do?"

"What do you think?" Fred asked.

I looked at the clock, "I have to go to the Cauldron...I'm needed."

"I'll send an owl and explain you can't make it," Fred offered.

"I should really be there..." I muttered.

Fred wiped away a few tears, "not like this. You'll be useless like this."

I kissed his cheek, "you are the greatest person I've ever met. I wish I wasn't so horrible to you.."

Fred rubbed my cheeks, "you picked. I wish it were me...but I'm happy you've finally chosen, because that means you're changing, Kay. I'm happy about that."

I really wish I hadn't listened to what Marcy had wanted....I felt empty, emptier than I'd felt when I lost both my parents and then my aunt and the one person who made me feel better in the end was lost to me. Why would someone want to feel so alone? To feel so hurt and pathetic as I felt now...

"You know, I'm sure its all a big misunderstanding," Fred tried to reassure me.

I shook my head, although Alicia looked pretty smug when she saw me. "I think I'm just going to play a few games."

"What do you want me to do?" Fred asked curiously.

I looked at Fred, he was watching me expectantly, waiting for orders patiently. I shook my head, "I have no idea."

Fred nodded, "I'm sorry he's a git."

I rubbed my eyes, "I just...he promised he'd wait for as long as it took..."

Fred pulled me into a tight hug and sighed, "I'm so sorry, Kayley..."

"I don't want to see him," I whispered.

Fred nodded, "how about I go get us food then?"

I nodded, Fred gave a small worried smile before leaving the room, I walked into my bathroom and fumbled around for my anxiety pills. With the way I felt, I needed all the medication possible, I felt broken and discarded. George had promised...he'd promised to wait for me to decide...

Why had he kissed Alicia?

Why would Marcy want me to go through this? Who willingly allows this to happen to them? To let themselves feel so miserably broken and alone in the world...If I tried to better myself for this...I don't want to be better...I want to be the girl I use to be.

I felt the dullness that medication provided as I curled up on my mattress. Why would anyone want to feel like this?

*Fred's POV*

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked when George walked through our small flat.

George sighed, "right when you left Alicia showed up and then she just leaned up and kissed me. Kayley saw...she probably thinks--"

"Trust me, she does."

"Is she alright?" George asked, worried.

I crossed my arms and sighed deeply, "when I left she was sobbing."

"You left her sobbing?!" George roared.

"She begged me to leave, I'm only here to get a few things," I shrugged.

George looked ticked but I said nothing more as I slung my bag over my shoulder, "good going mate," I smiled as I passed him.

George hung his head in defeat, looking ashamed of himself, "what're you going to tell her?"

I shrugged, "I may tell her that it was a big misunderstanding. I may not," I would. I would try to convince Kayley that what had happened wasn't what she thought. Although it would never work.

I apparated back to her flat to find her asleep in front of her television set. I smiled slightly when I noticed the drool on her cheek, I found a fleece blanket and laid it out over her as I took away her remotes and made myself at home.

I wasn't going to let Kayley alone, she needed someone. I noticed her tears were still falling from behind her closed eyes, I rubbed them away. Praying things would get better for this girl. After all, Kayley didn't deserve this. She deserved much more.


Well? What'd you think?? :)

I'm sorry for any and all errors!!

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