NEVER EVER (Charlotte's story)

By author_athenas

1.4M 89K 70.6K

He let out a slight shrug, "Putting you to death was not what I was pointing towards. After all, it is merely... More

Introduction/Preview :)
Chapter 1: Never Ever!
Chapter 2: What Bonds Are
Chapter 3: The Ellington Company
Chapter 4: The Second Interview
Chapter 5: To Hear His Voice!
Chapter 6: I am the Private Secretary!
Chapter 7: Say my Name!
Chapter 8: When the Business Starts!
Chapter 9: I Want to Continue!
Chapter 10: I Go On A Date!
Important A/N!
Chapter 11: To Get a Confession
Chapter 12: The Scent!
Chapter 13: My First Kiss
Chapter 14: Weird Things
Chapter 15: Fire me Instead!
Chapter 16: I don't want to lose you
Chapter 17: Confessions in the Dark
Chapter 18: I Let You Go
Chapter 19: Miss Secretary
Chapter 20: What's Happening?
Chapter 21: My Young Man
Chapter 22: A Rival Appears
Chapter 23: I'll Wreck You!
Chapter 24: The Cigarette Ignites
Chapter 25: The First Challenge
Chapter 26: Her Underhanded Methods
Chapter 27: Towards the Final Competition
Chapter 28: Finding the Sunrays!
Chapter 29: A Piece of my Mind
Chapter 30: Farewell, my Rival
Chapter 31: Another Date
Chapter 32: Flying Sparkles
Chapter 33: A Hidden Hostility
Chapter 34: A New Game
Chapter 35: Some Healthy Juice!
Chapter 36: Warning
Chapter 37: Sarah Dowell
Chapter 38: Road to a Second Encounter
Chapter 39: Locked Up!
Chapter 40: A Cold Jacket
Chapter 41: French Threats
EXTRA CHAPTER: A Company of Pinocchio's
Chapter 43: Old Scars...
Chapter 44: Tired
Chapter 45: The Last Meeting
Chapter 46: Ruined
Chapter 47: A New Kind of Beat
Chapter 48: The Rain Before the Storm
Chapter 49: Stepping Stones
Chapter 50: Third Hostage
Chapter 51: Wings!
Chapter 52: Bow to Me
Chapter 53: Dawn
Chapter 54: Showdown!
Chapter 55: Ellington Cougar
Chapter 56: Promise Me
Chapter 57: Connected by Trust
Chapter 58: Forward!
Chapter 59: Alpen Rose
Chapter 60: Secret Invitation
Chapter 61: Mission: 'Track Leonard Beards!'
Chapter 62: Band-Aid
Chapter 63: Noel Cold, Achoo!
Chapter 64: Warmth and Coldness
Chapter 65: New Year Folder
Chapter 66: Beyond Limits
Chapter 67: Like A Child
Chapter 68: School Days
Chapter 69: Just for the Project?
Chapter 70: A Moment of Rarity
Chapter 71: Towards a New Year!
Chapter 72: Bell Chimes and Fireworks
Hiatus is Over!

Chapter 42: Further Danger

14.8K 986 616
By author_athenas

Vote-comment, we ♡ you!

Katy wasn't home when I entered, although I truly wished to find her, I couldn't.

Well, I know it's surely not her intention to leave me alone at such a time ──she doesn't even know what happened yet.

I first headed to the bathroom, where I got some band aids, and a disinfectant.

I quickly sanitized the few scratches over my neck, back from the room where Bard threw the drinking bottle, and it crashed beside my neck.

It tingled a bit, but somehow I managed it.

I then entered the kitchen, and headed towards the refrigerator to grab something to eat, I bet you can guess I didn't eat 'much' during the meeting.

On the door of the freezer, I was met by a sticky note stickered there.

'Call me when you come home to tell me deets, okay, you little ass?
your Kate *kisses*' ─said the note.

I smiled at myself as I read the note.

My Kate.

I grabbed a number of KitKat bars, and headed to the sitting room.

I threw my lazy body on a sofa, clutched my phone, and dialed my best friend's number fast.

It took her some seconds to answer, and I finally heard her cheerful tone.

"Hey Lottie!!!" once Katy started her sentence I pulled my phone a little far from my ear and chuckled.

"Every time I talk to you on the phone you start screaming, I want my ear okay, I really need it." I heard Katy laugh loudly at the other line, oh my, my best friend sounds really happy.

"I guess you are with Harvey, cupcake?"

She giggled, "Yup!" Katy popped the 'P' to sound more childish as usual, I rolled my eyes.

Well, that's Katy's playfulness for you even in my worst times!

Though, truth be said, my mood gloomed even more when she mentioned Harvey.

I disliked him.

I now was sure he most certainly isn't the cleanest British citizen.

My master's words and actions when it came to him... I could tell something was wrong.

Sarah and Mr. Leonard's reactions towards this particular subject gave it all away, yes, something was very wrong.

And yet no one would budge, no one would tell me anything. Ugh.

My thoughts wandered to my friend on the other side of the phone again.

"Ar-Are you coming home... today?"

Katy said in a sorry tone "Nope Lottie, I'm sorry baby, I will be home tomorrow honey bun, okay?"

I smiled at her cute nickname; my best friend is really creative when it comes to nicknames.

"So, how was your night?" She jumped into another topic.

Fear and uneasiness made their way to my heart as I remembered how my night was.

"Uh... N-Normal." I lied; I don't wish to worry her now.

There were some silent moments fr her side.

"Charlotte." Her voice finally came, and she pronounced my first name seriously, "You're lying?"

Her words felt like a knife stab my tear glands.

"N-No!" I smiled ar myself, trying to maintain my voice, "Why the heck would I lie?" I tried appearing sarcastic.

It didn't work.

"Stop lying. Okay? I hate that." Kat's voice rang through my senses, and I suddenly felt so vulnerable again.

My tears ran down my face.

Damn her. Damn her for being my best friend who sees through my lies, and facades.

I sighed, and my breath came out quite shaky.

"It was a terrible night, Kate." I muttered between tears.

Katy gasped.

"You stupid idiot! And you intended to lie to me?!" She exclaimed.

I told her everything, in between sobs, tears, and a strangled voice.

When I was done, Katy went silent for a moment.

"I'm coming home." she decided.

I gasped.

"N-No! Keep enjoying your night, Katy, I swear I'm fine!!" I exclaimed.

Screw you, Char! You tell her all that, and you expect her to continue her night?!

"I said I'm going home!!" Her voice was dead angry.

"And I said no! I'll see you tomorrow, I'm going to sleep now, okay baby?" I argued.

"Charlotte, please wait for me─" I cut her off.

"Katherine, please! I'm really tired and already heading to sleep, so don't force yourself because of me, love! Even if you come home, you'll find me asleep! I have fdamn work tomorrow!" I tried sounding cheerful.

She went silent for a moment.

"Okay fine! But that Paris!" She finally started.

Katy sounded really angry and furious at that egocentric idiot. "That stupid, selfish wench. I want to kick her, and stuff a sock in her mouth to shut her stupid mouth! Curse her to hell!"

I chuckled a bit.

"Goodnight, love" I yawned.

She sighed softly.

"I'll see you tomorrow, sweet love."

And she hung up.


My work through the next day was more exhausting and boring than imaginable, his majesty Ellington did not seem to be bothered much about the incident of yesterday ─for he worked me just as normal, maybe even more.

At the end of the day, the president summoned me to his office.

"G-Good afternoon, president." I knocked softly, and entered.

He was working on his laptop, while coolly sipping on his boiling hot cup of very bitter coffee.

I almost drooled as I eyed him.

Holy molly, why?!

His five o'clock shadow made his chiseled jaw appear manlier than ever, his sea-blue orbs glowed under the effect of the lights from the screen of his laptop, and they were not looking at me.

I came in, and sat on the chair facing him, waiting for him to turn to me.

I had quite fortunately learned by now not to bother him by asking him pointless questions when he summoned me. His answers tend to be a little too... 'Sweet' for me to handle when I question about what he wants or such.

And so, I kept my mouth shut, slowly looking around his office nervously.

Geez, I can never get used to his extremely intimidating presence. Crap!

I had the habit of humming something in my mind, when I felt nervous. Although, it seemed my habit did not exactly work as usual in his presence, for I started humming softly, but aloud, and not mentally.

Well, I didn't really have the best vocals in the world, but modestly speaking, my voice was not much despicable! Really!

I had no idea I was 'talented' enough though as to make his majesty Ellington look up from his laptop, to eye me intensely, his blue projectors trying to enchant me.

"Smettila, adesso." his tone was commanding, I could tell he had ordered me something, but couldn't really tell what it was.

"Uh-What?" I stuttered, and stopped humming.

He turned back to his laptop, as he took the last sip of his boiling coffee, before he placed it on his desk gracefully.

"I said: Stop that, now." he ordered in a similar commanding tone, still not looking at me.

I blushed.

"H-Hey! I was only humming!" I felt my face fuming.

"A-And my voice is not that bad." I whispered lowly, flushing.

He kept silent for a moment.

"The humming is not pleasant." he finally muttered; lowly, but firmly.

I felt more heat rising to my cheeks!

"Okay, you're being rude with this! Damn y─" my voice trailed off, "Just dammit." I corrected.

I can't damn him; that might not make the upcoming events of my life family-rated!

"Pardon?" I almost wet myself when I heard his cold, imperial voice.

"No. Nothing!" I laughed nervously, "So, why did you summon me, sir?"

"We have a meeting tomorrow."
I gasped, and a cold shiver trailed its way through my back.

"Another meeting?!"

He fixed me with his stare for a moment, and then nodded curtly.

"Yes, it is the final meeting where the contract shall be signed, and put into action." he explained briefly.

I slowly registered his words.

"And it's necessary for me to be there?" I questioned, uncertain.

"Would I ever order anything unnecessary, Signorina?"

I shivered. Dang.

"N-No! Of course not!" I snapped.

I kept silent, and my head was a bit lowered.

I'm worried.

The president's eyes snapped to my neck, which had band aids stitched over, and he let out a soft low breath. His eyes darkened for a second.

"Bard won't be there, if you're worried about that."

His voice was as cool and composed as ever, but it lacked a bit of its normal frostiness.

I looked up at him, "I-I'm not worried about Monsieur Bard being there! It's Paris Fiore that wants to ruin me!" I huffed, shiveringly.

He didn't comment on that.

"I know, I know. You don't want to comment on that, I understand. I'll go tomorrow, we already agreed." I said; my voice holding a bit of pain.

He nodded curtly ─still not commenting, although his eyes felt like he was hiding something from me.

"Now moving to the second subject." he jumped into another subject, "You'll receive your first monthly payments tomorrow." he informed, not looking at me, but simply organizing a set of papers before him neatly.

A wave of happiness, and satisfaction flashed into my senses, and I jumped enthusiastically.

My first monthly payments! My mother would be so proud of me! And Theodore, I'll get him the race cars he wanted some time ago!

"Thank you, Mr. Ellington!" I smiled at him, cheerfully.

He looked at me ─at my smile to be exact, deeply, then into my eyes, and my smile froze.

Holy molly in the dark heavens.

My smile slowly faded, and a blush crept into my cheeks.

Crap! You didn't have to act like a five-year old Charlotte, to show how happy you are with your first wages!

I looked down, embarrassed, but then I noticed he was still eying me more intensive than ever.

The blush over my cheeks deepened, as I met his eyes curiously. Bloody, why is he eying me like that?!

"I-Is there something... on my face?" the question slipped through my lips without feeling.

That seemed to catch him off guard for some reason.

He stood up, and turned to face his window, ignoring me as he towered over the whole city of London.

"You can go, now."

I blinked.


He didn't turn around to look at me, neither did he shift to move his wristwatch from irritation.

This said, Wh-Why won't he look at me suddenly? Weird.

"Your working hours have officially ended for today, damigella."

I fidgeted with a slight blush as he spoke Italian. Crap, how enticing he seems when he speaks like that!

I suddenly didn't feel like arguing him, so I simply turned on my heels, and headed down through the floors, and elevators towards the parking of the cars.

Jaden had already warned me not to move alone out of the company, so he insisted on seeing me home ─when we talked at the break today, that is.

As I moved between the cars, a car from afar sounded through my ears.

"Yo! Habibti!"

I turned look at the source I knew so well.

"Hey, Sarah!" I smiled, as the tanned beauty approached me.

"Hey there Charlotte, so, heading home?" she questioned.

I nodded, "What did you say after 'Yo' a minute ago, by the way?" I questioned curiously.
She blinked.

"What ─oh, 'habibti' you mean?" she quirked her brows cutely.

"Hmm?" I signaled that was it.

"It's a term of endearment in Lebanese, darling!" she smiled.

"Oh, I see" I smiled back, "So, I get you're heading home, too?"

"Yeah, want me to take you home?" she grinned.

I shook my head, "No, Jaden said to wait for him until he finishes in some minutes, and then he'll come to take me home!"

She frowned.

"Oh, come on! Just message him you're going with me, and it'll be fine! We'll have some girly talk on the way, and he won't be pressured to hurry up and such!" she reasoned.

I nodded in agreement, she's right.

I messaged Jaden saying I'll head home with Sarah, ergo, not alone.

We started heading towards Sarah's car, when the half-british beauty stopped in her tracks, and slapped a hand against her forehead furiously.

"Shoot! I forgot my phone in the office! Damn!" she held out her car keys to me.

I looked at her questioningly.

"Here, head to the car. Open it. Sit in it whilst I go get my phone, and come back as fast as possible, okay?!" she winked at me.

I took the keys from her, "O-Okay."

She turned, and headed to enter the company again, while I simply started walking forward.

I wandered between the cars, and crossed the mini roads separating them, aiming to find Sarah's car, which she previously described to me as being a red Ford Focus, parked next to a huge yellow trash can.

I really wondered how she managed to memorize that.

I still had not caught glimpse of the car in search, however I kept on walking. I should see it soon.

I heaved a sigh, and started crossing the mini road
separating a set of parked cars, from another.

My pace was relatively slow, for I couldn't really see the lights of a car around, or even hear a loud voice.

And then in a flash of seconds, I realized I must have been pretty consumed in some thoughts, for my ears did not seem to have registered the loud screeching of the breaks of a car before now.

A car, a black one. Almost like a shadow.

A black Audi A8. Darker than midnight.

The shadow-like car screeched its breaks as it emerged from behind the set of cars, spun around like a yo-yo, and marched through the mini-road in an unimaginable speed.. um... in my direction.

Like a hungry lion marching towards a helpless deer, like a merciless bullet fired by a sniper at his target, like a kicked baseball hit by an angry bat.

The Audi A8 charged towards me like lightning.

My thoughts went blank, I could hear my own heartbeats ring through my ears unevenly.

My breath stuck right in my throat, as the car charged towards me, its lights blinding me, and disrupting my senses.

The speed it was marching in was utterly mad, and seconds somehow seemed to be contrasting with the car's speed, they seemed so slow.

Although the seconds seemed slow, although that should've given me time to move, I did not.

My whole body froze desperately, as the predator marched its way upon me.

Damn, I should move! Move, Charlotte! Move, my limbs, joints, muscles, whatever you are!

It was close now, so close. And the seconds were not slow anymore.

In a marathon of screeches and cries, I lost track of three simultaneous screams which sounded, and echoed through the whole parking, as the car was now some feet away from me.

"CHARLOTTE!" voice one.

"CHARLOTTE NO!" voice two.

"WATCH OUT!" was what the closest voice to me -voice three- screamed before I felt something knock me off balance, and I collapse to the ground...


Hey, lovelies!!

Happy Sunday! Here's chapter 42 for you!

Well, it isn't much eventful, we know, but oh well isn't a cute little thing out there ;) ;) And plus; the events are comming, so why the rush ;) ;)

So what do you think happened to CharChar at the end!? Holy will she be okay?

TONU: Old Scars...

Follow us on instagram: 3cupcakes_123 ♡

Vote+Comment because we seriously are always excited to know what you think of our story so far! And plus! Can't the chapter hit a 100 votes already; like, pwease?!

See you next Sunday!


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