Manifest: The story

By RandomWriter910

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[WARNING: This story may contain sexual activity such as sex (nsfw), rape & etc. Abuse, Murder, some cringy s... More

Chapter 0: A story begins with it's origin.
Chapter 1: Beginnings
Chapter 2: The Patrols
Chapter 3: Shadows of the devil I
Chapter 4: Shadows of the devil II
Chapter 5: Shadows of the devil III (⚠️)
Chapter 6: The one who has it
Chapter 7: The webs of New York
Chapter 8: The New York Arc
Chapter 9: His containment
Chapter 10: The Vans Family... And Vlad.
Chapter 11: The Kanomato bloodline.
Chapter 12: Society I
Chapter 13: Society II
Chapter 14: The Spanish Arc
Chapter 15: Back in the hometown (⚠️)
Chapter 16: Society III
Chapter 17: A talk between siblings...
Chapter 18: Vacation [Adumfor Arc]
Chapter 19: Case I [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 20: Case II [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 21: One closes, other opens [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 22: Society IV [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 23: Lurking in the shadows I [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 24: Lurking in the shadows II [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 25: Lurking in the shadows III [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 26: Isabella's rage [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 27: Power [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 28: The weeding [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 29: The festival of challenges I [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 30: The festival of challenges II [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 31: The Prophecy
Chapter 32: The Third Order
Chapter 33: The path towards a change I
Chapter 34: The path towards a change II
Chapter 35: The path towards a change III
Chapter 36: The path towards a change IV
Chapter 37: Lewd on the day they became a couple (⚠️)
Chapter 38: The path towards a change V
Chapter 39: A gift.
Chapter 40: Maria and Viki I
Chapter 41: Society V
Chapter 42: The order's meeting
Chapter 43: The Third Year I
Chapter 44: The Third Year II
Chapter 45: The death stone
Chapter 46: Nikolov I
Chapter 47: At the bar
Chapter 48: The Devil Council
Chapter 49: The Third Year III
Chapter 50: An interesting friendship
Chapter 51: Vladimir
Chapter 52: Maria and Viki II
Chapter 53: Loss of one manifestation...
Chapter 54: Maria and Viki III
Chapter 55: Nikolov II
Chapter 56: Iskra
Chapter 57: Alexandra
Chapter 58: Viki and Lubo I
Chapter 59: Mitaka
Chapter 60: The Mystery I
Chapter 61: The two sisters
Chapter 62: The Mystery II
Chapter 63: The Mystery III
Chapter 64: Issy
Chapter 65: The confrontation
Chapter 66: Amelia
Chapter 67: The Order's Decision
Chapter 68: A Ivanov reunion
Chapter 69: Seraphim 13's decision
Chapter 70: The place hidden away
Chapter 71: Back to the demon kingdom [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 72: Cursed Energy I [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 73: Cursed Energy II [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 74: Cursed Energy III [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 75: Nikolov III [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 76: The seal [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 77: New duties [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 78: Power-hunger I [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 79: Happy Halloween! [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 80: Power-hunger II [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 81: Power-hunger III [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 82: Power-hunger IV [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 83: Last year on the arena [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 84: The tournament returns I [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 85: The tournament returns II [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 86: Tatsumaki's report [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 87: Viki and Lubo II [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 88: Viki and Lubo III [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 89: Queen under the Eclipse [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 90: Endangered I [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 91: Endangered II [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 92: Nyan's escape [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 93: The High Council [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 94: His Resitance [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 95: The folder [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 96: A winner, a loser and a lesson I [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 97: A winner, a loser and a lesson II [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 98: The two siblings, that changed [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 99: The fate of them all [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 100: The hope of the demon kind [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 101: Back in the old days I [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 102: Back in the old days II [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 103: Back in the old days III [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 104: Short Intermission I [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 105: Short Intermission II [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 106: A being of a different kind [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 107: The Time is nearing I [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 108: The Time is nearing II [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 109: A time for beautiful fireworks... [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 110: Return to me [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 111: The next step of the Third Order [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 112: Nikolov IV [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 113: Preparation for the Festival [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 114: The Festival I [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 115: The Festival II [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 116: Tough Luck [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 117: Society VI [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 118: Upcoming war! [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 119: A success with consequences [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 120: Japan, Asa's home [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 121: A pinkish trait [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 123: Familiarity or Not II [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 124: Chainsaw cutting through the Control [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 125: Bloody Path [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 126: Fub and Tat's visitors [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 127: Gem in the left eye I [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 128: Gem in the left eye II [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 129: Pinkish Blood [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 130: Upcoming Vidin Event [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 131: Enact the Plan [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 132: Maria's letter [Return & Round Arc]
Chapter 133: Mountain Crusher [Return & Round Arc]

Chapter 122: Familiarity or Not I [A Devil's Stone Arc]

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By RandomWriter910

As Elijah was sitting in his room and his girlfriend sleeping on his lap while they were on the bed, he suddenly felt a familiar energy.

Elijah: H-Huh...?

Name: Rein Harishima

Age: 19

Information: A proud scientist who studies in Adumfor as first year college student, she is also known to be Elijah's girlfriend as she remains unaware of his bad actions and she is easily manipulatable, yet despite being strong... She could be easily fooled.

Clan Information: Harishima clan speciality is their precision, speed & IQ as all of the clan is smart, this clan works with the Adumfor government and the league of demon islands to pursue peace and stability. This clan however has 2x weaker strength then other demons and half-breeds leading to 1x weaker endurance as well. (this clan also works independent and are not controlled by any of the governments)

Demon Ability (1): Electricity

Demon Ability (2): Unawakened

Demon Ability Information (1): It allows the user to use electric attacks, thunderbolts & anything electric, however it is weak to people with strong endurance or energy manipulation or useless if the enemy has electric immunity.

Demon Ability Information (2): No information can be obtained at the moment.

Rein shakes her head as she wakes up.

Rein: You felt it again, didn't you?

Elijah: Y-Yes... It should not be possible, I only felt it once before when I was 11, a strange and powerful aura suddenly all over the globe and its location was in Vidin at a ruined place...

Rein: Could it be him again? But no, he is dead...

Rein licks off the ketchup that remained on her as she looked up at Elijah.

Elijah: But that power, it is in Japan... And I felt the same power of Diara... It cannot be...

As Elijah heard his phone ringing, he notices it is the prime minister and he answers.

Elijah: Mr. Kishida , has our call been approved to find and hunt the War Devil?

Fumio: That is what I wanna talk about, but it is disapproved. We have found someone else to take care of Asa or the potential threat inside her...

Elijah: S-Sir, but it was supposed to be our mission-

Fumio: Sorry Kanomato, but it was a request by the United Nations to let these two handle it, they also have the seal of approval by me. Have a good day.

Elijah pulls the phone away as it hangs up and lays down, as Rein then moves a bit up to lay on his chest.

Elijah: This... This is not good...

Rein: Hey, maybe we can investigate later.

Elijah looks at her as he pets her head... 

Rein: Yeah, do not look down. We will find em and maybe ask em to join, doesn't that sound like a wonderful idea honey~?

Elijah: Sure it does...

Meanwhile, with the Pink Devil, the Man and Diara, they all 3 stood in a building watching Asa from above spying on her trying to memorize her route outside of school as it is now Asa is sitting at a local cafe with 3 of her friends and they watched on the other side on a building.

Pink Devil: Damn, the War Devil sure picked a great vessel and she is alive too...

Diara: I got no idea how this case happened, but Asa is such a young girl and having to put with a devil in her is just too much.

Diara sighs.

???: Isn't it crazy how the War Devil was in Adumfor before, fighting someone few months ago?

Pink Devil: You could say it.

The Pink Devil pulled her phone out to check something.

???: I suppose from what Maestro told me about the War Devil, her name is Yoru, interestingly enough the reasons are interesting for it. Also she took possession of Asa after being defeated and weakened at the North Side of Japan by a group of devil hunters and one of them was the Chainsaw Man.

Diara: Interesting background she has, yet why possess a kid?

???: Well you know a "dead body" taken over by a devil does equal to a fiend and by what Maestro said, she only took half of the brain of that young girl so these two sorta share the body. Yet it could be that maybe it is just more then just half a brain and rather a body share and we can split them cause they are different souls with Diara's Soul Blade.

The man looks at Asa who is staring at something or someone as the man follows down the direction, he sees Tatsumaki and what looked like her sister Fubuki.

???: Oh no, this ain't good.

Diara: What?

Pink Devil: What are you-?

As the Man points down the two realise what he meant by that, but wondered why are the two sisters here?

As Tatsumaki and Fubuki gone their way, before the trio could notice Asa was gone and her tab was payed.

Diara: Yoru must've taken control at this very moment. Let's go!

As the trio makes their way through the roof of buildings, 15 minutes pass as Fubuki and Tatsumaki arrive at a quiet street in Japan and notice it is so abandoned in this area.

Fubuki: This is the place the Prime Minister was talking about sis?

Tatsumaki: Yeah, I mean sure we are here due to Bulgaria's heroes being too busy, but shame we did not get selected to deal with the War Devil.

Fubuki: I mean, he said himself, he found 2 people he can trust for it.

Fubuki sighs.

Fubuki: Either way, if we were to encounter a devil we need to defeat it right away.

Fubuki pulls a Poker Queen Card and looks around, she then sighs and throws it as a figure was hit by it on the cheek leaving a cut on the cheek and the card is gone as both Fubuki and Tatsumaki turn around to see a teenage girl holding a sword that looked very strong and made out of the bones of a human.

Fubuki: The War Devil!

Fubuki backed away dodging a sharp as something that sounded like bones breaking apart and falling down.

Yoru: Good Grief, you sisters are too annoying to deal with.

She pulls her blade up and was already infront of Tatsumaki, but she pulls a trashcan's top and blocks the attack, but quickly lets go as the top was destroyed with ease and she moved to the side to dodge a powerful shockwave slash that destroyed a building.

Tatsumaki: J-Just how fast are these devils?! (It irritates me.)

Tatsumaki who was introduced with "telekinesis" was only the start of her power yet being outspeed in her base was already impressive to look at. Tatsumaki holds her hand out and with a crushing feeling she pulls the War Devil to her and then Fubuki hits the ground as Tatsumaki lets go and moves to the side trapping the War Devil in what looks like a stone coffin.

As the Trio arrives at the roof watching it.

???: So the sisters are together for once, impressive.

As the War Devil breaks out, a bunch of Queen Poker cards with a bit of sharpness hit her cheeks left and right and then Tatsumaki jumps her with a barrage for 3 seconds and then with an uppercut Yoru and that sends her in the air and Tatsumaki jumps up and does a 3 punch with 3 kick combo and then steals Yoru's weapon and uses the handle and slams Yoru before dropping the weapon and sends her back, but Fubuki attempts to catch her only to feel a slash hitting her at her chest which was weak, but still effective to prevent her from catching Yoru and then she falls to her knees for a second as Yoru stops herself at the wall with her feet and then she jumps off the wall and quickly  was next to Fubuki and kicked her at Tatsumaki who caught her sister and was pushed back next to the building's door.

Yoru picks her weapon up and dodges 2 rock throws and cuts through a trashcan, Fubuki gets up and both her and Tatsumaki  dodged a big slash as both were on Yoru's left and right.

As the Trio was watching, they noticed Fubuki was looking at them and they ran off.

Fubuki (Thinking to herself): Who was that-?

Yoru was pulled by Tatsumaki only for her to hit Tats with an elbow, a kick and a slash that does not cut through her but sends her through 8 buildings (1 of them being a closed store) and then she with the glass shard creates a small glass knife and then throws it at Fubuki, she dodges it only for Yoru to get close and doing the same slash on Fubuki, but sending her only through one building and she hits the wall of another hard as she falls and looks up to see Yoru walking.

Yoru: Low speed, decent stregnth, pretty good endurance you two have~

Yoru laughs.

Yoru: Listen now, dear~

Fubuki gets up and throws another poker queen card and then, Fubuki uses her powers to grab out two trashcans attempting to crush Yoru, but she moves out of the way and they hit each other and then she quickly lets go and jumps in the air doing air steps dodging 3 slashes from Yoru's blade and then drops to punch her in the face and making her slip and kicks her sword away and then Yoru blocked the punch and catching herself heatbutting Fubuki in the head and then squeezes her boob (Fubuki lets a soft moan) only to use it as a balance to land another heatbutt in the head and then punches her 3 times and then pushes her back.

Yoru: Nice big sized... Hehe useful for balance.

Yoru then grabs her blade and quickly runs towards Fubuki as she regains balance attempting to stop her opponent only to be met with a punch in the face and that same weak slash this time sending her through 2 buildings and then the noise of the police siren can be heard.

Yoru: Damn it, the Kanomatos must be on their way too since they usually keep the poopie law man company. Well you sisters wish I could kill you, but you are lucky~

Yoru turns the blade back to its original material and puts it away in her backpack and runs off as the trio chases her from the roofs.

Pink Devil: Damn, she 2v1ed both of them...

???: Do not be impressed, Diara and Nyan makes them look like a joke, comparing to this.

Diara was a bit flattered.

Yoru looked up at the roofs and she saw 3 people keeping up with her.

Yoru (Thinking to herself): D-Damn it, Guess the sisters are not the only threat now...

As the Trio knows very well they made themself easily visible to her, they continue chase her and jumping through roofs as she took turns through the city until she enters a big trade market that had a lot of people and the trio stopped after losing her.

Pink Devil: Damn it, she entered the crowd and probably gonna let Asa take back control and get away which puts us at disadvantage...

Pink Devil sighs annoyed.

Pink Devil: Stupid bitch, I hate her so much!

Diara: You sound like this is not the first time she nearly won and then got away as the tables turned on her or something like that.

Pink Devil: I fought her before like 4 months ago, shortly after I've heard what happened with her at Adumfor from the eyes of the council in Hell.

Diara: So Seraphims and High Council are not the only one?

Pink Devil: Of course, the High Council operates between both and is the strongest while the Devil Council and Seraphim Council are equals below the High Council, simple enough.

The Pink Devil drinks a smoothie.

Diara: Wait when did you get that?

Pink Devil: Oh it was that fast, I mean you should be able to react to that speed, unless you were too distracted talking to the air.

The Pink Devil laughs and then continues drinking her smoothie.

???: Alright let us get moving, we do not have time for this.

The Trio goes their way, but unsuspecting as someone follows from below.

End of Chapter

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