What is love again? (reader x...

By EdetAdakam

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Kurayami was a happy and loved girl at birth but it all changed because of her quirk she was considered a vil... More

Is this the end or beginning?
Is it all over?
Who are you?
I won't do this again,ever
break in
What a voice
UA meeting
First day of school
Starting over
Be Normal
Sibling night
Nightmares are dreams
I'm back
assassins sweet HQ
Sports festival?
Sport festival pt 2
Todoroki what happened?
Sports festival pt 3
hero killer:stain mission
hero names
interns pt2
pre date
illegal date
We meet again, stain
expect the unexpected
kura-sa's gone
Completely new start
pool day
training camp
Training camp pt2
Ultimate moves
All for one
Provisional licence
Provisional licence 2
work studies 1
work studies 2
A/N I got bored so more info about you
Work studies 3
Rescue 2
festival 2
kyushu district
1A or 1B
snow day
Merry Christmas, Big sis yami!
Endeavor's agencies
Todorokis drama
Mind games
Authors note
Dooms day
Special 1
Back to the begining
A call from a bird
Special 2


23 0 0
By EdetAdakam

I move my hand out of my face staring at the creature. "You look like you're about to drop dead, might want to take it easy sweetheart." chisaki taunted, a strand of my hair flung into my face in the middle of his taunt.  I should probably go for a trim soon, i blew the strand back then created my katana. I stood in a swordsman pose "Midoriya, if anything was to go wrong get eri out of here immediately. Understood." He stood there for a second then nodded his head indicating he understood. I turned my attention back to chisaki, my katana at my side.

Midoriya Pov

I can't believe what's happening in front of my eyes, she was actually going to fight that thing. I felt eri grip my shoulder tight, i wish i could tell her it was going to be alright but there was no guarantee.  I took a step back with eri piggybacking me, my eyes locked on kurayami. She didn't look good at all Covered head to toe in blood, Her usual snow white hair now  crimson red with small strikes of white shining through.

Chisaki's giant hand moved up in the air then down at kurayami, the move was fast and for her tired state, no doubt he had crushed her. I stepped forward into a hero stance, i had to protect eri and save kurayami. "Stay put." my eyes searched for the source of the voice, I gasped in shock as i saw kurayami in the air on top of overhaul. Her body stood straight next to overhaul as if she was standing on solid ground her , Her katana was held over her head. It looks like she was charging?  I looked back at overhaul, he was in the middle of attacking kurayami with stone spikes and his many hands. I now i'm doubting her but she was wounded badly all i could do was doubt.

Overhauls's attacks grew so close to kurayami that i was about to try to interfere. Even with this her face showed no distress. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, right when his attacks were about to pierce her skin her eyes flickered to overhaul in a deadly glare. In a second her sword slashed overhaul's body cutting him in half, the wind and dust picked up soon after blurring my vision. When the dust moved the upper body of the overhaul was in the air. I gasped, in one shot... she took that thing down. This is the... difference in strength, the gap is incredibly large.

Will i ever be able to beat her...


I snapped out of my thoughts "It's your turn."

I'm to lazy so basically the midoriya finished overhaul, like the same thing in the anime

Kurayami POV

After midoriya had punched the hell out of overhaul things were looking good until eri lost control of her quirk. I was a pretty good distance from them, the distance was too far for my legs to walk too so i stayed where i was. This gave me time to look back at what happened today. 

My eye... is gone. I felt my eyes get watery, how would shoto react to this. What if he doesn't want me anymore, get a hold of yourself kurayami. I took a deep breath, i don't need him, right? "Oh- I've found another one, Bring me a stretcher! Hello miss, don't worry help is on the way." my eyes grew heavier by the second "Hey! Stay with me, I need immediate help!" 

My vision grew black and my hearing was gone in minutes. "Kura-sa... I saved, i saved someone..." I felt a smile pinch at my cheeks. "If i do...die, at least i made an a-accomplishment.", "Hey! don't talk like that, dumbass.".

what?  two silhouettes formed in front of me "huh" The silhouettes looked to be both female "You were talking to me right." My eyes widened as the cotton candy perfume hit me "See that's not the yami i know, if i was you you would had told me to walk it off." Even though it was just a silhouette i could feel the familiar pout like expression on the shorter silhouette. "Take it easy on her she was close to dying,i heard that when people are close to dying they say stupid things." Who was this thing?

"Whatever, She needs to go now, her healing process is done." what healing process?  "you're right, it's time to go now kurayami." I-what? "Wait i still have questions" , my vision began to grow dark. "Then find the answers..." kura-sa's voice stretched out.

I shot up looking around frantically in a cold sweat "Calm down would ya." I looked over too see Aizawa and a nurse. "Were having a dream, your heat rate blew up." the nurse lookedat me with concern "U-u no, i don't think so." She nodded "Does your quirk have anything to do with excellerated healing? we did an Xray 2 hours ago then another 30 minutes ago, in that time all you bones seemed to snap back in place before recovery girl got here. The incredible thing is that your eye regenerated , i've never seen such a strong healing quirk before."

I stared at her without understanding a thing she said "What." She gave me a huge smile "You basically regenerated." My heart stopped-no sanked "W-what." Terror filled my body "I said yo-" I cut her off by shooting a blood tentacle at her "Shut up will ya.." My voice was low laced with both confusion and annoyance. As the tentacle got closer to her it disappeared.

"I think it would be best if you leave." Aizawa spoke out the nurse nodded and left quickly. The room stayed silent after the nurse left, "What does she mean regenerate" I couldn't grasp onto this new information so soon after waking up. Aizawa cleared his throat "The doctors aren't sure what happened but they believed your awakened. Blood reproduction." 

I cover my face with my hands "I-Urgh" I groaned with confusion "Most people would be delighted about such an awakening, you're lucky you know" Dad then walked over to a chair sitting down on it "It's just another one problem on top of my other, ugh." Dad raised an eyebrow "What do you mean." I looked up adverting Dad's gaze "Well..."

Basically I filled him in on All for one and what happened at tartarus, that led to talking about my adopted mom and that led to talking about being a target for the league of villains. "What a problem child." Dad leaned back in his chair holding his head. "Sorry." He sat up in his chair "Don't be sorry for things that you can't control, you'll be going back to the dorms today with the others, later." I nodded.

Dad started walking to the door "U-wait, what happened the eri, nighteye was extremely injured earlier." He turned around "Eri's fine but nighteye, unfortunately died." I slumped down slightly "I see..." "Don't take it hard, your clothes should be here soon." He walked out leaving me alone.


I'm late, I was still changing 2 hours after i was supposed to be downstairs. The guy delivering my clothes came late and i was sleeping so i didn't hear him knock. I rushed downstairs while stuffing things into my bag, when i got down it was getting dark. I sighed and started walking out, I could have used my portal but i was advised not to for at least a day or two.

My legs grew sore as i got to the front of the 1-A dorms, before I walked in I pulled out my phone and texted shoto 'I'm finally here.' it took mere seconds for him to respond 'you're late, the others got here an hour ago.' A soft smile tugged at my lips. I'm so tired, when i walked in the living room i tried to sneakily enter my room but what a fail that was.

"O-oh YAMI!" I turned around seeing the whole class running at me, i tried to turn around and make a run for it but i tripped on my own feet falling on my butt. "Oww." I looked up to see all of my male classmates looking away, or should say all but one. "Oh my precious kurayami, it seems like you've finally fallen for me." Before mineta got closer to me he was kicked to the side by mina.

"Are you okay yami." She stretched out her hand for me to grab and i did "Ya-just a throb on my butt." she nodded then gave me a big tooth smile "So... Why were you later than the others." I bit my bottom lip "Well um, i kinda slept in and there wasn't a ride so i walked."  "Why didn't you call a taxi or something?" Before i could answer the rest of the class started asking their own questions or tried to feed me food or beverages.

My head got dizzy in seconds of dodging their questions and food. "I've been waiting for you." Everyone stopped then turned to the voice, "Leave her alone." I looked over myself to see both shoto and katsuki.  Katsuki walked forward pushing away the crowd, i thought he was going to lift me up softly from just getting out of the hospital but that was a grave mistake. As soon as he got to me he bent down putting his hand where the end of my skirt and leg met then hauled me over his shoulder.

"Hey! you bastard, let me go!" I flung my legs around in an attempt to be set myself free "Hey, stop that. We stay up this late to wait for you and this is how you treat us." I stopped moving "you guys waited for me..." shoto's socks behind bakugo, i looked up to see shoto looking at me "Well everyone waited so it's no big deal." Bakugo and todoroki led me to the girl's dorm elevator.

"You know i can walk right?" i asked in the elevator, shotot was playing with my hair while bakugo's hand was now at my thigh tapping a rhythm. "Just shut up will ya."  I groan then snicker  "Kat has a soft spot." I felt the light heat growing on his palm "You EXTRA why would i care about you! And who are you calling kat." I lift my head up to look at shoto's face with a grin "Would you rather let me call you SuKi~" We hopped off the elevator on the 5 floor "You know i can drop you at any second." I looked over at the back of kat's head then was clearly grinning.

"You two bicker a lot." I could feel the eye roll from kat "Where's your room, extra." before i could answer shoto did "It's the next one down." Kat stopped then turned his head to look at shoto for what felt like an enternity then continued walking silently. Once we got to my dorm shoto opened it and walked in making himself welcomed.

"Your going to be okay right." kat asked looking serious "Ya, thanks." shoto stood from where he was sitting "You have our numbers so if you need anything you know who to call." I nod "You guy's are acting like i'm disabled." Kat rolled his eyes "I'm out, night." They both said their goodbyes then left. I went to bed soon after.

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