Sins & Secrets

By da1gotdajuice

373 52 14

In the town of Springshaven on the outskirts of New York, four girls Samantha Thorton, Ava Moore, Kirsten Ree... More

It's Just The Beginning
1. A New Chapter .... Again
2. Check Mate Bitch
4. Not So Perfect
5. Family Matters
7. Heres To Friends .. Sorta
8. False Advertisment
9. Uninvited Attention
10. Family Feuds
11. DTR
12. Girl Code 101
13. Surface Tension
14. The Start of Something New
15. Crusin' For Some Brusin'
16. Wiped Out
17. Three's a Crowd
18. Anger Mangement Much
19. Lean on Me
20. On The Run
21. Show Time
22. Break Up to Make Up
23. A New Friend
24. Parting Ways
25. Cat Got Ya Tongue

3. Unwanted Surprise.

23 3 1
By da1gotdajuice

Ellie hopped out of her dad's pickup truck before he could put it in park.
"Slow down would ya?" He shouted as she stormed inside. Her mom Olivia jumped as she watched her daughter bust through the door.
"Where is he?!" Ella shouted. Before she could turn stood her brother Myles. Warm tears streamed as she was pulled in for a hug. She only cried because she hadn't seen her brother since he went for the military  when she was 12.
"I miss you kid." He smiled. His dark blue eyes balanced his wavy dirty blond hair that swayed above his ears. "How have you been?"
She pulled back cleaning the tears off her face. "I've been good, just glad you are home." The door knob twist and in came their dad Isaac. Myles immediately ran and gave him a hug. Ellie could hear her mom sob with a smile.
"My family is back together," she cried. "Okay enough of this, settle down and tell us about the military and what made you come home."
Ellie and her parents followed Myles into the living room as he explained his story. She sat in awe as she listen to her brothers heroic duties. He was always her biggest hero.
"Well then what made you come home?" Her dad asked.
"Well, I got a new job." Myles confessed. "I can't say much but it's with the government and makes enough money for my family."
"Wait what do you mean by 'my family'?" Their mother Olivia questioned.
"Well.." His voice trailed.
Ellie heart started to pound. She felt the next words that were going to come out could really change the future. She look at Myles face, it was the same face he made when he told their parents that he wanted to join the military.
"What is it honey?" Olivia questioned again. 
Myles cheeks blushed red. 
"Boy answer your mother." Their father said. His tone changed, he sounded more worried.
"Okay." Myles sighed. "Well-" before he could finish the door bell ringed.
"I'll get it." Ellie paced to door where she saw a feminine figure. She slid the door open and a large smile greeted her. "Hi I'm Riley, and you must be Ellie?"
"I am, how do you know my name?" Ellie questioned. She gripped the door knob tight just in case if she needed to slam the door.
"I'm Myles' girlfriend." She flashed another smile at Ellie. Her wide mouth made it hard to not notice all of her teeth. Her copper tent hair color was pulled back into slick pony tail. Her body snugged inside a tropical color romper which made her pale skin stand out. Her face was lightly coated with blush and her lips puckered with a soft shade of pick lipstick.
"Ellie who's at the door?" Her mom shouted.
"Is that your mom?" Riley asked "I've always wanted to meet her." Riley pushed pass Ellie and made her way to the living room.
"Riley?!" Myles exclaimed.
"Who's this?" Their mother asked?
"Yeah who's this?" Ellie repeated.
  Myles grabbed Riley by the hand and pulled her closer to him. "Mom, dad, .. Ellie, this is Riley."
Ellie already knew his next line. "My girlfriend."
Ellie looked at the reaction of her parents. Her mothers eyes bugle from their sockets and her fathers's face was in awe.
"But that's not it," he confessed.
Ellie's mom sighed. "What else could it be?"
"Well, mom.... Riley's... Pregnant." Myles hesitated each word.
Ellie's parents jaw dropped, Ellie's mouth dropped. That type of news was shock especially coming from him.
"What the hell?" Their dad sat up.
"How long is she?" Ellie asked.
"3 months." Myles answered.
Their dad stood up. "I'm really shocked you hid this from us." Their mother stood up behind him. "We're family, there is no secrets." Ellie watched as their parents dragged their disappointed faces up their stairs to the rooms. Leaving Ellie, Myles & Riley in an awkward silence.

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