The Great Divide // Justin Bi...

By justinsmia

66K 2.1K 889

It's now the year of 3021, Aliens have now been discovered and they came down to earth thinking they would be... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Your Opinion
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
The Great Divide Cast/important authors note !!

Chapter 18.

1.3K 41 12
By justinsmia


"Why did it have to be that saggy bitch?!"

You see, Serena was in middle school with Mia, she was the nerd who was bullied and teased about being smart and the way she looked. You know, weird glasses, braces, and that just horrible hair.

One day Mia came home all- you know what, I'm just gonna give you a flashback of that day.

~ Flashback ~

I heard the front door slam shut, and peeked my head out the kitchen seeing my little sister skip in.

She ran upstairs and I moved out of the doorway and continued eating my bag of Takis.

The kitchen door pushed open and I looked over at Mia.

She had this big smile on her face.

I gave her a weird look, "Should I be worried?" I asked, she rolled her eyes  and hopped on the counter and kept smiling.

"I made a new friend today," She kicked her feet.

"New girl?" Justin (Mia calls him Bubba) popped in and took out a can of coke.

"No, I guess I just never noticed her until I almost kicked some stupid bullies ass for 'accidentally' tripping her. I didn't believe it was an accident, if Serena hadn't pulled me off of her I don't know what I would've done."

She jumped off the counter and went to the fridge getting out some grapes (both the purple and green) and put them in a bowl.

"See Fabian has you not being able to control your anger and shit, that's not fucking good. I already talked to him about this shit," Justin said, she raised her eyebrows.

"I can too control my anger!" She slammed the fridge shut making it shake.

"Really?" He gave her an 'I'm not very convinced' look. She looked down and sighed.

"Did you take your medicine this morning?" She rolled her eyes.

"No.." She mumbled, but me and Justin heard.

"MIA!" He scolded her.

"They-They mess with my memory! I don't wanna take it anymore!"

"What do you mean you don't wanna take it? It's not a choice for you! You can't just all of a sudden stop taking it, you will start- well you know what you'll be like once you stop." He paused.

"And that won't be good, please take them." He looked her in the eyes and she stomped her foot and stomped to the kitchen door.

"Come back down here when you take it, I need to make sure you listen to me." She rolled her eyes again making Justin groan and shake his head.

"I wish mom and dad were still here to help us with her and Fabian. Gosh those two are a damn handful," he put his head down as he sat at the island on a stool.

"Yeah, but they're not that bad.." I said sitting next to him. He sat up and ran his hands through his hair.

"Sure bout that?" He raised his head up. "They both pretty much have the same issue or mental illness or whatever it's called," He said. "Fabian is just for his anger, remember that time he completely flipped out on me for no reason and almost fucking killed me with a damn table," He chuckled.

I smiled a bit, "Yeah and Mia glared at me for about two days when she stopped taking her meds and kept me far away from her everytime she played video games." I laughed remembering her keeping me out the game room every time she wanted to play.

"Well you did unplug the console while I was kicking ass in Mortal Kombat," Mia walked in with her pill bottle in her hands.

"Only take two." Fabian walked in after her and sat on a stool in front of me and Justin.

"I knowwwwwww" Mia groaned and grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge putting both pills in her mouth and drank the water, swallowing.

She yawned.

Side affects: Short term memory loss (could be permanent, though it never is) Drowsiness, Calmness, and better to help her focus.

"Oh um yeah can Serena come over?" She asked, I raised my eyebrow.

"Aren't you sleepy?"

"I'm sure she-" she paused to yawn, I chuckled a bit shaking my head. "-could wait a bit.." And she was out the kitchen and up the stairs.

Me and my brothers looked at each other and shook our heads.


"Coming!" I yelled and tossed my controller over to Fabian. "Cover me. Don't die!" And jogged to the front door and opened it.

"Mia! Serena is here!" I heard no movement or noise from upstairs. "You can go upstairs, her room is the one at the end of the hallway," I told the girl.

She pushed her glasses up her nose and ran to the stairs and up them.

* skip to a few weeks later *

It was 3:50 and in ten minutes or so Mia will be coming home from school, which means the house will no longer be quiet.

Fabian comes back home from training at 5 pm, Justin comes home from working at the Mayors head quarters at 7 pm and I'm the stay at home mom all day.

Just kidding, I'm not the stay at home mom. Victoria and Ally pretty much are the closest things we have to moms, they are Fabian and Justin's girlfriends.

I prefer being single and not being held back from going out to clubs and party's then having to deal with someone texting me all night and asking where I was and shit.

That's not-

I jumped up from the couch from the loud slam of the front door.

"Mia?" I called out.

"Um yeah?" I stood off the couch and walked to the front door. She was standing there holding a Guys hand.

I raised my eyebrows staring at the two. "Who's this?" She looked up to the guy and back to me.

"Blake. A friend." I looked from Mia and back to 'Blake' and sighed.

"Well your "friend" looks pretty damn old." I looked him up and down, he was practically my height. He had some muscles on him and, like I said, he looked way older than her.

"He gets that a lot," she laughed and tried pulling him to her room but I stopped her before she could move any further.

"Don't put your hands on my sister in a way I will not like. Got it?" I pointed my finger at Blake.

"Yes, got it." He gave me a thumbs up and Mia pulled him up the stairs and looked down at me glaring, I turned around smirking to myself.

She better have that guy gone by the time Fabian and Justin get home, they aren't as calm as me when it comes to Mia and boys.

*that night during dinner*

We all sat at the dining room table, we as in Fabian, pregnant Victoria,Ally,Justin, Mia and I.

Earlier little mama Mia let her guy friend leave just before Fabian got home.

She thinks she'll get away with it...but she won't. She never does.

We were eating spaghetti, her favorite, and she was happily eating it while talking with everyone.

"But I still don't get why I can't get a puppy, come on Bubba pleaseee!" She whined.

Wanting a puppy was all she's been blabbing about since Fabian and Justin got home.

"You won't even have a name for it if I do end up getting you one," Justin sipped his Crown and coke.

"I'd name it Blake," I choked on my water and accidentally hit my knee on the table.

Mia held in her laugh and looked down at her food, twirling spaghetti on her fork. She knew I can't keep my mouth shut.

"You good bro?" Justin gave me a questioning look.

"No," I said staring at Mia. She gave me a warning look knowing what I was about to do. "Mia brought home a guy, and he wasn't just a friend." Fabian looked over at Mia.

"Is this true Mia?"

"Snitch." She muttered under her breath reaching for her phone but Fabian grabbed it before she could.

"I asked you a question," this time he gave her a warning look, she sighed and nodded.

"Yes, we are dating..but we don't do anything.." Fabian shook his head giving her her phone back. "I mean yall knew I'd date someone soon, you guys can't keep me away from every male of the male population. I mean look at me? I'm pretty blessed." She smirked and raised her arms up before motioning to herself.

Cockiness runs in the family, just a known fact.

Justin looked over at all of us then back to Mia, "I'm...fine with it. As long as (A/n: you love me) he doesn't hurt you or does something I don't like to you," She looked up smiling then looked at me and Fabian for reassurance.

"How old is he?" I asked. When I saw him earlier today he did not look Mia's age, he wasn't 13 I knew it.

"*cough* Seventeen *cough cough*" she looked anywhere but at us cause we were all either shocked or mad. Me, well I was both.

"Seven-Teen? Come on you don't like anyone your age?" She shook her head.

"No! I don't like anyone my age, why can't I like someone older?" She asked.

"Because! Older guys have more needs and you're fucking thirteen!You should not be 'fixing' his needs or dealing with them! I forbid it," Justin gave her a stern look and she glared back at him.

"The food was delicious," she smiled nicely at Ally and Victoria. "But I'm really full, I think I'm gonna head up to my room.." She grabbed her phone slipping it in her pocket before she grabbed her plate and empty glass that was full of coke.

Not anymore.

She placed both in the sink and walked past us covering her face with her curls, she always does that.

She got her curly from mom...

~ Flashback over ~

"Bro!" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Justin (my brother) shoving my shoulder, I looked at him. "Why did you say 'fuck'?" He gave a weird look.

"Serena! Don't you remember her?" His eyes widened and And he made an 'oh' face.

"Serena as in Mia's old best friend but when Blake popped in the picture she completely disappeared!?" I nodded, and he groaned.

"Of course she'd want revenge! That's why she agreed to team up with Blake!" I made a 'duh' face and looked at Cade and Anthony.

Cade had this lost look on his face, "But she didn't remember Serena when she saw her at the pier.." He said, still lost.

"When Mia first met Blake and ran away with him she stopped taking her meds, ever since then she's been off of them. And one of the side affects of not being on them is short term memory loss," I explained to him and he finally understood.

"Well, how is Serena gonna get revenge?" I looked down at my feet thinking, what would Serena do to get revenge for her best friend totally ditching her for a guy?

"I know! She probably has Justin," I started starring at the guys. By now Cade and Anthony were calm along with my brothers and I.

Kind of.

"And why do you think that?" Fabian asked.

"Well Mia left her for her boy friend aka Blake, and Serena is after Mia's 'mate', boy friend or what ever he is. Isn't that pretty obvious?" I said and they caught on. Slow asses.

"How do we find them?" Cade looked at us.

"Anthony don't you know where Blake's house was?" He nodded but stopped.

"Don't you think he moved out? I mean you did just say 'was'"

"Well yeah, but maybe the new home owners know where he moved" Fabian suggested.

Anthony sighed, "Yeah, 'maybe'. But I'll take you all there anyways, let's go." Anthony and Cade stood up.

"Wait what car did y'all drive here?" Justin asked, walking to the window to look down at the driveway.

"Ooo! You better hope Mia doesn't find out you dummies are using her car," he shook his head and grabbed the keys to his challenger, pretty similar to Mia's.

"Well, let's search for my sister," Justin said, we all gave him that 'the fuck' look.

"She's our sister too!" He held his hands up in surrender.

"All right, all right! She's you guys' too," he smirked and we all walked down the stairs into our cars. "But she loves me more!"

"Shut up!"


"Is y-your f-f-urry baby ni-ce?" I asked before I pet it. what if it bit me?!

"It's a Cat Justin," she laughed. "But Yeah, it's nice. Just don't pull its tail," She told me and I slowly stroked its fur, afraid of it.

But then I eventually got used to it.

"Wanna watch a movie Jay?" I nodded my head up and down, exited.


"Wha-t's a m-ovie?" I looked up at my mate, Serena, and she smiled down at me as I sat on the carpet.

"You'll see, just let me pick one first." She held the remote in her hand and she smiled as she picked one.

It just feels, different, when I'm around Serena.

I don't feel the 'mate bond' instantly, like I'm supposed to..

Why don't I though?

Normally, it takes the Human longer while the alien feels it instantly, just from the sight of their mate.

Why is it taking me longer than her?

I just don't get it.

"Jay baby, the movie started" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at the 'tv' (that's what my mate calls it)

"What I-is it abou-t?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows as I stated at the tv.

"It's about a mermaid who finds true love with a human, Prince Eric." I scrunched my face up in confusion.

Mermaid and a Prince?

"W-hats the me-mermaids name?" I asked slowly petting the Cat.

"Ariel, you know this movie is actually Mia's-" she frowned but shook her head, I rose my eyebrow. "I mean my favorite movie," She smiled.

"Why'd you say-" she cut me off.

"It was nothing. Don't ask about it." She said, now sounding mad at me.

I whimpered and tears started blurring my vision. I sniffled and wiped my eyes, "Oh Justin I'm sor-" I huffed and grabbed the cat and laid it down on the couch.

"Wait Justin what are you doing?" Her voice sounded worried, but I ignored it.

I was about to cuddle the cat but it hissed and before I could move away it scratched my cheek!

"OWWWIIIEEE!! MEAN C-CAT NO L-LIKE JU-STIN CUDDLES!" I screeched and cried holding my hand on my cheek.

I removed my hand from my cheek and saw BLOOD!


That made me cry harder and Serena did something with the remote before running over to me and looking at my cut but I squirmed on the couch.

"Don't touch I-it! Don't!"

"I won't, yet at least," hearing that I moved to the corner of the couch shielding myself with the fluffy square thingy.

"Only when I'm cleaning it Jay, it needs to be cleaned, please let me." For some reason being called that name 'Jay' calmed me. It's not my name but it just sounds so familiar.

She led me to the bath room and sat me down on the counter.

"This'll only hurt a little," I whimpered loudly as the white fluffy cotton ball with 'alcohol' on it touched my cheek.

"I-it burns! Ouch! N-no mores please!"


After more of me screaming because that dumb stuff being on my cheek, she was finally done.

She also helped me with my bath and I also got to play with BUBBLES!

I was now laying on her bed as she was brushing her teeth, I brushed mine when I finished my BUBBLE bath.

I get to look like SANTA.

Kind of...

I heard the door open and saw her walking in, she had her phone against her ear.

"Yeah but what if they, you know, recognize each other?!" She whisper yelled into the phone.

She's not a good whisperer, I'm muuuucccchh better.

"Fine what ever. See you tomorrow," she sighed and plugged her phone up to something before laying down beside me in the bed.

"Who w-as that?" I asked laying down and getting under covers, she did the same.

"Just a friend, you both will meet tomorrow. Now sleep, it's getting late." I turned out the lights and quickly ran to the bed, jumping onto it as she turned off the tv.

Good night.


I sat in the living room as Blake talked on the phone with someone, I'm pretty sure it was a girl.

If he is my 'boy friend' like he says and he's cheating I swear, I'll hurt him so bad...

"Just come here tomorrow after noon," I heard him smack his lips.

"They won't, we took the bond away. It shouldn't matter anymore." He said coldly.


"They will not recognize each other okay! Just be here,"

"Bye." He spat annoyed and he walked back in the room. His phone dinged and I raised my eyebrows as he looked down at his screen, "Um is it okay if the guys come over tonight and chill?" He nervously scratched his head.

"The guys?" I asked confused, "Yeah, you should remember a few of their faces. They're just gonna come over and try to help you remember something you're utterly in love with," he smirked.

"Oo! What is it?!" I asked, impatient.

"Can't tell youuuuu! But I'll go get it and bring it down here for you. If the door bell rings answer it," he started walking up the stairs but quickly stopped an turned around to face me.

"Just make sure you look through the window or the peep hole first, I wouldn't want my princess being taken by some stranger okay?"

I blushed, "Okay.." And kept watching Ridiculousness eating a big bag of Spicy Doritos.

They aren't even spicy, they lied!

*Ding Dong*

Damn they got here fast!

I opened the front door and this guy stood in the doorway.

Flashbacks of both me and him but younger playing foot ball with a few other people but they didn't look very familiar to me, flashed in my head.


"J-Jake?" I stuttered looking at him, how do I remember him but not my own 'boy friend'?!

Damn I'm so confused.

"Oh my god! I knew she'd remember me first!" He yelled and the 2 other guys behind him rolled their eyes.

Jake picked me up and hugged me, for some reason I felt I should hug back.

"Aye! Hands off my girl!" Blake said sternly as he walked down the stairs.

I tried getting out of Jake's arms but he wouldn't let me. "But she remembers me bro!"

"I don't give a fuck, get your hands off what is mine." He spat setting what looked like a console down, I looked at it and got out of Jake's strong grip and walked over to the console.

I got a closer look at it and all the controllers and got more flashbacks.

I was holding this light up controller and yelling at a tv, other people sitting around me. But again, no familiar faces...

"You gonna play or what? I mean you love playing the Xbox!" Said one of the guys holing out a black controller with my name carved on it.

I grabbed it and looked down at it furrowing my eye brows.

How did that get there?

"You did that when you were 13," the guy said. "I'm uh, Jesus by the way." He held out his hand to shake.

"We met in the gym at our old school, you Came to tell our coach something while me and the rest of wrestling team were practicing and I accidentally fell on you..." He chuckled and I smiled.

(An: I got his name and 'wrestling' from 'The Fosters' that show is just awesome 😍🔥anyways continue)

"How did that happen?" I laughed.

"I got pushed into you, fell on top of you, you cursed me out, and we crazily became best friends," He shrugged and laughed.

I looked over at the other guy, "I'm Sean, uh," he nervously laughed and I got another stupid flashback.

If this shit keeps happening I'm gonna go crazy...

In the flash back 'Sean'..ow okay now I remember...

"You accidentally threw a football at my head, rushed over to me and forced me to the nurses office for no reason because you thought I was hurt but I was okay.." I laughed.

"You looked so innocent and nice and you were a 7th grader! I felt so bad," I chuckled and turned around facing Blake.

"You all done with your reunion or?.." I smiled and nodded and walked over to the couches and sat on the 'L' shaped one, the guys sat on the other two big ones next to us.

Blake moved from by the guys and sat in between my legs with his back against me, I had my elbows on his shoulders and my hands holding the controller on his chest.

"I call 3rd player bottom left corner like always!" Jesus said and Jake threw him his controller, "bottom right corner, since I'm always 4th player" Said Sean and Jake handed him his controller.

Then Jake looked at me.

"I'll take second player," he nodded and turned on his controller, then I did, then Jesus, then Sean.

It turned on and Jesus ran to the light switch flicking it off, "All right we're gonna play local so Mia can get the hang of things first, so Mia who do want on your team since we're about to do Team Death-Match?" Jake asked.

Jesus jumped up from the couch and kept pointing at himself mouthing 'PICK ME PICK ME!'.

I giggled shaking my head and picked him, "Jesus." Jake's jaw dropped.

"You both always played on the same team and went hard, no fair." He pouted.

I smiled innocently and shrugged, "sorry" I picked some 'Friendly Bots' and 'Enemy Bots'.

"Alright, game on." I shook my head and smirked as the game was about to start.

I felt taps on my arm and looked down at Blake.

"You know how do everything right baby," I nodded and he smiled. "Alright but first.." He pulled my head down and pecked my lips.

"Good luck," he smirked, I tried not to smile but failed as I shook my head.


"HA HA! MERKED!" I yelled at Jake sticking my tongue out.

"OH! You got zero fucking aim bro!" Jesus said to Sean.

I turned the corner in the game and spotted Jake camping, I sprinted towards him and he had the fucking Honey Badger and I still killed him with a PISTOL!

"You suck!" I said laughing.

"For real! That's why you don't camp," said Jesus, Jake glared.

We were playing online now, and we were playing Team Death-Match but I killed Jake and he was the last kill so, game over!

Me and Jesus won!

"Gun game Again?" Jake asked, I nodded, still determined to win.

"Blake, can you please get me some chips and juice?" I asked sweetly, smiling.

"Do you know how late it is? You can't have juice. Me and you both know what happens," he shook his head.

I laughed, "Actually you only know what happens, I don't remember" I said emphasizing 'you' and 'I'.

"Fine, which kind?" He asked, I made a thinking face.

"Oo, um Berry Blast?" I smiled, he shook his head.

"You would pick the one with the most sugar." And he walked out.

"Why do you need snacks?" Jake asked.

"Snacks are my power up," I said, the game started off with the typical P226, a handgun.

I killed the first blood, and I was in

Blake brought in my chips and juice and I thanked him, and I'm stupid for not paying attention to the game cause  when you're playing call of duty you  can't turn away from the tv for even a second.


Cause you DIE.

I cursed and grabbed the controller and turned to Blake and said, "Chip me" he gave me a confused look.


"Chip me, I don't wanna die just cause I have to grab a chip." I explained as I sniped some random person running out in the open. Dummy.

I turned to Blake, "Never mind I can do it my-" he cut me off and stuffed a Dorito in my mouth.

"Behind you," he smirked.

Having my quick reflexes I quickly turned and shot the guy behind me. Shot guns come in handy some time.

Trust me.


I slammed down face first onto Blake's bed. "I'm sleepy," I mumbled into the pillow I landed on.

He chuckled pulling his shirt over his head, "Then sleep." I stood up and walked into the bathroom and started brushing my teeth.

He walked in a minute later shirtless, I tried my best to not stare at his body through the mirror and instead looked at myself in the mirror.

Okay maybe I should look at him again...

We both finished brushing our teeth and laid in bed, I still don't know him too well though he may be my boyfriend I still call this side of the bed.

"Good night princess," he whispered through the darkness of the room. I closed my eyes and yawned quietly, snuggling into the blanket and curled  into a little ball.



HI my darlings 😊😘😂

I was gonna update tmr but we have this dumb orientation thing at our school for students A through K, it goes by last names.

Mine starts with a C, but at least I have SydneyFiler going with me 😁

This chapter is a bit long but what'd you think?

Love you guys ❤️🙈 and comment + vote 💗


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