1 Girl, 5 Boys, and A Day Tha...

By imjustmexox

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Elizabeth~ A 15 yr old, sweet girl with a past, broken dreams, but the 5 best friends/ brothers a girl could... More

Chapter 1~ Mornings and swimming
Chapter 2~ It was only just a dream...
Chapter 3~ Tired of the nightmares...
Chapter 4~ Don't make me go back, please...
Ch. 6~ Fan problems...
Ch. 7~ My tummy hurts
Ch.8~ I don't wanna catch the love bug...
Ch.9~ Austin Carter Mahone
Ch. 10~ Am I ready for that to happen...
Ch.11~ "Mood swings"
Ch. 12~ What are you doing?!
Ch. 13~ Marriage?
Ch. 14~ Believe it or not...
ch.15~ Eat A Lot. Sleep A Lot.
ch.16~ "One hint?"
ch.17~ Please, not tonight
ch.18~ Big crowds and clastrophobia
Ch.19~ Shadow
Ch. 20~ Round one of two
Ch. 21~ I can't do that
Ch. 22~ Meeting the mom
Ch. 23~ We do?
Ch. 24~ My fault
Ch.25~ He loves me
Ch.26~ Desperate Housewives
Epilogue- 3 years later

Chapter 5~ Paparazzi Sucks!

544 8 2
By imjustmexox

Hey guys, thanks for being so patient! So, yea one P.O.V. but it totally worked better like that, promise! next chapter will have multiple P.O.Vs :D But here's the story, so what are you reading this for?haha Go read the story!!


Elizabeth's P.O.V.

How did they?? I was so careful!

"Well?" El and Dani asked.

"Um yea, some things happened today so I ran home," I looked at the boys, before conitnuing, "I swear I didn't think paparazzi would get a picture of me, let alone, make it look like you guys did something horrible."

In case you're wondering what was on the paper, it was simple: a picture of me crying, with the caption: 1D's mishap with sister? Did they not take care of her enough, when they looked for schools? Or do they just not care about her? Now how exactly they made it look bad on them, I'll never know. What I do know is, is that I wasn't crying because of the boys.

"We know," Lou said.

"It's ok, Liz, it'll turn out fine," Niall said, soothingly, as I stood up.

"But they made it look like you practically don't care about me, and that you just sent me to some random school, paparazzi sucks," I said as I paced around the room.

"Shortstack, sit down please," Zayn, basically, pleaded, from his spot on my bed.

I was too wrapped up in my thoughts, about how to clear everything, to acknowledge it too much. Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms wrap around, and lead me to my bed, before plopping me into their lap. 

"Hey what was that for?" I partially pouted.

"You were pacing, princess," Harry started, but before I could answer, he continued, "and we all know when you pace, you're planning something or you're nervous, or mad or all of the above."

I huffed and crossed my arms, not knowing what to say. It's true though, I only pace during those times, and this time it was all of the above.

"So breathe, deep breath, in.... out," Niall soothed, looking at me, and imitating what I should be doing.

I half- hartedly used his breathing technique.

"Can I do a twitcam, guys?" I questioned, looking around.

My body was slowly, but surely, loosing its wanting to pace, and I was relaxing, meaning I was calming down.

"Sure, just be careful, cupcake," Liam said, handing me my laptop.

I nodded, and signed in and took a deep breath.

"Should I announce it first?" I asked, but realized it was a stupid question, Of course I should annouce it first!

Realizing this, I quickly logged onto my twitter and announced it.

@One_Direction_Angel: Twitcam... now! Come join :) Guest stars *sing-song* Ok maybe not completely, but, meh, whatever you should check it out, lol! :) <3

There, now that, that was done, time to begin. I saw the numbers fly to the roof as I waited for a fair amount of viewers.

"Hey guys, as many, if not all, of you know, I'm Liz, One Direction's little sister," I began, and moved the camera around the room showing everyone in the room, before  I continued, "As most of you, atleast the ones in my surrounding areas, have probably seen this picture," I paused once again to show them the picture, "Well the caption is not correct at all, promise! I just had a cra-," I saw Liam give me a look, and changed the word, "bad day, like super bad, and thats why I was crying. I love the boys and they have never hurt me, so please don't believe that magazine. Now if you have any questions, ask away."

I laughed at some of the questions and did my best to answer, along with boys and their girlfriends,  if they were directed at them.

"Yes, I am single, but its whatever, I'll find that right boy someday," I replied the question, smiling into the camera.

I saw one question that caught my attention,for the boys.

"Ohh boys I got one for you: What's your opening act for the tour?" I asked, knowingly.

"Well, we can't reveal that," Niall piped up, before leaning into the camera. 

I laughed as 'boo's' came from the comments, and we want to know. 

"Oooh, here's one," Zayn said, and I'm pretty sure he was trying to change the subject, "Its like two, maybe three questions in one, it says: El and Dani what's your favorite thing about Liz?" He stopped there to let the girls answer.

"Hmmm, I really love her personality, it like always seems like she's so bubbly," Dani said, smiling.

"Wow thats a tough one, I really love how energetic she is, its like never boring with her," El replied, smiling.

"Alright the next part of that question is: Whats your favorite thing about Liz, boys?" Zayn continued and looked around at the guys.

It took a couple seconds, but Niall spoke up, first.

"Well first off, she's my babygirl, and I love her the best a big brother can," He began, leaning into  the camera's view, next to me, "Plus, she's basically just like me, we both love food, and sleeping!" He chuckled, before kissing my cheeck, and sitting up straight.

"Well, I love my Shortstack, because, She's not afraid, to speak her mind, most times, and she's fearless," Zayn said, leaning over to kiss my temple.

"My turn!" Louis shouted, before jumping next to me, almost knocking Niall off the bed, and continued, "I love Liz, because, She's mini me, in the form of sass! Geez you guys think I have sass, you should see this little girl, when she gets into sass mode," He said, causing me to gasp before he continued, laughing, "Just kidding, she does have sass, but it never gets bad, but I love her for it!" He exclaimed, hugging me, and, what do you know, kissing my forehead.

I have a feeling I will be getting a kiss from every single boy when they answer.

Liam spoke up, soon after Louis was done with his, "I love that she loves watching the Toy Story movies with me, because well, we just have marathons of that and other Disney movies." He explained, and kissed me on the cheeck.

"I love Liz, because she makes for an awesome tour buddy, of course all of us probably think that, and she also makes an awesome cooking partner, makes it all the better," Harry said chuckiling, tightening his grip around me, and craning his head around to kiss me on the cheeck.

"Now for the final question, drum roll," Zayn started, and had everyone do a drum roll and looked at me, "Why do you love the boys and their girlfriends, liz?"

"Wow that's a toughy," I said, laughing, "Well first let me begin by saying, whats not to love? Secondly, the girls are super  sweet and always their for me, and I love them for that! As for the boys, they're my brothers and I love them, sure we disagree, sometimes, at the end of the day we know we have each others' back," I smiled as I looked around at everyone around the room.

"Next question!" El sang out, smiling.

"Yes I did say toughy thank you very much," I said, laughing at one of the questions.

"Sass," I heard Louis cough, and smiled at him.

After I answered a few more questions, my eyes got heavier, and I decided it was time to end it.

"Well, this has been fun guys, thanks for hanging out! Hopefully we can do this again, soon, bye," I said, waving along with the others.

"Aww, is someone tired?" Harry asked, chuckling as he looked down at me.

"Yes," I mumbled, snuggling into his chest.

"How about I go make us some food, and you can nap," He suggested, beginning to shift under me.

I was too tired to talk, so I simply murmured a yes in remark, soon feeling the covers around me and I was out like a light.

I don't know how long I was asleep, but suddenly a heard a buzz coming from my bedside table.

"Ugh," I mumbled, rolling over to grab my phone.

Suddenly, my eyes popped open reading the collar I.D.. How did they? Why are they?

"NIALL!!" I yelled, not knowing what to do, so deciding that calling one of them would work.

"Babygirl!" Niall yelled up the stairs, panic in his voice.

Before I could say anything Niall and Lou were at the door, should've known atleast one other boy would come with him, the others are probably cooking. I didn't say anything, deciding to just show them the phone. When they saw the I.D. the faces they gave made me question whether I should've shown them or not. Ultamitly (sp?) knew I had too.


Am I actually posting when I said I wouldn't be allowed too? Yes!! I managed to get internet, so yea, haha. Now tomorrow I am super busy, so I am not promising anything! Anyways I hope you like this! I'm watching Kenan & Kel, gosh I miss this show! Sorry for the randomness, but I just love this show!! Who's on the phone? What will the boys do? How will tour go? Yup that vote spot is empty without your help, so you should, go... erm.... vote! and Comment! Thank you!!! :D<3


P.S. I promise , next chapter won't be just one person's P.O.V., that was just the only way to get this chapter to come out how I wanted it too.

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