protect me (stiles stilinski)...

By AmericanBum98

85.4K 1.5K 320

season 1 & 2 of teen wolf More

Dead body I think no.
A wolf Really.
A choice
some convincing....
A date.
Dont die Derek!
Heart Monitor
stuck in school
Day off... (part 1)
Day off (part 2)
Happy birthday & day off part 3 (part three)
Back to the super natural..
Not in the mood.
winter formal
season 2
Seriously Naked.
another wolf really.
Erica and Boyd
Study group.
Out of the loop.
Happy birthday Lydia
Message ❤


3.4K 71 6
By AmericanBum98

I wake you at 3 in the morning I go downstairs and see my mom crying.

"Mom what's wrong." I ask even though she scared me, she didn't mean to.

"I'm a horrible mother." My mom says.

"No your not." I say hugging her.

"Shayla sit down I need to tell you some things, I can't tell you all of it just yet, not till it's almost fully developed in you." My mom says I nod and sit down.

"Shay we are not just human do you know what Eve is?" My mom asked I shake my head.

"Well Eve was a powerful being, she was strong, and very powerful, she created alphas the world's first monsters. Shayla Eve is in our blood line, but your father had Archangels in his blood line, Archangel is a extremely powerful being created by god, Shay you have both of us in you, shayla your more powerful then both of us."

"Mom why didn't you tell me." I say.

"Because your powers have to be unleashed my a supernatural being, I saw the scratch on your side, shayla your powers are unleashing aren't they?" My mom asked I nodded. "Shayla I will show you control but we have to wait till you reach your potential, as of right now you can heal people, and feel their pain and take it away right." I nodded again.

"Mom I feel like Scot and stiles I have to protect them for some reason now why?" I ask.

"Shay that's because your a protecter, Eve is for your strangth, your ability to fight and senses, you can sense when something doesn't feel right don't you?" She asked I nodded, Shayla it's happening.

"What?" I ask.

"Your change, shayla the Archangels side of you can help you heal people and your self, it's can help sense the good and the light in people, Shay it helps you connect to people, that's you feel Scott and stiles pain your connected." My mom says that's why I felt Derek's pain. "Shay but be careful once you do that and they get hurt, you need to unconnect it can kill you, you can connect to people to find them as well." My mom says.

"So mom what am I exactly." I ask.

"Shay your and Eve but you have
Archangel inside of you." She says.

"So I'm both." I ask.

"Yes." My mom says.

"How do I control it when will my shift be done." I ask.

"When your life is in danger." My mom says, she sees the worry and hugs me.

"Baby girl don't cry I'm here, as long as I live Shay No one will ever hurt you I'm not as strong as you but I'm dying enough to kill whatever trust and hurt you." My mom says I nod and hug her. "Noe go back to sleep you need rest." I nod and go lay down, but can't sleep I can only think when will my life be in danger.
The next morning I wake up I feel to lazy to dress up so I slip on some skinnies and some black convers and put on a off the shoulder grey shirt. I put my hair in a ponytail grab my side bag and leave I look at the time shit I'm late, i grab my keys and head off to school.

Once I make it to school I walk in the science and slip in and sit next to stiles.

"Hey Shay, are you Okay." Stiles asked.

"Yea... Well No my mom flipped out on my yesterday and guess what... she is whatever I am, Well I know what I am now anyway." I say.

"Shay that's great tell me." Stiles says. I fill him in on everything and he sits there stunned. "Oh my God Shay, your like an angle with a badass side, cool I'm dating something so cool." Stiles say, I shake my head. "So how do you unleash your full power?." Stiles asked.

"Well that's the thing a supernatural being has to put my life in danger, so when Scott scratch me the scratch was deep enough to make my powers come cause they felt like I was in trouble with something supernatural." I say shrugging my shoulder.

"Shay I'm not gonna let anything hurt you." Stiles says seriously, I smile and kiss his cheek.

"Thanks, now I need to tell Scott, actually where is he." I ask.

"I don't know I have been looking for him all day." Stiles says. Just then Jackson walks in looking scared the teacher walks up to him and says something Jackson nods and sits down.

"Hey what's wrong with jackson? I ask.

"Oh Well him and Lydia were attacked at the movie store I guess." Stiles says.

"What!?" I whisper yell.

"Yea No one texted you?" Stiles asked. I shake my head, just then Mr.Harris speaks up.

"Just a friendly reminder.... Parent/teacher conferences are tonight. Students below a "C" average are required to attend. I won't name you, because the shame and self disgust should be more than enough punishment. Has anyone seen Scott McCall?" He says really looking at me and stiles we shake our head.

"Nope." I say.

"Everyone, start reading Chapter Nine. Mr. Stilinski. Try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs. It's chemistry, not a coloring book." Mr.Harris says to stiles causing stiles to pop the lid out his mouth, he catches it in his hand, hmm that was kind of hot.

"Hey, Danny. Can I ask you a question?" Stiles say leaning back to talk to Danny.

"No." He say I chuckle he doesn't really like stiles.

"Well, I'm going to anyway. Um, did Lydia show up in your homeroom today?" Stiles asked.


"Can I ask you another question?"

"Answer's still no." Danny says annoyed.

"Does anyone know what happened to her and Jackson last night?" He asked anyway.

"He wouldn't, tell me."Danny says.

"But he's your best friend. One more question." Stiles says.

"What?" Danny says finally annoyed.

"Do you find me attractive?" This question catches Danny and I both off guard. Stiles falls after he ask cause the chair slipped out from under him.

"And this is your boyfriend. " Danny says.

"Yea,and I love him" I say getting out my seat to help him.

After class me and stiles are in the hallway, stiles is trying to call Scott.

"Ugh he won't freaking answer." Stiles says.

"Well maybe if someone can track him like if he had a chip in him we could find him" I say snorting, Stiles looks at me with an idea in his head.

"Oh No what?" I ask he grabs y hand and drags me to the locker rooms.

"Sit." He says I sit. "Okay your mom said your connected to us right." Stiles says.

"Yea so." I say, "she also said I can do a bunch of other Stuff." I say.

"Yea but when you comnect yoh can find them, see if they are in trouble or hurt right." Stiles says i nod. "Okay try connecting to Scott." Stiles says.

"Stiles I don't even know if it will work my mom said I won't be at full potential until.."

".. I know Shay but this isn't big just try please." Stiles says.

"Fine, but be quiet I need to focus." He nods I sit there and close my eyes, I focus on everything on Scott and to see if he is plague then I see I'm in the woods, I see Scott and Allison he's with her in the woods Well at least he safe, that's all I see till I'm back in the locker room, and I open my eyes.

"Oh God it worked didn't it!" Stiles yell.

"Yea it did, Scott is with Allison in the woods" I say.

"What why?" Stiles says then realization hits me.

"It's her birthday." I say quickly taking out my phone and texting her.

"What the hell." Stiles says. "You know What screw it I'll go check on Lydia myself, you coming?" Stiles ask I shake my head.

"I can't miss any classes conference is today, my mom needs to know I was in every class, pick me up at my house later before you dad leaves so we can hang out Okay." I say kissing him and leaving.

As I leave I'm in the hall and see Jackson. "Hey Jackson." He ignors me actually I don't think he sees me cause he runs right into me."

"Oh shit Shay I'm so sorry I've just been off lately." He says helping me up.

"No Jacks it's fine, I'm sorry your off you wanna talk about it at lunch." I ask.

"Yea sure I have practice I'll meet you in the lunch room." I nod and head to human body systems.

After class I went straight to the lunch room, I see Jackson sitting at the normal table I go and sit next to him causing him to jump.

"Oh sorry Jackson." I say.

"No you fine I just have been off lately, anyways wheres Mcall and your boyfriend." He says smiling at me.

"Well I don't know where Scott is and stiles is checking on Lydia." I say.

"Oh your fine with your boyfriend checking on my girlfriend." Jackson says.

"Yea lyds my bestfriend." I say, "they wouldn't do anything." I say shrugging.

"True especially if your boyfriend wants to keep his hands." Jackson says smiling. We talk for a little longer before Jackson turns and I notice scars on his neck.

"Jackson what happens here?" I say touching it, but as soon as I did the back of my neck started to burn, my eyes go wide from the pain.

"Oh I hurt myself during lacrosse." Jackson says my senses tell me he's lying.

"Hey Shay you Okay your rubbing your neck like you just got hurt." Jackson ask.

"Yea, Hey I gotta go actually, but don't forget tomorrow is our tutoring session." I say getting up leaving.

"I won't later Shay." Jackson says, I leave the building and make my way to my car and drive home, once I get home I'm greeted by my mom.

"Hello Shayla, how was school?" My mom ask obviously getting ready for conference.

"Good actually."

"Shay did you use any of your powers today." My mom ask, I nodded.

"Okay shay promise me you womt make a habbit out of it." My mom says.

"Mom I promise." I say.

"Good, so sweetheart when were you gonna tell me Scott's a wolf?" My mom asked.

"Well before all this I was never gonna tell you." I say.

"Well tell Scott if he ever needs my help he can ask Okay? Now this conference, I'm gonna hear all good things right?" I nod.

"Good Oh and stiles is here." She says then two seconds later stiles runs in.

"Hello stiles." My mom says.

"Hey Mrs.Matthews..." stiles say awkwardly.

"Stiles she knows you know and she knows about Scott." I say, he sighs in relief.

"Okay Well sense you know I take your daughter right." He say my mom nods and stiles Yanks me out the house and into his Jeep.

"Okay so I wanted to tell you what I saw on Lydia's phone." stiles says pulling it out.

I grab it what the hell Stiles you took her phone!" I say.

"No I barrowed it, now watch the video sent to her." Stiles says as he drives to his house.

"What the hell would Send this to her." I say in disbelief.

"I don't know." Stiles says hopping out the Jeep I follow and we go in his room I sit on the bed. As stiles pulls out his phone to call Scott.

"Hey, it's me again. Look, I found something, and I don't know what to do, okay? So if you could turn your phone on right now, that'd be great. Or else I'll kill you. Do you understand me? I'm gonna kill you. And I'm too upset to come up with a witty description about how exactly I'm gonna kill you, but I'm just gonna do it, okay, I'm gonna ugh, Goodbye. God.

"Well whoever Sent it to lydia wants her to remember it forever." I say just then stiles dad walks in.

"Hello Shayla."

"Hello Mr.stilinski." I say, he turns to stiles.

"Please tell me I'm gonna hear good news at this parent/teacher thing tonight."

"Depends on how you define "good news." Stiles says.

"I define it as you getting straight A's with no behavioral issues." His dad answers.

"You might wanna rethink that definition." Stiles says.

"Nuff said, stiles why can't you be more like Shayla always has good grade never get in trouble." His dad says.

"Well dad maybe her and I dating will influence me more." Stiles says as his father raises his eyebrow.

"Dating huh." I nod.

"Yup he's my sarcastic, always get into trouble boyfriend." I say smiling.

"Shayla influence him Well." The sheriff says and leaves.

"Come on, Scott. Where the hell are you?" Stiles mumbles to his phone, I walk up and take the phone administration set it down.

"Stiles relax Okay your freaking out your gonna end up stressing out Okay calm down." I say, I walk and sit on the bed, he follows and sits next to me, and intertwine our hands.

"Thanks Shay, you know I love you." Stiles says smiling at me, I smile back and nod.

"And I love you too, even if you can be and over dramatic person." I say smiling.

"Yea whatever, Shay do you have your bow and arrow?" Stiles asked.

"Yea I take it everywhere with me, my mom said I maybe a supernatural being but I can still get hurt, all I have is strangth, so I still need to use my kickass moves and bow." I say smiling.

"Okay good, wait but Shay we didn't take your car." Stiles said.

"Yea I know, Oh stiles I put a bow and some arrows in your car a long time ago." I say smiling.

"Wait what? You did?" He ask confused, I simply nod.

"Well then Okay I'm not even question how you got in my car." Stiles says smiling, soon stiles leans in and kisses me I kiss back he push as I lean back and am now laying on his bed, he has both his hand on the side of me so he stays supported, I put my hands at the hem of his shirt and start tl pull up, we break apart so he can take off his shirt this is when I notice how toned stiles really is a nicely shaped out six pack and toned arms.

"Like what you see." Stiles says smiling, I nod and pull him down to kiss me, I then pull my shirt Off, and flip me and stiles over so I'm straddling him.

"Hey No far." Stiles mumbles aginst my lips.

"Yes fair." I say moving down and kissing his neck, he moans lightly.. just before I continue stiles phone rings.

"Ugh, are you serious." Stiles says I get off him so he can answer, as soon as he answers his facial expression is turned into a horrified one.

"Okay but is he Okay?" Stiles ask in panic, causing me to worry, then relif washes placer his face. "Okay thank you Mrs.Matthews I'll drop shay off and meet you there Okay bye." Stiles says getting off the phone with my mom.

"Stiles what happened?" I ask as he puts on his shirt.

"Uh babe not that you don't look incredibly gorgeous sitting on my bed shirtless or anything, but i have to go to the hospital." He says, I smirk he called me babe.

"Okay, stiles why?" I ask putting my shirt on and my shoes and follow him out the room and in his Jeep.

"There was an accident at the school my dad got hurt your mom wants me to take you home, your mom says he's alright and if she is supernatural like you I believe her." Stiles says driving to my house, I grab stiles hand knowing he was scared thinking he lost his dad.

"You Okay stiles?" I ask.

"Yea I'm just worried." We pull you to my house. "And pissed at Scott." Stiles says.

"I know I sort of am too, he could have done something." I say not even knowing if he went to his conference.

"Yea but go inside and get some sleep Okay, im gonna pick you up tomorrow love you." Stiles says pecking me on the lips and pulling out my driveway and leaving, I go inside take a shower and go to sleep praying stiles dad is really Okay.

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