What if?

By thevelvetrose

193K 1.8K 668

*Currently Editing* (Read my stories Horrifying New Start, Rise Against, then It Ends here.. first) *This i... More

Chapter One: Samantha Peters
What if? (2)
What if? (3)
What if? (4)
What If? (5)
What if? (6)
What if? (7)
What if? (8)
What if? (9)
What if? (10)
What if? (11)
What if? (12)
(part 2) What if? (1)
What if? (2)
What if? (3)
What if? (4)
What if? (5)
What If? (6)
What If? (7)
What If? (8)
What If? (9)
(Part 3) What If? (1)
What If? (2)
What If? (3)
What If? (4) Final Chapter


3.7K 71 29
By thevelvetrose

Author's Note:

I have finally completed the epilogue! and I must say, it might be the longest chapter I've written on here! I hope you all will enjoy it. I have really loved writing on this story (obviously because of the sequels) and I'm really glad you all have enjoyed it. 

It's going to be hard not writing on this anymore :'(  I'll definitely miss it. I hope I can start writing on my other stories. :) 

Anyway, I spent four or five hours writing this. (Till 4am) and hopefully it makes sense! 

Thank you for all the support, and I look forward to reading your opinions/comments :D



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Okay, cleaning sucks. I was cleaning out dresser drawers and beds in our house, which is boring and I hate cleaning. We haven't gotten the chance because of the series of events. 

Jack has gotten much better, now he's been doing chores and helping me clean, finally...

Mom has been a ton of help as well, and also Joe. 

            "I think we should just burn the house down and rebuild," I complained to Jack, who was currently putting together the new king sized bed of ours. 

            "That would involve work."

            "We suck at being normal. I'd much rather be falling out of a ship-"

            "Excuse me?"

            "Sorry, I'm just being dramatic..."

            "You're just being pregnant..."

            "What's that supposed to mean?!"

He smiled and stopped putting the bed together and wrapped his arms around me.

            "You're so grumpy," He said in a baby voice. 

            "Jerk. Now please get back to work-" He kissed me, interrupting my ordering. 

The tiredness and grumpiness just melted away like ice cream. 

I wrapped my arms around him and just laid my head against his chest.

            "I hate cleaning," I whimpered.

            "I know, but there is no way you're dumping the work on me..." He breathed into my ear. I pulled away with a pitiful look on my face. He smirked. 

            "Suck it up princess," He kissed my forehead and got up, leaving me to clean. 

            "Aren't you worried about the baby's health?"

            "You're exercising, which is healthy."

I whimpered and began scrubbing the stupid floor. 

            “Where’s your ring?” Jack asked suddenly, looking at my left hand. 

I looked down, realizing that it was gone.

            “Uh, I can’t remember…” I muttered, my eyes widening when I realized that it wasn’t there.

            “Did you take it off before you started cleaning…?”

            “I can’t remember…” Gosh I hate that I have the worst memory!

He looked at me, his head tilted slightly. If I didn’t know that he was mocking me, I might have found that look cute.

            “Well let’s look for it, shall we?” He suggested, offering his hand to help me up.

I looked at his hand for a second, noticing the shiny golden ring on his finger.

It was very short notice when he asked me to marry him, but I did manage to get him a ring from this really nice place on Renton.

Every time I think of Renton, I never think of it having shopping areas or anything nice. I picture Renton as a wild place, full of trees and military looking buildings.

Not once did I picture it having this really awesome shopping center. The only thing is they didn’t have much there because, well, the tragedy a long time ago, they had been focusing on how to save their race and not making rings.

Why would they need rings anyway? The females were gone-

            “It should be around here somewhere,” Jack interrupted my thoughts.

I took his hand and he helped me up.


            “Are you sure you’re up to this? You’re still hurt Jack,” I worried as he walked over to me.


Jack told me everything about what a Twiad marriage is, and I kind of find it to be very romantic.

I closed the bedroom door and lit candles around the room. Jack sat on the bed and crossed his legs, waiting for me.

One thing I still didn’t understand, was the connection he was talking about. Combining minds and being able to see each other’s thoughts? I was beginning to think he was just messing with me…

            “So… Why are we doing this right now? Why can’t we wait until you’re healed?” I asked, worrying again.

            “Because I want you to be mine right now.”

I liked that answer, though I still worried.

            “Okay, I’m ready,” I sat across from him and pulled out the ring I was giving him.

He pulled out this breathtaking silver-banded ring with a gorgeous black oval shaped jewel in the center.

            “I’m about to sound extremely cheesy, so don’t laughed,” Jack began. “I love you. I can’t stand it when I’m not around you. I will always love you and protect you.”

His eyes were hypnotic, and the words he just said made my cheeks heat up. Yes, I’ve known that Jack loves me for a while now, but him saying that makes me feel alive inside.

            “How can I top that?” I laughed nervously. “I now know what love is. I don’t know how I was able to even to live without you. You’re my best friend and I’m madly in love with you Jack.”

            “Yup, you out did me,” Jack said, ruining the whole lovely moment.

"I was way cheesier than you." I laughed and grabbed his hand and used my other hand to pull out the ring from my jean’s pocket.

We slid the rings onto each other’s fingers and it all felt… right. Like fitting the last piece into the puzzle.

He kissed me finally.

I broke the kiss and looked at him. “What do we do now?”

            “We connect.”

            “You’re not pulling my leg or anything about being able to connect mentally, are you?”

            “No… Unless the stories I heard were all lies… You know, we are the first people to connect in nearly two decades.”

I thought about that, and felt a sudden surge of enthusiasm.

            “If you’re messing with me, I’m so going to hit you,” I warned.

            “If the stories were wrong, then we’ll both look like idiots, won’t we?” He smirked.

I nodded and closed my eyes.

            “I’m not sure how long it’ll take. Just let your mind wander…” Jack murmured.

We must have sat there for half an hour. I just listened to our steady breathing the whole time.

I was starting to get tired. I sighed and felt Jack’s hands tighten around mind.

Everything happened so fast. Colors shifting till I saw this pink color.

My eyes flew open and I gasped.

I looked around the room wildly till I met Jack’s eyes.

He looked at me with a victorious smirk, his eyes glowing this light pink color.

            ‘Looks like you owe me an apology,” He said, but his lips didn’t move.

            “What’s going on?” I said out loud.

            ‘Don’t speak, just think.’

            ‘You can hear me?’


            ‘So the stories weren’t just fairytales.’

            ‘Nope. Wanna explore some more? My mind might be a little frightening…’

            ‘I’m not scared.’

He closed his eyes and I copied.

Everything was almost like a dream-like state. I didn’t feel the bed I was sitting on or smell the flowery scented candles that had coated the room.

No. But I felt Jack.

I could see him, in my head. I felt him in me, the strangest feeling ever.

We were standing in this wide open area, just standing there.

            ‘My mind or yours?’ I thought.

            ‘I think I saw a rainbow. So yours.’

                        *End of flashback*

I didn’t have a clue about where the ring could possibly be at. I’ve had it almost two and a half weeks maybe? How did I lose it?

I was practically tearing the house apart, trying to find this tiny ring.

Jack was searching too, but suddenly stopped and walked over to me.

            “Did you find it?” I asked.


He took another step towards me, almost towering over me.

His hand slid down my back and into my back pocket.

            “You promise to be more careful?” He asked, and then pulled the ring from my pocket.

            “Yes, I promise!”

He slid it back onto my finger and kissed my hand before going back to putting the bed together.

Everyone knows that Jack and I are married, but some of them don’t know about me being pregnant.

I am going to announce that tonight when Jack and I cook dinner… Ugh, cooking.

Mom and Joe are great cooks, and Zack is an incredible cook. Even Henry and Zoey can cook!

But Jack and I aren’t that great… I admit it.

It’s our turn to cook. This will be interesting.

I took a quick shower before going into the kitchen and digging through the fridge and pulling out ingredients to make pancakes and scrambled eggs. Not that big of deal, just something simple.

Jack came in and groaned when he saw that we had to cook.

            “Can’t we just make Zack cook? Or maybe feed them chips and dip?” He grumbled.

            “I wish, but we have to show them that we can make it on our own…”

            “We could live on marshmallows and soda?”

            “You know, I would totally do that!”

He smirked and took the spoon from my hand. He began stirring the ingredients together while I got the frying pan out.

I was very nervous about announcing being pregnant. Jack has been pushing me to announce it since he knew about it.

I made the table all fancy and greeted people as they came in and sat at the table.

Jack finished cooking and we all sat around the table.

            “Are you going to announce-” Jack whispered, but I elbowed him.  

I shook my head a little. Okay, I was definitely chickening out.

            “Samantha’s pregnant,” Jack announced very loudly.

My jaw almost hit the table, I was utterly stunned. I was all for backing out and not telling them until I have the baby. I had this whole thing planned about me gaining weight in my stomach.

Immediately I smacked Jack on the shoulder, making a loud thump sound.

            “Hey, you weren’t going to-” He began, but I shot him a look.

            “You’re pregnant?” Mom asked me slowly.


Of course Zack and Aubrey knew, I even think Penny and Zoey knew as well, because Aubrey can’t keep a secret to save her life.

            “Figures,” Mom shrugged and took another bite.

            “Excuse me?”

            “Do you think I haven’t noticed the little things?”

            “What little things?”

            “I know you normally eat a lot of weird things like chocolate and potatoes, but I saw you pick up a carrot stick, it was obvious. Plus you’ve gained-”


I felt very self-conscious suddenly, wrapping my arms around myself.

Jack was nearly rocking with laughter.

            “Thanks for the support, Jack,” I grumbled and pushed the food aside.

I haven’t gained that much, have I?

            “Plus I noticed the glow you had Samantha. I’ve known for a while,” Mom went on.

            “I’m sorry, I should have told you sooner, but when Jack got shot-” I said as if I were blaming him, but I quickly went on. “And then we got married and fixed the house up and here we are.”

            “I’m happy Samantha.”

For the second time tonight, my jaw practically hit the table.

            “W-What?” I stuttered.

She got up and motioned for us to talk in the other room.

I followed quickly, leaving everyone to talk amongst each other.

            “I know this sounds insane coming from your mother, but I’m excited for you and Jack. Sure Jack wouldn’t be my first choice for you, but you love him and he obviously loves you… even if he’s a little rude at times…”

            “Thanks mom.”

            “…I’m betting it’s a boy.”

            “Why would you say that?”

            “I’m pretty good at telling.”

She gave me a brief hug before going back to the table.

I stood there in shock, just staring out the window.

I walked towards the window and look out, feeling as if I were just now realizing that I was pregnant.

My breathing sped up and my knees shook.

When something touched me, I practically leaped out of my skin.

            “Whoa, what’s with the wide eyes?” Jack asked, his hand holding my chin up to look at him.

            “I’m pregnant! When did- I’m pregnant Jack!” I panted.

            “Yeah, I know-”

My knees almost gave out on me and I sat on the ground, Jack had to help me down, and then sat next to me.

            “I’m having a panic attack,” I told him, my voice higher than normal.

            “I see.”

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on the top of my head.

            “I hope the baby has my good looks,” He said randomly.

I laughed.

            “And my taste in cars. I wish Renton had better cars…” He went on, distracting me.

I sniffed, my eyes still watery, but I was laughing still.

            “I still like the name Jack junior, maybe we can call him Jack the second?”

            “Why does everyone assume it’s going to be a boy?” I asked.

            “If it were a girl, I’d still name her Jack the second.”

            “Poor Jack, she’d be picked on forever.”

            “Want to go back to the festive party we are supposed to be hosting?” He whispered.

            “…No, not really. Just hold me please.”

He smiled and pulled me closer to him.


The next morning, after Jack had oh so nicely told everyone last night that “Samantha is having a meltdown, please leave.” which isn’t something I wanted them to hear. I got up and moved very cautiously through the house, almost like I would hurt the baby some how.

Jack saw me and smirked.

            “What?” I demanded.

            “We need a vacation.”

“Ah, well Disney world is out.”

He smiled and kissed my hand.

            “We haven’t been here long darling. Are you sure a vacation is what we need?” I asked, pressing his hand to my cheek.


I laughed and wrapped my arms around him. Why is it that I am so in love with him? When just nearly two years ago was it? That he kidnapped me?

I buried my face in his shoulder and inhaled his woodsy scent. He hugged me back and I pulled away to look at him.

            “I’m going to go take a shower or something,” I told him and kissed his chin.

Quickly I took a shower, letting my worries just wash down the drain with the dirt. I touched my stomach and was lost in thought.

I put on a baggy t-shirt that was probably Jack’s. I have no patients for my old t-shirts… I guess I worry that my belly will stick out or something…

            I smelled the sensational scent of coffee floating up the stairs and into my room. I inhaled it and closed my eyes. I nice cup of coffee will calm my nerves and make me feel so happy…

            I walked down the stairs and into the small but comfy kitchen. It was empty, though I barely noticed as I grabbed the seemingly large cream colored mug. I poured it nearly to the rim of the cup and then added sugar, because it’d be silly without any, and I poured the cream very carefully.

            One sip made me grin from ear to ear. This was all I needed. I drank some more till I was startled by the kitchen door opened.

            “Are you drinking coffee?” Jack eyed the mug in my hands.


            “You’re pregnant. Coffee is a no, no. Now hand it to me.”

            I took a step back as he reached for it. He tried again, but I leaped backwards and dove towards the door.

            “Samantha!” Jack’s disapproving tone echoed behind me as I ran with my half filled mug, because some of it spilled when I ran, and I darted towards the half bath.

            Hearing his footsteps behind me made me run faster. Just the thrill of this was enough to make me keep going. I slammed the door behind me and locked it.

            My breathing was crazy, which was completely pathetic because I only ran like fifteen sprints or so. I sat on the dark floor and sipped the warm sweet coffee. I felt like a child in a way, and I did feel guilty for drinking it. I made a promise that this will be my last cup till this baby comes. I think.

            Jack didn’t make a sound, not even a footstep. I listened very carefully for something, but heard nothing. My heart pounded as if I were in a horror film. I sat my empty mug beside me and pressed my ear to the door. Nothing.

            “Jack?” I called nervously, not even reaching for the doorknob. I’ve seen the horror movies; I know what happens when the girl goes around the house by herself.

            Then I heard the sound of something touching the doorknob. It was locked, so I wasn’t worried, till it flung open suddenly and I screeched, terrified.

            “Never lock a door that I have the keys to,” Jack smirked and then frowned as he saw the empty mug. “That right there is a big no, no.”

            He grabbed my ankle and dragged me out of the bathroom.

            “If you thought coffee was bad for me. I think this is worse…” I told him as my back was being pulled across the dark smooth cement flooring. It didn’t hurt really, it was just annoying.

            He stopped and thought about it, and then picked me up. I had my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck. I love being carried.

            His lips were inviting. I felt like I haven’t kissed him in months. I pressed my lips to his and couldn’t help but to smile; until he pulled away.

            “I’m still upset,” He told me and sat my feet on the ground. I still kept my arms around his neck though, refusing to release my grip.

            “I’m sorry,” I murmured, barely audible.

            “That’s what I thought.”

            I hated to admit that I was wrong. I think that’s why Jack and I are alike in some ways. I touched his cheek with the palm of my hand.

            “Why do you like making me nervous?” He muttered and closed his eyes at my touch.

            “Because I love you.”

            “That makes no sense.”

            “I know. I just like your reactions.”

            He opened his eyes and grabbed my hand firmly. “You like my reactions?”


            “…You’re wearing my shirt.”

            He gets distracted so easily, it’s pretty funny.

            “I know,” I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck again.

            I hugged him, just because I wanted to. When he shifted slightly, I pulled away.

            “What?” I asked.

            “Your elbow poked me…” He looked down where his wound was at.

            “Oh! I’m so sorry!” I said quickly and leaped backwards.

            Jack has healed an incredible amount, but it obviously hurts when someone’s elbow jabs into it…

            “I didn’t cause any damage, did I?” I lifted the side of his shirt to check, he didn’t stop me.

            Nope, I didn’t hit it too hard. I looked at the slightly red scar on his side and touched it carefully. I felt a sudden wave of emotion. Stupid hormones have me going crazy. I held the tears back, trying not to think of how he nearly died on me.

            “It doesn’t hurt that bad Samantha,” He pulled his shirt back down and pulled my chin up to look at him.

            “I love you,” I said for the second time in five minutes.

            “I love you too… Are your hormones making you all sappy?” 

            I nodded pathetically and hugged him.

            “My love for you is never ending!” I sobbed into his shoulder. “Don’t you ever die on me!”

            “I think you need to lay down, okay?”

            He led me to the couch and forced me to lie down. You would think it was sweet, but I felt a little annoyed. To my surprise, he laid beside me.

            “You’re taking a nap too?” I questioned.

            “No, I’m just making sure that you do.”

            I rolled my eyes and squeezed myself closer to him, laying my head on his shoulder.

            Being with Jack has changed me in so many ways. For one, I have a guardian angel that loves me and I obviously love him. Secondly, I have tied myself to him in all possible ways. And lastly, I’m no longer that kid I was. Yes, I consider being eighteen as being somewhat a kid. I’m a married woman who is expecting a baby!

            Again, I felt a wave of panic, but quickly controlled it. I looked up at Jack to see if he was still awake. He wasn’t. I kissed him on the jaw and waited to see if he would wake up. Nope, Jack is a heavy sleeper.

            I kissed him again, to see if he would stir or something; because I was feeling a little lonely, plus I was bored. How can I possibly deserve someone who looks like this? He’s practically a model or something, and I’m feeling a bit plain.

            My lips grazed from his jaw to his neck, just to see if that would wake him. Jeez he sleeps hard… I was so tempted to wake him up or something, maybe whisper a few funny things into his ear and see if he would respond, but I began to wonder if he was just acting or something.

            “Are you awake? Jack? Jack? Jack? Jack?” I whispered.

            “Keep doing what you were doing before,” He whispered back.

            I knew it. Total faker. I kissed him on his cheek and then neck, while he was just lying there, completely still.

            Once I stopped, he looked down at me and rolled over so I was on top of him. He kissed me the way he did that always drove me crazy. I touched his shiny black hair and kissed him again.

            “You are wandering down a dangerous road here,” He muttered against my lips.

            “I know.”

            Almost immediately he crushed his lips to mine and carried me upstairs, not once breaking the kiss. I would like to see him carry me when I’m huge and pregnant. Now that will be hilarious.


            Jack was lying on his back while I drew random things on his arm and chest.

            “Why are you doing this?” He sighed.

            “Because I was wondering what you would look like if you had tattoos. Duh.”

            I held the blanket tight to my body as I went to get another marker. I grabbed a blue one and crawled back onto the bed.

            “Hey, no covering your stomach Mr.” I slapped his hands away.

            I began to doodle on his stomach and chest. It was stupid things I drew, like a unicorn and rainbows just because I thought it’d be funny. It was hilarious.

I don’t know how I got the idea to draw on him. I found a marker on my nightstand and here I am, drawing a heart over his belly button.

            “I hope this isn’t permanent,” He grumbled.

            “Hold still! I need to finish this in another color!”

            I wrote in very girly handwriting ‘Jack & Samantha’ and also ‘I love pickles’ across his chest. He truly was a piece of colorful art when he finally decided I should stop.

            “You’re so grumpy,” I laughed and flopped back onto my pillow.

            “I’m covered in girly doodles that might not come out so easily, yet you’re skin is clean…” He suddenly smiled evilly.

            “Whoa there buddy. I don’t want to be drawn on…”

            Like that would stop him. He grabbed a red marker and sat up so that he could probably hold me down and draw ‘Poop’ or something like that across my stomach or something.

            “Now we can do this the easy way… or the hard way…” He told me, taking the cap off of the marker.

            “Fine, but if I see anything that has to do or even resembles poop, you’re dead.”

            I crossed my arms as he pulled the blanket to my waist so he could write on my stomach. I flinched as the cold tip of the marker touched my stomach, and watched to see what he was drawing. I laughed when I read there word ‘Baby’ written in big bold letters right above my belly button.

            “Seriously? That’s what you write?” I laughed.

            “It’s brilliant. Plus, you’re the one who kept drawing hearts and three legged dogs on me.”

            “Unicorns, not dogs… and they were amazing.”

            He began to draw some big square from my rib cage, all the way to the ‘Baby’ word. Then in even bigger and bolder letters, he drew ‘Property of Jack’ and then he tossed the marker across the room.

            “Well now people will know that I’m someone’s property…” I sighed and poked at the words.

            “Just marking my territory.”  

            “Do you think we will still love each other this much when we get older? Like when we’re fat, old and you will probably be bald with false teeth.”

            “You pictured what I would be like when I’m old?” He asked amused.

            “Yeah, I pictured you as this old man with no hair and a potbelly. You have these giant glasses, but you are too proud to wear them.”

            “Sounds like me… How do you picture yourself?”

            “I’m thinking blue hair and I’m partially deaf. Every time you call for me, I say ‘WHAT?’ and then we have that whole old couple bickering. Did I mention that I have these bright red drawn on eyebrows?”

            “Wow, that’s not something I’d like to imagine right now.”

            “What? Our future?”

            “No, the eyebrows…”

            “Do you think we’ll still be in love?”

            “Well for one, you’re wrong about how I’ll look. Because I will be just as incredibly hot as I am now. Second, of course we will.”

            That was enough for me. I grabbed his hand and held it firmly in mine.

            “Oh gross! I just pictured you with hair on your back!” I gagged.


                                    (Months later…)

            I looked in the mirror in horror, and kept poking at my huge stomach. I’m ten months pregnant. TEN! I knew that Twiad pregnancies could be unpredictable, but ten months? I’m huge!

            “You can poke at your stomach all you want, it won’t make it smaller or induce labor,” Jack was standing behind me.

            “One can only hope.”

            “Ready to head to Zack and Aubrey’s?”

            “Sure, I give up on what makes it smaller,” I sighed and tore my eyes from the mirror.

            He took my hand and led me down the stairs. I tied my hair in a red bow before we left, it was getting too long and annoying…

            “Samantha!” Aubrey shouted as if we haven’t seen each other in weeks.

            “Hey Aubrey.”

            “I think you’ve grown. You’re huge!”

            “Err, thanks…”

            “You might want to sit on the couch and eat, I don’t want to worry about you breaking a chair and hurting yourself.”

            “You’re so kind…” I said sarcastically.

            “Dinner is served!” Zack called to everyone, and we gathered around the table.

            I always look forward to this night, when it’s Zack’s turn to cook. I tasted the corn chowder and was practically humming at each bite.

            My stomach started to hurt though, and I sat down my spoon. Stupid digestion…

I picked up my spoon again, and felt sharp pains as I took another bite. My first thought was that I was poisoned, which was stupid but again, my first thought.

            The pain was gone and I started eating again, in hopes that it was over. I finished my bowl and got seconds when the pain was back, and fiercer. I didn’t make a peep though, I just fought through it. It would be embarrassing to talk about my gas issues or something.

            Again, the pain was gone, but came back. I gasped and bit my lip. It didn’t hit me under the fifth or so time the pain happened, that I was in labor. I’m in labor!

            “Jack?” I gripped onto his arm tightly.


            “Pain!” I gasped and was gripping his arm a little too hard.

            “You’re in labor?!”

            “Pain! I hate pain!”

            Everyone moved at once, besides me, because I wasn’t moving unless they got a truck or something.

            “Drugs! I need drugs!” I screamed, hating the pain so much.

            “Let’s get her back to the house, to the guest bedroom downstairs,” Jack instructed calmly. It was as if he knew this would happen or something.

            Zack was on one side and Jack on the other as they helped me back to my house. I was carried onto the small twin sized bed and then the tiny room was filled with everyone and their annoying voices.

            “I think everyone should shut up!” I screamed like a child and they all got quiet.

            “Penelope and Joe are going to deliver the baby, okay?” Mom’s soothing tone was in my ear.

            “Okay, whatever. Please just make it stop!”

Everyone was being shoved through the door, except Jack, who wouldn’t leave even when I begged him to. He just ignored me completely.

Of course it was a few hours of horrible pain until it was finally time to push. I screamed and clawed Jack’s arm… Once the baby came, I was suddenly nice again.

            They cleaned him, yes him, up before they gave him to me.

            “Wow,” I gasped when I looked at my baby boy.

            My fingers touched his cute chubby cheeks and his eyes suddenly popped open. He looked at me with wide frightened eyes, and then they turned a light purple.

            “Jack!” I looked up at him and saw that he was staring at the baby.

            “Do you have a name for him?” Penelope asked.

            I looked at Jack, and then at the baby. “Daniel. Right Jack?”

            “Daniel,” He agreed, a smile tugging at his lips.

            “I’ll leave you to rest Samantha. Jack, make sure she sleeps, okay?” Joe told him, completely ignoring me.

            “I will,” Jack looked at me suspiciously.

            “Jeez, I’m not four! I just had a baby for crying out loud…”

            “You just had a baby,” He said in realization, and it hit me as well.

            “He’s ours. It’s very obvious. He looks like you,” I told him, though it’s a little hard to tell with him being a newborn.

            “Well if he looks like me, that’s good. I was hoping to pass down my good looks.”

            Jack sat next to me, almost on the edge of the bed. I couldn’t take my eyes off of the tiny thing in my arms. My baby boy. How am I old enough to have a baby? How am I old enough to be married?

            “Would you hold him while I rest for a bit?” I asked Jack.

            He quickly, but very gently, took tiny Daniel from my arms and carried him to the chair in the corner of the room. It was hard to close my eyes, because seeing Jack holding our baby was really something.


                                    (One month later…)

            As I carried Daniel to his crib upstairs, I realized just how exhausted I really was.

            Mom told me that being a mother was hard, but I never believed her honestly. I just figured that it was one of those things that mothers tell their daughters so that they won’t get pregnant. I have been up feeding Daniel through out the night. Another thing I realized is that women actually do feed their babies milk from, err, there. I figured that was a lie too and that babies got formula or water.

            Being a mother takes a lot of work. Thankfully I have a whole crew of helpers. Mom and Joe come over every day and mom has even stayed the night, even though she lives next door. Penelope and Mary come over at night when I’m asleep and Daniel is whiny.

            Zoey comes over and has been learning how to take care of a baby, because guess what, she’s pregnant.

            Jack has been taking care of Daniel as well. Also taking care of me when I’m out-of-my head, which is everyday.

            “Penelope is here,” He informed me as I was about to climb into bed.

            “Okay. Tell her that Daniel is in his crib, but he’ll be up in ten minutes or so…”

            He nodded and left, only to be back minutes later.

            “Tired?” He guessed.


            He lied down next to me and wrapped his arms around me. I was feeling the exhaustion sweep over me as I nestled into his side.

            “He’s going to be the peacemaker,” Someone whispered.

            I sat up and looked around the room, my eyes landed on the figure in the dark corner. I nearly yelped in fear, partially because she was in the corner.

            “Noel,” I breathed.

            Jack was about to speak, but I silenced him with my hand.

            “Your son has a bright future ahead of him. I hope you’re ready for it,” She walked into the light of the lamp.

            “Let me guess, I can’t know what happens?”

            “Bingo. Let’s just say it’s interesting.”


            “Congratulations by the way. He’s beautiful.”

            “Thank you.”

            “You two have a very strong bond,” She eyed Jack, who sat next to me clueless.

            “We do.”

            “Goodbye Samantha.”

            She was gone just like that. I stared at the space where she had stood.

            “Noel was here. She loves Daniel and said congrats,” I explained in a yawn.

            “You can tell me later. Rest.”

I closed my eyes and fell asleep in his arms…  

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