My First and Last Kiss (a Mag...

By Grier77

694 55 33

Avery Lillison is your average girl- unless average is getting beaten every day by, none other than, Nash and... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 21

31 2 5
By Grier77

Did he just say twin sister? I look over and Britney looks nothing like me- but then again she is encrusted in blood.
    My dad gets a rope and starts whipping me with it. Pain shoots through my body. He then ties the rope around my neck. Black creeps towards the edge of my vision. Slowly, my eyes fill with blackness, and just as I'm about to take my last breath, I hear a slice and I fall to the floor. Britney stands there with wide eyes and a knife in her hand. My father whispers something to his partner, and his partner takes Britney and slings her over his back. Britney starts screaming and crying. I turn back to my father. "Where were we?" He smirks. He pulls out a gun, and I hear the police pulling up to the shed. That's when he pulls the trigger not once, not twice, but three times, and I collapse on the floor.
Nash POV
Avery texted me saying her dad took her again. I know there is a rivalry going on between Hayes and Avery, but that doesn't matter right now. I walk in and find Hayes and Tessa having an intense make out session. "HAYES, AVERY'S DAD TOOK HER AGAIN," I scream. He shoots up and Tessa pulls him back down. "That hoe can wait, we were just getting started," she smirks. I've had it. I walk up to her and yell at her. "GET OUT OF OUR HOUSE NOW," I say. She scrambles to get her stuff and scurries downstairs. Hayes and I rush down and get into my car. Hayes calls 911 and we rush to the shed she was taken to last time. This is de ja vu.
When we get there, I hear 3 gunshots and everything was dead silent. I freeze. I'm in shock that (1) Her dad was stupid enough to bring her to the same shed, and (2) Avery has just been shot. The police arrive right after the gunshot. They rush in and carry Avery out on a stretcher. But as another paramedic rushes by, I hear him say there's another girl in there that's beat up pretty badly. Soon, some more paramedics go in and bring out another girl. She is short with long, brown hair. She's very pretty. Since Hayes and I actually drove this time, we go back to the car. We're both on the verge of tears. I can't help but wonder who that other girl was. We leave the police to deal with Avery's dad and that other man.
  I can't believe that after all the crap Avery's been through Hayes treats her like this. "Why are you treating Avery like this? I mean with everything she's been through you're just over here on the sideline treating her like this. Like, we're on the way to the hospital for the second time," I say. He stays silent. Finally I get the truth out of him. "I was afraid that I would end up hurting her, so I wanted to get it over with. I didn't want to hurt her," Hayes says. "Well she's mine now so you can go back to being a jerk to her and your daily make out sessions with Tessa," I confidently say.
Once we finally get to the hospital, Avery is immediately rushed into surgery. As for the other girl, I have no idea.
Finally, a doctor comes into the waiting room carrying a clipboard. "Avery Lillison?" The doctor calls out. Hayes and I immediately rush over. "Avery is still in surgery, and it's hard to say what will happen. There's a 2% chance that she'll live," the doctor sadly states. I am already getting teared up, and the doctor looks like he has more news. "And we also found cuts all over her arms," the doctor says. A tear slips down my cheek. He's about to say something else, but his radio beeps and he gets a message. He freezes. "It seems her heart has stopped, I must go," he says rushing to the surgery area. Hayes and I are shocked.
We make our way back to or seats bawling. I don't care who judges us. Soon, I can't cry anymore and my eyes slowly shut, leaving me to drift off into a faraway sleep.

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