Just like heaven (Manjiro San...

By miriamb778

7.6K 283 5

Y/N has grown up with the Tokyo Manji gang, and became not only a member, but a mother-figure to the group. T... More

Author Note Before we Begin
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Chapter 30~
~Chapter 31~
~Chapter 32~
~Chapter 33~

~Chapter 20~

135 8 0
By miriamb778

"If you two are here to give me shit about what I just did, save it. I know both of you wanted to do the same fucking thing." You shoot before either one of them can even say anything.

"That may be true but it was still disrespecting Mikey's decision." Draken answered back, looking more angry than Mikey did.

"Hey! That had nothing to do with Mikey's decision. I promised Hinata that I would keep ​​Takemichy here safe, so I did. I don't give a fuck that Kisaki is in Toman. I don't trust the guy, but it's still Mikey's decision to make." You answered back.

"So why didn't you fight Baji after started wailing on ​​Takemichy?" Draken shoots back.

"Listen, Baji had nothing against ​​Takemichy personally, he just wanted to fight. Kisaki directly attacked ​​Takemichy. That's the difference. Listen, as long as Kisaki leaves ​​Takemichy alone, we won't have a problem." Was your final answer. And it was technically true, even if you didn't mention that Baji was holding back.

"Well, you have always been true to your word, I can't fault you for that. And you waited until most everyone was gone so they didn't see it as disrespectful either. You got lucky this time." Draken said with a smile on his face, clearly joking.

"Hey it's not like I wanted to hit him. I don't ever want my fist to be anywhere near that man ever again." You say in mock disgust, earning a laugh from both Mikey and Draken.

"The meeting is over, so everyone can go home. I'm going to stay behind and wait for ​​Takemichy to wake up." Mikey explains, in an attempt to get everyone to go home. But both you and Mitsuya were too curious about what Mikey had to say, so the two of you stuck around, hiding in trees on either side of the shrine.

After about 30 minutes, you heard ​​Takemichi wake up.

"You awake?" You hear Mikey ask cheerfully.

"M-m-mikey..." You hear ​​Takemichi stutter out.

"You don't like Kisaki, am I right?" Mikey asks.

"O-oh well, uh, I, uh." is apparently the only response ​​Takemichi has.

"You know, it's tough growing an organization. You get some new guys in and then the old ones leave. There's still so far to go to reach my dream." Mikey states in an alarmingly calm tone.

"Yes but Mikey,..." ​​Takemichi starts.

"I need something from you. A favor." Mikey interrupts.

"Uh- sure." ​​Takemichi stutters out.

"I got this childhood friend. Well, we were just neighbors really. We weren't super close or anything. You know the guy was always picking fights with me. And I'd kick his ass every single time." Mikey began to reminisce.

"Wow, he would keep picking fights with you? You're kidding. That guy must have been nuts." ​​Takemichi replied.

"Heh. He's the guy who punched your lights out earlier." Mikey explained.

"I sorta got punched by 2 guys. So which one?" ​​Takemichi stupidly asked.

"First division captain, Keisuke Baji. That Baji is a pretty unpredictable guy isn't he?" Mikey asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I still have no Idea why he wanted to punch me." ​​Takemichi complained irritably, causing Mikey to laugh.

"He's always been like that. He'd slug someone walking by, just because he was tired. He set a car on fire one time just because he was hungry." Mikey explained smiling, little did he know you were the one who took responsibility for all of Baji's shit, which made you roll your eyes, and smile just a little.

"Anyway, that's what he's like. He was there to help us start Toman. When Toman began, I was in middle school, first year. It was Draken, Mitsuya, Paul, Baji, Y/N, and me." Mikey explained. It made sense that he didn't want to tell ​​Takemichi the whole truth, but he can't just ignore what happened. ​​Takemichi was going to find out sooner or later about the person Mikey had left out and you had a sneaking suspicion that it was going to be sooner, much sooner.

"So the 6 of you?" ​​Takemichi felt the need to count everyone for some reason.

"That's right. We all got together and established this team. ​​Takemichi, I want you to bring Baji back from Valhalla. I... really kinda like the guy you know? Think you can do that?" Mikey asked with a smile. You knew that asking ​​Takemichi that was like asking to bring someone back from the dead. Baji had a plan, and was clearly committed to it. There was no way even the ​crybaby was going to get Baji back, but you couldn't say that while ​​Takemichi was there.

"Yeah, if that's what you want Mikey, you've got it. But uh, do you think I could ask for one thing in return?" ​​Takemichi started, getting more and more timid as the sentence dragged on.

"What?" Mikey asked.

"Kisaki. You've gotta... kick Kisaki out of Toman." ​​Takemichi requested, with such a serious look on his face it almost made you and Mitsuya die of laughter.

"Huh?" Mikey answered back, equally as serious. If those two didn't stop, you and Mitsuya were going to give your hiding spots away.

"Why'd you bring someone like him into your gang? I can't explain it to you, but please trust me, the guy is, bad news! He's gonna, Kisaki is gonna destroy Toman in the future." ​​Takemichi all but shouts, the inflections in his voice getting more and more random. But something about the way he said in the future brought back that same feeling that your discussion in the park with Mikey did. Maybe this fucking loser could actually time travel. You wanted to ponder the idea more, but you brushed it off.

"Fine." Mikey said with a smile. "We're going to end up butting heads with Valhalla pretty soon. Just bring Baji back before then. Prove that you can be even more useful to me than Kisaki. You don't have to tell me that Kisaki is bad news, but at the same time, I know he's strong. And in the future, we're going to need that strength. You go work this out, ​​Takemichi. Remember, you're the one who brought the stray to me, but if you fail, I'll kill you." Mikey said with a look cold enough to make your blood run cold, and for ​​Takemichi to piss himself. 

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