Echoes of heroes, Invincible...

By TheCrimsonWrath

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In a world where heroes rise and fall, Nagisa Shiota emerges from the shadows of tragedy with the legacy of h... More

Our story begins
The guardians have fallen but who will rise
Fighting aliens and revealing identities
Teen team and aliens again
Mystery and grief
The guardians and dating advice
Doc seismic
Neil armstrong eat your heart out
To the skies
The team is formed
Being normal
Battle with the strongest hero
Viper's ultimate fight
Viltrumite finale
Viper's journey
Rising again
The journey of discord
The answer
Escape and tragedy
The fated meeting
Evil always returns
And we're back
Life continues
The next step
Another mechanical problem
Whirl up a storm
Chaotic clash
The Chaos continues
The chaos ends
Back home
Problems on Earth
The 4th robotic rumble
The inevitable battle
The elemental master
What the hell happened
The visitors
Protect the future
The future
Allen the alien
The vacation almost begins
The Vacation begins
Just having fun
Another day
An interesting discovery
The seven days continue
Just another day in paradise
Diving into fun
Volleyball fun

The Creator revealed

22 0 0
By TheCrimsonWrath

Nagisa and Kyoka are then immediately called by Cecil

Cecil: Ok from the android you just took down we found a tracking signal and by simply finding where it came from we can find the creator so you guys wanna meet whoever this is

Nagisa: Absolutely let's end this for good by the way what are the others guardians doing

Cecil: The lizard league is causing trouble We've got Rex, Rae and Kate on the case they should be enough hopefully

Kyoka: Alright so we're on our own

Cecil: pretty much sending you two the coordinates now

They both hear a ping on their phones

Nagisa: So it's quite a long way, In 'he points towards the ocean' in that direction

Cecil: Yeah whoever this is lives remote, but you can both fly so you'll be good, I know you two need a break but you've just defeated his android he'll be pissed best to find him now

Kyoka: Copy that

The two heroes take to the skies

Nagisa: Well if we beat whoever this is, all these androids attack will stop

Kyoka: That's the plan as for how easy this gonna be-

Nagisa: it's not gonna be easy

Kyoka: knowing our luck I doubt it

After about an hour of flying they finally found a small island

They landed softly and started looking around

Nagisa: Well it said that the exact coordinates are a few miles from where we are standing

Kyoka shrugged looks like we are going for a walk then

Nagisa: yeah apparently

As they trekked through the dense foliage of the island, Nagisa and Kyoka remained on high alert, their senses tuned to any signs of danger. The air was thick with humidity, and the sounds of the jungle surrounded them, a cacophony of chirping insects and rustling leaves.

Nagisa: Keep your guard up, whoever this is gave us a run for our money so who knows what's hiding here

Kyoka nodded, her eyes scanning their surroundings for any movement or unusual activity. Despite the serene beauty of the island, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her senses.

Kyoka: Something feels... off about this place. It's too quiet.

Nagisa frowned, his instincts telling him that Kyoka was right to be cautious.

Nagisa: Ugh of course it's too quiet I knew something like this would happen

Kyoka: Well we better stick together then

Nagisa nodded

They keep walking until they heard quite a massive road and metallic beasts emerged from the dense undergrowth, their mechanical forms gleaming in the dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy above. Their eyes glowed with an eerie red light as they advanced on Nagisa and Kyoka.

Nagisa: Looks like we've got some of whatever these are to deal with they look like wolves at least sorta

Kyoka: Well this just got a lot weirder

Nagisa: uh huh

With a nod, Nagisa leaped forward, his reptilian instincts guiding his movements as he swiftly dispatched the mechanical wolves with powerful strikes from his enhanced limbs. Meanwhile, Kyoka used her sonic powers to disrupt the robots' circuitry, causing them to malfunction and falter in their attacks.

Within moments, the threat was neutralized, and the jungle fell silent once more as the defeated mechanical wolves lay scattered on the forest floor.

Nagisa: That was easier than expected.

Kyoka: Yeah and that's a problem these guys where the foot soldiers, so what does that mean for what's ahead of us

They keep walking until they hear two more huge roars and two more mechanical beasts rear their heads

The hero duo is clearly taken aback

Nagisa: Uhh I'll take the tiger you take the bear

Kyoka: Sure sounds fair

They both rush at their respective opponents

The tiger swings it's mighty claws Nagisa flips over them and slams his fists against the robots head but it simply throws him off

The beast the sends Nagisa flying with a strike from its mighty paw

Nagisa: Haha Ok!

Nagisa flaps his wings and rushes the beast delivering a huge uppercut too the tiger

He then flies back up and then the beast lunges at him

Nagisa: Time for some heart burn!

Nagisa lit his hands on fire and sent a huge blast of fire right down the beasts gullet and it then fell down and it's eyes went dull

Nagisa lands: Phew that was tough

Wih Kyoka

The beast kept swinging at Kyoka who kept dodging and responding by sending it back with a powerful sound wave

Kyoka: heh aww what's wrong am I too nimble for you sorry but you're gonna have to hit me to defeat me (I'm saying this but my attacks aren't doing that much)

Kyoka then got a light bulb moment but at that moment she's sent flying and skids along the ground

Kyoka: alright 'she cracks her neck' you wanna fight rough, Well let's fight rough!

The beast started bounding towards the girl but Kyoka stood firm until she smirked and slammed her hands on the ground

Kyoka: Heartbeat distortion!

The ground below the beast crumbled and that's when it lunged at Kyoka

Kyoka; not bad HEARTBALL WALL!

Kyoka creates a wall of sound and it sends the beast soaring backwards

She then sent herself flying and slammed her plans on the beast

Kyoka: Time to hibernate permanently


The bear then exploded

The hero duo then met up

Nagisa: Well that was fun

Kyoka: Well let's keep going then

They eventually find a building that seemed to have been built into the island

Then the door opened

Nagisa: Well that's not creepy

Kyoka: yeah but,,it's not like we have any other way in

Nagisa: fair enough

They walk in and the place is the definition of how you imagine an evil scientist's secret base would look like

They then enter a room when they see a chair and it swivels around

?: Well hello you two I've been expecting you

Kyoka: first things first where you just waiting there I bet you where

The person got a tick mark on their head

?: just as annoying as ever ok

Nagisa: Alright who the hell are you?

The person got up and walked out revealing a tall skinny man that seemed to exude an unnatural aura

Man: So discord you remember that time before you became a hero right, in a certain facility

Kyoka's eyes widened: how do you know about that?

Man: It's simple the head scientist I think you named him scar face, well he had a son and he's right in front of you

And that's a wrap


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