Learn Along The Way (A Louis...

By ErinBuckley15

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McKenna Pizano is just a regular 19 year old with a dark past that seems to haunt her everywhere she goes. So... More

Chapter One: The Pharmacy
Chapter Two: Hospital
Chapter Three: Memories and Hurt
Chapter Four: Get Me Out of This Hell Hole
Chapter Five: Adventure Time Footy Pajamas
Chapter Six: My Noble Steed
Chapter Seven: Stay With Me?
Chapter Eight: Kiss Me
Chapter Nine: Blown Away
Chapter Eleven: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter Twelve: Game Night
Chapter Thirteen: Love In The Airport
Chapter Fourteen: The Letter
Chapter Fifteen: Unexpected Visitor
Chapter Sixteen: Ginger Jesus and Laptops
Chapter Seventeen: Two More Days
Chapter Eighteen: Surprise
Chapter Nineteen: Yes
Chapter Twenty: Poster
Chapter Twenty-One: Hate
Chapter Twenty-Two: Halloween
Chapter Twenty-Three: Switzerland
Chapter Twenty-Four: Epilogue
Epilogue #2

Chapter Ten: Love?

442 8 2
By ErinBuckley15

*Louis' POV*

I felt McKenna shift on top of me, trying to get out of my grip. I tighten my arm around her waist, pushing her back into my chest. "Louis." she whines, but her face is against my chest, so it comes out muffled. "Mmpghs" I say, mimicking her. She picks up her head and sticks out her tongue, a gesture of which I amusedly return.

"Just five more minutes, Love." She smiles and nuzzles her face into my neck as I bury mine in her hair. It smells like vanilla. I smile. I could get used to waking up like this.


"Hmm?" She heaved a heavy sigh and I looked down at her, concerned.

"What's wrong love?"

"Do you think they're memories? Do you think my father, did those things to me?" I took a piece of hair that had fallen into her face and pushed it behind her ears.

"There's only one way to find out." I said. She looked at me confused. I picked up her cell phone and dialled Anika's number. "Hello?" She picked up after the third ring.

"Hey, it's Louis. McKenna keeps having these nightmares, and I was wondering if they were memories or not."

"Are they about her father?" I'm shocked at that question.

"Yeah, they are. I take it they are memories." She replied with telling me everything about what her father did to her, ending with him killing her mother and taking his own life. I looked over at the girl who was absentmindedly drawing shapes on my torso, waiting for an answer. "Wow" is all I can say before she tells me she has to go. I hang up the phone and McKenna looks up at me expectantly.

"So? Are they memories?"

"Uh, yeah. Unfortunately, they are. But there's more to it that you still don't know." She urges me to continue and I tell her about her mother. I expect her to be crying, but her expression is blank.

"Are you okay?"

"Yep. I don't remember her, so I don't feel anything. I want to, but I just can't." I nodded, completely understanding.

"So wait, I'm not a virgin anymore because of my own father?" I nodded weakly.

"Oh" she squeaked out and ran to the loo. I knocked on the door and opened it, knowing full well she wasn't using it. "McKenna?" She looked up from her spot on the ground and my heart broke. She had tears down her face, her eyes were red and puffy, but the worst part was what she was saying.

"I feel so dirty. No guy will ever like me if they know my past. I'm such a slut." I couldn't hear it anymore. I fell to my knees and pulled her into my chest.

"Stop it. You are NOT a slut. How could you say that? You did nothing wrong, he was the one who took advantage of your innocence. This is in no way a reflection on you. Knowing this makes me realize you are ten times stronger than I thought you were. And as for guys not liking you because they know your past is wrong-" She looked up at me with teary eyes. "because I know about your past, and if anything, it made me like you more."

*McKenna's POV*

After Louis told me he liked me, I immediately felt better. I got up off the ground and took a shower. I made my way to my closet with a towel wrapped around my body. Louis poked his head in the room.

"Wear something comfortable. We're doing active things today." Before I could even respond, he disappeared back down the hallway. I sighed and picked out an outfit for me to wear. I pulled on the blue plaid vest top and my cut off shorts. I painted my nails quickly a light blue and slipped on my light blue vans. I grabbed my RayBans and walked out to meet the boys.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise, Love. Now come on. We have to leave." I pouted and tried to guilt Louis into telling me.

"Must... resist... the... face... TIME TO GO NOW!" He screams and the other boys show up. They are all wearing shorts and t-shirts.

"Seriously what are we doing?"

"NO QUESTIONS. IT IS TIME TO GO. NOW MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!!!!!!" And before I knew it, we were in a big car driving to our unknown destination. In the front was Paul and Harry, then Zayn and Liam, and finally, I was sat between Niall and Louis in the back. I lean in and whisper to Louis, "Who is Paul anyway? Like why is he always here?" Louis gave the other boys an uneasy glance before answering.

"He's Harry's... uncle. Yeah, he's Harry's uncle." When we pulled up to the area, I am confused. All I see is a giant wall.

"What's behind that wall?"

"Jesus, McKenna just be patient!" Liam says and I giggle. I guess I could be pretty impatient. We walk into the place and I gasp. I see a huge racetrack, a giant arcade, and an old style diner.

"What is this place?!?" I say, my voice dripping with excitment.

"McKenna, welcome to Buck's Go Karts." I turn to him excited.

"How does this work? When can I go on that thing? Are we gonna eat here? I WANNA RACE YOU!" He chuckles and takes my hand. "THEN LET'S GO!"

We run over to the race track and see a guy standing there in a full uniform. "Hey guys! You all wanna race? We can do a relay." We nodded and the guy told us to make teams and pick partners to race.

Team Sexy was  Harry, Niall and I, and Team Foxy was Zayn, Liam, and Louis. Harry will race Zayn first, then Niall and Liam, and finally me and Louis. We all put on our helmets. Harry had a dark red one, Zayn had a red and white one, Niall had a black one, Liam had a black and yellow one, Louis had a bright red one, and I had a pink and black one.

Zayn and Harry got into their karts and when the whistle blew, they were off. When they got about halfway  down the track, Liam and Niall got into their carts. Zayn came first, sending off Liam before Harry came in a few seconds later, causing Niall to speed off. Louis and I got into our karts. Suddenly his voice came in my ear.

"Get ready to die."


"See ya!" He says as Zayn came racing in. Niall came in right after and I pressed my foot to the floor. Smoke followed behind me as I raced after Louis, quickly gaining on him. We were close to the finish line and I revved the engine, causing me to speed in front of him.

"Eat my dust, Tommo!" I shout as I cross the finish line a few seconds before he does. I'm lifted out of the kart by Niall and Harry and I find myself sitting on their shoulders. "All hail Queen Mac. All hail Queen Mac." Team Foxy says, while getting on their knees and bowing down to me.

"Alright peasants. That's quite enough." I say with a giggle. I felt two strong hands grab my waist and see Louis helping me down. I jump into his arms and wrap my arms around his neck. Then, in one swift motion, I unwrapped my legs and shifted to his back.

"I believe, considering I killed you, you will be my personal slave."

"Oh please, you did not 'kill' me. You beat me by like two-"


"But I didn't say anything-"

"THAT IS NO WAY TO SPEAK TO YOUR QUEEN!" He chuckled and shook his head, but didn't say anymore. "TO FOOD!" I scream, and the boys take off towards the diner. I throw my head back and laugh. I really love these boys.

*Louis' POV*

We walk into the diner and sit down. The waitress comes over and squeals. Shit. She recognizes us.

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE MCKENNA PIZANO!" Wait... what? How do she know McKenna?

"Uh, I'm sorry do I know you?"

"No, but I wish you did! I watch your videos on YouTube! I was so sad when you didn't post one this week. Are you going to soon?" McKenna looked hesitant, but nodded smiling. She clearly has no idea what this girl is talking about, but knowing McKenna, she probably just doesn't want to tell her that.

"Can I have a picture and an autograph?"

"Sure." She says, standing up. The girl asks me to take the picture, which I do happily. Then McKenna signs her phone and the girl finally takes our orders and skips off.

"What YouTube videos?" Niall asks.

"I have no idea, but when we get home I'll find out." We finish our food and the place is about to close. We get back into the car and start driving back to McKenna's flat. She leant her head against my shoulder and I put an arm around her waist. Liam sent me a look saying we'll talk later. I looked at him confusedly, but shook it off.

McKenna fell asleep, so when we got to her flat, I carried her bridal style into the lobby. I reached into her pocket and took out the key and let us up into the flat. I changed her into her pajamas and put her into bed, kissing her forehead. I met up with Liam in the kitchen.

"What's up Liam?"

"What's up with you and McKenna."

"I don't know. I mean I really like her, like a lot. There's a ton of chemistry and stuff. I don't know. Nothing yet."

"Are you sure you aren't doing this to get over Eleanor?" I tense at her name.

"I'm over Eleanor. I don't even think about her anymore. McKenna is completely different than her. I wouldn't do that to her. She's way too important to me to play her like that. She isn't a rebound." He smiled warmly at me.

"Okay. I was just making sure. Goodnight Lou."

"Goodnight Li." He rolled his eyes at the nickname and I walked down to mine and McKenna's room. I strip down to my boxers and join her in the bed.

"Goodnight McKenna." I say, knowing full well she is completely sacked out. When she doesn't respond, I kiss her cheek.

"I...I love you." I say, barely audiable, knowing she couldn't possibly hear me. I smile and pull her into my body. Her legs intertwine with mine and I bury my face in the crook of her neck. I could stay like this forever. I really could.

*McKenna's POV*

Holy. Shit. Louis. Just. Said. He. Loved. Me.



BWAHAHAHA! What will McKenna say? Hmmmm? Hope I don't torture you too much with this! MWAHAHAHA I FEEL EVIL.

Peace loyal potatoes xx

~Your Supreme Potato (Erin)

McKenna's Outfit to the Race Track: http://www.polyvore.com/mckennas_outfit_to_race_track/set?id=80799841

The Boys' and McKenna's Helmets: http://www.polyvore.com/boys_mckennas_helmets/set?id=80799905

McKenna's Pajamas: http://www.polyvore.com/mckennas_pajamas/set?id=80799961

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