The Hunger Games: A change In...

By bucsfan9737

623K 17.8K 4.6K

*Okay so this is a sequel to my book called a change in heart * so don't read this unless you read my first o... More

A change in mind (sequel to a change in heart)
Chapter 1
chapter 2 cato pov!
chapter 3
Authors note
Chapter 4
Cover Voting!!
Chapter 5 cato pov!!!
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8 cato pov!!
chapter 9
Authors note : Watty awards!!!
Another authors note
chapter 10 sam pov!!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 cato pov!!
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Cato Pov!!!
Authors note: Hunger games tralier!!
Chapter 16
Authors note
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Authors Note
Authors note part 2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Authors note
Guess who's back...back again

Chapter 24

1.8K 73 16
By bucsfan9737

I bet you guys didn't see this update coming. Well neither did I. Long story short my time to write really decreased over the last year. I completely forgot about Wattpad for awhile and then had to deal with losing my password. I left you without an ending, a blank page. That was unfair. But it's not easy, actually, it's quite difficult to think of an ending were everyone is satisfied. Most of you hope Cato isn't dead and a lot of you just want the end. Being that you guys have been very patience throughout the series and allowing me to put a pause on this story means a lot, so I owe you guys the end.

Love always,


Katniss POV

Have you ever loss a loved one who you thought was invincible when it came to the idea of death. You saw no reason for them to be taken from you abruptly, without warning. You can't picture a world without them until they are actually gone and when they are gone the world seems a little more gray. Like the world as a whole lost some of the sunshine it had. It's harder to breathe, as the loss grabs a hold of your heart. There is a feeling in your chest as if your suffocating. You are literally dying inside from the pain and no one can help you because they only cure to it is the love one you lost in the first place.

I'm dead. Not in the literal sense, being that I am in fact alive. Breathing, organs functioning, but in that emotional aspect. I couldn't process what happened.  The pain was too much. All I hear is cannon boom and Cato's cries. I'm just on my knees, staring at the mutts with Cato nowhere in sight. Sam and Finnick both trying to bring me back but I am to far gone.

My thoughts go into a thousand different ways. Mostly memories of Cato. Most of them being in the arena, most weren't happy memories. My stomach churns at these memories as I realize what Sam and Finnick said. They were doing what Cato asked. His dying wish was for me to be saved. I wasn't allowed to be mad at Sam and Finnick for making sure that they followed through on their ends of the promise. But I was mad at Cato however, whether it's selfish or not, it's not his choice when it comes to what I do.  

But then something happens.

A siren fills the arena, like a loud school fire drill. The mutated animals howl in anger and then in pain as they start to run from the noise.

Cato's body was now visible, and so were he injuries. His face, badly scratched, was a bloody mess. His arm that he used to cover his face was undoubtedly broken, as it sat at his side at an odd angle. His chest slowly rising and fall, he was hardly breathing.

But he was breathing. As I processed this I gained the ability to function again, I stand up and start to run to him. Bad move. I fall face first, forgetting about my injuries. My leg gave out, the arrow really did some damage. I start to crawl, I avoid putting weight onto my leg. Finnick and Sam come to my aid, grabbing both of my arms tightly and pulling me to my feet.

That feeling in my chest was replaced with the fear for Cato's life as a game maker aircraft became visible in the distance. Sam stumbles back as the aircraft flies above us, the sound was drowning out their voices as the tried to figure out what to do. A large claw like structure came out of the ship dropping down by cato. It opens, stretching out around his body, and then closing around him. It lifts him above the ground and then all the way up into the aircraft and disappears.

"Cato!" I scream launching myself forward, bring Sam and Finnick forward with me. 

"Where are the taking him? He's not dead, they can't take him out of the arena!" I cried, knowing my efforts were useless. Because in the end they can do whatever they want to and I had no power.

"What the hell is going on?" Finnick yells.

"I don't know man, they never pull anyone alive out of the arena who is alive." Sam replies.

"Look!" Finnick exclaims, pointing to a second aircraft. The second one appears out of nowhere and flies right above us. A small rectangular hatch opens on the bottom, and the ship lowers. It was now about 20 ft above us, and a ladder is tossed out. 

"Katniss, Sam and Finnick grab that ladder and get your butts up here." A familiar voice calls out." Sam looks down at me, my leg wound was reopened, blood everywhere. He can see it on my face that I had no strength in me. 

"Finnick, help me get her up." Sam grabs my elbow, putting my arm around my shoulder lifting my off the ground. Finnick grabs my other arm as we struggle towards the ladder. 

"I can't climb that thing." There was no way I would be able to pull myself up that ladder without falling to my death. Sam recognizes this.

"Get on my back Katniss." He hunches over, trying to make it easier for me to get on him. Finnick wastes no time, grabbing my hips and thrusting me onto Sam's back. 

"Gentle." Sam grunts. "Hang on to me, tightly." My grip on him tightens with his words. He grabs onto the ladder. The first couple of steps we went up  with ease. It wasn't until midway when Sam really started to struggle. He was fighting both of our weights and the rope ladder swinging with every shift in weight. I close my eyes and see Cato's body. He was breathing. He is alive. And I will find him. We finally reach the top of the ladder, a few hands grab me from behind, lifting me off of Sam, who once gets into the Aircraft lays on his back, taking a deep breath. Finnick pops up seconds later, his eyes searching for Sam and I.  I look around and recognize none of the people who had grabbed us. They weren't Game makers and sure as hell weren't capital people.

"Hello my little MockingJay." A dark figure stepping in front of the people, says.

"How's my favorite victor?" The figure asks.

Okay I hope you guys enjoy this update, I promise there is more to come. In the previous Author's note I told you I had a surprise for you! And here it is! As many of you know I have a few books on Wattpad, yet the only one finished is the first book of this Hunger Games series. I am very passionate about writing and I know that good stories have to end eventually. Unfortunately that meaning this book/series is getting close to the end.  It's not over yet, but with every update it gets closer. So I had come up with a new story, which will be posted on Wattpad within the next week that i am really going to dedicate my heart to once this series is over. I and another Wattpad user have decided to co-write this book, the ultimate goal is to get it published. So there is going to be some serious dedication to it. I'm hoping that once this story ends you guys will be willing to continue to join me through my progressions as a writer and support me in the next one. Thank you guys for truly making this experience for me on Wattpad  amazing. 

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