5SOS + 1D Doctor/Dentist imag...

By imjusta5sosfangirlx

44.1K 527 49

Taking requests and writing imagines for people, these are really popular iimagines so I thought id do some o... More

Test imagine/Dentist
Test Imagine/Doctor
Imagine for 1D5sosfanxox/Dentist
A twisted imagine/doctor/dentist. Part 1.
A twisted imagine/Doctor/Dentist part 2.
A twisted imagine/Doctor/dentist/ part 3
Im so sorryyy! (not update)
Doctor/my imagine/TRIGGERING
Breezyloveofficial/dentist + doctor
3K is amazing!


1.5K 23 2
By imjusta5sosfangirlx

Sorryyy i had a few requests and it will be a few days till they are all up, i apologize in advance if these few are rushed because ive been so stressed but still want to update.

anyway I hope you enjoy Stephanie <3

Stephanies P.O.V:

Being on tour with my brother Calum is so weird, right now we only have a few days left and then we can fly home! Travelling around the world with the most amazing brother, and bestfriends was wonderful. We all had so much fun everyday and night. The boys just had to be a bit more careful around me as i was 'the younger sister' and sometimes they forgot it wasn't appropriate to get naked infront of me.

Tonight we have no show. I'll just be hanging out with the boys, well... Calum, Michael and Ashton. We have no idea where Luke is, he goes out quite a lot but when we ask him where he always replies with the same thing; 'Oh, just around you know, exploring', So we've never known what kind of thing he's being up to. Knowing Luke it could be absolutely anything.

Anyway, me and the other guys decide we are going to play Xbox in their tour bus, and having an Xbox obsessed brother, i'm actually pretty good at it. Right now its me VS Michael. Michael took advantage for a few seconds and he had a grin on his face thinking that he was going to win, but i took over just at the last few seconds.

"YAY"' i squeal, just rubbing it into Michael that i beat him once again, and i knew he hated that but it was funny. We all burst into laughter and Calum gave me a brotherly hug.

I started laughing again, but soon stopped after as i just felt a shock-wave of pain rip through my mouth. ouch. I tell the boys I'm going to the toilet on the tour bus, but I go to check my mouth out. It twinges every few seconds and the pain is slowly getting unbearable. I can't see the problem, but Calum has told me about the medical bus before, and I'm pretty sure that there is a dentist there, so its my only shot.

I walk back in the room to see all of the boys staring at me.

"Alright sis?" Calum Asks.

"Yeah. I think i'm just going to go for a walk about. Text if you need me" I reply, smiling to seem happy and perfectly fine.

Calum nods and all three of them say in unison "Bye Stephanie".

I grab my bag and quietly close the door.

Now i just need to find the place. I look around the site for about five minutes and think ive found the place when i see a small white mobile place, that has 'medical' printed on the side of it. It was 6pm so i hoped that i would catch the dentist before they leave.

I walk in the building to smell disinfectant and other chemicals, at least that shows I got the right place. I turn around to see my surroundings and there are 3 doors: Dentist, Doctor and offices. I take a look at the dentist office and it has a slip saying 'open' so i give a slight tap on the door.

I hear someone walking towards the door and i see Luke.

"Oh, have you just had an appointment Luke?" i queried.

"No Stephanie, come in anyway'' He laughed, kind of nervously.

I walk in the door and take a look around, Luke closes the door behind me and then comes round to stand infront of me. I go to ask him again, but before i ask he interrupts me.

"...I'm a dentist, Stephanie" Luke mumbles.

I dont even answer him, i instantly freeze on the spot, Luke. was. a. dentist. This explained his 'exploring' the places, he didn't explore at all. He came here, the other guys knew and they didn't tell me.

"Oh, i dont need to be here" I stated.

"I think you do, don't you princess?" Luke asked.

I knew he was right, my mouth hurt so much and i wanted it to stop. He was slowly pushing my shoulder to get me towards the chair. In the end, i gave up and i just sat in in and sighed.

Luke reclined the chair and i started to get more and more nervous about the whole situation. Luke, my brothers bandbate/bestfriend, checking my teeth. No way on this earth did i want this to happen.

Luke put his mask and gloves on, which gave me time to think of an escape plan, I didn't know how to get out of the situation though, because as soon as we get out the clinic, its not like i wouldn't ever see him again because we momentarily lived on the same tour bus.

By the time I thought about this, Luke picked up a mirror and explorer before asking me t open wide. I shook me head and refused. Luke didn't seem happy but no way was this happening. I lifted my knees up to meet my stomach and just laid and put my hands over my eyes.

"I don't want to do this Luke"

"Its okay Stephanie... I know something's wrong with you, I'll just ring Calum.." he said in a stern tone.

"n-n..." but before i could actually say 'no' he had already dialed Calums number. A few seconds later he put the phone down and smiled at me, he told me Calum was on his way and i had to co-operate. I just sat looking at Luke with an angry/sad face, for a few seconds, trying to convince him to let me go but soon after, we were interrupted by Calum rushing through the clinic door.

"Ah, Stephanie... So you had toothache. Open up for Luke, or else. No buts." Calum said.

I know now I couldn't get out of this, i just had to get it over so i slowly opened my mouth for Luke. He smiles at me because he know he has won, but that smile just scares me more. He puts his mask back over his face and picks up his mirror again, and puts it in my mouth. I could feel its coldness lingering around my mouth, and Luke was peering into my mouth. This was the worst thing ever.

Luke took a look at one side of my mouth and sighed, i knew it was bad news as thats where it was hurting.

"AH, Stephanie' Luke trails off. 'You probably don't want this but you've got a few cavities, and i've got Calum's permission to fill them now".

I shook with terror, i felt nervous to let Luke even look in my mouth, let alone drill holes in my bloody teeth. I wasn't putting up with this! As Luke was preparing the needles, i made a run for it, sprinting towards the door that equalled freedom. I opened the door handle but then both Calum and Luke grabbed my arms. I sobbed out, but they wouldn't let me go.

5 minutes later, i found myself strapped to the dentist chair, with a mouth prop in. Luke came closer to me, with my worst fear: a needle. Me and Ashton shared a hatred towards them and we hugged each other when we got them to go into countries. Now was different, i didn't have Ashton here with me, the needle just a few inches from my mouth.

The needle pierces my skin, and i cry out to Luke. Calum has hold of my hand but Luke won't stop giving me the injection. The liquid quickly spreads throughout my mouth and i can instantly feel myself going numb, however it still freaks me out that Luke is giving me an injection right now.

Luke slowly takes the needle out, and i can just feel it getting softly tugged out of my mouth. I squeeze my eyes closed for a few seconds and Calum rubs my shoulders. I just want go to see the other boys now, I dont want Luke to hurt me. The thought really hurts me.

Luke asks if i feel numb and i just nod to him. I was totally numb by now, I could even feel the top of my face tingle, it felt so heavy. I rolled my eyes at Calum, while Luke was preparing his drill.

He picked it up and as he brought it closer to me i cringed. "It wont be long Stephanie, it'll be okay" Luke reassured as he brought the drill in contact to my pained tooth.

It span around for ages, making me feel awkward and nervous as Luke was just staring into my mouth. He finished that one and started with my second one, This one was much more painful than the first and it felt like it went on much longer. I closed my eyes as Luke told me it was a deep cavity and i'm lucky that a filling can still fix it.

I didn't like dentist Luke, with him lecturing me and all that. He was much more stern and serious, not cuddly immature Luke, but i guess he was doing his job...

About 10 minutes later i felt Luke hardening my filling material, and then he took his gloves and mask off. Him and Calum untied me from the chair and Luke held his arm out to me. I got hold of it and he pulled be up before hugging me, Calum coming over to join.

'"Tough love Stephanie, we do love you and want the best for you, you know". Luke explained.

I nodded to him as we walked out the clinic. For the rest of the night we all chilled out and watched mean girls, i was sat with Luke, Cuddly Luke. He took care of me and made sure my mouth was okay at least every 10 minutes!

(A/N, so i actually spent ages on this trying to change it all. I'm sorry i try my best but i do make quite a lot of mistakes, I'm far from perfect with stuff like that but i enjoy writing.

Anyway i hope you all liked this and cuddly Luke, i thought that was cute, haha.

Thank you for all reading and getting me to 1.5k. hopefully ill update tomorrow <3

Peace from the UK :P)

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