Learn Along The Way (A Louis...

By ErinBuckley15

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McKenna Pizano is just a regular 19 year old with a dark past that seems to haunt her everywhere she goes. So... More

Chapter One: The Pharmacy
Chapter Two: Hospital
Chapter Three: Memories and Hurt
Chapter Four: Get Me Out of This Hell Hole
Chapter Five: Adventure Time Footy Pajamas
Chapter Six: My Noble Steed
Chapter Seven: Stay With Me?
Chapter Eight: Kiss Me
Chapter Nine: Blown Away
Chapter Ten: Love?
Chapter Eleven: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter Twelve: Game Night
Chapter Fourteen: The Letter
Chapter Fifteen: Unexpected Visitor
Chapter Sixteen: Ginger Jesus and Laptops
Chapter Seventeen: Two More Days
Chapter Eighteen: Surprise
Chapter Nineteen: Yes
Chapter Twenty: Poster
Chapter Twenty-One: Hate
Chapter Twenty-Two: Halloween
Chapter Twenty-Three: Switzerland
Chapter Twenty-Four: Epilogue
Epilogue #2

Chapter Thirteen: Love In The Airport

464 6 2
By ErinBuckley15

*McKenna's POV* 

The next few weeks were perfect. Louis and I went on a few dates, including one when he brought me to a water park he rented out. It was incredible. I still don't know how I feel about him. I mean, I really like Louis. He's perfect. But that's the problem. He's so perfect and I'm so... not.

"Hey McKenna?" I turned around and raised my eyebrows, telling him to continue.

"Can we talk?"

"Yeah. What's up Lou?" He shuffled to the edge of my bed and sat down. I noticed he wasn't looking me in the eyes like he normally does when we talk.

"Lou, what's wrong?" He looked up into my eyes. I would've taken a step back if I hadn't been sitting down, his gaze was that intense. I crawled over the duvet and sat next to him. He looks down and mumbled something incoherent.


"I'm leaving." I looked down to my lap.

"When and where?"

"America. Our tour kicks off tomorrow. I'm leaving tonight."

"Oh." Was all I managed to croak out. He put his finger under my chin and lifted up my face so that I was staring into his eyes.

"McKenna, we will figure this out."

"What's there to figure out? You're gonna go to America and have your tour, forget about me and fall in love with someone else, and live happily ever after. It's fine, just do you." He looked shocked.

"How could you say that? I would never ever forget about you. You are the funniest, sweetest, most caring person I know. You are beautiful, talented, and everything I could ever hope for and more. I would never forget about you and I certainly wouldn't find someone else. My heart's already taken by someone else." I looked down at my lap again. I was blushing hardcore and I did not want Louis to see. But judging by the chuckle that erupted from him, I could tell he could see it. That only made me blush more.

"And besides, we still have all today. I'm not leaving until 5. So come on! Get dressed, I have a lot planned for us."

"But Lou, it's like 5 o'clock in the morning!"

"No arguing!" He picked me up and basically threw me into my closet. I sent him a playful glare before turning to my clothes.

"Louis! What do I wear?"


"Where are we going and WHY ARE YOU YELLING?"

"IT'S A SURPRISE AND YOU'RE A HYPOCRIT!" I laughed and turned back to my closet. I quickly picked out a blue crop top with a silver anchor on it and a pair of white shorts. When I came out, Louis grabbed my hand and pulled me out to the elevator.

"What about the others?"

"Niall is going to visit an old friend, Harry is going to his moms, and Liam and Zayn are going out with Perrie and Danielle. But right now they're still sleeping. It is stupidly early now." I smiled as we walked onto the street. I started to walk down the street, but Louis pulled me back and towards his car.

"We're driving?! We never drive anywhere!" He laughed and opened the car door for me. I climbed in and he shut the door and jogged around the front of the car to get into the drivers side. Once he got in he turned to me.

"Well, we're going pretty far away, so I doubt you'd want to walk there." I smiled and looked out the window.

We had been driving for an hour. We were well outside the city by now. I stared out the window, taking in my surroundings. All I saw were fields. I started to get antsy. My leg wouldn't stop shaking. Louis smiled and put his hand on my knee. My leg immediately halted upon his touch, feeling sparks shoot through my body. He started rubbing small circles on my knee with his thumb. I began to calm down, slowly getting used to the electricity coursing through my body.

"Relax, McKenna. We'll be there soon." I smiled, but it quickly turned to a look of confusion.

"Louis? Can I ask you a question?"

"Anything. Except if you're asking where we're going." I hit him playfully on the chest.

"Why do you never call me Mac? All the guys call me that, Anika called me that. Why don't you?" He smiled and looked at me out of the corner of his eye.

"Because, when I asked you your name the first time I met you, you said McKenna. Usually, if someone goes by a nickname, they'll say, 'McKenna, but people call me Mac.' Plus it suits you. McKenna is such a pretty name, and you're such a beautiful girl. It fits." I smiled and grabbed his hand, taking it in mine.

I stared at him while he drove. He was so perfect. I looked down at my lap. I hate this feeling. Knowing you're not good enough for someone. Knowing there is someone out there better for them than you. I looked up at Louis to see him staring at me, a confused and hurt look in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked, squeezing his hand.

"You do realize you just said that all out loud right?" Oh shit. I didn't want him to know I felt that way.

"Why didn't you tell me you felt this way?" I realized louis had stopped in the middle of the road. Whatever, nobody was coming. We haven't passed anybody for miles.

"I-I didn't want you I realize it's true." He forcefully unbuckled and got out of the car, slamming the door. I unbuckled slowly, uncertain of why he was angry. Suddenly, my door swung open and two strong arms picked me up easily and shut the door with his foot. I held onto his shirt to keep myself from falling.

"W-where are we going?" He didn't answer. Suddenly he put me down in the middle of an empty field. He sat across from me. I tucked my legs underneath me and looked at him for an explanation.

"Why would you think that about yourself?" I looked down at my lap.

"Because, it's true. You're perfect. You're famous. You could have any girl in the entire world. You shouldn't be with me. You should be with a model, or a singer, or an actress. Not someone as boring as me. I don't deserve you. You deserve someone better than me." When Louis stayed silent, I looked up from my hands resting in my lap. I was shocked when I saw tears on his face.

"W-why are you crying?"

"Because it hurts me so much to know that you don't know you are the most perfect human being in the entire world. Yeah, you're not a model, but you could be. You're not a singer, but you are certainly talented enough to be one. And plus, I don't want to date a model or a singer, unless you were one. Honestly, I don't want anyone but you. You are the only girl for me an I am so lucky to have found you. If anything, I don't deserve you. And it hurts me to think that you think of yourself so poorly because you are literally the strongest person I've ever met. You have been through so much. If I could, I would switch pasts with you so that I could endure why you did instead of you. I just don't see how you can't see how beautiful you are."

I crawled over to him and sat in his lap facing him so my legs were on either side of his waist. I wiped the tears off his cheeks.

"Don't cry. I'm sorry. I ruined our last day together."

"No you didn't. But enough of this crazy talk about not deserving me. I don't want to hear it anymore because it's complete rubbish. Okay?" I nodded and giggled when he lifted me up and got back into the car.

It was about ten o'clock when we reached a secluded field. We had started early so that we could spend as much time together as possible. Louis grabbed my hand and we strolled through the field. Suddenly, Louis stopped, a mischievous grin on his face.

"Lou? You okay?" I asked, nervous about his actions. He took my hand and led me up a ton of stairs winding up a tree.

"How did I not see this before? I mean seriously, who misses a staircase going up a-" I gasped at the sight in front of me. There were two huge tree houses sitting in these trees.

"Wha- whe- wher- how did you know about this place?"

"Me and my dad were out here one day and found this spot, so we decided to make a tree house. At first, we had just one, but then Lottie, Fizzy, Daisy, and Phoebe found out so they wanted one. So then there was a boys and girls one."

"Which one is the girls'?" He pointed to the one on the left and I ran across the bridge to it. I took a step back when I got inside. It was like a real house in there! There was a hot tub, a kitchen, a fully functioning bathroom, a loft with a huge bed, and a living room complete with white leather couches and a flat screen tv. I felt two arms wrap around my waist as Louis hugged me from behind.

"You like?"

"It's incredible." I breathed.

"How is this possible?"

"We were very spoiled children." I laughed and then dragged him outside.

"I wanna see yours!"

"Okay, but let me warn you, it's not as fancy as the girls'." I laughed and walked in through the doors. He was right, it wasn't as fancy, but it was better. It was cozy, more homey.

There were dark brown leather couches surrounding a fireplace, a small kitchen with a brick oven, and a loft with a king bed on it. The walls and floor were completely wood, unlike the girls' house. It looked like a western ranch house.

"Louis, this is wonderful." I breathed, my breath taken away by the site in front of me.

"I'm glad you like it. The girls wanted a modern one, but I wanted to keep mine pretty classic. Do you want some tea?" I nodded and wandered over to the living room area. I sat down in front of the fireplace and turned it on, feeling the warmth immediately. Within a few minutes, Louis joined me, handing me my tea. I thanked him before sipping it and placing it down on the ground.

I climbed the ladder to the loft and looked out the window. You could see everything from here. There was a big lake off to the side and a dirt road leading off to who knows where. The field was covered with gorgeous flowers.

"Well you just love going places without telling me don't you?" Louis said behind me, a smirk on his face. "Come on, it's twelve o'clock and I wanna take you somewhere before I have to leave. Oh! And go change into your fancy clothes!" I nodded before going into the girls' treehouse, where I left my purse with my clothes in it. I changed into a white dress with flowers on it, a pair of sandals with bows on them, and a pale pink beanie. I met louis back in his tree house. He looked proper fit. He was wearing a blazer and beige chinos with boat shoes. He smirked when he saw me.

"Always gotta wear a beanie." I smiled.

"You look gorgeous by the way."

"Thanks. You look proper dapper yourself." He smiled and held out his arm.

"Shall we?" I gladly took his arm and he led me out towards the lake. When we got to it, he led me down a path into the trees. We came to a secluded patch in the trees. It made sort of a dome around the area. Even though it was only twelve-thirty, it was pitch black inside because of how thick the trees were. However, somebody *hint hint. Louis. Hint hint* hung little lanterns and lights around the place. At the center was a table with unlit candles and some food. Louis led me over to the table and pulled out my chair. He lit the candles. The lights made his face glow, outlining every beatiful feature.

"This is beautiful Louis. Absolutely stunning." I said, looking around at my surroundings. "Yeah it is." I looked at Louis, only to see him staring at me. I blushed when I realized he was talking about me.

The rest of our time spent under those trees was perfect. We talked about everything, from his family to his tour. I think he felt bad since I couldn't talk much about myself since I don't know much about myself, but I didn't mind. I liked hearing about him. I told him what I could: I loved Ed Sheeran, and all country music. I clearly hated scary movies, I loved cuddling, and I really hate Taylor Swift. He laughed at that, telling me about her and Harry.

We danced to no music and kissed by the lake. It was really the best date anyone can ever imagine. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, because now we were back at my flat and Louis was packing his stuff. The boys had already gone to the airport. I was driving Louis there so that we could have a proper goodbye.

We got to the airport and the paparazzi were crazy. Louis put on his beanie and sunglasses, grabbed my hand, and led me through them. When we got inside, we went straight to security. The guards told me that I couldn't go through, but Louis showed them who he was and they let me go to the gate.

"Final boarding call for Flight 117 to LaGuardia Airport in New York." The flight lady called out on the speaker.

"Babe I really have to go now." I wiped the tears from my eyes and nodded.

"I know." I pulled him into the biggest hug I have ever given somebody in my entire life (I think) and kissed him passionately. He put his hand on the back of my neck, deepening the kiss. When we finally broke apart, he shot me a smile.

"I'll call you when we land yeah?"

"Okay." He turned around and walked towards the gate. I felt like somebody was ripping my heart out. I had to do something he would remember so that he wouldn't forget about me. I wouldn't say anything that wasnt true, obviously. I just needed to tell him how I felt. And fast. I turned to the little girl next to me.

"You might want to get this on video." She quickly pulled out her iPhone as I stood into the chair I was previously sitting in. I looked to see Louis just about to cross through the door to the tunnel to the plane.

"LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON!" I yelled. He whipped around, a confused expression on his face.

"I HAVE TO TELL YOU SOMETHING BEFORE YOU LEAVE!" He raised his eyebrows, signalling me to continue, a very confused look on his features.

"I AM COMPLETELY AND HOPELESSLY HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE WITH YOU! " His facial expression changed from confusion to pure shock. The crowd turned towards Louis, waiting for his response.

"McKenna Anne Pizano I am truly madly in love with you an I will call you as soon as I land I promise!" He yelled just as the flight lady was closing the doors. Once they were shut, I looked around to see every single pair of eyes in the entire airport on me. I jumped down from my spot on the chairs and waved.

"Well, goodnight everybody." With that I walked to my car and drove home. When I got back to my flat I flopped down in the recroom. I turned on the TV and saw my face. I laughed at what the news reporter was saying. "Mystery girl professes love for popstar and he says it back. More after the break. Including video evidence!"

I sent a quick text to louis, even though he wouldn't get it until he landed, telling him that I was on the news already for my little outburst. I laughed, but then quickly stopped, realizing nobody was laughing with me.

I couldn't help but feel alone. The flat seemed so empty without the boys. I checked their rooms, relieved to see they had left some stuff. At least I knew they were coming back. I sighed and got into my pajamas and went to bed. My bed felt so empty without Louis there, but I had to sleep.

I replayed the events of today in my head. Well, aside from the fact that he left, today was magical. I felt like a princess to be honest. I can't believe I told I loved him. That was so awesome. I love him. I love Louis Tomlinson and he loves me back! I just wish he didn't leave. Thank goodness for technology. At least I have my phone. For now...


A/N: wooooo! Oh my a little forshaddowing going on there. I have the most bestest idea ever about the next few chapters while Louis is away in America. It'll be so romantic! Until then. Peace loyal potatoes xx

~Your Supreme Potato (Erin)

McKenna's First Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/mckennas_first_outfit/set?id=82083084

McKenna's Fancy Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=82083160

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