forever is a lie | kl |

By jungshookii

31.5K 476 77

her family lake house, new people,a dance recital, drama, friends, school, prom, heartbreak could you ask fo... More

Characters; lowkey alot
Holy S**t
Prom dresses
thank u


274 6 0
By jungshookii

The curtains closed and music was still being played but it was a guitar instrumental. I walked off behind the curtains to where the senior company dressing room is.

I walked in there and get dressed into my outfit from before the show, my feet hurt really bad. I got all my stuff and put my costumes in the box and grabbed my bag and went towards the auditorium which is just occupied by my family and friends.

Kians pov

When Mandy left everyone was getting dressed in a little bit of nicer clothes I stayed in the same clothes still. By the time it was 6 we headed to the cars and I got into the van with all the rowdy teenagers too.

When we got to the school we got inside and waited in the lobby I called Mandy

K- kian M- mandy

K-Hey babe

M-hey what's up?

K- how about you come to the lobby every one wants to see you

M- okay see you in a sec babe.

She hung up and while everyone was talking with my back towards the doors I saw everyone look towards my direction but behind me I turned around and saw Mandy all dressed up and she looked so pretty. She looks so different too, a good different. She looked very mature.

Everyone was saying nice things but I don't know what they were I was stuck in a daydream and I wasn't getting out soon. I saw Carli walk up to Mandy and pinch her cheeks I laughed.

"So you guys know where your seats are?" Mandy asked we shook our heads no. She took her dads ticket and mumbled something we soon followed her to our seats.





The curtain pulled back and showed the teachers but I didn't see Mandy I thought she thought a class. Then they walled off then they showed the other student teachers three other girls were called and claps and hollers were heard.

"Now last but not least Mandy Ashwood" She stepped forward and waved and all of us were clapping and yelling and I heard some girl scream "Work it girl." then the lights dimmed and they walked off.

When I saw Mandy dancing I was so proud my baby was doing so good it was incredible she was the last act before intermission, during the dance Sam whispered to me " You would think with moves likes those that she would be good in bed." He smirked. "Don't start with me okay Pottorff." We both quietly chuckled.

When intermission rolled around I saw Jc jump up from his seat "Where you going?" "Bathroom."he screamed while running we all laughed "I hope he knows those lines will be really long."Her dad said. I saw Mandy coming through the crowd but was stopped by a lady and they were talking by the time They were done Mandy was walking up the side steps of the stage and goes through the sides.

When she was done dancing through the second half I was blown away I never knew she could dance that like. When everyone was walking out of the auditorium I was walking toward the back when I saw Mandy walking the opposite way.

I ran up behind her and wrapped my arms around her and lifted her up, she dropped the box and she squealed. I set her down she turned around and kissed me.

"Babe you did amazing, I was blown away." I smiled, she was smiling too."Thanks hot stuff ." She says. "I mean I am pretty hot so." I played it off cool "Oh shut up." She laughed. I grabbed the box and took her left hand in my right. Then fitting just like puzzle pieces.

Mandy's pov

I saw all my family and friends in the auditorium they were showering me with compliments "Damn here's ten bucks" Jenna sighed. "Fuck yeah." Melanie cheered "What?" I asked "Oh we made a bet, I bet that you wouldn't fall on your face witch you didn't and Jenna said you would fall and be taken to the hospital." Mel explained

"wow thanks guys, love you guys so much too." I muttered

"Let's go eat." My dad said

They all laughed and headed towards the car . Kian and me went to my car, he put the box in the backseat

He got in the passengers side and we were off to some restaurant.

A  T    R  E  S  T  A  U  R  A  N  T

My aunt rented out the place for us, considering there is like fourty people here.

The adults were sitting at one table and my friends and I were sitting at a long table they created. When we were sat down we were talking we all heard a glass being tapped.


We all looked over at my aunt " I am so proud of my niece Mandy not only for a great show tonight and her amazing talent but for her actually dressing like a girl for once in her life right now." I looked at her shocked 

" I mean we all know she is a girl but she dresses like a boy and acts like one its about time she matured." She took a sip of her wine.

I got up out of my seat, pushing the chair back so far it broke against the wall with my force I pushed it at. "You know what, you're a fucking bitch." I cried

I walked into the bathroom and locked the door and was crying "Why me?"

How could she finally say these things, I thought I was up to her standards, I never felt like I belonged in this family. I'm the total outcast of it. The darkest music, the darkest clothes, no one in my family understands. All cheerleaders, preppy happy. Do I look happy, do I look like I want to wear this. No, but I want her acceptance.

I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

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