Malicious // h.s. [Editing]

By ComplicatedStyles

101K 2.7K 659

[Completed] Ma-li-cious Adjective Characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm. Serial killers... More

Disclaimer/ Warning
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Not an update but please read
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
More to come!
Alternate Ending/ Epilogue
Final Author's Note
New book?
Author's Note
Pointers for writing?
New Username

Chapter 23

2.5K 76 5
By ComplicatedStyles

So many mixed feelings and emotions.

*Not edited yet*

Darien's POV

"Darien, I still can't believe you're home." Alex chuckled through his nose, pulling me into the ten millionth hug since last night.

"Me neither," I whispered, sniffling. I was still very emotional about finally being here and about what happened with Harry, it was all surreal.

"Your arrival is already all over the news. The press is buzzing and the citizens are going wild. They can't believe that you made it home alive after all this time," He informed me, still squeezing me into his chest.

"I'm surprised I'm here, too, if I'm being honest. This is the last thing I ever expected to happen." I pulled away from the hug to stand in front of him, shooting him a small smile.

"I was on the phone with the police earlier this morning, they would like you to go down and make a statement, and if you can, give a description of your kidnapper," Alex said as he turned to enter the kitchen.

I froze at his words, dreading what I was about to say. I knew that this moment would come eventually, but I was hoping they would give me a bit more time to situate myself and calm down from all the publicity I was going to get as soon as I stepped foot out the door. The news reporters would be right there, waiting to get the first scoop about what had happened to me. I already knew that I was going to deny them of any information.

"Alex," I sighed out. He gave me an expectant look, waiting for me to continue. "I'm not giving a statement." His face dropped.

"What do you mean you're not giving a statement?" He demanded, raising his voice.

"I mean that I'm not talking, not even to the police," I explained.

"You have to, Darien! You do not have a choice in the matter! At least give a description of the asshole!" He yelled, his anger increasing as each second ticked by.

"I'm sorry, but I can't," I said in a much calmer tone, shaking my head lightly.

"He's a fucking murderer! He's the same person that's been killing innocent people and you're not going to help lock him up? What the hell is wrong with you!" He came marching over to me, glaring daggers.

"I can't say anything, so I won't!" I yelled back, standing my ground.

"What are you running from? Him?"

"Alex, please," I whispered. I couldn't stand being yelled at, and I had gotten enough of it when I was with Harry. I just needed Alex to understand, he was the only person that would.

Alex's gaze softened when he saw my distressed expression. He let out a sigh and ran his hand through his hair, pulling me into yet another hug. He rubbed his hand up and down my back, calming us both down.

"I know that you've been through a lot, I can only imagine what he has done to you. Hell, he did a shit load of stuff to me, too. I can understand why you would be scared to tell the police everything, and why you would he hesitant and slightly embarrassed to say what he did, but it's the right thing to do, Darien. He kept you for over three months, and judging by your apprehension about speaking, he probably did horrible things to you. Not to mention, he ruffed me up and killed my girlfriend. You have to help put him away, it'll be better for everyone." I could hear the stress, pain, and exhaustion in his voice as he spoke, and I felt even worse.

"Please understand and except my wishes, Alex. I'm not speaking, I'm sorry." I shut my eyes, and sighed, knowing that he wouldn't be okay with that in the least.

"I don't understand, at all. I'm taking you down to the station, I have to. Whether you choose to speak or not, that's up to you, but I hope you make the right decision." He walked away, heading to the door. I had no choice but to follow.

When we exited the house, there were three reporters waiting to get the story. I ignored all of there questions and dismissed their presence as I hopped into the vehicle. I wasn't ready to talk to the cops and keep all I formation from them, but it was now or never.

By the time we made it to the station and I was finally situated in the interrogation room, over an hour had passed. When I arrived at the building, there were a few people with cameras and notepads, presumably more people for the news companies. I still refused to say anything. The inside of the station was just as buzzing at my presence, all of the cops seemingly excited and irrigated to see me walk through the door. I supposed that after over three months of hard work and searching, they were happy and relieved to see me back alive. I still kept in mind, however, that they were going to give up on looking for me. That fact made me feel a little less guilty when it came time to answer questions and I didn't cooperate.

"Hello, Miss Taylor. How are you?" I was startled by the voice of a police officer as he walked through the door. I had been sitting in silence with my thoughts and I hadn't been expecting his arrival.

"I'm fine," I mumbled. I was rather intimidated by his presence considering the circumstances.

"That's great to hear. I'm Officer McCain, but please, call me Jake." He reached over and took my hand, giving it a light shake. I sent him a small smile, unsure of what else to do.

After several moments of silence as we sat there staring at each other, I began to feel even more anxious. I knew that other officers, the boss, and my brother were all stood on the other side of the glass, watching us. I couldn't see them, but I knew hey could see me, and that made me nervous beyond belief.

"I just want to start off by saying that myself, along with the rest of the department, are happy to see you back safe," He finally spoke with a smile on his face.

"Thank you."

"Now, let's begin, yeah?" He suggested, shuffling his papers around as he grabbed his pen, preparing to write down whatever I had to say. I didn't know what to say. I wasn't planning on saying anything.

"We have reason to believe, as we have been telling everyone these past three months, that the serial killer was your kidnapper. All traces of evidence and a prior statement from your brother, Alex, have confirmed this suspicion. Is there anything you would like to add to that?" He tilted his head to the side, an eyebrow raised. He was making me feel more like a suspect rather than the victim.

"No." I simply shook my head.

"Alright. Can you tell me, in as much detail as you can, what happened the night of your abduction?" He tried again, being as patient as his job required.

"It was a long while ago, I don't remember much," I stated.

"Can you tell me the parts you do remember?"

"I was in my home, alone, and the power went out. Then, I was taken. That's all I remember," I lied through my teeth. It was obvious I was withholding information, I just hoped I wouldn't get into trouble for that.

"Can you describe any of the events that took place while you were held hostage?" He was writing things on his note pad, what I wasn't sure. It couldn't have been anything very useful, as I wasn't really saying much.

"I'd rather not talk about it," I mumbled, trying to come off as hurt and embarrassed as possible. I needed to display myself in a way that would stop his questioning.

"Miss. Taylor, I understand that what you went through must have been traumatic, but we need to know as much about this as possible. This is all just to help bring this man to justice." Jake, as he told me to refer to him as, sent me another small smile.

"I just.. Nothing that happened is really worth sharing."

"I'll try another one, then. How did you get away? You made it home in a rather safe and controlled state. I would like to know how." He sighed, clearly getting a lid with my lack of responses.

"I just escaped and ran home," I informed him. "I would like to leave now."

"Not just yet. Darien, can you give a description of your kidnapper? Anything at all about him?" He asked, giving me hopeful look.

"He had a mask on the whole time, I never saw his face," I lied again. I made a promise to Harry, and it was my intention to keep it. He gave me a second chance, I needed to do the same for him.

"I'm aware that you must be scared, but withholding evidence and, or information to an investigation is an illegal felony. I would just like to inform you of that," He warned, clearly catching on to my hesitation. "Now, I'll try one more time. Is there anything at all that you remember about him? His voice, his hight, any marks on his body?"

"He had no marks or anything." Harry had several tattoos, but the less they knew, the better. "I can't exactly describe his voice, it was just a normal male voice. And his hight, I can't give an accurate estimation. I'm sorry, but I really don't know," I pleaded, hoping he would believe me. He let out a loud sigh, showing his disappointment. I could imagine that Alex, along with the other people behind that glass, were doing the same exact thing.

"Alright, Miss. Taylor, you are free to go. If you remember anything, please contact us." He smiled once more before opening the door for me, sending me out to my brother.

The anger and frustration was clear on Alex's face the whole drive home. He hadn't spoken a word to me, and his sour expression didn't help settle the torn feeling I felt. he was upset with me for not cooperating, that much was obvious, but he didn't understand. I knew that he had every right to be mad at me for what I had done, Harry did kill the girl he was in love with, but I just couldn't bring myself to break my promise to Harry. I wasn't sure if I was doing the right thing or not, but it way past worrying about my actions by now.

When we made it home, I decided to watch the news. I wanted to see the fuss that everyone was making about my return, and I was almost certain it would be airing on the television for the next few days.

My predictions were right when the channel seven news reporter came on, showing over excitement that I knew was most likely fake. She didn't know me, therefore, she probably didn't care that I was home safe. She probably only cared that I would bring the killer one step closer to prison. She was wrong if she thought that, however.

"Twenty-year-old Darien Taylor has officially arrived back to town safely! Last night, she returned home in the late hours in what has been described as a stable, but distressed state. We are still waiting to hear word from her about the events that have taken place and an inside scoop of the case, so be sure to stay tuned," She beamed. If she, or any of the other news reporters

were still expecting anything from my mouth about this, they were all going to be sent to the grave waiting.

"Police have been taking a turn back to the investigation, telling us that they will be back at it with full force now that the young girl has returned. They are more determined than ever to find this man and put a stop to his criminal behaviour. We are also still waiting to see if Darien has already made a statement, or if she is still yet to. Until further notice, be sure to keep taking the curfews and laws seriously, and be safe!"

I groaned to myself as I shut it off, ticked off at the complete nonsense. The story was old, no new information was given, so they should all just give up. I was home safely now and Harry was done with his bad ways, there was nothing more to develops from this. They could try their hardest to find him, but knew that the chanced of them doing so were unlikely.

Nicole was happy to have me back, but she was unable to come visit me. Her parents thought is would be best for her to stay away until all of this settled down, and I didn't blame them. I did miss her, though, and I couldn't wait until I could hangout with her again.

Alex was still upset with me, but I knew he'd let it go. He always forgave me for everything I did and I could tell that this would be no different. He was in grief and missing Ariel, so I couldn't blame him for holding a grudge over me for awhile. We were still siblings, still getting by without our parents, I knew he wouldn't turn his shoulder on me. I also knew that if my parents were around today, they wouldn't either. We were a close family, so I didn't doubt mine and his relationship for a second.

Though it was easy to brush off the drama happening within the town and my house, brushing off the idea of Harry was an entirely different situation. I wasn't sure of the impact he had on my life or on me as a person, but I was aware of the impact I had on him. He told me that I had changed him for the better, and I knew that that much was true. I also knew that he loved me, and I could never forget that. I knew that I felt something for him, but it wasn't love. It was more of a connection that was made with the idea that I helped him in some way. We changed each other, and what happened between the two of us wouldn't be let go of.

I tried hard to get myself to stop dwelling on it, but Harry continuously crossed my mind in my moments of silence. It was hard not to think about him, it seemed to be the only thing I could do. I wondered where he was and what he was doing, and my memory reminded me that he was probably be packing for England. He had told me on the car ride to town last night that he was planning on maybe going to back home to make things right with his sister, Gemma. He wanted a fresh start to turn his life around, and I was happy for him. Everyone deserves a second chance, and I believed that if he really tried to change himself for the better, he could, and I had a strong feeling that he would if he really wanted it.

Harry had truly changed me, as well. There was no doubt in my mind that my life would have been completely different if it wouldn't have been for him and his actions. I would be more likely to have a normal life and a lot less baggage, but for some strange reason, I was no longer mad at him for doing what he did to me. Sure, he changed me, whether it was in a negative way or not, but the more I thought about Harry and how he could change himself and turn his life back around, the more I began to see that I could do the same, and the more I realized that everything I had gone through with Harry was worth it, because in some strange way, I had fixed him.

The End.

Omf I'm crying.


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