Cold All the Way Through, But...

By thecowgirlbookworm

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Anastasia Dalian was not expecting to have to deal with an unwanted suitor on the return trip from unsuccessf... More

The Launch
Some Minor Rule Breaking
An Incident
Breakfast and Society Tea
Dinner and a Question
An Afternoon Promenade
Waiting in the Cold
Bridge and the Brig
The Morning Session
AN: Switch
The Afternoon Session
An Afternoon Caller
A Private Rail Car
The Funeral
A Few Frazzled Days
One Night
A Questioning
An Interview
An Attack
A Letter
A Ball
A Trip
Spreading the News
Hair of the Dog
The Business of Pleasure
A Joke
Settling Things
A Happy Occasion
The Party
Renewing Acquaintances
A Warning
A New Launch
The Duchess
A Favor
The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men
Almost to the Race
The Regatta
First Voyage
Awkward Conversations
The Tour
A Picnic
The Opera
An Ultimatum
The Costume Ball
The Birthday Party
White Camellias
Wedding Plans
Four Days Late
A French Letter
Opening Arguments
The Kidnappers' Testimony
A Red Dress and a Golden Necklace
The First Anniversary
Oscar's Gift
The Wedding Portrait
The Stag Night
The Morning After
The Wedding
The Wedding Night
The Wedding Breakfast
Shipboard Antics
A Slight Discomfort
Uncle Will and Aunt Anna
The Brightest Jewel in My Crown
Until We Meet Again
An Attack of Memory
An Unlikely Friend
An Abomination
Those Who Should Never Will
A Moonlight Swim
A Greedy Man
A Siren and a Scotsman
Purple Hyacinths
The Great White Hurricane
There's Nothing a Best Friend Won't Do
Cheering Up
Breaking Point
A Trip to Town
Groveling on His Knees
The Spell is Broken
Christmas Visitors
Heading Home
Modern Major General
Unwelcome News
A Turkish Bath
Dinner With the Captain
Old Friends
A Quiet Sort of Grief
Captain Rogers
A Storm
A Look of Adoration
The Second Anniversary
A Surprise
Another Trick
Crossing Together
Stealing Up to Newport
Finally, A Proposal
Before the Storm
Whispers on the Wind
Alfred Arrives
The Wave Breaks
A Long Time Coming
Fair Winds and Following Seas
Another Time, Perhaps
Dragged Kicking and Screaming
Live Bait
Rule Britannia
The Talk
An Agreement
An Early Christmas Gift
Mrs. Moody
A Public Confrontation
A Raider's Early Demise
A Court Martial
The Leave Taking
The Perfect Target
Drowning in Despair
Fitting Together
Tea With the Lightollers
A White Feather
A Mutual Friend
An Interrupted Afternoon Tea
Back in New York
Off to London
Yet Another Inquiry
Lord Mersey
Letters and Tricks

Leave's End

33 1 1
By thecowgirlbookworm

It was rather entertaining to watch Will growing more and more exasperated as the truck from the docks disgorged yet another trunk of my clothes, sent with love from Mother. Two trunks were already stacked in the office, and a number of hatboxes now occupied the desk.

Will watched as the porters took it upstairs, then turned to me. "She does realize that you can buy clothes over here, right?"

"She said in her letter she wanted me to make myself at home here, so she sent some of home along." I waved the letter she had included with her delivery. "It sounds as if there's a delivery of food coming with it, so if you want a decent dinner, you should consider your next words carefully."

He pursed his lips, coming to place his hands on my shoulders. "I suppose can put up with some frivolousness, in exchange for that dinner."

"You won't have to put up with it for long." I looked away for a moment, taking a breath to calm myself. The end of Will's leave was coming up in three days, and even with the extra time we had enjoyed together, it still felt like I had barely been with him. But I couldn't let that mar our last few days, so I shook the thought away and smiled. "I'll let Kate cook, that way we can actually eat."

Will chuckled, his blue eyes bright as he leaned down to kiss my cheek. "You'll have to take Sylvie up on her lessons, I'd love to eat something made by your hands when I return." He was still standing over me when the porters came down, promising to return with the shipment of food. I sent them off with a tip, earning a snort from Will. "You already pay them well."

"And now they'll feel even kinder towards me." I smirked, "I can use them to ferret out Campbell."

Will moved to the parlor, sitting on the settee and wrapping an arm around me. "Are you really going to do that?"

I laughed, "I spoke to Welton about it, and he said he thought it was unlikely Campbell would have spies on the docks. Although if we were a German company, or even shipped to Germany, he thinks we would be crawling in them."

"You believe him?"

"I do. Campbell would gain nothing beneficial by spying on me, if anything he runs the risk of angering me and losing a source of supplies. He's arrogant, but I'm not sure if he's that foolish."

Will shook his head, "I could feel the class rolling off of him, with that posh accent and posture."

"And I don't exude poshness?" I raised an eyebrow. "Will, I have far more money than him and so do you now."

"But you don't wear it like he does." Will drew me closer. "You speak kindly to everyone, even old sailors."

I pressed a kiss to his lips, lingering for a moment. "And I'm not arrogant?"

"Only sometimes." He smiled, kissing me again. "And you're at least charming when you are."

I let my hand drift to his chest, "Will, if you really do think Campbell might be a problem, I can tell Welton to take it seriously."

He covered my hand with his own. "I just want you to be safe while I'm gone. Intelligence can be a dangerous field, and I worry that he might try to use you."

I sighed, leaning on his shoulder. "I'll tell Welton to begin sniffing around. There's no point in being reckless. Besides, we may find a German spy and make Campbell look like a fool."

Will had just set his hands to running up my sides when a knock sounded at the door, making him curse. "If that's the damn food, I'm sending them away." I stayed on the settee, closing my eyes for a moment and listening to Will open the door. "Yes?"

"Is this the home of Captain Murdoch?"

"It is." Will answered, making me perk up. It wasn't the voice of one of the porters, and I was curious who it was.

"Are you Captain Murdoch?"

"I am."

"Is your wife at home, sir?"

Will glanced over, then nodded. "She is, may I ask what this is about?"

"We have business with her, sir. If we may come in?" I was half out of the settee trying to see the speaker, and quickly dropped back down to sitting as Will stood aside to let them in. They were an odd-looking pair, one in a fine suit and the other in a Navy uniform. The man in the suit looked down at his watch, as the Navy man approached me. "Mrs. Murdoch, I presume?"

"Indeed." I nodded, gesturing to the other chair. "Please, sit, both of you."

"Thank you," The Navy man smiled, sitting across from me. "I'm Lieutenant Barnes, and this is Mr. Crenfield. We're from the Wreck Commission."

Crenfield hastily tucked his watch away, sitting in the other chair. "A pleasure, Mrs. Murdoch."

I shifted in the settee as Will joined me. "What brought you gentlemen all the way out here?"

"As Barnes said, we're with the Wreck Commission." Crenfield reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out an envelope. "For you, ma'am."

I could feel Will leaning over my shoulder as I opened it, his eyes reading faster than mine. I was barely halfway through when he glared at the two of them. "You're subpoenaing her?"

Barnes held up his hands, "Mrs. Murdoch is one of the few survivors relatively close to London and stories in the papers have put her on deck during the torpedoing. We need her testimony, much as we needed yours several years ago."

Will stilled, "I remember you."

"I was wondering when you would," Barnes smiled, looking to me. "I was a part of the inquiry your husband testified before after the Titanic, he acquitted himself quite well."

"Oh," I glanced to Will, realizing that I had never tried to get him to talk about the British inquiry. "I'm glad to hear that."

I watched as Barnes considered me for a moment, his eyes darting across me. He looked to Will, "Is this the woman you broke the rules against convivial intercourse for?"

Will blanched, ducking his head. "I didn't break those rules, as you know, but yes." I cast a look at him, raising my eyebrows. Convivial intercourse? Was that a code for something? Could Will's moments with me be considered something scandalous?

Barnes leaned forward, smirking. "I'd have broken them for her too."

Crenfield cleared his throat, "My apologies for breaking up this reunion, but we must appraise Mrs. Murdoch of the details."

"Which are minimal." Lieutenant Barnes glanced sidelong at him, "It's to be at the Central Hall in Westminster, plenty of hotels around. You should call ahead and get a room set aside for the week of the fourteenth, I'm unsure of what day you'll be asked to testify."

"I can give some recommendations if you like." Crenfield fiddled with his watch chain. "Perhaps I can arrange for your reservation?"

Will pursed his lips, "My wife is capable of arranging her own reservation, thank you."

"Really, it's no problem." I scrambled to smooth things over. "I'll make the arrangements and be there."

Lieutenant Barnes stood, Crenfield following him. "Then we shall see you in a few weeks, ma'am." Will stood, and Barnes stuck out his hand. "My congratulations on your success, sir."

"Thank you." Will muttered, shaking it. "And thank you for delivering this in person." There was a bit of small talk as Will walked the two to the door and saw them out. The clock on the mantel kept ticking, chiming softly as it passed the quarter hour.

Once the door had been closed, I turned to Will. "What in the world was that 'convivial intercourse' bit about?"

Will blushed a bit, "Well, Barnes was one of the men at the Titanic inquiry. For a few days the question of me breaking some of White Star's rules was brought up, specifically the one forbidding officers from engaging in 'convivial intercourse' with passengers."

"I'd hardly call you escorting me around 'convivial intercourse'." I snorted, wrapping an arm around his waist as he sat down beside me again. "And it seems as if most of you White Star men aren't good at following that rule, what with so many of you marrying your passengers."

Will chuckled, "I didn't quite tell them that. But I did tell them Smith had essentially ordered me to escort you, and that I only saw you when I was off duty."

"And it seems as if we'll be back to that for a while." I sighed, hugging him. "But at least we don't have Zachary around us."

"Now, that is truly a blessing." Will chuckled, although our moment was quickly interrupted as the porters were back. When Kate showed up that night, she almost wept at the sight of a full pantry and icebox. She did weep when I pressed a bar of chocolate into her hands and asked her to help with me my cooking while Will was gone.

Seeing her reaction gave me an idea, which I brought up to Will as we settled down in bed. "I know we set tomorrow for our anniversary, what do you think about spending it with the Lightollers?"

Will lifted the blankets, sliding under with me. "Isn't an anniversary supposed to be for us?"

"It's also supposed to be celebrated on the day we actually married." I muttered, still a tad angry that we would be apart for it. "But don't you think Sylvie and the boys would like a nice meal? And I know they would just adore some chocolate. Mother sent along a massive box; we wouldn't miss it."

He curled an arm around me, drawing my head down to his shoulder. "Would it make you happy?"

"Yes, and we can celebrate by ourselves after."

"Then you had better call her first thing tomorrow, she'll probably need your help in the kitchen."

"I promise I won't help too much; I know we'd all like to be able to eat."

"At least learn then, and let Sylvie take the lead."

The next day Sylvie did indeed require Ana's help, mostly to transport everything to the Lightoller's house. Sylvie had been thrilled to find that a lamb roast had been sent in one of the refrigerated holds, and promptly hauled Ana off to help cook.

Will followed along, bringing Rigel with him. It was good to be around Sylvie and the boys, who promptly dragged both him and Rigel out into the yard. Will watched as they played with the dog, Nana coming over to romp with them.

Roger, hanging off of Nana's back, called out. "Uncle Will, make her run!"

"Nana, here!" Will gave a whistle, sending the sheepdog running over to him and making Roger laugh as he rode her like a horse. "Having fun?"

"He looks like Papa," Trevor said, currently getting licked by Rigel. "When he was hunting for gold, on his horse."

"Ah, yes, Rufus." Will chuckled, "Your father's told me all about him."

Roger dropped off Nana, coming to sit by Will. "Are you going to stay, or are you leaving like Papa?"

Will dropped a hand to the boy's head, ruffling his hair. "I'm afraid I'll be leaving soon, but your Aunt Anna will be staying."

Trevor was quite clearly pouting and trying to hide it. "I hate Papa for leaving."

"Now, Trevor," Will reached over, drawing the younger boy closer. "Don't say that."

"I do!" He crossed his arms, looking away. "He left us all behind, he doesn't care about us."

Will drew Trevor up into his lap, forcing the boy to look him in the eye. "You know that's not true, Trev. If it wasn't for the war we would both be here more often."

Roger snorted, "You should hate the Germans, Trevor. I do, I hate all of them." He then did his best to spit, only managing to get it on his shirt. "Papa's going to kill all of them and then he's coming home."

Will winced, "You shouldn't wish that on him."

"Then what? People kill each other in war, don't they?"

"Yes, but it's more complicated." Will sighed, "Boys, it's too complicated for you to understand. But your father loves you, and your sister, and your mother. You know that if he could be anywhere in the world right now, it would be with you."

Trevor sniffed, rubbing his nose. "And the new baby."

Will started. "What?"

"The new baby." Roger raised an eyebrow, surprised by Will's reaction. "Mother's pregnant again, Papa says he wants another girl."

"Oh, that's wonderful." Will muttered, casting a glance back towards the house. "That means you two have to be even more considerate of your mother, you know." He shifted Trevor on his lap. "Which means, mister, no more saying you hate your papa. For I know you don't, I know you're just worried and you miss him."

Trevor's lip wobbled, "How do you know?"

"Because I missed my father in the exact same way when I was your age, he'd be gone for months on trips. I told my mother I hated him, I hated sailing, and I never wanted to see him again. But she knew I was lying, just like I know you are. I loved him, the same as you love your father, and we're going to be very happy when he comes home." Will looked over, seeing Roger wiping a hand across his eyes. "And you two are going to be great helps to your mother while he's gone. Now, let's go in and see what all we can do to help."

It turned out all that was left to do was set the table before the boys were sent upstairs to scrub themselves clean. Will watched from the door to the kitchen as Ana hovered over a pot, a rather stupid smile on his face. He loved Ana swirling around ballrooms in her gowns, but she was even more beautiful in her simple dress as she supervised a pot of rice. He must have made some noise, for she looked over. "Will?"

"Is there anything you need?" He glanced over to Sylvie, a towel wrapped around her hand as she pulled the lamb out of the oven. "Or you?"

"Go wash up," Sylvie muttered, setting the pan on another towel. "You're as filthy as the boys."

Instead of finding whatever bathroom the boys had availed themselves of, Will simply slid up to the kitchen sink and rolled up his sleeves. "I can wash dishes while I scrub up."

Sylvie snorted, "Christ, teach Bertie that will you? If I have to yell at him one more time about eating dinner filthy, I don't know what I'll do."

"Some Navy discipline will fix that right up." He chuckled, accepting the now empty pot from Ana as she carried the bowl full of rice to the table. "He'll come home a perfect gentleman."

Sylvie sniffed, moving the roast to a serving plate. "Then he won't be my Bertie and I'll send him right back."

Will heard the quaver in her voice. "You know he'll come back whenever he's able."

"I know, I know." She wiped under her nose, drawing in a breath. "I just wish we had a little more time, that's all."

"I understand," Will patted her shoulder, "Especially given your condition."

She shook her head, "Those boys, the biggest blabbermouths in town, I swear."

"Does Ana know?"

"Oh yes, she was very congratulatory. It will be good to have her around during this, I'll make sure she's ready when her time comes." Sylvie squeezed his hand, then stood a little straighter. "Now, go wrangle those sons of mine and let's have dinner."

There was little wrangling to be done, for Ana had already sat them down and was watching as they squirmed in their chairs. Will didn't envy them, both clearly staring at the feast laid before them. The salad may not have been the freshest, and the cream for the lamb sauce had come from a tin, but it was far better eating than the previous dinner. Sylvie said a quick grace, and Will set to carving.

If Sylvie being pregnant again had affected Ana at all, she didn't show it. Ana spoke kindly about Lights and how happy he must be, and even drew Sylvie into a discussion about baby names. The boys were rather put out by that, so Will regaled them with stories from the Peterel and the Unicorn. They especially liked the story about the cordite powder, and made him tell it several times before the dessert, a custard studded with currants, was served.

They said their goodbyes somewhat early, for it was their anniversary after all. Will had expected Ana to drag him off to bed after she had seen to Rigel, but she had simply brought him a glass of whiskey and settled down with her own. He watched as she sipped at hers, her lips pale pink and the drink bringing a slight flush to her cheek. She looked over when he slipped his hand around hers, a small smile on her face. "Will, I've been thinking."

He squeezed her hand, "About what?"

"Sylvie, and if," She looked down, the flush on her cheeks stronger. "And if I should find myself in a situation like that. What I would do and everything."

"I hope you find yourself in her situation," He let his hand brush over her stomach. "Don't you?"

"Of course, I do," She covered his hand with her own, sipping her whiskey. "It's just, do we want that to happen while you're not here?"

Will sat up a bit straighter at that. "Ah, I must admit I hadn't thought about it." He knew it was rather difficult for women during pregnancy, but he'd also heard enough stories about wives chasing their husbands out of their houses because of the state they had put them in.

Ana glanced away. "If, if you don't, I can ask my mother to send the condom over. It would be embarrassing, but if you would prefer-"

"Ana," He gently caught her chin, bringing her gaze to his. "I don't want to jeopardize us having a child, or to avoid it."

"But what if I have it while you're not here?"

"Then I'll resign and face a court martial to come home to the both of you." He pressed his forehead to hers. "But it's not just my say in this Ana, you are a part of it too."

"I know," She curled a hand around his head, pressing a kiss to his lips. "I want to be a mother to your children, Will. I can deal with it on my own, and then you could come home to both of us."

"Then don't wire your mother." He chuckled, kissing her back. "And when it happens, you'll have a great support in Sylvie."

"I'm going to be helping her a lot through this, and she said she'd return the favor."

"Then why don't we head upstairs and get to work on calling that favor in sometime soon?"

Rigel drew quite a few stares as we made our way through the Portsmouth rail station. Apparently not many naval officers came back from leave with a massive dog trailing them, let alone their wife hanging off their arm. But Will did not seem to mind in the slightest, nor did the two junior officers that were carrying his trunk.

They were the ones leading us through the station, loading the trunk into a waiting car and driving us to the naval yard. Will chuckled as I immediately began staring out the window, taking in the sight of all the ships in for refit, the machine shops churning out parts, the men scrambling over them with paint cans and brushes. "I always forget how much you love places like this."

"You should have seen me at the Brooklyn yard." I smiled, noting the ship that we were heading towards grow larger and larger. "Is that the Unicorn?"

"Yes," Will looked out his own window. "She's something, isn't she?"

By God, she was. She was huge, with four massive hulking twin guns spread across her top deck, a dozen smaller ones bristling in support. Will had briefly outlined her other armament to me, the aircraft guns and the six torpedo tubes along her sides lurking beneath the water. She looked wonderfully fierce with a fresh coat of paint and her men lined up along her railings as we drew up.

Will handed me out of the car, Rigel clambering down behind me. A line of officers immediately saluted Will, and as he led me aboard another piped a tune. Will paused before the officers, "Gentlemen, it's good to be back. My wife has come along for a tour." He lifted my hand, smiling. "Anastasia, the men of the Unicorn."

I took them in, noting that some were quite young but a number seemed to be of an age with Will. One even had a Reserves rank marking on his cuffs. "Will has spoken quite highly of you and this ship, I cannot wait to see everything."

The Reserves man stepped forward, tipping his cap. "Your husband speaks quite highly of you, ma'am, I hope we live up to your standards." The route of our tour had obviously been planned with the understanding that I was not going to be climbing up and down ladders, however I had come well prepared. The trousers I was wearing had excited Will quite a bit this morning, although he had snorted when I had donned a skirt over them.

To say the poor Marine manning the aft turret was surprised when I sped up the ladder after him by tucking the excess of my skirt up in its waistband was an understatement.

A good deal of chortling followed that, and I heard Will pointedly asking them men if they expected any less from his wife. That shut them up right quick, and the tour continued. I was quite pleased with everything, the ship was clean, her crew was respectful towards Will and answered every question I had, even though they hadn't expected the captain's wife to be as interested in the new fuel oil system as I was.

My tour ended in the officer's wardroom with a spread that rivaled our anniversary dinner laid out. Rigel, having been entrusted to a quartermaster for the tour, was glad to see me again and even more glad to receive scraps from the various officers. He still preferred to lay by my feet though, gazing up at me as I spoke. "This is a wonderful ship, gentlemen, although I do have a question. How did she come by the name Unicorn? It's not exactly a ferocious name."

Tyne, one of the younger officers, chuckled. "I've been with this ship since she was commissioned, so I shall explain. When the Admiralty was taking in plans for their new class of battlecruisers, one shipyard proposed four ships named for the symbols of Britain. Lion, Dragon, Golden Harp, and Unicorn. They had received approval and had begun building Unicorn when they were told that the number of ships was to be reduced as well as the armament and engines. Hence why Unicorn is the odd duck of her class, she was so far along it was easier to finish her than scrap her."

I cocked my head, earning a grin from Will. "What does the other ship lack?"

"A third propeller and engine, and two torpedo tubes." Will remarked, casting a look over the table of officers. "You all must forgive my wife for her interest; it comes with running a shipping company."

"And an investment in a shipyard." I chimed in, earning a laugh from the officers. "I've begun doing business with the American navy, so anything I can gather while I'm here will be helpful."

One of the younger officers spoke up, "I don't suppose you could tell them to get a move on with joining in over here?" That drew attention to him, and he quickly blundered on. "Not to say we can't handle keeping Jerry bottled up, but the boys in France could sure use some help to push him back where he belongs."

I shifted in my seat, fiddling with my fork. "I must admit that I don't have much political influence, but if the Lusitaniadoesn't drive my country into joining in then I don't know what will."

That led to a discussion about the various atrocities the Germans had committed, until Will gave a deliberate cough. "Men, we do have a lady present." They apologized quick enough, and soon the traditional tot of rum was brought out, which distracted them. Will watched as the steward, who was moving with a cane, set glasses down for all of the men. "One for my wife, as well."

I gave Will a smile for that, and leaned over after the steward left to get another. "I wasn't aware the Navy let men with injuries like that stay on."

"That's Mr. Sharpe," Will whispered, "My personal steward, he followed me from the Peterel. He took a piece of glass to his leg and would have lost it if not for me, so he feels he owes me in some way. Him being my steward means he gets to keep his pay coming in."

I gave Sharpe a smile as he came back in with my glass and the bottle of rum. I enjoyed it as much as the men did, to their delight. In the end though, the clock on the wall kept moving along and I knew I had to go. I reached over, gently touching Will's arm. "Darling, it's time."

He stood, helping me to my feet. "Ana, you could stay a bit longer."

"Not if you want me to get home before dark." I sighed, wishing that I could have one more hour. One more hour of just being around him, even if it was here in the wardroom. But it wasn't possible, he would have to stay and I would have to go. He had offered to walk me to the train station when we had packed up his things, but I couldn't stand to see him walk away from me again.

Will stepped a bit closer, his hand tracing my cheek. "Be careful on your way home, and call Sylvie tomorrow."

"I will."

"And make sure to tell Welton what we talked about."

"I will."

He sighed, closing his eyes. "I love you, Ana."

"I love you too, Will." I didn't care that his officers were watching us speak quietly, and I didn't care that they saw what I did next. I pulled Will down into a rough kiss, stroking his tongue with mine and reaching down to grab at his rear one last time. He jumped a bit at that, but crushed me to him. Some of the younger officers chuckled a bit, but were quickly silenced by the senior officers.

It took the Reserves man, Nettles, coughing to get us to separate. Will brushed his thumb over my cheek one more time, "I'll wire when I have leave again."

"I can't wait for that." I smiled, feeling a tear in my eye. I looked to the officers, "Take care of him for me, will you?" I left the room to a chorus of affirmations that Will would be well looked after, and Sharpe guided me to the gangplank.

He fidgeted as I settled Rigel's leash in my hand. "Ma'am, I will do whatever I can to protect your husband. I owe him my life."

"Thank you." I nodded, not trusting myself to say more. I barely spoke to the men in the car who drove me back to the train station, nor to the man who sold me my ticket. It was only once I was in the compartment and rattling towards Southampton that I spoke, looking down to Rigel. "It's not forever, you know."

He whined, wagging his tail slightly as he leaned against me. I ruffled his ears, "At least here I can see him when he has leave, even if it's only for a day." I sighed, feeling him climb up onto the bench beside me and drape himself over my lap. "A day means everything now."

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