5SOS + 1D Doctor/Dentist imag...

By imjusta5sosfangirlx

43.9K 527 49

Taking requests and writing imagines for people, these are really popular iimagines so I thought id do some o... More

Test imagine/Dentist
Test Imagine/Doctor
Imagine for 1D5sosfanxox/Dentist
A twisted imagine/doctor/dentist. Part 1.
A twisted imagine/Doctor/Dentist part 2.
A twisted imagine/Doctor/dentist/ part 3
Im so sorryyy! (not update)
Doctor/my imagine/TRIGGERING
Breezyloveofficial/dentist + doctor
3K is amazing!


1.9K 25 5
By imjusta5sosfangirlx

Ashleys P.O.V:
I felt so ill... I didn't know what to do now. I winced in pain every few seconds as my delicate stomach twinged and my head became heavy and painful. I know im coming down with something but what that is, i don't know.

I got dressed and tried to ignore that i felt ill as much as possible. I couldn't really bend down as it was unbearable but i tried my best to act normal.

My brother was in the house with me but he was busy working on some sort of album. I just left him most of the time to do what he wants.

Suddenly i can't keep it in anymore, i don't care if i wasn't subtle; i scream and cry out because of the pain. The screaming makes my stomach worse and i am ammediately sick, reacting to the pain.

Suddenly my world goes black and i feel myself drop....

.... I woke up in a place i aren't familar in, my brother talking and laughing to someone. Suddenly they see me looking confused and they come over to my side.

'Hello love, im Dr.Styles, call me Harry. Im your brothers friend. Apparently you aren't feeling very well?' He asked.

I nodded, trying to hold back the tears. I was sniffling and panicking because i felt so ill, but also because i've always feared doctors and everything.

I think i'd met Dr.Styles before as i weirdly regonised him. He had brown curly hair, emerald green eyes and quite a young looking face. I knew him as Harry though; my brother's bestfriend.

I was laid down on the doctors bed, starting to shake; out of fear. I rubbed my eyes, forgetting about make-up and smudged it all. I looked like a mess, and the pain was unreal.

Harry went over to put his gloves on and then came back to me. He lifted up my top and placed his warm gentle hand ontop of my stomach.
He told me he was going to press down on it, and did it very gently, however i did still feel a horrible pain.

I winced and Harry noticed this. He walked back to the other side of the room again and came back with a mask. He told me it was oxygen and that he needed to see what my breathing was like with it on.

He took the stethoscope from around his neck, then placed the oxygen mask around my face before placing the cold metal surface of the stethoscope on me. I wanted to run away at this point, but i was too weak and scared to even move.

Harry took the mask off, then again, listened... He took a few notes and looked at his sheet of paper in confusion....

He placed the oxygen mask back over my face without even saying anything then came and sat back over beside me.

'I know you've been in a lot of pain Ashley, and i want to help you. You aren't getting enough oxygen from your lungs, thats why you've felt so ill. Its just made you bad. You'll just need an injection and thats it..' He trailed off.

I guess i didn't really mind injections if they would make me better. As Harry prepared, i was left alone thinking to myself how i got into this stupid mess.
I just felt so weak and tired, i wanted to go sleep and not wake up for ages until i actually felt better.

I couldn't believe that of all places i had to wake up in a doctors office.

I snapped out of my thoughts as harry came over to me with a needle... It was probably about 2mm thick and about 6cm long. I didn't mind needles... But i'd never seen one like this, it was horrible.

Harry told me that it wouldn't hurt, so i sheepishly held my arm out to him. He shook his head at me and pointed at my stomach. This is when i freaked out. No way was that coming anywhere near my stomach.

I started to cry out in fear and i tried to flail about but i was in too much pain, i begged Harry not to give me the injection but apparently it was vital otherwise i would get hospitalized, which apparently equals in more injections than this.

I sighed at him and closed my eyes. He tugged at my top again and pulled it up. I felt his hand reach up to my stomach again and press down.

I felt something like a stab and realized the injection was in. It was more painful than my stomach all together. I could feel it entering my stomach and it going all the way in, as Harry released it, i felt it sting inside me.

'Take it out, take it out Harry, its unbearable. I hate it' I screamed.

'A few more seconds babe' He replied.

He finished the injection a few seconds later, and i felt the needle part pull against my stomach as it slowly came out. Harry put a band-aid/plaster, whatever on it, and it left me with a funny feeling inside.

Harry told me I couldn't leave his room till i felt 100% better. I didn't feel great but I could tell that the injection was working.

I had about half an hours rest, with Harry sat beside me, monitoring my improvement.

'Harry' I piped up.
   'Yes Honey?'
'Thank you so much, i feel so much better, i was scared but it was worth it.
   'Its my job, im glad your okay. I'll come round later to see how your doing  Ashley, if you like'

He lifted me off the bed and gave me his hand so I could steady myself, giving me a kiss on the forehead and then watching me walk out his room.

I walked out to my brother and thanked him for finding me and bringing me here... Even though his bandmate was my doctor...

(A/n, i literally woke up at 8am to do this imagine and that is early for me but ive got a lot so yayyy. I was pleased i got 2k so thought i'd update. There might be another update today but ive got coursework to do so im not sure.

Thanks for 2k, readers! <3)

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