protect me (stiles stilinski)...

By AmericanBum98

85.4K 1.5K 320

season 1 & 2 of teen wolf More

Dead body I think no.
A wolf Really.
A choice
some convincing....
A date.
Dont die Derek!
Heart Monitor
stuck in school
Day off... (part 1)
Happy birthday & day off part 3 (part three)
Back to the super natural..
Not in the mood.
winter formal
season 2
Seriously Naked.
another wolf really.
Erica and Boyd
Study group.
Out of the loop.
Happy birthday Lydia
Message ❤

Day off (part 2)

2.5K 43 8
By AmericanBum98

I wake up to stiles lightly snoring and his face barred in my neck. I smile at his cuteness and kiss his noes, only for him to wake up.

"Morning." He says. "Your hair smells good."

I chuckle "Thanks now I'm gonna go get dress while you do the same." Stiles just simply groans.

I get up grab some clothes and go to the bathroom to change, I decided to wear and outfit I bought it was a pinkish grey sweater, with blue jeans. I walk out the closet cause I didn't know what shoes.

"Stiles what shoes?"

"Hmmm put on the white convers with the red and blue lines grounded them." Stiles says, I nod and put on the shoes. I get up to look and the mirror to smile I like this outfit I walk in my bathroom and grab a white bow, my hair is wavy not curly or straight but wavy I pull me bangs only to be stopped by stiles.

"Wait I wanna do it."

"Do what?"

"Your hair please, I wanna put the clip in."

"Okay sure." I hand him the clip and he take pieces from both sides including my bangs pull it back and clips it perfectly in place. "Thank you." I smile I turn around and Peck him on the lips.

"Your very welcome, so what are we doing today?"

"Well I wanted practice using my bow and arrow."

"Okay let's go you have a bow in my car still right." I nod. "Okay grab your phone I'll grab your bag." I nod again once I grabbed my phone stiles grabbed my and threw me over his shoulder.

"Stiles put me down." I giggle.

"You giggle is so cute." Stiles says once we make it to the door I see my aunt.

"Oh where are you guys going." She asked stiles put me down.

"Oh some simple target practice." I say.

"Oh can I cone Shay I haven't seen you shoot in forever, who's car am I riding in." She asked.

"Sure, Yea I have an extra bow if you wanna shoot as Well, and stiles Jeep." I say she nods and walks out, with us we all hop in the Jeep and drive to my shooting place, I grab my bow and push out to unlocke it.

"Whoa when did you get that one Shay." My aunt asked.

"Oh last year I broke my old, one and was so upset Scott and stiles saved money to buy a new one, but then mom got my old one fixed and bought and extra so I have three now but I usually use the one Scott and stiles bought me."

"You guys really care for her don't you." My aunt asked stiles as i prepped my stuff.

"Yea we wanted her happy, she was upset for two weeks about it." Stiles says smiling.

"Okay I'm ready I say." Stiles nods and gets his timer out, when I come up here I shoot every target and see time then in the woods Scott and stiles, along with the sheriff helped me hide dummies so I can walk out and shoot them like they are people, and he sees how fast I can do that.

"Okay target first or dummies." Stiles asked.

"Dummies." I say and turn around to the path.

"Okay so we follow behind her?" My aunt asked.

"Yea, she needs us behind her so we can tell her what she needs to work on, and be careful some of the dummies lunge my dad helped with that, he thinks Shay needs moving dummies to help a lot." Stiles says to my aunt.

"Okay whats he top time?" My aunt asked.

"That's amazing it's actually 4 minutes and 30 seconds to shoot fifty dummies in the path." Stiles says.

"Yea but I have been practicing I wanna make my time 2min and 30 seconds." I say determined.

"You got this babe, ready." Stiles says, I nod. "Go." The fist dummy comes up and I shoot it in the head, one comes from the ground, I Do a back flip and shoot while landing on my feet, Yea gymnastics really came in handy..this time I was moving faste and shooting more then one at a time, when I finish I turn and look at stiles, panting.

"Babe... you got your time but you got 2minutes and 20 seconds." Stiles smiles.

"Oh my god yes." I yell cheering.

"Shay you got really good, like amazing actually." My aunt says.

"Yea that was really good." Someone says I turn to see a dirty blond haired women, wearing all black, what the hell who is she, is she Derek's girlfriend or something same mean mug look .

"Oh in thank you." I say.

"Oh I'm sorry I'm Kate, Kate argent." She says.

"Oh aren't related to Allison, Yea she told me her aunt came to town.." I say smiling and walking up to shake her hand.

"Oh you know Allison how?" She asked shaking mine.

"Oh I'm Shayla Matthews I met her on her first day and we became really close friends." I say smiling.

"Oh your the infamous Shayla, Allison has told me a lot about you, smart pretty amazing grades, but not that you can do this."

"Oh Yea I kinda just told Allison about this." I say.

"Well I hope to see you again soon, but good job you have a real talent." She says and walks away.

"Well that was weird she popped up out of No where." My aunt says.

"Yea she did." Stiles mutters.

"Well let's go shoot some targets Yea?" I ask as they nod and we make out way back to our spot. I pull out the extra two bows and hand one to my aunt then stiles.

"I haven't help on of these sense together were little, are the bows in the back?" My aunt ask I nod.

"Will you grab stiles a couple?" I ask. She nods and goes in the back.

"Okay babe are you ready to try this?" I ask stiles.

"Shay I think I can shoot a bow and arrow hand me the arrow please." Stiles says confidently.

"Okay here you go." My aunt says handing him one.

"Okay let's go to our targets." I say moving to the middle target. "Okay ready set go!" I say and we shoot, we shot three arrows I made the center all three times aunt got it once and her other two close to the middle and stiles, Well one went past, on is in front of him and his last one Well I have No clue where it went.

"I was practicing." Stiles says sheepishly. I roll my eyes.

"Here let me help." I say standing next to him.

"Okay get in the stance your getting to shoot the arrow." He stands in the stance, "Okay now when you pull back you need to focus, Okay think about something that makes you happy, makes you calm." I say and he nods and let's out a breath.

"Okay I think I got it." He says.

"Stiles dont focus on the determination to get it in the middle, focus on being calm steady, and and things that make you happy, and who you want to protect, and don't stand so tense Okay. " I say adjusting his hands and how stiff he was, he nods.

"Okay shoot, but take your time." I say he nods and with a couple seconds let's go and makes the target like right in the middle.

"Hey! I did it! Shay look I did it!" Stiles yells.

"That's amazing Shay your a good teacher." My aunt says.

"Yea I guess, syiles what did you think about..." but he didn't answer cause we heard a rustle in the the woods we stopped and looked. I grab my bow and arrow and point it.

"Shayla what was that?" My aunt asked picking up her bow too.

"I don't know stiles stay behind me." I say.

"You don't have to ask my twice." He says, we hear the noise again, then again.

Until a gun fired and hit the tree next to me. "Ahhh my aunt screamed.

"What the hell was that!" Stiles yells.

"I don't know." I say angrily, while my aunt stares at me in amazement. "What?" I say.

"It's happening your mom told you didn't she, about the Eve." My aunt said I nodded. "Well Shay your eyes are blue, you need to clam down before you kill someone." She says I nod and try and fix it. Then another shot it fired almost hitting stiles I push him out the way.

"What the fuck!" I yell I pull my arrow back and shoot someone who falls to the ground.

"Oh my God Shay." Stiles says we get up and walk over to him.

"He's fine, you shot him in his shoulder." My aunt says holding his shoulder.

"Oh my God what did I do." I say starting to cry stiles stands up and hugs me.

"Shay what happened wasn't your fault he was shooting at us." Stiles says.

"Hes right Shayla you were protecting us." My aunt says holding the man's shoulder, just then we hear someone walking out and yelling I turn to see Allison's dad.

"Shayla what are you doing out here." He asked.

"I was practicing with, my aunt and stiles when this guy was shooting a gun near us, I..I.. freaked out and shot my arrow where it was coming from and shot him in his shoulder, I'm so sorry." I say.

"Shayla it's fine we were hunting, we didn't know people were out here we saw the dummies nice shooting, I'll take the man and take him to the hospital, Aaron and Jake grab him." Chris says the men nod and grab there friend. "Goodbye Shayla, stiles and..."

"Claire." My aunt says.

"Claire." Chris says as he leaves the woods.

"I think we should go we were here longer then you would thing your dinner is in three hours, and we still have to get ready." My aunt says we nod and load the Jeep and leave.

"Okay, I can't ignore this Shayla you didn't even see the guy, how did you know to hit him." Stiles says.

"I don't know when they almost hurt you I flipped and I like just knew and shot." I say.

"It's cause, your a protect, Shayla your and Eve, you see eves are evil Well there suppose to be. When your mom and I were younger wrong make a mistake we have taken someone's life." My aunt says. I look at her in shock.

"What?!" Me and stiles yell.

"Look it's was an accident, Shayla it's in out blood we get angry and when we do we can't control anymore, someone was chasing your mom and I they wanted to kill us cause they knew who what we were, they shot me and your mom came and helped but it hurt so bad Shayla I lost it especially when they shot your mom we lost it together and killed five of them, your Nana moved us cause it happened. Shayla Eves are hard to find really hard, but you are rare you are an Eve but have power of an Archangel cause of your Lowlife father who left, when we found out what he was is when he left not telling us how to help you. So Shayla when stiles almost got hurt, you lost control cause you have the feeling you need to protect him. Shayla if they would have killed stiles you would have killed them." My aunt says putting her hand on my shoulder.

"So when I connect to people and if they get hurt or die, I will kill anyone in the way..... how great." I say looking out the window stiles grabs my hand and I smile.

"Yes but the only people who can stop you is stiles, and Scott along with Lydia, especially stiles Shayla so you remember when we went to the park and two kids hut stiles and he had a bloody noes and then hurt Scott." My aunt asked while I nodded. "Okay do you remember what you did after they hurt them." I shake my head.

"I do.." stiles says.

"What." I asked.

"Shayla you punched the girl so hard you broke her nose, then the boy had a broken hand cause you stomped on it telling him 'try punching with a messed up hand' Shayla the only way we got you time stop was me and Scott showed we were Okay and safe, but when we looked at you your eyes were blue but your mom said they changed color." Stiles says.

"Shayla when you did that you were in 3rd grade." I look at my aunt in disbelife. "And Shayla remember when a girl pulled Lydia's hair making her Cry you comforted her and had you tell her the girl, you punched her teeth out and then elbowed her in the stomach and still made her apologize to Lydia, Lydia calmed you down." My aunt says.

"So, I'm like there protecter." I say.

"Yea but you need balance Eves will always need balance." She says I nod.

"But what if I lose the balance, and control." I say scared.

"If you have the people you need around you, you will never lose control." My aunt says. "I promise." I nod we pull up to my house and it's getting dark when I walk in I see my mom dressed up and cooking.

"Great you guys are home, stiles your dad will be joining us for dinner along with Scott and Melissa, you guys are the most important to Shay and have known sense diapers, Lydia and her mom can't make it, they have another dinner to do she told me they will make it up to you." My mom say I nod.

"Claire set the table outside the lights are already up." My mom says to my aunt.

"Okay, you guys go get dress." My aunt says we nod and head upstairs.

"Shay are you okay?" Stiles asked as we entered my room he pulls out a button up and jeans.

"Yea in a way, I'm happy I know more about myself but scared about my control I almost killed a guy today." I say.

"Don't blame yourself, you were protecting it's in you blood, Hey remember what I said supernatural stuff later this is your weekend Okay." Stiles says I nod.

"I'm gonna get ready and them come downstairs Okay." I say he nods as I go in the bathroom to take a shower.

Stiles pov.

After I get dress, I make my way downstairs to already see Scott and Melissa.

"Oh Hey stiles." Melissa says hugging me.

"Hi." I say.

"I'm gonna go help Claire she looks annoyed with the way the table looks." Melissa says and walks away.

"Dude what's wrong you look upset." Scott says.

"Nothing Shayla almost killed someone today." I say.

"What?!" Scott whisper yells, i tell him the whole story and why she needs us and stuff. "Oh god Shay, she hates being violent like that." Scott says. I nod.

"Yea I just hope this doesn't ruin anything, for her birthday."

"It won't trust me everyone is coming." Scott says.

"Good she needs a party. " I say.

"Who needs a party?" Shay asked jeez she scared me I turn and see her hair is in a side braid and she is wearing a black waist his skirt and a white long sleeve crop top with a black infinite scarf and black heels. She looks so cute.

"Oh in Lydia she is throwing a.... glad I survived party tomorrow." Scott says covering up the surprise party for Shay tomorrow.

"Course she would throw a party for that." Shay says rolling her eyes.

"Shay come on your family I. Back here." I hear Melissa yell.

"Okay coming!" She yells, "you guys coming?" She says smilingat us, god this women will be the death of me.

"Yea." I say and we walk in the backyard and it amazing there is a table for us to sit at and the lights around the yard look like fireflys and there is laterns around the yard.

"Awww i love it!" Shay yells.

She walks around and hugs everyone I see her hug my dad.

"Okay let's sit down." Her mom says.
We all sit and I sit next to Shay and Scott sits on the other side.

"Okay I would like to say something's about Shay." My dad says and stands up. "Shay you have grown so much, I'm proud of you for how smart you are and how hard you work, you never have a frown on your face, I'm proud of you." My dad says with tears Shayla get up and hugs him, my dad basically raised Shay when her dad left and her mom needed help, just like her mom was like a mom and Melissa when my mom died.

"Great how am I gonna top that." Melissa says.

"Right always up staging us." Claire says laughing.

"Well that's my dad for you." I say smiling. Shay comes and sits back down, we start to eat after everyone said something about she Scott and I didn't say anything. As we eat someone walks in the backyard and clears there throat we all look you to be in shock I look at Scott and he has the same expression I look at Shay and she looks angry and hurt, we look back at the guest who happens to be Shays father.

Shayla pov.

"Hello everyone." My dad says I can't even form words.

"David..what are you doing here." My aunt says glaring at him.

"Well my daughters birthday is tomorrow can I not be here." David says.

"No." My mom's simply states.

"Janet you know why..." my dad doest finish.

"Why?" I ask finding my voice and standing up.

"Why what?" My dad questions.

"Why... why did you leave!?" I yell.

"We will discus that later Shayla." My dad states calmly.

"Will you answer the question David, you left her for over ten years, and she deserves answer." Mr.stilinski says.

"Well your not her father." My states.

"No actually he has been way more of a father then you David, your not my father you lost that right when you left me and my mom, you see these people here, they stayed even Melissa and I already have a mom, these people I want here not you." I say walking closer to him, I hear my aunt rush up to me, she whispers in my ear.

"Calm down, shay your eye color is changing."

"Yes listen to your aunt, you do have there evil." My dad mutters.

"Evil." I say clinching my hands shut. "I hate you! I always will your nothing but a bastered who left!" I yell now feeling nothing but anger.

"Um wil you guys help bring dishes in." I hear my mom ask mr.stilinki and Melissa, the walk pass.

"Well looks like my daughter needs to learn respect, what did you get it from these low life's." My dad says as Scott and stiles come up next to me.

"Were not the low life's, you are you left your only daughter!" Scott yells he Hates my dad.

"Wolf, your a wolf I can smell it." My dad says, "and your suffering from heart break from a girl how weak." My dad says this makes Scott angry Scott launches at my dad, my dad pushes Scott and throws him hurting him.

"What the hell!" I yell my voice sounding stronger then before.

"You have a problem, what the fuck is wrong with you." Stiles says pushing my dad. My dad grabs stiles and throws him to I look to see stiles fall in pain and Scott is bleeding I can take it. I yell and grab my dad and states at him before he starts gasping for air.

"Shayla stop." My aunt yells.

"Shayla your going to kill him! Your chocking him!" My mom yells.

"Whats going on?" Melissa says walking towards the back door, I don't know how but I closed it and locked it with my head.

"Shayla stop this isn't you, remember." My aunt says touching my shoulder but I push her back with my head nit caring as I try and kill my dad, hut then I hear a voice it's Scott's.

"Shayla this isn't you stop look stiles and I are fine see." I look and see stiles nod looking me and Scott.

"Shay calm down, we are Okay put your dad down and unlock the door." Stiles says walking closer. "Your Okay." I shake my head and drop my dad and the door unlocks.

"Is everyone Okay." The sheriff asked.

"Yea, sheriff will make him leave the property." My mom says.

"Gladly." Sheriff picks up my dad and walks out the backyard with him.

"Shay are you Okay." Melissa says looking at me.

"I don't know." I say turning around, "but I need air." I start running out the backyard with people yelling my name, but I run I don't know where to but I go.
After I ran for like 30 minutes I found myself at a park I use to go to when I was little... why, why did he have to come back? I almost killed my own father, but he made me so angry.

"Shayla!" I hear Scott yell.."I know your here your scent leads here." Scott says.

"Shayla babe it's just Scott and I we promise." I hear stiles says pretty soon the see me on the swings.

"Are you okay." Scott ask sitting in front of me with stiles.

"No scott I almost killed a guy today and then my dad." I say.

"Shay you did that cause you Felt threatened." Scott says.

"Shay don't blame yourself your learning Okay." Stiles says.

"Yea Shayla like I'm leaning, if it helps we can learn together." Scott say smiling.

"Okay..." I didn't finish as Scott stops me.

"Shh someone is here." Scott says standing we all stand stoles grabs me.

"Shayla Matthews your dad wants you.. I'm am to bring you to him and if anyone get in the way we will have a problem." He says walking up with two more guys.

"She isn't going anywhere with you." Scott says.

"Yea she is actually." She man says shooting a gun towards Scott, he jumps out the way and I scream.

"Stiles get Shayla to her house,her mom can protect her." Scott yells trying time fight who ever he'll this man is.

"What not were not leaving Scott!" I yell, just then another guy shots and I push stiles down but it hits my side. "Oh what the holy hell!" I yell, I feel my eyes change.

"Your not just an Eve." One of them says.

"Forget the plan on taking her to him, she will kill us first kill her!" A man yells scott attacks the man. The other man charges at me but stiles knocks me down and we run. But stop and fall once a hear a noise like an ear splitting noise. I scream.

"Shay, look at me what's wrong you have to get up." He says freaking out.

"Stiles the... the.. sound make it stop... please.. stiles please." I scream as stiles hugs me whiles I cry, it so loud. I look to see Scott on the floor he knocked the man out but seeing Scott in pain is killing me.

"Shay I can't help you, what noise." Stiles says freaking out. "Babe tell me what..." stiles didn't finish the man hits stiles knocking him unconscious.

"Stiles!" I scream. As the man picks me up. I stare at him he turns off the things making the noise when it stops, Scott is trying to get up. The man grabs Me by my neck and starts to squeeze.

"What's so special about you, your Nothing." The man spits this makes me angry I grab him by the neck and throw him agenst a tree.

"I'm Nothing you won't be saying that when your dead." I say.
I kick him in his stomach the stomp on his hand causing him to scream he reaches for that thing that caused that noise I rip it from his hands and throw it, I grab him by his neck again and lift him off the ground, "you wanna know why I'm special it's cause I protect people who I love and care about." I say, I punch him in the face putting him to sleep. I turn around and see Scott with stiles who woke up. I walk over and hug them.

"Shay you had control, it's gonna work Okay." Scott says hugging me.

"Shay let me see where he shot you." Stiles says I show him my side and the bullet is home along with the wound.

"What, what happened to it?" Scott asked.

"When I grabbed him I think I used him to heal I felt it heal." I say.

"Okay, let's go thought before more come." Scott says.

"Wait." Stiles says and walks back to where I threw that mans thing. "This might come in handy." Stiles says as we go back to the Jeep and hop in.

"Guys let's not tell me mom Okay." They nod in agreement and we drop Scott off and then, stiles drives us to my house, once we get there we change and go to bed today was a long day.

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