protect me (stiles stilinski)...

By AmericanBum98

85.4K 1.5K 320

season 1 & 2 of teen wolf More

Dead body I think no.
A wolf Really.
A choice
some convincing....
A date.
Dont die Derek!
Heart Monitor
stuck in school
Day off... (part 1)
Day off (part 2)
Happy birthday & day off part 3 (part three)
Back to the super natural..
Not in the mood.
winter formal
season 2
another wolf really.
Erica and Boyd
Study group.
Out of the loop.
Happy birthday Lydia
Message ❤

Seriously Naked.

2.4K 42 21
By AmericanBum98

Disclaimer: I do not own teen wolf it is not mine the only person who is mine is shayla and her family otherwise all of it belongs to Jeff Davis.

Its been about 2 in a half weeks sense formal, and nothing has really changed but Peter being killed by Derek, Derek turning into the Allah and before Peter even died he killed Kate, and even worse, Allison's mom Victoria has invited me to the funeral for some odd reason. But as far from that nothing big, right now Stiles and I are at the hospital visting Lydia well we're waiting to see Lydia. I was talking to another nurse when I saw Stiles sleep, i walk over to him.

"Oooo Shay, I like that." He mumbles, I roll my eyes.

"Really Stiles what do you like about it." I whipser in his ear.

"Everything, espically the way your butt looks." He says back, I laugh and get closer to his ear.

"Well your gonna hate me when I yell." I say.

"Really your... so naughty." He smirks, I chuckle then lean closer and yell.

"STILES!" he jumps awake and looks at me while clutching his chest.

"Shay what the hell?" He says trying to get his breathing under control.

"Aww sorry babe, but someone was having a really inappropriate dream." I say smirking and walking over sitting on his lap.

"Hey I wouldnt have had that dream if you would have just, tried on the Victoria secret stuff we got yesterday." Stiles huffs laying his head on my chest as I wrap my arms around him.

"Your such a baby, if you wait a little longer maybe when we get to my house I can, you know my aunt finally moved out, my mom is working late and my dad some how managed to get a job as a lawyer so he's gonna be out later doing paperwork." I say smiling.

"Hmmm sounds like a plan." He says giving me a kiss.

"I'm hungry." I say standing up.

"okay I have some money what do you want from the vending machine?" He ask standing.

"Uhhh the chips ahoy." I say he nods and walks that way.

Ugh I have had a headache all day, it's like my head is trying to tell me something but won't say it. I have mastered some of my powers like connecting to people and knowing when they are hurt, I also learned how to use my strength, and I can at times move things, with the angryer I get, but my mom says my bow and arrow will always be my first line of defence I use it better. I'm soon ripped out of my thoughts by aloud bang, I turn the corner and see Stiles had knocked down the vending machine. I shake my head at him, he quickly walks over to me and pulls me back to our waiting spot.

"Really." I say.

"What nothing was coming....." Stiles was soon cut off to an ear piercing scream only for this to cause me to scream.

"Babe what's wrong." Stiles says in panic.

"Ugh make it stop, go it's....ugh it's Lydia!" I say he nods and runs into her room, soon it stops I pull my hands from my ears to see my hands have blood on them, I get up and run in the room and see no strawberry blond.

"What happen?" I ask.

"She is gone." Stiles says.

"Yea and the worse part is she is Naked." Melissa says.
I walk outside to stiles Jeep to see Scott, I'm still not really talking to him, after I got hurt he didn't really come and see me. If he hadn't been so wrapped up in Allison, Lydia and I wouldn't have gotten hurt but Stiles on the other hand forgave him cause Scott needs him.

"Hey Shay." Scott says.

I mumble a short hello before hoping in and pulling out my bow and putting the arrow holder on.

"Still not talking to me, Shay come on it's been weeks! I have texted you sorry, I have called you and I have been leaving notes in your locker. I have even been sending flowers to your house." Scott says.

"Scott that's not the point! You don't get it, you put her first! I almost died... no scratch that I did die! And you didn't care... you didn't even try to come see me. Scott I thought I was like your sister, but I guess not." I say as a tear came down my face I quickly whipped it.

"Shay.... " Scott didn't finish as Stiles comes up.

"Here....oh uh am I interrupting..." Stiles mumbled.

"No, just get in so we can find my best friend." I say crossing my arms.

"Okay." Stiles says.

"So This is the one she was just wearing?" Scott ask me.

I nod. "Yea when I saw here before she went to sleep she was wearing that." I say looking in the review mirror.

"I'm not gonna let anyone hurt her, okay shay not even you not again." He says looking at me I nod and look back out the window.

" All right, just shove the thing in your face and let's find her." Stiles says Scott sniffs it as Stiles backs up only for Allison to appear.

"Whoa Wow!" Stiles says as Allison opens Scott's door I roll my eyes great.

"What are you doing here? Someone's gonna see us." Scott says I snort Yea cause you guys are so important right now.

"I don't care.... she is my best friend, and we need to find her before they do." Allison says looking at Scott.

" I can find her before the cops can." Scott says not getting what she ment.

"Scott she is talking about her father, you idiot." I say sitting back Stiles glares at me but I ignore it.

"Shay your still mad. Look I said I was sorry, I didn't know okay I wish I could....." Allison didn't finish.

"I don't care okay." I say, I see hurt in Allisons eyes when I really don't care.

"Wait your dad, He knows?" Stiles says.

"Yeah. I just saw him and three other guys leave my house in two SUVs." Allison says.

"Search party." Scott suggest.

"It's more like a hunting party." I say.

"Get in." Scott says i scoot ocer so allison can get in.

"All right, but if she's turning, would they actually kill her?" Sriles ask pulling out.

"I don't know. They won't tell me anything. Okay, all they say is, "We'll talk after Kate's funeral, when the others get here, shay are you still going to that?" Allison says.

"Well your father and mother keeping coming over and staying for dinner so I will go, so yes my mother and I will be attending." I huff.

"Whoa wait What others?" Stiles says.

Alliaon sighs. "I don't know, they won't tell me that yet."

"Okay, your family's got some serious communication issues to work on. Scott, are we going the right way?" I ask.

"Take the next right!" Scott yells with his head out the window.

As we drive I notice how familiar this looked this is the path to dereks house, we hopped out the car and walked to the Hale house.

"She came here? You sure?" Stiles ask.

"Yeah, this is where the scent leads." Scott says.

"All right, but has Lydia ever been here?" Stiles says looking at Allison and I.

"Not with me no, I have never brought her here nor would I ever." I say.

"Not with me either. Maybe she came here on instinct, like she was looking for Derek." Allison says.

"You mean looking for an Alpha." I say, Allison smiles cause I was actually talking to her.

"Wolves need a pack, right?" Allison says

"Not all of them." I say.

"But would she have been drawn to an Alpha? Is it an instinct to be part of a pack?"

"Yeah, we're..we're stronger in packs." Scott says.

"Like strength in numbers?" I ask.

"No, like.... like, literally stronger, faster, better in every way." Scott says.

"That the same for any Alpha?" I ask

"That'll make Derek stronger too." Scott says.

"Shay connect to Lydia she is like meaningful to you so you can find her right?" Allison ask.

"Yea, it just..."

"She is scared, last time she did that she did almost die." Stiles says.

"Shay you don't have to if you don't want to okay I won't..." Scott doesn't finish.

"Scott shut up I forgive you okay just stop, I see your trying to make sure I'm okay, I notice it in the halls I school always keeping an eye and you to Allison I'm fine I'll do it." I say.

"Shay you don't have to." Allison says now scared.

"No it's fine just stand back a little." I say they do as I focus, I look at the Hale house and see Lydia she was here but walks where is she going.

"What do you see." Scott says I stop.

"She was here she walked in the house and out, then walked off but that's when it stops like she cuts me....." I couldn't finish as a sharp pain goes through my body I start screaming.

"Oh my God Shay whats wrong!?" Scott yells catching me before I fall. Stiles comes and crouching next to me, along with Allison.

"I can't .... I can't.. ahhh!.she... she did something it's like she ripped something out." My eyes come to realization.

"Shay what." Allison says as I sit up cause the pain stops.

"She didn't, she wouldn't... why would Lydia disconnect me, this isn't good." I say.

"Shay what?" Scott says stopping me from pacing.

"Scott if it disconnected it means she is dead or in danger cause I can't see her!" I say.

"Shay she isn't dead she can be, danger yes let's go we need to find her."

"I don't understand it's like she doesn't wanna be found." I mutter till Stiles interuppted.

"Whoa, hey, look at this. You see this? I think it's a tripwire."

"Um Stiles.. I don't think you should trip it." I say walking over.

"Babe I got this okay." Stiles says o roll my eyes as he trips the wire I see Scott fly upside down.

"Uh Stiles." Scott says.

"Yea buddy."

"Shay is right, Next time you see a tripwire, don't trip it." Scott says hanging.

"Yeah, noted." Stiles says looking at Scott.

"Lets try and get him down Shay will you help me please." Allison ask I nod as we walk over to Scott.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Someone's coming. Hide. Go!" Scott says, Allison and I run, I grab Stiles and his behind a tree across from Allison.

"Who is it?" Stiles whispers, I peek my head out a little to she's Chris.

"Its Chris I think he is threatening Scott." I say.

I see Chris leave and walk out from behind the tree with Allison beind we walk over to Scott.

"You okay?" Allison ask.

"It's just another life threatening conversation with your dad." He says I chuckle as Allison glares.

"What sorry,.but it s kind of funny your family is so poliet and nice, but have such a evil threatening side." I say as Allison rolls her eyes.

"Whatever will you guys just help me with this." She says.

"Thanks. But I think I got it." Scott says as he pulls out his claws and cuts it falling but landing on his feet, Allison looks at him amazed as Stiles looks at him cause it was cool all I do it's just roll my eyes.

"Stop being a show off am ex let's go." I say walking towards the Jeep.

After we tried looking for Lydia, we dropped Allison and scott off, so it's just Stiles and I.

"Okay babe it's 9:00pm I know your mom isnt off work and you said your dad is working late so.... can I have my fashion show." Stiles says smiling at me all cheeky, as we pull into my house. Stiles and I haven't had much alone time cause ever sense the winter formal my parents have been on me like a hawk.

"Well I don't know, it dependes can you beat me to the door." I say already running to the door.

"Hey no fair you cheated!" Stiles yells as he runs after me, I get to the door first as he comes up behind me.

"Shay you forgot your keys." Stiles says dangling then in front of me. I turn to face him.

"Why thank you." I say trying to grab the he pulls aways.

"Here I can unlock it." He whispers close to me ear, he unlocks the door and opens it.

"You didnt...." I didn't finish as Stiles smashes him lips to mine I wrap my arms around my neck, his hands go down signaling for me to jump so I did, Stiles holds his hands under my butt and carries me in the house closing the door with his foot. He starts walking up the stairs, I feel him use one arm to hold me as he opens my door and closes it along with locking it. He walks to the bed and lays me down on it we break apart so he can take off his shirt, I look at his body he has gotten more toned.

I see Stiles smirk. "I see you like what you see."

I smirk and take off my shirt only to see his mouth drop a little. "And I see you like what you see." I say.

"Oh shut up." He says kissing me again I flip us over so I'm on top straddling him I feel his hands on my waist, I move down to his neck and start leaving love bites, as my hands trail down his chest. Stiles lightly moans as I chuckle, soon Stiles flips us over he is in between my legs,using his hands on the side of him as support. He starts leaving love bits on me,as he trails closer to my chest, I moan, until I hear a car pull in and my dad on the phone.

"Yes Janet I'm home, I think Stiles is with her probably staying the night, yes....yes... I will check on them love you bye."

I push Stiles off and start freaking out.

"Babe what's wrong?" Stiles questions.

"You didn't hear my know what neveimd power thing, Stiles go in the bathroom, and your staying the night, my dad thinks that he is about to be up here to check on us." I say running to stiles clothes I have in my room and handing them to him and pushing him in the bathroom. I run to my dresser and grab a t shirt and short I run past my mirror and see Stiles love bites down my colar bone, ugh really I look and see a sweater and put it on... I hear my dad making his way up here I rush sit on the bed and pull out books, and a notebook for me and put on across for it to look like Stiles. Stiles comes out I point to the bed he rushes just then my dad walks in.

"Oh hey dad." I great.

"Hey Mr.Matthews." Stiles says.

"Hey guys I'm going to bed just checking on you love you Shay night, night stile." My dad says.

We both says "goodnight." As my dad leaves I let out a sigh of relife.

"That was close." I say.

"Yea do you know what your dad would do to me." Stiles says.

"Yea...let's go to bed, I miss cuddling with you." I say smiling, Stiles smiles and crawls over to me I push the stuff off my bed not caring as the boy I love wraps his arms around me and we fall asleep.

Next morning.

Stiles left early. I drove to school myself, I decided To wear wais high shorts and a white shirt with words on it, my white convers with the navy blue line, and Stiles dark blue and black with white flannel. When I get to school I go straight to class, I wanted to turn in my homework first don't ask it's a nerd thing I take my seat next to Allison Lydia usually sits in front of us but she isn't here, I see Allison walk in and sit down.

"Your such a geek, really had to turn it in first." She smiles at me.

"Well you know me." I say smiling.

"So how was last night with Stiles I see the marks he left you." Allison wiggles her eyebrows. I look and pull my flannel more to cover the spot.

"Ugh don't remind me it was going great but then, I heard my dad pull in he came home early, ever sense what happened at the school they have been watching non-stop." I say running my hands through my hair.

"I'm sorry if it helps Scott and I got interuppted by my dad as well, worse timing ever." Allison says rolling her eyes I chuckle as the bell rings and class starts.

"So are you ready for the funeral today, I'm leaving early to get dress and wait for my mom." I say.

"Um honestly Shay no, I'm nervous my mom even said whoever was coming wanted to meet you."

"What why?.. you know what I don't even care, Allison your not alone I'm gonna be there okay I promise never leave your side." I say grabbing Allison's hand, but our little talk was interuppted by Jackson getting up a leaving, I look at Scott and Stiles then Allison Oh something is up with Jackson and I need to find derek.

After class I was going to my locker when I heard a camera snap. I turn to see a boy with a camera I think his name is Matt.

"Oh sorry I like your outfit it's nice, not to girly but not to boyish." Matt says smiling.

"Well thanks I like your camera." He smiles and walks away. Hmm he seems nice wounded why we haven't talked well I have to get home. Once I got home I walked in the house only to see Victoria in my dinning room talking to my mom.

"Oh hello Mrs.Argent." I say smiling.

"Hello shayla please call me Victoria we have went over this." She smiled Allison's mom is really nice, Scott is crazy.

"Okay Victoria, um mom I'm gonna go get ready okay then we can go to there house, we are leaving together right." I say smiling.

"Yes, we are." My mom says smiling weird. I walk up to my room and grab the dress Victoria had picked out, I grabbed my black wedges and put my hair up in a perfect bun with my bangs out and tucked behind my ear I put a bow on my bun. As I look in the mirror I notice Derek is behind me.

"I didn't scare you this time?" Derek asked.

"No... after dying and coming back, nothing really scares me.

"Shay turn around." Derek says coming and standing behind me.

"Derek your heart it's beating really fast." I say not turning but looking at his reflection in my mirror.

"Shay just turn the fuck around." He says I turn and he grabs my face and checks my nose, ears, and eyes.

"Okay what was that for." I ask

"Shay you can't be upset."

"Now you care, you didn't care when you killed Peter, you didn't care when I almost died, and you most certainly don't care for Scott." I say narrowing my eyes at him.

"Look Shay I know you hate me, but I will always care about you okay and Scott, but look I gave Jackson the bit."

"You did what?!"

"But the weird part is his body is rejecting it, but tour not getting is symptoms to know he is hurt why?" Derek questions.

"I don't know my powers have been off, Lydia is gone and I can't find her.... she actually disconnected herself from me."

"Wait she did that?" Derek asked.

"Yea, i thought i was wrong but no she did it to me I didn't so it to her."

"Shay that is impossible." Derek says.

"I know derek I know." I say pacing.

"Look don't stress I will figure it out go to the funeral and stay calm you'll need it." Derek says I nod and he walks to my window and hops out, just then my mom comes in.


"Yea I'm ready." I say as we walk out and for to the argents for Kate agents funeral.

Scott's pov.

Stiles and I are on our way to the funeral, Shay and Allison are attending.

"Okay dude Shay left marks, like crazy." I say as I see like the 5th love bite on Stiles.

"Yea and it would have went further is she didn't hear her dad he has the worst timing ever, anyway her powers are developing thought her hearing is new." Stiles says.

"Thats good.... Oh look there!" I say as Stiles Parks and we run and hide behind a grave stone.

"Look at Shay she looks amazing." Stiles gushes.

"Yea..yea whatever." I say I see Victoria talking to Janet and I listen in.

"Victoria you and your husband ate pushing no Shay is pure letting her be a hunter puts people at risk"

"Janet listen let him talk her please, we lost Kaye we need another."

"I will talk to her father."

"Dude you will not believe what I just heard.


"They want shay to replace kate." I say.

"What no."

"Stiles clam down I'm not letting one take Shay."

"Wait look who is that?" Stiles asked I listen.

"Oh my gos stiles....its... its... her grandfather, well great he is the one who wants shay
And I will never let her be in danger again.

"Wow he looks even more scarier then her mom.." Stiles says as I nod, I look and see Matt looking at Shay, he is so weird I have seen him take pictures of her, Weird weird guy.

Shays pov.

As the funeral finishes I hug Allison and Victoria along with chris and tell them bye. They said goodbye as me and my mother start to walk away until someone calls me.

"Shayla." Allison's grandfather calls me.

"Oh umm hi Mr.Argent." I say smiling.

"No please call me Gerard, I just wanted to say thank you for being here for Allison and the family." He says smiling.

"Oh well your welcome, I'm just being a friend." I say.

"Allison needs more friends like you, well I will hopefully see you soon... you as well Janet." He says smiling I turn and see my mom looking uneasy, okay I turn and see Gerard already walking away I shrug it off and walk back to my mom and we get in the car and leave. As we get home I decided to go upstairs and do homework, I pull out my books and set them on my bed, I turn to go get dress in my pajamas, as I sit on my bed I open my books, as I read one, and turn the page something falls out a little note.

'You looked beautiful today as always.'

I smile Stiles can be so sweet the rest of the night I spent it on studying.

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