My First and Last Kiss (a Mag...

By Grier77

694 55 33

Avery Lillison is your average girl- unless average is getting beaten every day by, none other than, Nash and... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 7

32 2 3
By Grier77

Today Hayes and Nash beat me again. I don't know why I ever trusted him.. I made it to lunch with only minor bruises. I was heading over to my normal spot outside alone when I saw another girl, sitting alone. I don't know why I never noticed her. She must be new. But I wonder why boys aren't swarming around her- she's gorgeous! A/N and she is in real life! Based off of hayhay4lyfe ! I decide to go sit by her. "Hi! You must be new," I say sitting next to her. "Oh no, I've been here all of freshman year, nobody notices me though,"'she says chuckling. "Same case here," I say. "I get bullied every day by the Grier Brothers. We used to be best friends but apparently they've moved on." I then explain to her everything that happened last night. I told her all about me- from my parents splitting to my mom apologizing last night. "I'm so sorry to hear all of this, you sound like you've had a really hard life," she says. "I'm so sorry I'm dumping all of
my problems on you. It's just that I've never had a friend to talk to about this," I say dramatically sighing before we both burst out laughing. "I can't believe we've made it all through lunch without knowing each other's names," the girl says. "Oh I'm Avery," I say. "I'm Haydin," Haydin says. Then the bell rings and we head off to class. Darn it! After all the fun I had at lunch I forgot I have my next class with Hayes. We have chemistry and sadly, we're lab partners. I get in and take my seat. "Ok class, today we're going to be dissecting a frog," our teacher says. "Get with your lab partner and dissect it together." Great. Of all days. "Avery we really need to talk," Hayes said. "About what? The fact that you're so freaking bipolar?" I say. "No, please listen. Nash has this policy that if I don't beat you then he's going to tell the whole school a deep, dark secret that I have," Hayes says. "Oh, so what you're going to beat me to the point that I end up in a hospital, apologize, and then beat me again just because of one stupid secret?" I yell at him. "Ms. Lillison and Mr. Grier please keep your voices down," our teacher says shooting us a stern look. "Listen I'm done talking about this," I whisper. And for the rest of the class we work in peace.
Nash POV
I can't believe I've been doing this to Avery. Our "ring leader" Ryan has this policy that if I don't beat up Avery he would tell the whole school a deep, dark secret I have. He also threatened me to say the same thing to Hayes. I just can't believe I've been beating her because of one stupid secret. It's finally lunch and I make my way over to the popular table. Ryan is there sitting at the head of the table as usual. He's the one who threatens everybody with their secrets. How he gets ahold of everybody's secrets, I don't know. All of Ryan's crew (me and the fellow people below Ryan in the popular ladder) have all agreed that we wish we could quit the popular group and go back to our normal lives, if that makes sense. Avery was Hayes and I's first best friend. I love Avery. I always have and I always will, but I know she won't accept me to be her friend again. I have completely lost her faith and trust in me. "Ok guys I have HUGE news," Ryan says. "I'm moving." All of the guys exchange relieved glances. "When?" I ask. "Later this afternoon, my parents just told me this morning, so this is my last day," Ryan says. Once again all of the guys exchange relieved glances. Once lunch is finished up and we've all said our goodbyes to Ryan. I head to my last class. It goes by quickly and I rush to get home.
I really need to talk to Avery. I leave a note telling her to look out her bedroom window, and then I rush into my house. I see that the blinds are still down from yesterday. I just hope this goes well.
*Avery POV*
I get home and notice a note on the door telling me to look out my bedroom window. Hm. That's weird. I go up and pull up the blinds and open the window.
*Nash POV*
She pulled up the blinds and opened the window. She has a shocked expression on her face. "Listen I know I'm the last person you want to talk to right now, but just hear me out,"  I say. She doesn't say anything, so I  take the opportunity to explain everything. When I'm done a single tear rolls down her cheek. "You know how my parents split when I was 3? Well my dad got out of jail and is trying to track my mom and I down, and my mom has been out partying every day since until last night. I grew up without a mom, living in constant fear of being tracked down by my dad and coming to school each day. Yesterday, Hayes lied. You beat me so hard last night I was in the hospital. You don't realize how much you've hurt me," she says all in one breath. I don't know what to say. She starts sobbing and she walks over to her bed and lays down, crying into her pillow. Fortunately, she left her window open and I can easily cross from my house to her house. I cross over the tiny space between our rooms and climb into her room. I then sit on her bed and rub small circles on her back. "Just leave me alone," she says before getting off her bed and leaving. I sit on her bed, thinking about what just happened. But all of a sudden I hear a scream and a car door slam shut. I look out Avery's door only to find a black car zooming past her house...

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