(Editing 2nd) Love on Tour (M...

Por xKadeex99

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Alyssa Conaway, a smart good girl, was best friends with the infamous quadruplets Jayden, Brandon, Derek, and... Más

1~Alyssa- First Day Back, Oh No!
2~Critical Judgment- Arrival
3~ Alyssa- Opportunity
4~ Critical Judgment- Hope Gone!
5~Alyssa- Options
6~ Critical Judgment- Hope Back!
7~ Critical Judgment- Run In
8~ Alyssa- Ideas1
9~ Alyssa- Pay Back Part 1
10~ Alyssa- Dinner with Jerks
11~ Alyssa- Losing my Mind
12~ Alyssa- Pay Back Part 2
13~ Alyssa- Getting to Close for Comfort
14~ Alyssa- Confusion
15~ Alyssa- Football Game
Songs for homecoming
16~ Alyssa- Dance Prep
17~ Critical Judgment- Last Chance at Happiness
18~ Alyssa- Homecoming Part 1
19~ Alyssa- Homecoming Part 2
20~ Alyssa- Homecoming Part 3
21~ Alyssa- Man in the Shadows Comes Out
22- Critical Judgment~ Explanation Part 1
24~ Alyssa- News Gets Around Fast
25~ Alyssa- Sweet Break from the Cold
25~ Alyssa- Sweet Break from the Cold Part 2
26~ Alyssa- Sweet Memories
27~ Alyssa- Rekindling the Broken Flames Part 1
27~ Alyssa -Rekindling the Broken Flames part 2
28- Critical Judgment~ Betrayed
29~ Alyssa- Broken
30~ Critical Judgment- Ignorance
31~ Alyssa- Back to School Life
32~ Alyssa- A New Start
33~ Alyssa- The Good Life
34~ Alyssa- A Place Where I Belong
35~ Alyssa- Take This To Heart
36~ Critical Judgment- Fucked Up Situation
37~ Alyssa- The End of Prom Night
Playlist for Love on Tour

23~ Alyssa- Did my Life get Better or Worse, I'll Never Know

16.3K 193 45
Por xKadeex99

READ the note at the end it is VERYYYY important!!!! =D

I hope you enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think!!!


Not Edited!

Light streamed into my room waking me up. The slow rise and fall of Jayden's chest against my back made me smile and as i tried to roll over to look at his face I couldn't. Jayden had his arm drenched over my waist holding me in place and at that very second I realized that Jay and I were super close as my body was on every inch of his. I think you can guess what we were doing?! 

I quickly squealed, waking jayden up. He bolted upright as his arm fell from my body. I jumped out of bed looking at jayden, my breathing accelerated. Jayden laid sprawled out over my bed in only a pair of black boxers, when did he change?

"What's wrong Alyssa?" jayden glanced behind me at the clock and groaned, "It's only ten o'clock." As he flipped over onto his stomach, exposing his back I was lost in the muscles this guy had.

"Um, sorry I didn't mean to wake you up." I mumbled still in a trance. Jayden picked his head up eyeing me curiously, he black hair falling in his eyes making him even sexier. I groaned internally and walked off to the bathroom to take a shower. As i walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror i heard the bed move and not even a few seconds later jayden was standing behind me, wrapping his arms around my body resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Are you ok, you seem...?" Jayden took a minute thinking," distracted? What's wrong, please tell me?"

"I'm sorry if i seem that way," I whispered staring into the mirror at his broad, muscular shoulders and big biceps, nicely tanned.

"Alyssa," he said in a stern tone, he knew I was lying.

"Ok, fine I woke up and you and I... well... it freaked me out and then when I saw what you were wearing I got distracted." I rambled; when what i said kicked in i felt the heat rise to my cheeks. I just told Jayden I was distracted by his body.

He let out a deep, sexy laugh." Awe Alyssa you're blushing that's so cute. It's ok that you got distracted by my awesomely hot body, all the girls do." He teased; I narrowed my eyes at his as his ego just went up.

"Yeah, yeah whatever just get out." I turned and started pushing him out of the bathroom. When he was out of the door he pouted.

"Why," he gave me the puppy dog face and placing his hand on the door frame allowing me to not close the door unless I want to smash his fingers.

"Because I am going to take a shower," i answered in a 'duh' tone.

"Oh, would you like some company then?" He smirked and leaned into my personal space.

"Um no thanks I think I know how to bath myself." I smiled and pushed him hard. And since he wasn't expecting it he fell back onto his ass. I cracked up laughing and shut my door locking it before falling to the ground laughing, his face was sooo funny! =D

I stood up straight calming myself down after the little laughing fit I had and turned on the shower. I stepped under the hot water as it washed away my make-up from last night; it was so calming I never wanted to get out. But Jayden had to ruin my peace by banging on the door yelling, "Hurry up Alyssa, gosh you are such a girl taking forever." I heard him walking away as I shut the water.

Cold air quickly numbed my body as I ran for the towel. I wrapped it around my body and peeped my head out making sure Jayden wasn't there, he wasn't. Sighing with relief I walked out and went into my closet, quickly dressing in a pair of black capris and a white shirt I walked out of my room and downstairs.

The smell of my favorite breakfast food wafted out of the kitchen and to my nose, drawing me in quickly. Excitement filled me as I took off down the hallway to the kitchen, bursting through the door I saw jayden standing over at the stove.

"Hey babe I see you're eager to eat, have a seat." He waved me off tot he table and I walked over taking a seat. Jayden brought over a plate filled with bacon, sausage, toast, and chocolate chip banana pancakes. Quickly grabbing my knife and fork I cut my food up and dug in, jayden watching me intently surprised.

"What," I asked with a mouth full of food,

"Oh nothing, its just I've never seen you eat like that." He smiled and grabbed my hand holding it firmly in his. After i finished Jayden took my plate and walked to the sink, taking his sweet time before sitting back down.

"So finish explaining, please." I mumbled and grabbed his hand. I felt his hand under my chin and lifting my head up to looking his dead in the eye, his deep black eyes.

"Ok I will," he placed a soft kiss on my right cheek and began his story. "Where was I...?" I watched as he thought, "Oh right charm two, the pink star with the word 'sweet' inscribed in it. Well you got that one for being sweet in class, to me, and so after that happened I quickly wrote the note. You weren't looking; you were messing around with Brandon, which he was distracting you for me. After I wrote the note I placed it in my pocket. After the bell rang I gave the stuff to Seth and while we all slowed you down Seth put it in your locker.

"Charm three, the white caring hands inscribed with the word 'caring'.   That one was a little hard; while we were doing dishes I had the guys inform Kyle of everything, so he was in on it the whole time too. We told him what to do and not to tell you, that seems hard for a little six year old but hey he did good. And I wrote the note after we finished and you went to get Kyle. I stuck the note where I told the guys to inform Kyle to tell you. "

Jayden took a deep breath and continued. Everything he said was so intriguing, how they did everything and how it was all planned out.  "Ok charms four and five, they were a bit tricky. Well the note was already half written because of the third charm but then I kept the note then and just put it with charm five. I wrote charm five's note that night you snuck in to prank me, I was half awake and when I heard you walk into my closet I got out of bed and went to my lap top to finish typing out the note. After doing that I sent it to Brandon, who printed it out, and snuck in doing the job of stealing your clothes and leaving the note. After you went to sleep first, you always were a heavy sleeper Alyssa."let out a laugh and pulled me to his side, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Wow soBrandon played the part as some perverted weirdo sneaking into girls rooms at night stealing their clothes. Great now I can pick on him tomorrow." I smiled triumphantly at the chance to pick on Brandon.

 Jayden started cracking up and nodding his head, "Sure he is the weirdo pervert. Now back to my explanation." I nodded happily, loving this story surprisingly. "Well charms six and seven I did during class in the morning, I wrote the note and after school I left class early to put it on your car. Charm number eight you were suppose to get after the game but I lost track of time and didn't get to give it to Brandon to put in your room. So instead I gave it to Sara, and yes she is in on this as well, and she put it in your room while you were taking a shower. She hoped you'd see it but you didn't. Not till later i guess."

"Wow, did everyone know but me?" I exclaimed throwing my hands up dramatically.

"Pretty much babe, well charm nine-" I cut him off before he started explaining

"Yeah that one got me so confused."

"Well let me explain than," I nodded excitedly and he sighed happily," ok charm nine I got help from the guys. After we performed the guys left to set up, they putt he rose petals out on the floor and set the box there. After our dance and I saw you walk out I knew where you were going so I quickly took the short cut and arrived right as you were walking down the hallway. There now you know everything, happy?"

"Yes, very." I looked up and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before jumping off the chair and running off. I could hear jayden chasing after me and sped up running into my room. Before I could shut the door jayden ran in and swooped me up into his big arms, holding my bridal style.

"Put me down!" I yelled swarming around.

"No now stop." He quickly threw me into the air and placed me over his shoulder. "Now calm down."

"Never, put me down." I stared hitting his back and kicking but he wouldn't budge.

"Stop Alyssa or I might drop you." I didn't lay up the hard blows I gave him. I felt a hard slap to my ass and I instantly stopped. "Good girl now stop."

"Did you just smack my ass?"

"Yes I did," Jayden said in a cocky tone. 'Well two can play at that game' I thought as i smacked his ass. "Oh so that's how it's going to be then, you're on."  I felt air go under me as jayden threw me onto the bed.

I landed with a soft thump as Jayden jumped on top of me, his huge frame hovering over my small one. He had a devious smirk on his face, 'this can't be good'. As I went to slip away Jayden started tickling my sides. I swarmed around trying to escape while laughing, not fair he knew my weakness. 

"Ok...ok...Jay stop." I pleaded through laughs and gasps for breath.

"Ok Aly but what am I getting in return?" he cocked his head to the side looking like a cute little boy.

"I don't know Jay, what did you have in mind?" I flirted back, I saw the shock in his face as i flirted with him but he caught on and smirked.

"Well I can think of lots of stuff I want from you." He placed a finger on my collarbone and ran it slowly down, between my breasts, over my stomach and ended at the hem of my shorts. Wow this boy can flirt but two can play at this game. 

I smirked back and placed my hand on his chest lowering it slowly down to the hem of his pants but going a bit further, I place a finger in his pants and pulled him down lower. I felt his erection on my thigh as I smirked wider and Jayden gulped, looks like he has met his match. 

I let go and pushed him away, he never saw it coming and fell sideways to lie next to me. "That was not fair Aly," he whined sitting up to look down at me.

"Yes it was, now wait I still have one more question than I'm done."

"Yeah ok go for it."

"Ok well I want to know how long you've felt like this. Felt something towards me?" Jayden tensed up next to me and I held his hand relaxing him a bit. "Please I want to know."

"Ok well your question can be answered in this," jayden let go of my hand and rolled off the bed but not before falling off not knowing he was that close to the edge. I held my stomach as I laughed; Jayden just stood up and shook his head mumbling incoherent words. He walked over to his bag and rummaged through it for something.

After a few minutes he pulled out a white folded piece of paper and walking back over to me. He sat next to me on the bed, his body facing me. "In my hand is a note, this note I wrote to you the night before I left. I meant to give this to you the day I left but I couldn't I was too scared."

Jayden took a deep breath and unfolded the note. He was going to read the note I read that one night I snuck into his house? Oh my, "Ok this is what it says,

            'Dear Yssa,

                        This is the last note I will ever write you, I am leaving today. I just want you to know that I will never forget you. You are my best friend and this is so hard to accept, not seeing you. The day I first saw you in the sixth grade i fell in love, love at first sight. You were perfect, you may have dressed like a girlie girl but you were not afraid to get dirty and stick up for yourself. And with that I fell for you, hard. I wanted to tell you for so long but was to chicken to say anything and I know that while I'm gone guys will think they can have you and that thought kills me. I don't want you with anyone but me; we are perfect for each other. It will be hard to talk to you over tour, wit the busy schedule and just hearing your voice will get my sad knowing I cant be there to be with you and hear your voice in person. I want you to not wait for me, if you find someone don't be afraid to be with them and forget about us. With me being gone I want you to remember, don't forget us 'cause we won't EVER forget our amazingly awesome, spontaneous friend Alyssa Katherine Conaway.

            Love your best friend,

                        Jayden Anthony DeAvila.'

When Jayden finished I saw the tears rimming his eyes, my tears fell right at the first line he spoke. I crawled to Jayden and wrapped my arms around his waist sitting no his lap and barring my face in his chest. "Alyssa?" he spoke quietly in his soft voice.

"Yeah Jay," I whispered not fully able to talk.

"I have one question for you?" I nodded my head signaling for him to continue. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly before saying, "Alyssa will you be my girlfriend?"


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