The Monkees: Gold Rush

EverLovingAdelaide द्वारा

3.3K 340 150

So, imagine it's 1850 and the California Gold Rush is in full throttle. Four boys seek their fortunes in the... अधिक

Here We Come...
Walkin' Down the Street...
We Get the Funniest Looks...
From Everyone We Meet...
Hey! Hey! We're the Monkees...
Monday Had a Sad Child...
Always Feeling Low Down...
Tuesday Had a Dream Child...
She's Always On the Go...
So, I'm In Love With Saturday's Child...
I Wanna Be Free...
I'm Gonna Pack Up All My Pain...
I've Been a Keepin' In My Heart...
I'm Gonna Catch Me the Fastest Train...
And Make Me a Brand New Start...
But That's Okay...
Tomorrow's Gonna Be Another Day...
No Heartaches Felt No Longer Lonely...
Heights of Waiting Finally Won Me...
Happiness That's All Rolled Up In You...
Come With Me, Leave Yesterday Behind...
And Take a Giant Step Outside Your Mind...
Take the Last Train to Clarksville
I Guess I Should Have Stayed In Bed...
My Pillow Wrapped 'Round My Head...
Instead of Waking Up to Find
A Nightmare of a Different Kind
She Went Away...
Let's Dance On
I'll Be True to You, Yes I Will...
Sweet Young Thing
You Know My Girl Just Called Me Up...
And She Woke Me From My Sleep...
You Should Have Heard the Things She Said
You Know She Hurt My Feelings Deep
I'm Gonna Buy Me a Dog
Author's Note

This Just Doesn't Seem to Be My Day...

67 8 2
EverLovingAdelaide द्वारा

The morning came with a thunder cloud. It was raining very hard outside Peter's window. He looked out the window as the rain hit across the foggy windowpane. Lightning would periodically flash across the sky and caused a low rumble across the flat land. The sky was dark with the heavy rain clouds.
Peter could see the people in heavy leather raincoats trudging along in the rain. Every now and again a person on a horse would ride by or a person in a wagon would ride by and splash the people in raincoats. Though he couldn't hear the people on the streets he could imagine their curses and shouts at the riders of the horses and wagons.
Peter laughed quietly as another person who was walking got splashed by a guy on a horse. The man turned towards the horse, but it didn't appear that he shouted at the rider. He just continued on his way. Peter's eyes widened as he noticed the man had a bad limp and he was heading towards the hotel. Peter stood up and rushed to get dressed. He left his room and headed down the stairs. Vincent was sitting at one of the tables with a warm cup of coffee and his pipe in his mouth.
"Good morning," Peter greeted sitting down at the same table as the deputy.
Vincent looked up at Peter and smiled. "Mornin'," Vincent said taking his pipe out of his lips.
Vincent's wet coat was hanging dripping on the floor on the back of his chair. He raised his coffee mug to his lips and took a long drink. He looked over at Peter. "How about that rain?" Vincent asked as his eyes drifted over to the window
"It's horrible," Peter said. "I haven't seen this much rain since I moved here."
Vincent smiled. "It doesn't normally rain this bad," He said. "It's nice though... The rain... I just hope I don't catch a cold..."
"Why would you catch a cold? It really isn't cold today, just rainy," Peter asked.
Vincent laughed. "It's cold when you get soaked through," He said.
Peter looked at the dripping coat.
"Do you have any matches?" Vincent asked. "Mine got drenched."
Peter shook his head. Vincent sighed as he looked at his pipe in his hand. A waitress walked by to take Peter's order. Vincent stopped her.
"Do you have any matches?" He asked.
"I'll get some," The waitress said as she turned to Peter. "Anything you want?"
"Some coffee and some pancakes and syrup," Peter said.
The waitress nodded and left the room to get Peter's food and Vincent's matches. Vincent had replaced his pipe in his lips. He was looking out the window. He was humming a tune quietly. The raindrops were hitting the windowpane with a fury. Lightning flashed across the sky and thunder clapped.
The waitress returned with Peter's food on a tray. She handed Vincent his matches and he struck one and lit his pipe. She laid Peter's food in front of him and placed his coffee mug down. Peter smiled at her and thanked her. She returned his smile and left the room. Peter began to eat his food.
Vincent looked a lot more at ease once he started to smoke. Peter was pretty happy to be having his breakfast. It was early still so very few people were in the restaurant. It wasn't likely that there would be a lot of people coming in for breakfast anyway. The rain dampened the spirits of the whole town as it make the ground muddy and the streets flooded.
Mike came down the stairs. He looked particularly annoyed this morning. He sat down with Peter and Vincent. The waitress came back in. Mike ordered a cup of coffee.
"What's got you all worked up?" Peter asked.
"My roof leaks..." Mike said slowly, "and I slipped on a puddle on my way out of my room..."
Peter snorted. Mike shot him a dirty look. Peter continued to eat his pancakes and drink his coffee. Mike got his coffee a little later. He started drinking it soon. Vincent let out a large puff of smoke.
"Have you told Micky about the land?" Peter asked.
Mike shook his head. "But I will," He said putting his hands up as if in surrender.
Peter nodded his head and went back to eating. "What's all this about land?" Vincent asked.
"June got us a good deal on some land," Mike said.
Vincent nodded his head as he let out a large puff of smoke. Vincent finished his coffee and stood up. He put his coat back on. "You two fellas have a good day," He said heading out the door.
"Bye, Gene!" Peter called smiling.
Peter could hear Vincent's laughter as he headed out the hotel's doors. Peter turned to Mike. "We otta go to Micky's store and tell him today," Peter said.
Mike nodded his head. "We'll do it after breakfast," Mike said.
Aponi walked down the stairs and sat down with Mike and Peter. She was silent until a waitress came to take her order then she asked toast and a glass of juice. She looked very tired. Peter remembered what he said to her about bringing her back to her tribe when the land was bought. Peter looked down at the table clothe. Soon he'd have to bring her home... Then he might never see her again.
Thunder rumbled outside the window. Aponi looked up and out the window then looked back down at her lap. Peter had finished his pancakes and his coffee. He glanced over at Aponi. She was still waiting on her toast. Mike finished his cup of coffee and left a sawbuck on the table for his and Peter's and Aponi's food then stood up and walked out the door. He was going to tell Micky about the land.
"Did I tell you that we're buying the land soon?" Peter asked quietly messing with the sawbuck.
Aponi shook her head. Peter put on a fake smile. He was trying to appear cheerful as he told her what should be good news. "I'll be taking you home soon," He said.
Aponi mouthed the word home then smiled a gentle, loving smiled at Peter. "Thank you," She said.
"We'll go whenever the weather is nicer," Peter said. "Maybe tomorrow..." These words were hurting Peter, but he knew what home meant to Aponi so her tried to look happy for her. He tried to be happy for her.

(This chapter was a bust. I ended up describing the rain for ages... Well, if you don't know a sawbuck is a ten dollar bill. Don't ask... It's an old way of saying stuff, but I sorta like how it sounds. I think next chapter will have a lot of stuff happening... Or not... Who knows?
Still in love with a bass guitar... ~ Adde Away!)

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