part 5

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I parked my car in the front of the park next to the big welcoming park sign. This was my favorite park it was called Fairmont Park in Riverside. I love it, the lake, the tall trees, I knew the places where no one goes. I loved sitting on a bench watching the ducks next to the road that was rarely used.
I went and walked toward the dock. I leaned against the wooden railing. The air was fresh after the recent rain. Not many people were here because the play ground and soil was wet and it was a weekday, during work and school hours. That was the advantage to being a YouTuber, you always had any time you wanted off. I took out my vlog camera and hit record.
"Hey guys, so I'm currently at the park. I'm actually waiting for my date and I just wanted to show this beauty to you guys." I spun around slowly and took in the view of the lake and the palm tree island. "It's so pretty here. So my outfit is a blue sun dress I got for Nordstrom, and my shoes are from Urban Outfitters. I'm wearing very little make up. My eyeliner is the Mac Roll on and my blush is also Mac."
I continued showing the park and narrating ducks. I laughed while doing this. I talked a bit about my collaboration, but I didn't release too much information, I didn't want to spoil it.
I heard steps behind me and turned, he was walking towards me. I quickly ended my video in my signature sign off and shoved it in my bag.
He waved his hand. "Hey," he said. His thumbs were stuffed in his pockets as he walked towards me.
"Hey," I smiled and met him in the middle of the dock. I pushed my bangs out of my face.
He came up to me, "shall we walk?" He put his hand out. I was kinda surprised by the sudden move, but how could I resist not holding the hand of someone as beautiful as him. I took it, his fingers curled around mine. For what seemed like a long time, I finally felt safe.
We walked in silence for a few minutes then he started the conversation.
"So, how have you been?" he asked.
"Good, and you," I asked.
"Good, I watched some of your videos," he grinned.
"And?" I asked nervously.
"I liked them. They were funny, and relatable. I didn't really get it at first. I didn't know if you were a beauty guru or a life style or DIY."
I interrupted him, "I like to think of it as a mixture. Some where were you can go to to find everything you need."
He pushed me lightly with his shoulder and I pushed him back.
"Favorite band?" he asked.
"That's hard. I can't decide between Twenty One Pilots, Panic! at the Disco, or Sleeping with Sirens."
He looked at me in amazement. "I never meet someone with the same taste in bands as me!"
"Well I guess I'm special." I laughed.

"You know I never really grew out of the bands I listened to in highschool. I was that hid that wanted to be full in emo but didn't have the balls to leave the house with eyeliner and bitten down black nails." I laughed at how similar we were in highschool as he told me stories about his high school past.  I never really felt this way in a long time. Not since high school where all these were new feelings and overwhelming. This was a whole different type of overwhelming...a good kind.

We walked along the lake now.
"Why did you decide to start YouTube?" he asked still holding my hand. He was tapping patterns on my knuckles. I loved it when guys did that.
"I always wanted to be one. I was inspired by other YouTubers, then one day I turned on the camera and just talked about what my intentions were for my channel. It didn't get many views but I kept filming. It became an addiction , a passion. The numbers grew and now I can live a middle class style life , just off of YouTube."
He smiled, and squeezed my hand. He was so beautiful, just looking at him took my breath away. He looked back at me, I  turned away and blushed like a Japanese school girl. He was so tall, he towered me. I looked back at him and his eyes locked on mine. His blue eyes melted my heart like potted butter.
"What," I laughed.
"You're beautiful," his free hand stroked my cheek. I felt a shiver go down my spine and stopped walking for a second to make it not so obvious.  He lead me to the nearest bench. Our eyes never broke apart. He ran both his hands into my hair. I was glad I left it down. He leaned in slowly giving me plenty of times to pull away, but I wanted this. His lips were so soft. This was also secretly the reason why I didn't wear lipstick. His lips moved against mine. He began to pull away when I bit his bottom lip playfully. He smiled and sighs. He kissed me again and again. Each time more passionately. He began to peck my lips until I laughed and fell into him. His fingers ran into my hair. I closed my eyes as he pulled me against his chest. We watched the ducks play and the wind rushed between us for a few minutes before I felt my arm fall asleep and decided it was best to sit up.
"I don't want to sound like an idiot, but that was the best kiss I ever had," he laughed.

I never knew love could come so fast. I wanted to talk to him forever laugh and smile and just enjoy each other. I wanted to say up all night with him and binge watch The Walking Dead. I wanted to him to kiss me until we fell asleep. I wanted him to put up with my indecisiveness when it come to outfits, then kiss me and tell me that I looked beautiful no matter what. I wanted all of him...forever.
"Is it just me or is this love?" he asked. I paused for a second giving him time to take it back. I tried to look at his face from the corner of my eyes and saw that he wasn't kidding. Giving in I said, "Don't worry," I said and turned to face him. "I feel it too."

He looked at me in amazement and kissed me unexpectedly. I feel into it and we stayed on that bench at talking until the sun set.

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