The Fierce Flame

By talesofdevil

248K 25.6K 5.7K

[Sequel of Warm Love, hence can't be read as a standalone.] In the first phase, Reyansh concealed a web of my... More

02|| truth
03|| running through life
04|| deal
05||lingering feelings
9||we were gonna meet
10||trapped memories
11||ex friend
12||the letter
13|| 3 chance
14|| my neighbor
15||a little peak
16|| the fancy party
17|| the big thing
19|| where is the diamond?
20|| tease
21|| reality
23|| something in the air
24|| the pain
25|| beach babe
26||drowning in pain
27||he knows
28|| impending doom
29||lurking shadow
30|| the conditions
31||breaking of truth
32||the talk
33||we are living once
34||Play of Fate
35||a shift within me
36||hold back anger
38||what is papa?
39||defy you
40||a story or a reality
42|| Fate's choice: Dark or Light
43|| Bad idea
44||strike and shot
45|| yes or no
46||lipstick trails
50||Offer and information

41||we are a team?

4.5K 613 262
By talesofdevil

To all those readers who comments such beautiful words for me and my work don't think I am ignoring them or being ungrateful. I never ignore them. I read them repeatedly. You don't know how much grateful I am to get such messages.

It's just that thank you just doesn't justify it anymore. What I feel is more than the mere words.

And this is to the silent readers wait until the day you know the importance of appreciating someone's effort which you like. Not talking about me, but the life in general.

Goodness comes both ways. Remember this.

"Why did you run away from there?"

"I didn't." I turn around, to face Kabir, to only come across a look of betrayal on his face. He closed the door behind him, the other hand holding the glass. I take it from him, moving towards the kitchen. Kabir follows close behind me. I take the stainless-steel bowl, pouring the cold milk in it, and putting it on the burner oven. As I lift my hands to light the oven, only then I get to know that my hands were shaking, unhinge. I felt my fingers numb.

Kabir snatched the lighter from my hands, doing the needful for me. I clench and unclench my fingers in a fist, fixating my eyes on the gas stove, which burned to life, its circle having a dance of blue flames. I looked everywhere, at the milk, the sink, oven, refrigerator, titles on the wall of the kitchen, but not at the brown eyes which were looking at me, demanding an answer. Kabir intensified his gaze or rather glares of eyes on me.

He sighs, a long exhale of breath, "Will you speak up?"

"There is nothing, Kabir." I try my luck.

"What did he said, that exactly got you on shaken up?" he crossed his arms against his chest, hiding the logo of US Polo.

"He was trying to point out how he was performing a noble deed by eliminating the wall between two neighbors."

"I was present there, and also knew how his tone sounded when he talked about noble deed."

"Ohh," was all I could utter, which just pushed my friend in a mode of scowling at me, "That's what we were talking. Nothing separate," I lie straight to my tongue. Telling him the real talk will surely put Kabir, the soft man, to a traumatic post behavior. If he hears the truth, I fear he will not even be standing in the room where Reyansh is present. On top, the thing was not to be discussed and let my friend have a doubt on my sanity, for even daring to love such a man.

He doesn't look convinced, "I know there is more, and it is okay, if you are not comfortable to speak about it."

I keep my palm on his biceps, "Kabir, I am sorry, for causing trouble to you."

His furrowed eyebrows smooths, eyes softening as he sided hug me, patting my head, "You can never cause trouble to me,"

I hum, closing my eyes, as I rest my head on his chest, but jerking it open, when the conversation from a few minute echoes in head. What does he meant when he said, I am not the fault behind the person's dead but his feeling for me. Why does for every answer he raises a question after question for me. I should be scare of Reyansh, but can I ever be?

"Mumma," I hear Veer's loud breathless voice from the living room.

"I am in kitchen." I shout back.

Hearing the soft rush of his feet, we break the hug. Veer like his energetic ball, comes dancing towards us, but with a frown. He kept his feeble palm on his waist, cranking his neck to look at us, the brown strands falling on top of his forehead nearly blocking his eyes, "Why did you locked me inside? I wanted to come outside."

"Did I?" I gasp, acting dump.


"I am sorry. We were in hurry, and might by mistake have forgot to unlock the door."

"What happened outside? Why were you in hurry?"

"Oh, nothing. It was about the wall." I switch of the gas, blowing air to subdue the milk back to the bottom of the pan.

"Veer, do you know we are making a new wall." Kabir, interjects before Veer could come with a new question.

"Woow," Veer opens his mouth, "But why?"

Nice question, but too late. That is Veer, he will react first, then ask question. Why it feels like Veer has taken over all the bad trait of us, instead of the good one. But, is there any gentle bone in Reyansh? He is an arse to everyone. God forbid, if Veer take over Reyansh in nature. I can't take two devils.

However, another question pops up, Isn't he here for only one month?

Just one month. And days are moving forward, slowly no shoot it, days are moving like they are in some hurry, the same days which I considered to be fast, like the slow fading winter, the trees surrendering their hopes, as they let go of the dried leaf. The dull winter, is fading away, just the coldness remaining and in every season the coldness remained. Winter didn't take away the coldness. Summer didn't bring up warmth. Nature of the naturally occurrence changed, faded into dullness. And we inched closer towards the end of a new year. But just like those trees, our hope filled leaf, fallen at our feet, resembling our hope. And, I learnt, I passed five years of my life.

But I want this winter to be passed in slow motion. I don't want my hope to resemble the crumbled leaf, which were tucked away by the harsh wind. By the harsh life. This time.

Reyansh was the season of my life. Too bad I understood it late. Will it change anything between us now?

. . . . . . . .

I still didn't know the reason behind the demolish of the wall, which separated the two houses. I could always go and demand an answer, right? What would be the chances of me getting kissed by him? Given how I subconsciously agreed to his demand in return for a truth, which brings another layer of befuddlement for me. It feels life is becoming a twisted maze of thread, which demands all the patience of universe and luck. Unluckily, I lack both.

Questions after questions rose up, my hand empty without answers.

Like, what does Reyansh wants when he said he wants to have an upper hand over Rayer. Strange. Wants me to wake up early and be present to be get physically trained for fighting? Removing the wall, planting his men's infront of Rayer. And, the call of yesterday, more like a warning of something. A danger. The crumbled letter which seats between the pages of my diary. A warning. And the Gala.

Power, His men, Training, Call, Letter, Gala.

The only way I could find my answer is by keeping an eye on Reyansh. I refuse to be a doll, and act that everything is fine in my life, when all I am walking in a maze, at the end coming across a dead-end. Mistakes of past, will not be repeated. It had costed me a lot. I don't want to be played by my ignorance, waiting for someone to solve the mystery for me, when my fate has always managed to bring hints to me. I will not run.

The only person who can help me in this situation is. I walk towards the receptionist desk of ground floor of Rayer, where Rahul stood with his spine straight, engrossed in counting the number of new menu's being ordered, with a line taking between his brows. He catches me coming from his peripherical, smiling at me with a youthful aura.

"Good morning, Bosswoman." He almost salutes.

"Good morning." I wish back, tapping my fingers on the desk, I ask, "Rahul, do you know where is Tavir?"

"Tavir Sir,"


Rahul scratches the back of his head, "Yes, he somewhat threatened me in adding honorific behind his name."

That shitty man, dares to threaten my employees, "Don't call him sir. And if he says anything, you threaten him back, okay?"

He nods gulping, "And should I also skip honorific with Reyansh...sir,"

I chuckle, "Until you want to be dead."

His face pales slightly, the glint of earlier removed refused by confusion. "Chill, I am joking," no I am not, but it weird to look at him, who smiles at every chance, so paled out. Looks like he is also one of those who finds Reyansh scary. I lift my shoulder.

"No, I am fine with adding every honorific my vocabulary could gather up beside his name," he smiles. 

I shrug my shoulder, "Your choice. Now coming back to question, where is Tavir?"

"He was in the lounge area. I hope you find him there,"

"Okay then," waving him, I turn towards the lounger area, a seating area for the customer, who wants to enjoy their meal under the nature. True to the information, I do find Tavir seating on one of the cushioned chairs, his legs hiked up on the armrest, as one of the waitresses of Rayer serves him juice. Being treated like a princess in the busy hour of Rayer.

I clear my throat to grab, Princess Tavir's attention. But he was too busy to flirt with Meenakshi, twirling her brown strands in his finger as he inhales the scent of her hair.

"I pay you so you could vandalize your flirting skills in front of my customers, so it could flourish your business, isn't it Tavir?" The man shrieks a little, spilling juice on the floor and some on his shirt, as he struggles to get up. 

After spilling half of the content of orange juice over my flush pink sofa, he manages to stand straight. I sign Meenakshi to get back to work, which she does by bowing her head and dashing out. I cross my arms, watching him scratch his head, "What business are you talking about, certainly?" 

I smile, "Your, flirting tution. Given how are you in the forum doing a great marketing and selling your classes to the anti-romantic, who comes here for a moment of peace."

"Good lord, I was not flirting with her."

"I don't pay you for that but for delivery."

"My men are doing those. One customer even praised us for our fast delivery, look he even gave us four stars." He smiles flaunting his teeth, almost shoving the receipt before my face. I blink at him, "If you have money to pay your men, then why are you even entertaining yourself with the delivery thing."

"C'mom, you don't even understand my feelings? Isn't it clear, I applied this job to stay closer to the women I love."


"No, it is-"

I cut him off, "Then, whom do you love?" I pull my brows together, to emphasize the sentence.

"Have you lost your memory? It is you whom I love, Kiraz. Which I am doing since the last four years. Should I cut my chest and show how your name is present in my every veins."

I cringe at the prospect idea, of seeing an Amazon forest of hairs on Tavir's chest. Yet I clap my hands, uttering in exclamation, "Bravo!"

"What?" he utters confusedly, looking at me as if I have lost few screws of my head. Which the look soon wipes of, as I bring my phone, playing the recorded voice. I am surely going to hell for this. But big things ask for small surrender of morals.

"Why did you record it?"

"To threaten you. Come, come seat down. A long talk is waiting for us ahead." I even do the needful of taking out a chair for him to seat down.

"You are scaring me."

"Don't be scared of," I wave my hands, holding him by his shoulder as I make him seat on the chair, "Would you like something?" he shakes his head with a dreamy smile, "My manifestation has come true. Sweet lord, is it a dream?" he pinched his skin, when stinking pain takes overs he blinks his eyes, "But why I am feeling my death whispering in my ear."

"You are getting paranoid." I seat before him, as I tuck my hairs.

"Maybe. Manifestation do works. My sweet mother, you finally listened to your son's desire," he kissed his hands.

"Before you start holding a ceremony for manifestation of your dream, let's talk business."

His smiles drop like the speed of lightning, but I maintain mine, keeping my hands linked before me, as I speak, "I need your help. I want to know information regarding the Gala which Reyansh is organizing."

And the look on his face, was note worthy to be captured and preserved in a frame to be hanged beside the Oscar winning celebrities. Yet still I maintain my confident smile. Tavir jumps away from the seat, flinching me, and almost tripping on his feet. With a look of horror.

"What did you say?" he comes again, I repeat myself, "I said, I want to know about the Gala which Reyansh is arranging."

He raised his finger accusingly, making me push myself back at the seat, "Do you want to send me to my mother so early?"

"Relax, I just want to fish out some information, nothing else."

"Boss, will kill me. Maybe throw my pieces before that his..bloody crocodile."

"Hey, his name is Hunter."

"Do invite him on my funeral." Sarcasm was dripping like sweat from him.

"You will be killed only if someone gets to know. On rational ground, this talk is between you and me, no third person is involved. So, the risk of getting caught is almost 99%,"

"What about 0.01%?"

"I thought your math's was bad?"

"Commonsense," he duh's me.

I scowl, "Don't be a prick about it. That was an innocent curiosity. Anyways, we are diverting from the main topic."

"My dead." He smiles, the most fake smile I saw ever in my life. I roll my eyes, "Nothing will happen. So, speak up. What is this, Gala, thing? And where is it happening? Don't miss anything,"

"Just information? Nothing else?" He asks, looking at me with a, 'I don't believe you,' sort of look.

"Information," I stretched my lips wider. Rolling his eyes at me, he takes the seat, sending a short prayer to his Sweet Lord.

He parrots, and I lean forward to hear him more clearly, as for I don't miss a word, but he opens his mouth and then seals it. I furrow my brows at him, "What happened? Why did you stop?"

"Why are you even interested in the Mafia Gala?"

"Oh..the thing is," I drawl, Tavir leans from the cushioned chair, "The thing is?" he repeats pressing the words.

I try to run all the screws of my brain to come with a reply which will put an end to his detective mode, but when I need my brain why the hell it abandons me. Acting as if, the mess is yours and I should take care of it. But bitch aren't you a part of me. Where is we? Unity sucks in me.

"Don't you believe me?" I pout my lips, blinking slowly, cascading my eyes down to show how distressed I am.

"Geez, okay, stop it." I bite back the smile, lifting my head to hear him.

He parrots, before looking to and froth, searching for any possible ears eavesdropping at us, and then he starts, "Look, Mafia Gala is not a thing of common people. Not even any businessman who have connection with Mafia or so are allowed. Connection simply doesn't work here. What works here for you to be invited in the most prestigious Gala is power, throne, an empire. Indian Raj has seen many Mafias over the year. But only, three have managed to keep their name in the history. Devour leads the rank." He has a smug look over his face.

"Devour," I taste the name on my lips, "The clan which is ruled by Reyansh?"

He nods his head, "The second is of Malhotra's the Snake's. This Mafia Gala happening after five years and is usually thrown by the King of the underworld,"

"You didn't mention the third name?" I inquire.

He halts, his face stoic loosing the essence of the warmth with which he filled me with information, fading away in the darkness, making me come across this Tavir who lacks every humanly emotion. A blank him, is a rare occurrence, and when he comes in this form one must know, a vital cord of his is touched. I snap my fingers before him, and he certainly blinks his eyes, but the blankness from his eyes is hard to shake, his voice dark, "We don't talk about the third group. It's been years it has been demolished. Wiped their existence, but winds still carry their name like a lost treasure of history. And that is why even after years of their existence been turned into ashes, their name is to be taken."

"Sort of respect?" I speculate.

"Yes, a speculate. And no one has ever able to reach the first rank or second."

I had shivers on my skin. I gulped, "What happened to them?"

"Something. But the seed of destruction was planted in Boss, and before anyone could throw it away, the monsters had planted their roots in him to strongly. It was just too late."

"Since when do you know Reyansh?"

"Nice way of getting information from me. But no, I am not saying anything about it, to increase my death torture."

I scowl at him, after burning the lamp of my curiosity he blows the light off.

"Coming back to the matter. Mafia Gala is more than prestige. Mafias who stand in the three grounds, are invited. You are seeing it like a black pool of lake, and until and unless you cross it, you wouldn't be knowing what lies underneath. The night is just a thing to shadow the darkness which is exchanged in this Gala. Alliances are made, treaties are signed, weapons are exchanged, mind is read, and death happens," he whispers the last part, and falls back on his seat, watching the pale look of my face, "But death is a rare occurrence, until and unless you stick your tail in the path of assholess's. And the persons who are invited in this Gala are all Motherfuckers. You could see yourself in the pool of someone's blood, but dogs will be called to lick the floor clean. And nobody will know you even existed. Everything will be backed to normal."

I blow the suspended breath, which I had unknowingly held back, "Why is Reyansh holding this Gala here in Goa?"

He shrugs his head, "If only anyone could read Boss's mind. But if he is holding it here, then may be there must be a big reason,"

"Such as?"

He again shrugs his shoulder. And I curl my lips, to not let out a frustrated snarl, "When is it?"


"This coming Sunday?"

He nods his head.

"How do you get an invitation card?"

My question puts him in alert, his spine straightening, "Why are you asking? Don't tell me you want to go there?"

"Why can't I?" I raise my brow, but I am not sure anymore, with my heart thumping loudly against my chest. Tavir once again jumps up from his seat, like a fish out of water, "You said you just want information," he calls out accusingly.

"I never said I just want information. I even want an invitation or a thing which could let me in that Gala. And do's and don's."

"You are not only digging my coffin, but also yours," he replies, voice filled with panic.

"I know, but nothing I can't handle." Heck, I am shitting in my pants. But Tavir and me, must be a team to implement my plan. Plan of me attending that, Gala. If I show it on my face, that I am ten times more anxious than him, then we are both submerging like Titanic even before we attend the party.

"I am out,"

"Don't be a spoil sport,"

"Be thankful, I am doing you a favor,"

"Are you going there?"

"Of course, you should know by now how important I am to Devour." He flaunts him, tucking at his collar.

I stare at him. Sharply. He sighs, "Okay, I practically didn't begged Boss to let me,"

"Then, what is the problem. If I do get in trouble, which I by an ill-fate manage to get in trouble, which I hardly think. But still, to be on a safer side, you are there to help me, right?"

"I will abandon you."

"You will not." I know he will not. If he wanted to abandon me, he had long back had done it.

"What if Boss comes to know? Or he finds you, and the person who helped you, no, no. I love my life to be get tortured to death. Let me die peacefully. I can't," he mumbled shaking his head.

"You wouldn't," I try once more.


"Okay, your call." I look at my black painted nails, "But after this when Reyansh shoots you, don't send your soul to wander behind me."

"What?" his voice was filled with horror.

I look at him, wagging my phone before him, as I play the recoded voice. I smirk watching how blood drained from his face, leaving behind a pallid mask of disbelief. To emphasize more, he falls back on his feet, stammering, "You wouldn't?"

"Watch me," I wouldn't if I want to loose a friend. And it was the last nail, as it seemed to drain away the vibrant hues of his complexion, leaving him ashen and hollow-eyed.

"You are threatening me, and either way if I choose any one from the two, Sweet Lord, at the end it is me getting crucified to death. Must add a torturous, painful, humiliating death."

"Don't exaggerate."

"Come for the painful show down, when my skin is peeled by Boss."

I huff, "Tavir, if you constantly think about being caught, then you would definitely be getting caught. Look, think positive. Take a deep breath and think."

"Kiraz, it is called to be in delusion."

"Delulu is the solulu,"

"What pelulu?" he scrunched his nose. I shoo him, "Leave it."

"Either way you are dying. So, why don't you help me. Look, if we are caught, at least I can use my charm on Reyansh and make your death less painful."

"How are you sure you are going to be let off the hook, for pulling such a stunt?"

"I put my faith on love."

"You are very convincing. I wander why such a talent is wasted and not be properly utilized for a motivational talk, Sweet Lord. Excuse me, if I consider putting my faith on rationality."

"I was born talented, thank you."

He groans mumbling, "Thank you, my ass,"

"So, what is your decision?"

He looks at me, "Do I get a third option?"

"Jumping off from the cliff?"

. . . . . . . . .

Now the only wait was of Sunday. And letting Tavir work on his charm. 

With such thoughts meandering in my head, I resume my walk towards home, having picked cheese cake at the bakery of which Veer is fond off. The talk from yesterday night comes back pushing everything. Veer, is just five, but his brain works faster than the children falling in his age group. The main reason is his curiosity. Children do have curiosity but in Veer's case it like an insatiable hunger to know the thing he has put his eyes on which just pumps adrenaline in him.

And that scares me. And I hate to admit, but my child doesn't think like a five years kid. He suppresses his emotions. I have always waved it off like nothing. Just a stage of growing. But not anymore. He shouldn't know manipulation, even must not be heard of that name or its meaning. Yet, he knows how to use it against.

He wants water color, not because it will save his effort, or he wants skate board rather than a tricycle because he wants to feel a sense of growth in him. when growing up should least of be his concern. He brings tears in his eyes because he thinks it will make his wish to be fulfilled. He broke the glass, just to check whether it is breakable or not. Or he touched it just to feel what pain feels like, or rather what is blood?

He can stare at a thing for minutes and be lost. When he is an active child, can't stay seated in one place. Then how come he can be lost for minutes?

There are things I still am to come across. I massage my fingers on my forehead. Both father and son, would be death of me. I unlatch the front gate of Hussain and the voidness of the tall wall just makes a weird feeling crawl in me. The whole area was cleared, leaving a long compound with just two big houses lighted.

I halt in my place, as I hear distant whispers of words. Walking forward, the scene before me was both awe and heart wrecking. Reyansh sat on a chair, with Veer cuddled on his bare chest. Reyansh calloused fingers threading through Veer's hairs. His arms wrapped around Veer petite body—protectively and possessively.

"Maui, do you know where death is?" Veer mumbles groggily. The tone of his speaking spoke of the stage of him dozing off any second. But his question, make the fingers running through his hair pause, but within another second it moved circular. As if Reyansh body didn't go stiff, just by hearing Veer's question.

And that is what I meant by his curiosity. He should be asking why sky is blue? And what happens when a person die. But not certainly where death is? And what hurts the most is he goes around to search answers of his questions to others, rather than coming to his mother. As if, he just doesn't trust me with his questions. Or maybe for I look straight through him.

"Death is in the sky," I blink the tears, Reyansh's words bringing me back to reverie, "Beyond that too. It is too far for us to reach."

"Then how people go there."

"They are called."

"Will they return back?"


"Ohh," he calls, "When will I be called there? I want to take my Mumma there,"

Should I laugh or cry? But someone was definitely seething in anger, from the way his jaw was clenched. Holding back his anger, he utters, "I wouldn't let you go there or your Mumma."


"I will be alone then. Do you want your Maui to be alone? Hmm,"

"No, no, I wouldn't leave you."

"Thank you," he kissed his head, but the last word he added drowned in the kiss.

I stand still, trying to drink the moment. Watching from far was beautiful, and didn't know with how much privilege it came with. There will be time when it will all be a thing of memories. A turn of time passing, even I lounge to see, there will be no him seating before Nirav with Veer cuddled on his chest. 

"Eavesdropping on someone, is a bad manner. Didn't you know?"

I jerk up, from wherever my thoughts has let me. His deep mocking voice bringing me out from the place. I clear my throat, "I wasn't, and talk of mannerism doesn't suits you."

"You developed a habit of lying at each step." he ignored the rest of my words.

"Learnt from best."

"Still, you are doing bad at it."

"Whatever," I wave him off. "Has he slept?"

"Yes," he mumbles lazily. I move forward to take Veer from him, but his one glare freezes my hand. I lift my shoulder, "Let me take him,"

"If you move him, he will wake up." With whatever tone he was talking to me, just pinched my heart. Feels like he has developed a tendency of making it prove, how badly I am doing as a mother. I retreat my hands, and without a word or so dashed inside Hussain house.

But few minutes later, I was also the one, who had a melt of heart and took a shawl to wrap it around him. Not my fault if he considers himself an iron man, who is least bothered of outside cold. But can I watch him getting caught by cold? Definitely, not a good sign for my poor heart. Which each day drowns in a savage love for him.

"What is this?" he asks, but I silently kept wrapping it around him, covering Veer along.

"Looks like someone is concerned for me?" he smirks, looking at me. Our face were inch part, but his gaze were kissing my skin.

"For my son." I dis-correct the correct sentence.

But the chameleon bastard does know me inside and out, and even if I hide in the deep hold of earth he still will be reading me and my face.

"Born from my cum."

"My egg too,"

"Not unless I have filled you with my cum,"

"Somebody else had. I do have option,"

"I to hold one option of shoving their balls down their throat, before it even dares to touch you."

My heart thuds. Why the heck even I speak with him in this matter when I know how every time, the balls will be in his court, "Does, instead of blood violence runs in your blood?"

"More than that, the thought of you wrapped around me runs the most in me."

I close my eyes, blood gushing on my face and neck, "You are a gone case."

"What about my impending kiss?"

"In your dreams."

"So eager to recreate the scenes of you in different position under me?"

I curl my fingers, turning to go away, "Weren't you talking too much with Tavir, today?"

It halts me. And it even made me feel my breath biding me a goodbye, from the way my lungs constricted. Gulping back the fear, I look straight in his eyes, the devoid space of emotion was filled with jealously, "None. Of. Yours. Business. And, stop your stalking over me."

He lifts his head, "Let's see what will be your reaction when I fuck you in his blood."

"Not unless you want to be stabbed to death."

"Stab me right where you did five years ago." He mocks me.

"You still carry marks," I muse, "New flash, Reyansh Rathore is still not over from crying over his wife betrayal. And in his melodrama, he forgot what he did with her."

He chuckles. He fucking chuckle, with a deep resonating voice coming from his throat, scattering butterflies in him.

"Two hypocrites believing in love, but end up hurting their lovers the most," his gaze was fixate towards the darkness of the garden, the only sound was of the night cricket. 

I wrap my arms around myself, in an assurance manner, "You said you didn't believe in love?"

"Whom did I called my love?" he looks at me, catching hold my breath.

"Me?" I breath out, as I rub my palm over my arms.

"I believed in you," he whispers. How badly, I wanted to kiss him, thread my fingers in his hairs, tuck at them, while feel the feeling of him tucking, nibbling, rolling his tongue in my mouth. 

"Take Veer with you." He snaps me out of the daze. I blink at him, as he signals me to take our child. Delicately, I scoot Veer in my arms, "Good night," I mumble. Can't he ask me stay?

"Good night," we both stare at each other. When a wind blew past us, I tightened my arms around Veer, moving towards Nirvan. But, tugged by an undeniable force, I stopped halfway, expecting to clash my eyes with the most beautiful enigmatic pair of eyes. However, not all hopes are meant to be fulfilled.

Yet, not all falls of hope are ugly; sometimes, they gift you with a beautiful thing, which you would appreciate more than what you had hoped for. More luminous than what you had expected of. More cherished than the dream you had seen of.

I watched with a smile as Reyansh snuggled in my rosy shawl, smelling the fabric, wrapping himself with it, not allowing a single breath of air to invade his moment. Maybe he doesn't really hate me? Or perhaps he hated the fact that he had to spend his years without me?


Drama and suspense? Get ready for the rollar coaster ride.

And you can anytime read it on scrollstack.

Hope you are liking this story so far. I am eagerly waiting for you comments. They make my days.

And once again a request, vote the chapters if you are liking my work.

Next update: will announce it soon.

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Book 1 of series Destiny's mystery....... 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 DEVANSH SINGH RATHORE..... ___________________________________________ _________________________...
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At the young age, Neetika understood the shackles of the society and decided to leave her orphanage, to save herself. Somehow between surviving the d...
378K 34K 45
❛ The Dark love of Mafia's ❜ ✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:*✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:* Secrets which are hidden. Some secrets are burned and some are buried beneath their feet, some a...
141K 7.7K 44
Dedication "To all my beautiful girls out there who knows how to snatch their own rights ". Prologue "Now...