The Monkees: Gold Rush

By EverLovingAdelaide

3.3K 340 150

So, imagine it's 1850 and the California Gold Rush is in full throttle. Four boys seek their fortunes in the... More

Here We Come...
Walkin' Down the Street...
We Get the Funniest Looks...
From Everyone We Meet...
Hey! Hey! We're the Monkees...
Monday Had a Sad Child...
Always Feeling Low Down...
Tuesday Had a Dream Child...
She's Always On the Go...
So, I'm In Love With Saturday's Child...
I Wanna Be Free...
I'm Gonna Pack Up All My Pain...
I've Been a Keepin' In My Heart...
I'm Gonna Catch Me the Fastest Train...
And Make Me a Brand New Start...
But That's Okay...
Tomorrow's Gonna Be Another Day...
No Heartaches Felt No Longer Lonely...
Heights of Waiting Finally Won Me...
Happiness That's All Rolled Up In You...
Come With Me, Leave Yesterday Behind...
And Take a Giant Step Outside Your Mind...
Take the Last Train to Clarksville
I Guess I Should Have Stayed In Bed...
My Pillow Wrapped 'Round My Head...
Instead of Waking Up to Find
A Nightmare of a Different Kind
She Went Away...
This Just Doesn't Seem to Be My Day...
Let's Dance On
I'll Be True to You, Yes I Will...
Sweet Young Thing
And She Woke Me From My Sleep...
You Should Have Heard the Things She Said
You Know She Hurt My Feelings Deep
I'm Gonna Buy Me a Dog
Author's Note

You Know My Girl Just Called Me Up...

49 8 1
By EverLovingAdelaide

Mike, Micky, Davy, and Calphurnia were waiting in the saloon. Calphurnia was tapping her fingers on the table. "Peter promised to be back before dinner," She said.
"Maybe he just got tied up saying goodbye," Davy said.
"We aught to go look for him," Mike said.
"Saying goodbye can be hard. Let's give him 'til tomorrow," Micky said.
"What if he isn't back tomorrow?" Calphurnia asked.
"We'll go after him," Micky said.
Calphurnia sighed. "It's so quiet in here without someone playing the piano..." She said.
"Peter'll be back soon and it will be nice and noisy again," Davy said.
Calphurnia nodded looking over at the piano. It was time for the saloon to close up so they all went to their current places of resident for some sleep. The next morning Mike and Davy woke up and went down for breakfast. They both ordered food, the special was doughnuts, and they ate.
"Do you suppose Peter is back yet?" Davy asked.
Mike shrugged. "I bet he is, but he must have gotten back late so we better not disturb him," He said.
Davy nodded his head then took a bite of his doughnut. Davy was looking around at the people in the restaurant. Most of them were talking together in groups. There were cowboy hats on some of the people's heads. Some had no hats at all.
Davy noticed that there were only white men in the restaurant at that moment. He also noticed that Cindy was avoiding him for some reason. She had waited the other tables, but some other woman had waited his and Mike's table. Davy couldn't understand why Cindy was avoiding him or even if she was avoiding.
Davy waited until the other waitress was out of the room. "Ma'am," Davy said.
Cindy turned towards the voice. She saw Davy and walked towards him. She had a small frown on her face.
"What can I get you?" She asked.
"I'd like some coffee," Davy said smiling at her.
Cindy nodded and left the room. Davy watched her leave. He frowned slightly. He couldn't understand why she was acting so cold towards him. Davy hadn't done anything to her besides, as she said, come on strong. Another waitress came in with Davy's coffee. Davy couldn't understand why Cindy was avoiding him. He drank his coffee and stood up to leave.
Mike watched Davy leave. Mike rolled his eyes and continued to eat his breakfast. Davy walked around town for a little while. He stopped into Micky's general store.
Micky was behind the counter. "Oh, hi," Micky said waving. "Is Peter back yet?"
"I don't know," Davy said. "I didn't check."
Micky frowned. "What if he didn't come back?" He asked.
"Then we'll go look for him," Davy said.
The general store doors opened. Vincent walked in. Davy noticed that Vincent looked upset, but didn't ask why.
"Hi Deputy," Micky said waving.
Vincent didn't say anything as to respond. He just nodded his head. "I need some tobacco," He said.
Micky turned around to get a bag off of the shelf. Vincent looked over at the dresses for a moment. "You think there's a dress that Jackie'll like?" He asked.
Micky turned back around. He had the tobacco in his hands. "That light blue one looks her size," Micky replied. "It's a nice color too."
Vincent took it down. He stared at it for a moment. He brought it to the counter. "Can you wrap this for me?" He asked.
Micky nodded his head. He took the dress and folded it into a small bundle. He got some brown paper and wrapped the dress in the paper. Vincent put a twenty dollar bill on the counter. Micky handed him the dress and the bag of tobacco.
"Oh, has Peter come back yet?" Vincent asked.
"I don't know," Micky said. "Davy hasn't checked."
Vincent nodded his head. "If he hasn't come back I'll send Link to see if he's alright," He said.
"I'll check his room later," Davy said.
Micky leaned onto the counter. He scratched his head as he looked around the store for a few moments. There was a lady looking at the fabrics and a man shifting through the barrel of apples. Vincent walked out of the store. Davy looked over at Micky.
"Well, I better go check on Peter," He said.
Micky nodded his head. Davy walked out of the store and back towards the hotel. Mike wasn't in the restaurant anymore. He had gone to the saloon for a drink. Davy walked up the stairs of the hotel to Peter's room. He knocked on the door, but there wasn't an answer so he kept knocking. He turned the doorknob and walked in.
The room was empty. The bed was made and it hadn't been slept in. Peter's hat was hanging on the mirror. Davy stared at the room for a few moments before turning around and running down the stairs and out of the hotel to the jail. He opened the door to the jail. Vincent looked up surprised.
"Peter didn't come back last night!" Davy exclaimed.
"Calm down," Vincent cautioned. "I'll ask Link to go out and find him."
Colorado was playing checkers with Link and Johnny had been watching them before Davy barged in. Link stood up and put his hat on his head. "I got an idea where he might be," He said walking out the door of the jail.
Vincent looked over at Davy. "There isn't anything to worry about," He said.
Davy nodded. Johnny had already taken Link's place at checkers. Davy stood in the same spot for a few moments to reclaim his calm. After a few minutes Davy left the jail and headed to the saloon. He sat down with Mike at the table. Mike could tell something was bothering Davy.
"What's up?" Mike asked.
"Peter didn't come back last night," Davy said.
"Are we goin' after him?" Mike asked.
"The deputy sent someone after Peter," Davy said. "He should find Peter soon..."
Mike frowned and looked down at the table. "I hope he's alright," Mike said.
"I do too..." Davy said quietly.

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