Iwatobi Tomboy

By Neko_Senpaixx

20.9K 862 221

Jun and Sakura are twins, but they couldn't be more different. Sakura is the girly twin, her feminine charms... More

The Visit
Kick Starting The Summer
Bye Summer!
First Day: Iwatobi High!
To Join Or Not To Join!
Beginnings Of Friendships & Love?
Iwatobi Swim Club: To Protect & Serve!
Iwatobi Swim Club: Secret Santa!
Back To School
Training &The Yaoi Fantasies Of The Iwatobi School Girls!
Befriending The Shark
Sakura Karashima
Getting To Know Each Other
Catching Feelings?
Jun's Sister: Jun?
Best Friends?
For The Team!
Fan Service: Iwatobi Vs Samezuka! Pocky Game!
A Day With Jun
Matsuoka Rin: I Think I Like Him...
Rin's Confession
Preparing For The Big Day
Hospital Visit
At Long Last...
Jun: I'm Really A Girl...
The New Guy: Karashima Hikaru
Jun's Admirer
Getting Jun Jealous & Big Brother's Rage
A Day With Sosuke
You're Mine
Get Away (Pt. 1)
Get Away (Pt.2)
Hikaru's Final Warning
Best I Never Had
Sosuke: That's My Baby
Truth Be Told
Baby Talk

Jun's Secret Discovered!

340 18 5
By Neko_Senpaixx

The training for prefecturals has started, Grandfather had some major business to attend with the company so he sent me to Samezuka to take care of some paper work as well as to make sure that everything there was in tact. Seems like lately I've been taking lots of time off from the club going on these business errands but I was glad the guys understood. Kou had it under control, she had these rigorous regimens and training schedules. I'm sure she's working them to the bone as well as I'm sure Rin is working his team to the bone.
This time I had the privilege of staying in one of their dorms. I'd be staying for 2 days, I'm going to attend a meeting tomorrow morning after the paper gets over with and I speak to the advisor of the Samezuka swim team I'll be good to go. I got the paper work prepared so I could drop it off at the office, maybe I should shower? I haven't done that yet, I was in such a rush but now that I'm here I'm sure I could. My hair's a mess and I can't possibly show up like this to the office.

I took my towel out of my backpack and decided to go shower.

I took a deep breath, man I can't wait until this is over with. I'm starting to feel stressed out, maybe I'm not cut out for the business world like I thought.


Jun's here, I should go say hi to him. I haven't seen him since...Well, it's been a while.

"What room is Karashima staying in?"

"Dorm 315"


"Will you take him some fresh towels? I'm not sure they gave him any"

"Sure thing."

I headed towards the dorm, I wonder if he's ever thought of switching over to Samezuka, it would look good for us since he's the chairman's grandson but it would be for the wrong reasons.

I made it to the dorm.

"Oi, Karashima." I said as I knocked.

I called down to the office so they could unlock it through the system. I opened the door.

"I'm coming in" I announced.


"But the night was warm
We were bold and young
All around the wind blows
We would only hold on to let go."

What the? Is there someone else in here?
I closed the door and locked it. It sounds like the shower is on but is there a girl or does Jun have a girls singing voice?

" Blow a kiss, fire a gun
All we need is somebody to lean on."

I heard the shower turn off.

Is he in there with a girl? Can he even do that?!

I stepped closer.

The door opened, the steam from the bathroom aired out.

"What will we do when we get old, Will we walk down the same road, Will you be there by my side, Standing strong as the wa-....."

My eyes widened, Is that Jun?

"S-Seijuro!" She exclaimed.


Seijuro looked confused.

"W-Wait, I can explain. Don't freak out..."

"Junko? What're you doing here?"

╮(─▽─)╭ right... I forgot about the whole Junko incident.

I sighed heavily.

"Junko doesn't exist...It's me, Jun..." I looked at him.

"Jun? But..."

He looked at my body. "Y-Y-You're a..."

"A girl..."

He turned beet red in the face. He was going to make a run for the door, I grabbed him and in the process my towel fell.


"Don't look!" I exclaimed.


I put the towel back on and sighed.

"Seijuro...hear me out." I said. "Please"

He turned around. "Get dressed first."

I grabbed my clothes and went to work my magic. When I walked back out, he was sitting on the bed. He looked at me still a little flustered.

"Ahem..Uh...I'm sorry." I began.

"Jun, what's going on?" He asked.

I took a deep breath. "Long story but I guess I do owe you..."

I sat next to him then started from the beginning. Once I told him, he calmed down a little and took a deep breath.

"I knew it. I mean I was still surprised to see you like that but I knew I was right. If you're worried about me saying something don't be. I'll be out of here soon enough anyway but...how do you..uh.."

I lifted up my shirt.

"Mm! Jun don't do that!" He looked away.

"They aren't visible, geez. Look, I promise it's okay" I said.

He looked, his face flushed red.

"Oh..well, ahem. That's creative I guess"

I put my shirt back down. "Seijuro-Kun... Thanks "

"I have one condition" he said with a wide smile.

(¬_¬) Figures...

"What do you want?" I asked.

"A picture of you but as a girl...you are a girl but I mean...you know..."


I sighed heavily. "For what?!"

"You're really cute, I have my reasons. Cough it up or I'm telling Rin his best friend is a girl"

"Mm! Ugh...fine. But if you show it to anyone I'm coming after you and I promise I'll"

"I promise. It'll between us"

I grabbed my phone, went to my pictures and handed it to him. "Take your pick and I'll send it to you..."

He looked through my pictures.

His eyes widened. "Sugoi..."

"What're you...mmph!"

Sakura and I in bikinis!!!

"Can I have this one? Kawaii ne~ You two really are the cutest twins~"

"I guess but if Sakura finds out she's gonna kill me. You can't have that one. Pick another one"

"This one then"

I can't believe I'm doing this...

I looked at my phone.

A picture of me in mini jean shorts and a tank top, I still had my long hair in this one...

"Fine." I said then sent it to him.

"Sugoi! I promise your secret is safe with me."

"Thanks, now if you'll excuse me I need to go turn this in at the office" I said.

"You might see a new face today on the swim team. He's a pretty serious type guy but I'm sure you'll get along, Rin and the others will be practicing in a few minutes. You're more than welcomed to swing by" he said.

"I think I will. When are you graduating?"

"In about 2 weeks. I'm doing my final university exams"

"You won't swim anymore?" I asked.

"Of course I will. But I haven't exactly thought about where, see I've gotten a few calls. I'm just indecisive"

"Oh I see. Oh by the way, I met your brother the one of these days." I said.

"Momo? Did he say anything to you?"

"He's just like you...'Kawaii.' Was the very first thing he said when he saw me."

"Hey we know a cute girl when we see one so I'd watch out for Momo. He's not so bright but if he's already said that to you then...yeah he suspects something. I'll talk to him though, I'll say that he needs to respect you and not-"

"No it's okay. No need for that but if you do talk to him just say that it's rude to call a guy a girl or whatever" I said.

He smiled and ruffled my hair. "Will do Jun-Chan."


He chuckled. "I'll let you be now. See ya"

He got up and walked towards the door.

"Seijuro-Kun...umm, it was nice to see you again and I really hope that your life after graduation is everything you've longer for and more" I said.

He turned  to me and gave me a warm smile. "Thanks Jun, I hope that everything works out for you and no matter what happens, keep your head up and don't let the words of others discourage you"

I smiled back and nodded. 


After explaining the paper work to the 'important' people in the office, I headed to the swimming pool where the guys practiced.

I looked from behind the window.

"You're Karashima-Senpai, right?"


I turned to my left. A brown, floppy haired guy with purple eyes stood before me, he's probably the same height as Haru. His hair wasn't so long, it reaches the top of his neck, he's probably 16 or 17.

"Yeah. I'm Karashima Jun. And you are?"

"Oh, heh. Sorry I'm Minami Kazuki, it's nice to meet you Karashima-Senpai. I've heard a lot about you, plus I mean your family is pretty well known so..."

"Yeah. I suppose so, it's nice to meet you Minami" I slightly smiled.

"Are you looking for the captain?" He asked.

"I don't want to interrupt practice. He seems to be working hard" I said.

"He's kind of tough but he's doing a great job"

"I wouldn't expect less from Rin" I smiled.

"You two must be close" he said.

"I guess you could say that"




Hmm? I looked back towards the pool.

Mikoshiba's kid brother was shouting my name and waving.

"Karashima-Senpai! Watch me!!"

I sighed.

"You know Momo?" Minami asked.

"He bumped into me the other day...He doesn't seem bad. Reminds me of Seijuro in a lot of ways to be honest"

"Heh. Momo is pretty outgoing, he has a lot of energy"

"Oi, Minami. Get back to practice" I heard Rin say.

"Yes sir! It was nice talking to you Karashima-Senpai. But I have to go now" he said.

"You can call me Jun. I don't mind but alright, it was nice meeting you too Minami, bye." I smiled.

He smiled back and was on his way.

Rin walked towards me. "Yo, what brings you here?"

"Your pretty face of course" I chuckled.

He began to blush. "Shut up..."

"Heh. I'm here on business of course, it seems like the school is runned by a bunch of monkeys... I have always explain myself twice." I sighed.

He chuckled. "Yeah it feels that way sometimes but it's still a good school wouldn't you say?"

"Iwatobi is better" I chuckled. 

"Tch. As if. Hey why don't you come with me, there's someone I want you to meet. You want some shorts or something? I wouldn't want you to ruin your cute little penguin suit" he laughed.

"Shut up...it's not a penguin suit. I'll be fine" I said as I loosened the tie.

I took my shoes off and followed him inside.

"Jun-senpai!" Ai smiled widely and waved.

I waved my hands back and smiled.

Rin and walked towards the middle.

"Oi Sosuke, there's someone I want you to meet" Rin said.

A tall, well-built guy with short dark brown hair and droopy teal eyes made his way towards us. He looks really intimidating...his serious expression gave me goosebumps. He stood before us and looked at me.

He's not bad looking but would a smile kill him? I mean for a first impression... I am definitely not impressed.

"Sosuke, this is Jun. He's a really good and close friend of mine, Jun this is my elementary buddy, best friend."

So much for me being the best friend but whatever. I don't really care for titles like that anyway...

"It's nice to meet you" I said as I extended my hand for a hand shake. "I'm Karashima Jun."

He looked at my hand then back at me. "Yamazaki Sosuke."

That's all he said.

"Sosuke don't be so mean" Rin said. "Jun's been really good to me, I'd appreciate it if you got along with him"

He looked at me again.

His serious expression, cold and almost threatening.

"Rin...he can't be trusted. I can see it in his eyes, he's trouble."


"What did you-"

"Rin, there's no need to argue. It's okay." I said.

Sosuke simply walked away after that. He's never even met me and just by looking at me it's like he suspected of me hiding something...

Rin sighed heavily. "Sorry about him. He'll come around, he's really fun to be around once you get to know him"

I don't think I should press my luck with that guy...


Momo jumped on me.


He's in nothing but a speedo!!!!

"H-Hey!! You're getting my suit wet!"

Rin chuckled.

"Senpai, your chest is hard. Do you work out?"


"No..get off me. You're all wet and..."

He looked at my eyes. "Karashima-Senpai... Your eyes.."

He started into them.

My heart raced and I felt the heat rising to my face.

Rin grabbed him and pulled him away from me.

"Momo, what do you think you're doing?"

Rin looked annoyed.

"Sorry captain! Karashima-Senpai is just so cute ~"

"Do you like him or something?!"

"Of course not but just look at that cute face~"

I sighed. Yup, just like Seijuro...

"Tch. Go practice and quit bugging Jun"

"Okay. Senpai! Watch me okay?! I'll show you why they call me Sea Otter." He grinned.

"Doesn't your sister call you that?" Rin asked.

I nodded. "Apparently I'm not the only one with that nickname"

I watched as Momo swam.


"Woah... he's really fast!"

"He's really something isn't he?" Rin smiled.

"For sure. Just look at him-"

"Momo, watch out!" The guys exclaimed.
He hit his head.

Rin and I chuckled.

"He sill needs some practice" he said.

"Most definitely"

I felt someone looking at us, when I looked from the corner of my eye I saw Sosuke... he's staring at us...at me.

I have a feeling that we aren't going to get along at all... I already know he doesn't like me and also that he doesn't trust me. I just hope I find a way to make this work or I'm done for.

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