Heart strong

By redballonhope

318 7 4

I wrote this when I was 15. I like to say that I'm a better writer now. Although this is where is started. Th... More

I want to share this
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
A past
New years
Saying Good Bye Could Be A New Hello.
All over again

Just running

11 0 0
By redballonhope

The next day was amazing. Alec pretty much spoiled me, we went to down town riverside. I think he's the only straight male that would take his girlfriend friend shopping, give his honest opinion, and not complain. He then took me to the Tyler mall where I really just stayed in Barnes and Noble. I did go and pick up some make up that I needed but I didn't have him stay in their all day. Later we went to best buy were we both geeked out. I ended up putting it on credit. I didn't care much I needed to build up my credit.

We then went home for a little while we both switched from casual to dressy;he decided to take me out for Italian. I wore a blue and black dresses with thick fabric that fit me well. I loved this dress; I let my straight hair the way it was and let my bangs out. My make up wasn't to much, just a BB cream and some blush and of course eyes.

He drived us their. I honestly had no idea where this place was our what it was like. He was very secretive of this, to the point he didn't tell me the name scared I would google it. I vlogged a bit of the drive and stopped as we got off the freeway. He helped me out and held my hand. It was a small restaurant obviously family owned. The outside was brick with bushes and vines, the sign above read 'Mario's place.'

I have been here with an ex once it was near the mission inn but this was diffrent I was with someone I knew I wouldn't leave. Alec opened the door and it was a bit different inside. Only the walls were painted and the table moved around. We were seated immediately and handed our menus. I never really liked dinner dates, that's why our first was at a park.

I was reading the menu while he stare at me. I looked back at him and smiled. He blushed, even after three months he still had that butterfly effect. I slide over next to him I know face to face was the best for conversion, but we talked plenty.

I wasn't very hungery having eaten an entire Cinnabon, and now regretting it.
"I'll just have a side of salad I'm not very hungry," I said to the waitress. She nodded and took my empty glass of lemonade, I guess to refill it.
"I love you," Alec said out of no where.
"Are you drunk," I asked.
"A little," he said sipping his wine.
I laughed and let him enjoy his wine. We ate our food and I made sure to get a glass of water for him...to go. She even gave us a plastic bag. I thanked her and went to the car. I has to half carry Alec to the car which wasn't easy considering we was a six foot tall man. When we found the car I leaned him against it an he thew up. I wiped his mouth, and took the keys from his pocket.

I put him in the frount seat with a plastic bag in frount of him. The drive was short and when we got home I layed him in bed with a trash bag. It was late and I was getting ready for bed when he ran in and thew up in the sink and slipping against the wall.
"Sober," I asked.
"Definitely," he said gaging and throwing up again.

I had him take a shower and he got dressed and went to bed. I wanted to hold him but in his situation I found it was best not to . He got up three times in the middle of the night to throw up.

Around four in the moring I found him on top of me. I was going to ask what he was doing when he started kissing me. His mouth tasted like tooth paste. I pushed him off.

"What the hell Alec," I yelled. I saw the look in his eyes. He was definitely sober now. I rolled to my side and fell asleep, I felt him get up when I grabbed his hand and pulled him back down. We fell asleep, I knew tomorrow morning would be rough.

It was hear my dreaded morning. I got out of bed and pulled the sheets off of Alec.
"Get the hell up, we're going for a run," I yelled.
He fumbled for his phone. "It's five in the morning," he said. "And plus your heart can't take it."

"It's been three months, I'm fine. Now get your ass up."
I went into my closest and changed into gym clothes. I then ran through his clothes, I found his gym clothes and thew them at him.
"Get your ass in the shower and, meet me in the living room."
I saw the shock in his face.
"NOW," I yelled. He ran into the shower and I heard him quickly turn it on.

I went into the kitchen and blended some green juice. I put my hair into a messy pony tail and left it. I was pouring the juice into cups when he came out.

"Here," I said. "You drink this. If I drink it before you were running and extra mile."

He began chugging it, while I drank from the straw. I was almost half way down when he finished. I set my glass down and took his out of his hand.

"Let's go," I said grabbing my keys and phone.
I quickly paced down the stairs him behind me. I ran to the sides walk and kept running, listening for his foot steps behind me. I ran across town then I stopped. I heard his foot steps stop to. He was panting.

"How about we walk back," I said. He nodded and I let him catch his breath. He started talking a few minites later.

"I used to be an acoholic," he said. I said nothing I response. "One day my mom came to visit me. I had left the door unlocked, she found me out cold. She took me to the hospital and they made me puke. They said not getting and IV was my punishment. She sent me to rehab and I stayed their for a month. When I got out I never drank again; until last night. I thought I could handle it I guess not."

"Let this be your punishment," I said and began running his foot steps following me behind.

When we reached the house he crashed on the floor panting.
"It's Monday type for work. Take another shower and go your going to be late."

While he took another shower, I made breakfast. It was egg spinach, I also made it to go. He got out of the shower in his shirt and coat. I handed him the tupperwear and he kissed me, before leaving he hugged me.
"Thank you, for giving me my lesson."
I hugged him back, "as long as you learned from it."

He left and I sunk down. I went to take a shower and get ready. I put on a pair of teal ripped skinny jeans and a loose fitting light pink top. It had a little pocket and a white neck line which I loved. I went and fixed my hair into a neat pony tail, then put on every day makeup.

I uploaded a video I had prepared and decided my next be a Q&A. I loved Q&As, when I tweeted out '#askIris' it was top has tag within hours. I sat on my couch and watched the rest of Death note. Which was pretty awesome, I loved the series.

I decided to invite Lila over since I haven't talked to her in a while. She was here within minutes.

"Hey," she said and came in. "How's the heart and boyfriend."
"Getting better, and good," I said. She gave me a look.
"What happened?"
I gave in. "He drank last night and as it turns out he's an ex acoholic."

She just stared at me shocked.
"That's exactly how I reacted," I sighed. "Hell with it get me a drink."
She placed her hand on my shoulder. "I don't think drinking this away is the best thing to do."
I put my head down and breathed. I didn't know what to do, God forbid I would have to send him to rehab. I know that would kill him. His father was dying his mom obviously depressed. All he has is me I can't betray him even if it's for his own good. He realized what he did that all that matter.
"You need to get out," she said. "Come on let's get a pedicure."
She dragged me out of my apartment and I was lucky able to grab my vlog camera and phone.
She first ordered me Starbucks which made me happy until she said I needed to lay off the Chipotle.
We sat and talked while getting our nails done. I didn't get my hands down because I'm a major klutz and my axiety makes me peel them. That was until I saw they had black nail polish and Lila told me to get black with white french tips which I ended up loving.

I was highly caffeinated and pretty jumpy. She took me home where we stayed watching Netflix and left after a while. She said she would edit and post my vlog for me. I emailed her the footage and within two hours it was up.

Alec came in he looked tired. I got up and he looked up at me. I jumped over the couch and hugged him. He kissed my hair and kissed me. I loved him so much, he smelled like coffee. How I loved him so much.


I loved her every inch of skin ever cell was meant to love her. I breathed her in. I loved how she smelled like coconut and coffee all the time. Even the days she didn't drink coffee, she still smelled sweet like it. I stood there and held her, I was so tired. I had an hour argument with a women over how a vacation won't make her kid retarded. My head was pounding, I picked her up and took her to the bedroom.

The next moring I woke up beside her I don't remember any thing happening. I guess I must have fallen asleep. I looked at my phone and it was Tuesday I don't work Tuesdays. I thanked God and hugged Iris, I loved how she fit perfectly into me. I felt her turn around and kissed me, I held her more closely. She ran her fingures in my hair and kissed me. I opened my mouth and her tongue slipped in. I had to admit she tasted amazing, and she was good at this. She bit my bottom lip which I loved and knew what it meant. I peeled of the stap of her bra, going slowly if she wanted to stop. She did'nt she pulled my boxers off. I was naked but now she was just in her over sized t-shirt and underwear. That was all soon gone, I flipped her over to were I topped. I felt her hand push against my waist she reached into her night stand and pulled one out. I slipped it on and begun.


I later took a shower, I began feeling depressed again. I'm guessing that's why I and sex with Alec so often. I got out of the shower and dried off. I wrapped the towl around me and went into my closet. I was going to film my boyfriend tag today so I dressed in black ripped skinny jeans, and a stripped blue shirt with a lace backing. It took some talking to Alec to convince him but he gave in.
I filmed for about an hour, it was fun even Alec had to admit. I was able to put some use to my filming room and did laundry. I really just cleaned the house up, and made Alec be a good boyfriend and help out.

I finished all the boring stuff when found out, I did every thing. I had nothing to do. I had three videos scheduled to be posted to that didn't need to be done. The apartment was clean, Alec went out with some friends, Lila was on a date, and here I am doing nothing. I pretty much finished all my shows. Then I looked to my side I had some books I hadn't started. It was barley three I woke up early. I some how finished three of five when Alec came home. I jumped up and over the couch to hug him. Then I forgot one important thing...dinner.
"Crap, dinner I so forgot," I apologized.
"It's ok, I brought leftovers," he held up the bag. "Hungery?"
"Not really," I said. He went over to the living room and put his phone it the stereo.
"You know that doesn't charge your phone, I uh...tried once," I said.
"It's know I have different intentions."
A soft note of the piano played. He took my hands and started swaying me. I put my head against his cheast while he swayed and sinned across the living room. I loved him it was no mystery. I would love him all my life, love him after he dies, and when I die...I'll love him in heaven.

A/N: It took a while to publish because I decided you guys deserved longer parts. So I'm switching from every day to once a week. Love you guys. ♡

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