Ghost ↬ Derek Hale

By lullabiesanddreams

1.7M 51.5K 26.7K

"I'm searching for something that I can't reach." ↬ Lily Stilinski's biggest problems in life used to be easi... More

ghost; intro
ghost ; playlist
1 ; explosive diarrhoea
2 ; mint mojito
3 ; moist
4 ; magical woods wish
5 ; be brave
6 ; just keep playing
7 ; hanging out
8 ; the life and times of Alfred the Butler
9 ; smells a little like... death
10 ; kiss of life
12 ; spartan warrior and the yodas
13 ; sour wolf
14 ; #wednesdaynightgoals
15 ; what even...
16 ; serial killers, murderers and... Mr Harris?
17 ; out-of-control besties and stupid crushes
18 ; late night hopsital visits are always a bad idea
19 ; alphas and betas and hunters! oh my!
20 ; musical urges
21 ; the batarang returns
22 ; scooby snacks
23 ; the bite
24 ; bad vibes
25 ; non-sexual banter
26 ; drowning in a sea of my emotions
27 ; funky chicken
28 ; bestiary? bestiality? same thing really...
29 ; stinky breath
30 ; thinking out loud
31 ; rum and coke
32 ; ahhhhh... freak out!
33 ; cause of death: choking on her own fist
34 ; fun sucker
35 ; the cutest alpha around
36 ; trust no b*tch
37 ; runaways
38 ; a new normal
bonus ; sweet bachelor pad (and sequel announcement!)
bonus ; the list
Reverie - Epilogue to Ghost series

11 ; wolfsbane cupcakes

50.3K 1.3K 897
By lullabiesanddreams

11 ∞ wolfsbane cupcakes

It had been a slow Saturday for their father so the twins found themselves sat in his patrol car, passing around drive thru food. Stiles sat next to the window, Lily squeezed into the barely there middle and their father obviously at the driver's seat. He'd never let them drive the patrol car in the past and she highly doubted he would in the future either. At first squeezing in the middle like this had been uncomfortable but she'd quickly gotten used to it.

The Sheriff was chewing his burger as he asked, "Hey, did they forget my curly fries?"

Lily rolled her eyes, eating one of her own curly fries while saying, "You're not supposed to eat fries."

"Especially the curly ones," Stiles added, shuffling through his food.

"Oh and don't talk with your mouth full, Dad," Lily scolded, "It's not cool."

He ignored their lecturing, putting more food in his mouth just to spite Lily and announcing, "Well, I'm carrying a lethal weapon. If I want the curly fries, I will have the curly fries."

Lily and Stiles looked at each other, Stiles saying to their father, "If you think getting rid of contractions in all your sentences makes your argument any more legitimate," Lily joined in, speaking at the same time as Stiles, "You. Are. Wrong."

The Sheriff gave them a weirded out look - probably wondering how on earth he'd managed to have children with a hive mind. Lily just handed him one fry, too soft to resist but refused to give him anymore. Stiles was completely different to her, stuffing all his fries into his mouth at once, not even considering sharing. He was the one in the right if anything as their dad wasn't supposed to eat anything unhealthy - doctor's orders. Usually they were both really strict with it but Lily always gave in and allowed him a fry or two.

Before anyone could say anything, the police radio went off, "Unit one, do you copy?"

Stiles automatically reached for the radio, stopping when their father cleared his throat. He apologised, sinking back into his seat sheepishly while Lily giggled slightly - it was always fun watching your sibling get scolded. Their dad frowned, sending a look of warning to them both before picking the radio up and saying rather seriously in his Sheriff voice, "Unit one, copy."

Lily sipped her drink, choking on it as the person on the radio said, "Got a report of a possible 187."

Stiles was also choking, mouthing through his fries, "A murder?"

The Sheriff didn't reply, starting the engine of the car again. After growing up with him, Lily and Stiles knew pretty much all the police code and it did happen to come in handy sometimes. It seemed like this would be one of those times as they were both anxious and ready to find out the full story.

"Stay here," their father ordered, leaving the car to head onto the frantic scene. There was an ambulance and lights flashing everywhere. The police tape was already up and a crowd of people was already forming - and that wasn't even including the many police officers around the area.

Lily looked out of the window, gasping as her eyes caught onto a familiar figure, "Is that Jackson and Lydia?"

"Oh my god, it is," Stiles exclaimed. Lily was out of the car quickly, ignoring her father's rules completely. Stiles left the car too, lingering at the door, unlike Lily who was approaching Jackson and her father. They were in a heated conversation - heated mostly on Jackson's side and Lily felt like she really needed to jump into it before he said something to her father that would not only annoy her father but piss her off as well.

"Okay, now I wanna go home!" Jackson shouted, right as Lily arrived, grabbing his arm and dragging him away from her father.

"I've got him," she told him, even though the Sheriff was giving her an unimpressed look about the fact that she left the car when she wasn't supposed to. He didn't call her out though because he knew he'd probably have to deal with Jackson Whittemore if he did and it was much easier for him to let Lily talk to him and calm him down. Lily parted slightly from everyone, her hands on Jackson's arm as she hissed, "Calm down."

"What the hell do you mean?" he replied.

"I mean that my dad is just trying to do his job and you're doing nothing but adding crap to his plate," Lily glared at him, "I know that what you went through was probably super freakin' traumatic but that doesn't give you the right to take it out on everyone else!"

"No you don't get it," Jackson responded.

"What? What the hell are you talking about Jackson?" she frowned.

"That wasn't a mountain lion, Lily," he whispered, causing her to freeze nervously. Did he know? Had he seen the werewolf? "I don't know what it was but it wasn't a mountain lion," he told her.

Lily bit her lip, opening her mouth to say something in response but coming up with nothing. She couldn't tell him. She couldn't involve him any of this but how was she supposed to keep it secret when everyone else sucked at hiding it? It had been hard enough to explain why Derek had gotten into her jeep the previous day - she'd told him that Derek was Scott and Stiles' friend, which only gave him more questions but she pretended like she didn't know the answers to those. Now she was going to have to pretend that Jackson was just traumatised when really, he was figuring out the truth.

Luckily for her, she never had to lie as her brother shouted, "Oh, whoa, is that a dead body?" This caused her father to glare at him, shouting for everyone to back up and make room and trying to clear the crowd away. It was weird how many people were interested in seeing this. Eyes following the gurney, Lily blinked, turning back to Jackson. He looked exhausted and absolutely freaked out.

"Were you hurt?" she asked, eyeing him in concern.

"No, I just hit my head," he sighed.

"You should get that checked out," she told him, "I know you wanna go home and I get that but you could have a concussion which could lead you to die in the night - dramatic I know but also very possible."

Jackson laughed but it sounded strained, "When you phrase it like that."

"Want me to stay with you?" Lily offered, a gentle smile on her face.

He looked as though he was seriously considering it but glancing back at the ambulance, shook his head, "Thanks but I think Lydia might need me right now."

This was one of those rare times that Jackson actually showed his feelings for someone else and didn't seem like a selfish asshole. She wished that others could see this side of him but knew that most saw the side he'd shown her father earlier. Sighing, she nodded, "Okay, don't hesitate to call me or let me know if you need anything."

"When do I ever hesitate to do that stuff?" Jackson rolled his eyes.

Lily laughed, "Whatever, Whittemore. Also, if I hear that you've been giving anyone a hard time after I leave, you and I are gonna fight, okay?"

Jackson pulled a face, obviously feeling like a kid being scolded by his mother. "Okay," he nodded. Lily patted his shoulder - as close as they were, they never really hugged or anything, she wasn't really sure why - before heading back to the police car. She opened the door, nudging her brother along so that she could sit at the window rather than in the middle. He grimaced but did so without struggle.

"So?" Stiles said.

"So what?" Lily replied.

"What did Jackson tell you?"

Lily thought back to Jackson's suspicions but she wasn't sure if it was worth telling Stiles or not. If she didn't then she'd be hiding something from all her best friends but if she did, then was she violating Jackson's trust? Shrugging, she pursed her lips, "Nothing for now. He's a bit freaked out but he might tell me something later."

Thank god I'm passing Chemistry, Lily thought as Mr Harris walked down the length of the room, giving her brother death glares as he spoke. Lily was passing all her subjects at the least being an A-. Even with that, she was nowhere near being valedictorian because of Danny and a mystery student who she suspected was Lydia. She'd pretty much decided not to get too upset over it after freshman year was over and she wasn't on top even though she'd done several extra credits and the lowest grade she'd gotten that year being an A.

Mr Harris' lecture was interrupted as Jackson came through the door, his bag over his shoulder and his face sporting eye bags the size of Lily's fists. Okay maybe I'm exaggerating. He ignored everyone's stares, coming to sit next to Lily. She sent him a reassuring smile while Mr Harris approached, breaking his usual ice-man character to say, "Jackson, if you need to leave early for any reason, you let me know."

Jackson simply nodded, letting out a sigh and looking down at the desk, his hands clasped together. Lily droned Mr Harris out as he said, "Everyone, start reading Chapter Nine." She was conscious in the back of her mind that he was currently scolding her brother but she didn't pay attention, instead scooting closer to Jackson. She had to make sure that he was doing okay.

"Has anyone ever told you that your jaw is like, always clenched?" she whispered, attempting to break the ice. She'd mentioned it before and it usually made him smile but not that day.

He rolled his eyes, "You have, multiple times."

"Don't be grouchy," Lily nudged him, "Tough night sleeping?"

"You wouldn't believe," Jackson huffed, rubbing his face, "Everyone keeps bugging me about what happened last night."

"That's just 'cause people are worried," she told him, "You need to talk about it to someone, Jackson."

"Is that you hinting that I should tell you?" he smirked, looking at her. He was smirking but she could see the stress in his eyes. This wasn't the usual over confident jock that she spent most of her time scolding.

She rolled her eyes, "You know it's not. I don't care if you talk to me, or Danny, or Lydia or even Greenburg - I just wanna make sure that you're not bottling all this in. It's not healthy."

Jackson sighed, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He knew she was right and she could tell he was about to give in at some point. She'd already told herself that she wasn't going to lie to him - but she also wasn't going to tell him the truth. She couldn't do either without feeling guilty so she was only going to skirt around it. Stiles was desperate to know what was going on, searching out for Lydia and even telling Lily he was going to ask Danny. She didn't think she was going to tell Stiles what Jackson told her.

"I-I was going to get the Notebook," Jackson began. Lily placed her hand over his to give him so reassurance, allowing him to continue in silence, "And there was no one around and I thought it was just crappy service when I-I saw him. It all happened really quickly after that and I don't remember well but it-it knocked the shelves on top of me and... and it just stood over me."

"Did it touch you?"

"No," he shook his head, "It lifted my collar and then it ran off."

Lily's eyebrows furrowed, "Why did it lift your collar?"

Jackson paused for a moment before swallowing, "I-I don't know. All I know is that it wasn't a mountain lion, Lily. I might sound crazy but I just - I feel like it was something else."

She nodded, eyes on his. Squeezing his hand, she reassured him, "I don't think you're crazy, Jackson. You saw what you saw." Jackson seemed to appreciate her not dismissing him as he smiled at her gratefully. Lily opened her mouth to say some words of reassurance when Mr Harris interrupted. That man seemed to have the best hearing and the worst timing.

"Miss Stilinski," he called, "I think it must be something in the Stilinski DNA as your hushed whispering is just as bad as your brother's."

Lily scowled but nodded, not wanting to have to join in on the parent teacher conference when she didn't have to. At the moment, their dad was going alone and she didn't want to have to come along because of Mr Harris.

Lily could never have a peaceful day at school. There was always something - or someone in this case that had to disrupt that. She currently had a free period and so she was just walking around the school. Her brother was currently freaking out because Scott had gone MIA for the day but she knew that it was Allison's birthday and he was skipping to spend time with her. It was rather cute and her ship for them had grown massively so it was great to see it sailing so smoothly.

Bored - and not wanting to do her homework - she headed for the boys locker room's wondering if Jackson was in there. She was in the hallway outside of them when he came out. The one and only Derek Hale. She hadn't seen him since he'd jumped out of her window on Friday and now she was curious as to what he was doing back at the school.

Approaching him, she smirked, her eyes briefly flicking to his lips before back up at his face, "So, are you re-enrolling in high school or what? 'Cause I'm pretty sure you spend more time here than I do."

He rolled his eyes, "Please, high school sucks." He was right. It did.

"Tell me about it," she snorted, "Scott's not here today though-"

"-I'm not here for Scott."

Her eyes met his as she narrowed them, raising an eyebrow, "What are you here for then?" A tiny voice in her mind wanted her to think herself but he'd just left the boys' locker room - why on earth would he go in there if he was looking for her? Wait, the boys' locker room, she thought. He was there for Jackson. She hoped he hadn't done anything to him but with the other boys in the locker rooms too, then he wouldn't have been able to do much damage.

He crossed his arms, "None of your business."

"Are we seriously back to this?" Lily frowned slightly, "I thought we passed this phase after we saved your life - remember?"

Derek's eyes flashed with an emotion that Lily didn't recognise before his face went blank, "I remember."

Lily held his eyes, staring him down in hopes that he'd crack and tell her something. She didn't know how long they stared each other down but Derek didn't flinch or move an inch the whole time. In fact, she wasn't even sure if he blinked. She always won stare offs so it was really bothering her that Derek was so good at them. Feeling irritated and slightly intimidated by their stare down, she huffed, "Whatever then, don't tell me."

He shrugged, amusement colouring his features, "I wasn't planning on it."

"Good, because I don't want to know," Lily retorted, poking his chest in annoyance. He stared down at her finger and then back at her, clearly finding this funny. Scowling at him, she said, "Ugh, you're so frustrating." With that said, she stormed off, rushing out of the hall to go somewhere else. She didn't turn back, not wanting to give him the satisfaction.

Did he seriously not trust her after she basically kissed him back to life? Fair enough that she didn't trust him but that was completely different. Lily wasn't sure why she was so irritated because it wasn't the first time that Derek hadn't wanted to tell her something but this time round, she just felt angry. A small voice in her mind said that she was channelling another feeling into irritation but she ignored it, heading to library. Ugh, I'll do my homework I guess.

"Hey, it's me again," Stiles said into the phone. He was pacing his room while Lily sat on his bed, surfing the internet on her phone. Neither of them had been able to reach Scott just yet and now Stiles had found a video on Lydia's phone of the Alpha. It looked as scary as Lily had expected it to be and Stiles had stolen Lydia's phone to get the video. Why he didn't just delete it there and then was beyond her understanding. "Look, I found something," Stiles began, "And I don't know what to do-"

"-I say you delete it," Lily sang from her seat.

All she got was a glare in response, Stiles continuing, "So, if you could turn your phone on right now, that'd be great. Or else I'll kill you." Lily snorted at this. "Do you understand me? I'm gonna kill you. Lily, come up with a witty description for how I'm going to kill him."

"Why can't you?" she frowned.

"I'm too upset right now to be witty!" he exclaimed, "Just, give me something."

Lily rolled her eyes, randomly blurting, "You're gonna find his little werewolf oven and bake him a lovely wolfsbane cupcake which you will then proceed to shove down his throat and if that doesn't kill him, then the terrible, fiery, wolfsbane diarrhoea he'll get, will do the job."

Stiles eyed her as though she'd gone too far, only muttering into the phone, "On second thought, I'll get Lily to kill you - she might actually be a sociopath."

"Wow, next time come up with your own witty descriptions," she muttered.

He ignored her, "But it's just gonna happen, okay? You're gonna - she's gonna - ugh! Goodbye!" He threw his phone on the desk, flopping angrily into the chair there. Lily watched with amusement, opening her mouth to tell him to just delete the video when their dad walked in.

"Hey, Dad," she waved, smiling brightly at him.

His eyes scanned the room, seeing her bright expression and Stiles' exhausted one, he grimaced, "Please tell me I'm gonna hear good news at this parent teacher thing tonight."

"Depends on how you define 'good news'," Stiles replied, looking worried about the night. He was worried that Coach was going to tell their dad about the penis circumcision report. Why he had done that, he still had never explained to this day; she wasn't sure if she wanted him to. She knew her brother better than anyone but there were still things he did that were a mystery to her.

"I define it as you guys getting straight A's with no behavioural issues," the Sheriff explained.

Lily grinned, "I've got the straight A's covered..." Then frowning, she trailed off, "But I don't know about the behavioural issues bit..." Her head tilted to the side as she considered it.

Stiles shared a knowing look with her before turning to their father, "You might wanna rethink that definition."

The Sheriff closed his eyes tightly, and then sighed, "Enough said."

"Good luck!" Lily called as he left the room, mumbling after his departure, "You'll need it." She hoped that he'd be happy with what he'd hear. She was also hoped that they didn't print her real name on her files. Stiles and she had been named after their mother's father and his sister - who too were twins. The only problem was, they were Polish and had long and difficult to pronounce names. Since they were children, they'd insisted on being called by Stiles and Lily - names derived from their last name - Stilinski. It was easy enough for Lily because her name was normal enough to pass but Stiles' was kind of obvious.

"Just delete the video, Stiles," Lily sighed, "No good will come from keeping it."

He groaned, rubbing his face, "Ugh, you're right." Picking the phone up, he went to the video, pressing the delete button. He seemed to visibly relax after it was gone, releasing a large breath that he'd probably been holding.

"Don't relax just yet," Lily smirked, "You still have to return Lydia's phone without her finding out you took it." She rose from her seat, deciding that they couldn't spend the whole night just sitting around and waiting for Scott.

Stiles' relaxation faded as he put his head into his hands, "Oh man."

Lily laughed slightly, waiting at the door and announcing, "I am going to change into some work out gear and head outside to use some of my new stuff. Wanna come?"

He raised an eyebrow, "Can I bring the files?"

"Do as you wish," she shrugged before leaving his room. She hadn't really practised her martial arts or with her weapons lately - what with everything going on with Scott but now seemed like the time when she might actually need the skills. It hadn't come up yet but she didn't know when it might and she wanted to be ready - not running away in fear like she did in the locker rooms.

Opening the door to her bedroom, she was surprised to find a shirtless Derek Hale sitting on her bed. Am I dreaming? Pinching herself, she flinched, the pain letting her know that this was actually real life. Maybe I'm high. Lily didn't know what to think and she was still miffed about earlier, so she considered turning back around and pretending she hadn't even came into her room.

Before she could, Derek looked up, eyes meeting hers. They're so green, she thought, not sure whether being mesmerised by his eyes or his abs was worse. Clearing her throat, she stepped into her room, shutting the door behind her. If Stiles caught her with Derek shirtless in her room, he'd try to kill them both. Try and fail - but still try. Derek rose from his seating position, standing up and continuing to stare at her. He was tense and his abs looked amazing and Lily still had no idea what was going on.

"Derek?" she breathed, back against the door. She half expected him to disappear when she said his name but he didn't, standing stiffly in her room.

He looked away from her, jaw clenching, "The hunters invaded my house. I didn't have anywhere to go."

"So you came here?" she asked, eyebrows raised in surprise. Lily scanned his body, checking to see if he was hurt anywhere but coming up empty. The only damage seemed to be emotional as it was the first time she was seeing something other than anger or amusement on his face. She was seeing sadness and grief. "Are you okay?" she continued, before he could respond to her first question - it seemed like even he didn't know what was going on and why he was there.

He opened his mouth to reply then closed it again. It was really disconcerting to see Derek so open with his emotions - maybe he did trust her after all as he seemed to be letting his guard down and being vulnerable. "No," he finally replied.

Lily was yet again shocked - this time from his honesty. Taking a cautious step forward, she said, "Do you wanna talk about it?" Her anger at him from earlier was completely forgotten - she couldn't hold a grudge and it really wasn't that big a deal.


"Uh," Lily scoured her mind for what might make him feel better, "Gum?"

Time seemed to stop as a tiny smile covered Derek Hale's face. It would be so inappropriate for me to cry right now, Lily told herself, doing her best to look unaffected by his smile. It wasn't a huge smile - his teeth weren't showing and there was still some sadness in his eyes but it was more than enough for Lily. She found herself smiling shyly in return.

"I'm starting to feel like you're being sponsored by Mojito," Derek joked.

Lily laughed, cheeks flushing, "Uh, it's the best I could think of. What would you recommend in a time like this?"

Derek appraised her, his eyes flickering around her face. Taking a step closer to her - it must have been a big step - he continued to look at her. They were close distance now; close enough that if Lily could just about kiss him if she wanted - which she didn't. "You don't need to give me anything," he told her, "I just needed somewhere to hide for a bit."

Lily smiled, and then eyebrows furrowed, asked, "How are you living in that house?"

He frowned, "What do you mean?"

"It's just..." she hesitated before saying, "You lost a lot there. Doesn't it hurt to have to be reminded of it constantly?"

Derek's face hardened, his jaw clenching, "I deserve it."

"But that-"

"-you wouldn't understand," he cut her off.

"You haven't even tried to explain," she argued, reaching out for his arm, she continued, "You can talk to me."

He flinched away, taking a step back and huffing, "Would you just let it go? I don't want to talk about it. Look, I appreciate you saving my life, I do but just..."

"Just what, Derek?" Lily exclaimed, "You're the one who came here-"

"-well that was my mistake then, wasn't it?" he retorted. They shared a long look, both of them staring at each other angrily.

Lily frowned, opening her mouth to reply when her door swung open. Turning around in surprise, she found her brother standing in the doorway, a curious look on his face. "Who are you talking to?" he asked. Turning back, she saw that Derek was gone and her window was open. Of course, she thought, trying to calm herself down. Why did Derek have to push her away like that? He was the one who'd reached out to her by showing up in her room and yet he was acting as though she was following him around.

Closing her eyes tightly and taking a deep breath, she relaxed herself, "Myself."

Stiles raised his eyebrows, nodding, "I see a trip to Eichen House in your future."

"Shut up," she laughed slightly.

"You ready then?" he asked.

"Crap, let me just get changed," she said, rushing around and grabbing random clothes she could wear to practise from the floor.

"Better hurry up before I change my mind," Stiles called as he left the room.

She smirked, "Patience, young grasshopper."

Word Count: 4473

Okey dokey, here is episode 5 and surprisingly not split up. Not much happened in this episode so it felt unnecessary to split it up so have it all at once. I don't usually do this but I'd like to dedicate this chapter to Roseisdead11 who has literally commented and voted on every chapter from like the day I first uploaded it, so thank you! I'd also just like to thank all of you because it's nice knowing that people are enjoying something that I'm having fun writing. Let me know what you thought of the chapter and I'll update soon! Byeeee!

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