Iwatobi Tomboy

By Neko_Senpaixx

20.9K 862 221

Jun and Sakura are twins, but they couldn't be more different. Sakura is the girly twin, her feminine charms... More

The Visit
Kick Starting The Summer
Bye Summer!
First Day: Iwatobi High!
To Join Or Not To Join!
Beginnings Of Friendships & Love?
Iwatobi Swim Club: To Protect & Serve!
Iwatobi Swim Club: Secret Santa!
Back To School
Training &The Yaoi Fantasies Of The Iwatobi School Girls!
Befriending The Shark
Sakura Karashima
Getting To Know Each Other
Catching Feelings?
Jun's Sister: Jun?
Best Friends?
For The Team!
Fan Service: Iwatobi Vs Samezuka! Pocky Game!
A Day With Jun
Matsuoka Rin: I Think I Like Him...
Jun's Secret Discovered!
Rin's Confession
Preparing For The Big Day
At Long Last...
Jun: I'm Really A Girl...
The New Guy: Karashima Hikaru
Jun's Admirer
Getting Jun Jealous & Big Brother's Rage
A Day With Sosuke
You're Mine
Get Away (Pt. 1)
Get Away (Pt.2)
Hikaru's Final Warning
Best I Never Had
Sosuke: That's My Baby
Truth Be Told
Baby Talk

Hospital Visit

266 18 2
By Neko_Senpaixx


Where am I?

"Jun, wake up honey or you'll be late."

Late? For what?

"Jun, today's a big day. We get to go fishing, we don't want to keep the fish waiting".


"Maybe she feels sick? I'll take her temperature."


I opened my eyes, it was bright in here.

I sat up.

"Oh you're awake now. Good morning sleepy head."

My old house? I looked around. This is my room.

"You've gotten so big."



She smiled warmly. "Hi baby"

What's going on? Am I...dead?

"You're still as cute as a button Jun. We're so happy to see you."


"We miss you so much..." They said.

"We've missed you more. Mom...Dad, where am I? Am I dead?"

She giggled. "No honey. You're just visiting"


"That's right kiddo, So tell me how are you doing? I want you to tell us everything"

Mom...Dad...they're here. I'm here...this is so overwhelming.

"There's so much I want to say..." I looked at them, the tears dwelled up in my eyes. "It's been so hard"

My mother hugged me.

I could feel it, this is real...this isn't a dream. Her embrace was warm, I could smell her perfume and the rosey fragrance of her hair.

"I know sweetheart. I wish we could've been there you"

"But you're here now..." I hugged her back.

Father ruffled my hair. "We're really proud of you Jun bug. You've come a long way and you've worked hard"

I looked at him and smiled.

"Tell us everything Jun. Tell us whatever you want" mother said.

This is the moment I've wished for, to be able to tell them how I've felt and everything that's happened so that I could hear them respond back. I told them everything, leaving no details out. I told them about the swim club, about Samezuka, about Haru, Makoto, Rei, Nagisa, Kou and also Rin, Momo, Ai, Sosuke. All the wonderful people I've met and I updated them on Akihiro and Ryota too. It felt really nice to talk to them and hear them laugh...seeing them smile.

"And what of Hikaru?" Mother asked.



"Yes, you haven't mentioned him" Father said.

Hikaru...but he's...

"Hikaru should be here with you. We haven't seen him since the accident" I said.

They looked at each other then back at me.

"Dearest, Hikaru isn't here. He didn't come with us, he's still amongst the living" mother said.


So that call that Sakura got...it was him.

"You'll see him soon enough" Father smiled. "We visited him not too long ago"

"You told him to call us...didn't you?"

"We just want the three of you to be together and for you to be what and who you want to be my love. There's no need for you to hide your gender, you're a beautiful young woman and should be seen as such"

"Yes. You've become a wonderful and very beautiful young lady, you take after your mother."

They smiled at each other, he held mother close to his side.

I didn't want to ever wake up...this is where I want to be.

"Jun, we love you so much. We always have and always will, don't be afraid because we're always watching over you, Sakura and Hikaru. We're proud of all of you and we want you to always remember that even if we aren't there in the flesh, we're always in your heart. Someday when the time is right we'll be together but for now live your life and enjoy it."

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"It's about time for you to go back Jun Bug." Father smiled.

"Back? No. I want to stay here with you, I don't want to go back, please let me stay" I said.

"You can't. As much as we'd like for you to stay...you can't honey"

"No, don't leave...please"

They were fading.

"We love you Jun. Take care of Sakura and Hikaru. You've always been the one to be more mature than them." She giggled. "Bye honey"

"Mom! Dad! Don't leave!"

He ruffles my hair. "You have to go back. Don't fight it. Take care Jun bug, I'm proud of you"

They turned and walked out the door.

"No! Wait!"

There was a bright light and then everything around me disappeared. I closed my eyes again, hoping they'd come back.

"Ms. Karashima, you've been asleep for almost two days. You need to eat"


I opened my eyes. My eyes adjusted and I realized I was in the hospital room...

The nurse had a tray of food for me.

"Please eat. You haven't eaten at all" she smiled.

"You said I've been asleep...for 2 days?" I asked.

"Well not necessarily, after surgery you were brought here but you fell asleep. Not waking up at all but it was the anesthesia, which affects everyone differently. You've been asleep for 20 hours, it's 4 in the afternoon"


"Oh...I see. Well thank you and if I have any visitors refer to me as-"

"Mr. Karashima" she nodded. "Yes ma'am. I mean.."

"Its alright." I smiled slightly.

"The doctor will see you momentarily" she said and excused herself.

I took a deep breath and looked at my food. I'm not very hungry but 20 hours without anything is kind of...yeah. I drank some juice and took a bite from the bread.

Hikaru is still amongst the living.

Hikaru is alive...

"May I come in?"

"Yes doctor" I said.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Okay, I don't feel any pain at the moment" I said.

"Good. The operation went smoothly, a success. I was able to fix your shattered bone as well as your muscle, after some therapy I'm proud to say you should be able to do what you'd like. Of course remember that I said it would take time and hard work"

"You mean, I'll be able to swim again?" I asked.

He nodded.

I wanted to cry.

"Jun? Are you alright"

I nodded. "I'm so happy. Thank you Dr, thank you for making this happen. I owe it to you, thank you so so much." I said.

The tears streamed down my face.

"Oh no need for the water works dear. I'm happy that you came when you did, if you had waited any longer I don't think I could've helped you. You're going to be able to go home tomorrow morning, when would you like to go back to school?"

"As soon as I can" I said.

"Well you'll need to rest, 4 days is the minimum" he said. "I'll need to check you first before you go back"


He smiled. "Now then eat, you'll have some visitors here shortly. Your sister called"

I smiled back. "Thank you Dr."

He excused himself and walked out of the room.

I smiled to myself.

This is the moment I've been waiting for...


Sakura, Makoto, Nagisa, Rei, Kou and Haru walked into the room. I turned off the TV and smiled at them.

"Hey guys" I said.

Nagisa: Jun-Chan! We've missed you so so much! I bought you some sweets~

Rei: She shouldn't be eating all those sweets Nagisa-Kun. She needs healthy foods.

Nagisa: But sweets will make her happy! You know it's proven that chocolate prevents memory decline, lower cholesterol levels, reduce heart disease risks and prevent stroke!

Rei sighed heavily.

Rei: Tch, Nagisa. Those aren't even proven they might but it's not really 100% proven. You see Canadian scientists carried out a study involving 44,489 people and found that people eating chocolate were 22 per cent less likely to suffer a stroke than those who didn't. In addition, those who had a stroke but regularly consumed chocolate were 46 percent less likely to die as a result but it really isn't an excuse to indulge on chocolate. Acne is a result of chocolate so is obesity, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease and diabetes.

"What is this health class?" I chukled. "Nagisa, thank you for the sweets. I'll be sure to eat them. Who cares about statistics and theories? Sweets are meant to be enjoyed"

Nagisa: Yatta! See Rei-Chan?

Rei: B-But...

Nagisa handed me a basket that was filled with cookies, chocolates, gummy bears, etc.

Makoto: We came yesterday but you were asleep, are you well rested?

"Yeah. I feel great, except for the fact that I need to take these or I'll feel the most excruciating pain ever. It sucks but I got some great news from the doc"

Kou: What'd he say?

Haru: ....

I smiled widely. "I'll be able to swim, isn't that amazing?"

Nagisa: YATTA! That's great news! Jun-Chan! You'll be able to fulfill your dream!

"I know. It's so amazing, I didn't think it was possible but...I'm so grateful for this new opportunity. I'm also grateful to all of you, you reignited the passion I had lost. Seeing you all swim so gracefully, beautifully, majestically, freely. You reminded me just how important it was to me...You guys are the best thing to have ever happened to me."

Nagisa: Jun-Chan! (Crying)


"Nagi-kun, you don't have to cry"

Nagisa: Can I....(sniffle) H-Hug you? Jun-Chan!!!


He went to hug me.

"Aww, Nagisa..."

He sniffled.

Rei: You know...That speech was very touching Jun-Senpai, but you're also important to us.

Makoto: Rei's right, since you showed up the club's been great. We all have fun and without you we wouldn't had been able to even get this far.

"But, Kou did the regimens and-"

Kou: I may have done that but the support and encouragement you've given us, even I as the manager is priceless. You're worth more than gold or any of the rarest diamonds Jun, you're pretty much the second manager of the club. Give yourself some credit.

Nagisa: Jun-Chan....

"What is it Nagi?"

Nagisa: Are you gonna eat that?

He pointed at the sweet bread on my tray.

"It's coffee cake, knock yourself out" I smiled.

Haru: ....

I looked at him. "You're awful quiet."

Haru: Not really...

Sakura: Did you want to say something?

Haru: .....

Nagisa: Haru-Chan probably wants some alone time with Jun-Chan~

Rei: Haruka-senpai is never shy though.

Kou: Haruka-senpai, Do you want us to leave so you can talk?

Haru: It doesn't matter...

Sakura: Let's go check out the gift shop.

Makoto: Sounds like a good idea

Nagisa: Come on Gou-Chan, Reika-chan ~ they might have cute teddy bears ~

They all walked out of the room and closed the door.

Haru reached into his pocket and walked towards me, sitting in the chair at my bedside.


He placed the dolphin charm necklace he had given me in my hand.

"Did it work?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Haru, is something bothering you?" I asked.


"How was the medley relay?" I asked.

"It was okay..."

"Haru, I know you're hiding something" I said.

"We lost to Samezuka today" he said.


"You lost?! But how?"

He shurgged. "We just did"

"Haru, don't let that bother you or get you down. There's still regionals so you'd better suck it up and try harder, don't let some relay put you down. I want you to work twice as hard and see this through, I want to see you and the others at nationals" I smiled.

He looked at me, his eyes glimmering and bright.

"Has anyone called?"

"Hmm? You mean scouts?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, a couple" he said.

"Really? Haru that's great, I'm so happy to hear that" I smiled. "Have you decided yet?"

"Not exactly..."

"Well, take your time. I mean the important thing thing that you get to do what you love Haru. Free is what you desire, but I think that not being bound to material objects...loving and being loved, knowing who you are and what you want in life, living in the moment..being happy where you are and not having to answer to anyone or caring about what anyone thinks as long as you're happy, seems like a good way to go."

He smiled at me. "Thank you."

"It's the meds talking but you're welcome"

He chuckled. "I still appreciate it Jun.."

He placed his hand over mine.

I smiled.

We stayed in silence for a bit, the comfortable silence that we've both have come to know and love. Exchanging smiles and looking at each other...it reminded me of how I used to feel about him but now that I'm with Rin, I feel guilty for feeling such a thing.

The door opened, Sakura came in panting.

"Rin....he's here. Do you have your bandages?"


"They're in my bag" I said.

"Good. Nagisa and Rei are stalling him right now but-"

Kou barged in. "Onii-chan...Wants to see you. He's already coming!"


Sakura: Haru go stand watch.

He let go of my hand and walked out.

Sakura noticed this but said nothing, I bet she's going to wonder why I allowed it when I'm with Rin.

Kou: I'll go too. I wouldn't want him to think that I'm peeking at Jun so I'll be with Haru.

Sakura nodded.

She walked out the door and closed it.

"Okay, talk me through this."

I nodded.

She grabbed the bandages and began the binding process.

"This is hard..." She sighed.

"It gets easier towards the end."

Sakura looked at me. "Jun...do you have feelings for Haru?"

"I used too" I said. "Things are different now...I'm with Rin and I don't want that to change. I really like Rin now but the relationship I have with Haru...I don't know. He brings out the old feelings back and even if I don't want to remember, I do"

"I can't say you need to make up your mind because technically you're already with someone but if Haru does that to you then maybe you shouldn't be around him, if Rin finds out then he'll get hurt"

I suppose she's right.

"But Haru doesn't like me like-"

"Says who?" She interrupted.


"Haru likes you but he's a man of the water. Love for him is an obstacle so he chooses to push it aside " she said.

Kou: Onii-chan! Sakura's umm with Jun right now-...

He knocked on the door.

"All done" Sakura smiled. "See you in a bit. Good luck"

She opened the door then in walked in Rin, Ai and Momo.

Ai: Jun-Senpai, How are you feeling?

Momo: We got you these.


I smiled. "I'm okay, kind of bored of just sitting here. Thanks for the flowers, they're pretty"

Rin: So how'd it go? Is everything okay?

I nodded.

"The doctor says that I'll be able to swim competitively again" I smiled.

Ai: That's great senpai! I'm so happy to hear that.

"Thanks Ai. I am too, I can't wait to get back out there and do what I was meant to do you know?" I smiled.

Momo: Jun-Senpai, Were you a swimmer before?

"When I was a kid, all ever did was swim but after the accident...A doctor had examined me and said there was no way I'd be able to anymore. So everything seemed dark for me, I didn't know what I wanted to do so I figured maybe business but that's boring. I'd rather swim to be honest"

Ai: What's your swim style?

"Everything, I knew them all before and I plan on learning them all again. I know it'll be hard work but I think I'll be able too" I said.

Momo: Sugoi, You knew all of the styles?!

"Yeah, Back, Breast, Butterfly, Side and of course free. I was a kid with lots of energy so I learned pretty fast" I said.

Rin: The side stroke, was it hard?

"A little, but I was a spoiled kid. I mean you know...so I swam all day all the time, every chance I got. I'm ready to do that again" I said. "You guys can sit down you know, there's chairs"

Momo: Jun-Senpai, Will you teach me a new style when you get better?


"You want me to teach you a style?" I asked.

He nodded.

"But Rin could easily teach you, he's way past me. I'm sure he's a great teacher"

Momo: More like impatient and grumpy...

Rin: What did you say?

Momo: Mm! N-Nothing!

I chuckled. "Well you're gonna have to be patient Momo, I don't know how long it'll be until then"

Momo: (whispers) We could practice...privately ~


"Heh. Keep dreaming" I muttered.

Ai: Senpai, guess what?

"What?" I asked.

Ai: We won the relay today!

Haru already told me but I should be happy for them, I mean after all dating the captain of their swim team puts me in kind of a tough spot.

"That's great, I'm really happy and proud you guys" I said.

Momo: You should've seen us go Senpai! It was the best!

Rin looked at the necklace in my hand. "What's that?"


"Oh a necklace. Haru gave it to me last Christmas, it was some kind of secret Santa thing but isn't it cute?" I showed it to him.



Momo and Ai looked at him confused.

"What?" He looked at them.

Ai: Nothing Senpai...

"Momo, Ai, can you guys give us a minute? There's something I need to tell Jun...it's kind of personal"

Momo: Okay...Um, Jun-Senpai when will you visit us again?

Ai: Yeah, we all miss you.

"I will as soon as I can. I'm sure grandfather will send me over some time" I smiled.

Momo: Well, alright. Get well soon senpai. (Smile)

Ai: Bye Senpai (smile)

"Bye guys, thanks for coming" I said.

Rin went to lock the door and walked towards me.


"If this is about the necklace...too bad. I like it and I'm going to keep it" I said.

"I'll get you a better one"

"Rin, it's not about which is better...Haru's my friend just like he's yours." I said.

"You're a bit too close to him if I do say so myself." He folded his arms across his chest.

"You're just being jealous, get over it. I'm not going to stop being his friend just cuz we're close." I said.

He scoffed.

I looked at him. "What?"

"Nothing...I don't want to argue" he said.

"No one's arguing. You're making a big deal our of nothing, the day you give me something then I'll cherish it just as much as I cherish the one Haru gave me"

"Shouldn't mine mean more?"

"Rin, don't be so selfish. You're acting like a 5 year old" I chuckled.

"This isn't funny..."

"To me it is. You're all grumpy now, come sit by me. Visiting hours are almost over and who knows when I'll see you again, you need to prepare for regionals don't you?"

"I'll still go visit you" he said as he sat in the chair and held my hand.

"Is something the matter?" I asked

"Jun, I want Sosuke and you to get along but he keeps saying that you're hiding something but I don't understand what he means by that. I know you and I don't see how he can make such assumptions...I didn't want to tell you but I don't know what to do to make you both get along"

"Well...I don't have a problem with Sosuke to begin with. But what do you think about what he says?" I asked.

"I tell him that he's wrong...you aren't hiding anything, right? You tell me everything" he looked at me.

Now would be the time to fess up but...I can't.

"Rin, I would never defile your trust." I said as I looked into his eyes.

He stood up and kissed me.

My heart skipped a beat, I kissed him back.

"When are you leaving the hospital?" He asked.

"Tomorrow morning. My grandparents are coming to get me, so I'll be at home for a few days" I said.

"Can I come see you?" He asked.

"Duh, of course you can" I smiled.

He kissed me once more. "Jun, I've been meaning to tell you something... It might be too soon but I think I-"

*Knock Knock Knock*

Nurse: Visiting hours are over Mr. Karashima. Your friends would like to say goodbye before leaving.

Rin sighed heavily.

"What were you going to say?" I asked.

"Mmph...nothing. I'll tell you some other time." He said then went to unlock the door.

He looked at me. "I'll see you soon."

"Okay. Bye Rin, thanks for coming" I smiled.

He slightly smiled back and walked out of the room.

I wonder what he wanted to tell me...

It might be too soon but I think...

Was he going to say what I think he was? This always happens in the movies...when the guy tells the girl he loves her and he begins by saying 'I think.' As in I think I love you or I think I'm in love with you. When or if he does say that, I don't know what I'll do...I don't feel like I'm there yet.

I sighed softly.

I know he's jealous of Haru now...Gosh I think that's stupid. Haru is one of his closest friends! How is he jealous? I don't think I'll ever understand that to be honest, jealousy is such a dumb thing. I'm already with him so what's the problem?

I shook my head.

But back to the whole I love you confession, I'm not sure how I'm going to respond. What if I hurt his feelings? I'm not going to say something I don't feel...I'll need to prepare myself for that if it's what he was going to say. I just hope that it won't affect him too bad.

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