20. On The Run

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Ava slipped on some leggings, a hoodie, and running shoes and headed out the door. She needed to go for a jog, get some fresh air and it really gave her some time to think. Running out to the front lawn, her father was pulling into the drive way. He had been gone all night long and was just pulling in.
"Good morning," he said as he got out the car. "Where are you going?"
"For a jog," she responded. "Where did you go last night?"
"Out." He paced up to the door.
"Out where?" Ava asked. She just wanted to see if he was going to come clean about her mom being clean and wanting to see her.
"I was just out," he darted inside the house. "It's nothing serious Ava."
"If it's nothing serious, just tell me." She followed him back in the house. "Was it mom?"
"What did you say?" Her father asked.
"I heard you talking to mom last night so I just assume.." Her voiced trailed off.
"You assumed nothing," her dad's tone grew stern. "I'm a grown man and I can do what want, you don't question me."
"Dad I just-"
"Dad nothing," he interrupted. "Don't bring your mothers name back into this house."
"Is she back?" She cried. "Is she clean?"
"Why!" Her dad screamed. "So she can come back into your life and ruin you like she's ruined me." His face eyes became red and she watched as a tear fell from his eyes. "I don't want you to go through it again." Is he really doing this for the benefit of me? She pondered to herself. Or is he protecting himself?
"I just want to be able to see her." She pleaded. "Is that so much to ask."
"Yes!" Her father screamed. "With her past, you don't know what she's capable of."
"But I just want to-"
"But nothing Ava!" Her father interrupted. "What don't you understand of no, you aren't seeing her!"
He gave her a glare before going into the kitchen. "She isn't gonna ruin my family."
"She is family!" Ava cried. She couldn't believe her father at this person. He wasn't the person she knew before the moved to Springshaven, he had changed.
"No she's not!" Her father screamed. "She hasn't been since forever," his fist balled she knew he wanted to punch the wall. "Just get out of my face." 
She fought her tears back, running out the door. She ran over a few blocks letting her tears come down. She had never cried so hard in her life. Her cheeks soaked with her tears she knelt down and tied her shoe. The corner caught a glimpse of movement. A hooded figure shot past her almost knocking Ava off her feet. What the hell! The hooded figure stared at Ava from a few feet away. It looked like the same hooded figure from last night. Mom? She thought to herself. Ava stood to her foot. "Hey!" The figure stood still. 
"Hey!" She called again. The figures still didn't move. Ava cleaned her hands off before started to pursue slowly. She knew it could of been dangerous but it something felt right about it. "Do I know you?"
The hooded figure remained still.
"Mom!" Ava screamed. "Is that you?"
The figure remained still.  Ava paced slowly the figure started walking away from her.
"Hey!" She called as she began to pick up speed. The figure began to pick up speed. "Wait don't leave!"
The figure ran faster and faster making Ava going full throttle. She followed it into the forest behind her neighborhood. The long rows of large trees followed by the sounds of animals put a chill down her back. The hooded figure was gone.
"Mom!" Ava called out.
"Is anybody there?" She called out. No response.
Ava turned to her left and right. "If you are here then come out." She could feel the presence of someone near. Another tree branch snapped before she walked back into her neighborhood.

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