Once More (discontinued; rewr...

بواسطة talkshitgethit1314

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Dead.They're all dead.What's a sky without its weathers going to do? It can only wait for its time to come an... المزيد

The Wish of The Sky
New Responsibilities
I'm Back
The Day It All Began
Home Tutor Hitman,Reborn Arrives!
The Calm Before The Storm
The Tranquil Rain
The Fierce Lightning
Problems With Dreams and Realities
Courtesan of The School Festival ~ Even Tunas Can Crossdress Too ~
Courtesan of The School Festival ~ Choosing The Male Role? A Hard Thing To Do ~
Courtesan of The School Festival ~ Rules Are Meant To Be Broken ~
Courtesan of The School Festival ~Practice Makes Perfect..Or So What It Seems..~
Courtesan of The School Festival ~When Acting,Give It Your Very Best~
Courtesan of The School Festival ~When Acting,Give It Your Very Best~
I Did Wrong
Not A Chapter But Please Read ^_^
Please read.
rewrite? idk actually haha

The Raging Storm

8.4K 360 52
بواسطة talkshitgethit1314

Our beloved Vongola Decimo returned home late after that encounter with Gokudera.He bolted up the stairs,without tripping for once,and straight to his room.He didn't want to talk to anyone nor did he want to meet them.'Urgh...I feel like crap..',Tsuna thought exhaustingly as he fall onto his soft bed.He opened his closed eyes and stared blankly into space.He felt so tired now that he could just sleep.'But first,a bath',he reminded himself with a sigh.

It took him about 10 minutes to bath since a lot of things was in his mind.Okay,that was not literally true.He did thought about things but he also did doze off.The reason why he woke up was due to Tsunami's scream,followed by a gunshot.Once he got out from his bathroom,he dried his hair and plopped down on his bed once again,enjoying its softness.He tried to sleep but how could he? Not with those loud noises coming from the room next door.Scream,gunshot.Scream,gunshot.It's the same pattern.The brunette sighed as he walked to his desk,and opened the drawer.He was shock to find a small,orange box,a mitten,headphone,some pills in a container and a container which was to put contact lenses.'No way....How could these..',he inspected the things carefully,'be here?!'.As he was busy inspecting the things,he happen to see a small piece of paper,which happened to be a letter,was there too.He picked it up and read the contents.

Dear Tsunayoshi-kun,
You're probably wondering why are your things here right? Well,it was me who send them to you.Since you agreed to help me,I figured you might need your old items.I understand it's hard for you there but please hang on.Who knows,maybe things will turn out for the better.I wish you good luck for your journey ahead.You'll need it.Thank you once again for helping me and I'm sorry.
Sincerely from,Luce.

Drops of tears fell on the paper as he held it to close his chest."Thank you,Luce-san..".He wiped the tears away and a small smile appeared on his petite face.But when he thought about it,he smacked himself hard for not checking the desk earlier.'I can't believe it!! It has already been 4 years and the thought of checking MY own desk didn't when occurred to me?!'.He sighed as he sulked in a corner.Once he was done with his sulking,he looked at his things nostalgically.'Wow..It even has all the scratches from all the past battles',he thought with a fond smile.He then hid them in a place which wasn't easy to be found because he had a feeling that Reborn will inspect his room one day.After that,he lay down on his bed and drifted of to sleep.

Tsuna opened his eyes only to find himself in the same exact place he found himself not long ago.It was again pitch black.'Why this again?',he wondered.He started walking around aimlessly and was able to see a red flame bursting out to life out of nowhere.'Okay..? This is just like déjà-vu'.Truth to what he said,it showed him the same things he saw earlier.'What....'.As Tsuna watch the last scene unfold,he started to wonder.'What does this mean? Red flame? Dynamites? Just what...',he trailed off as he looked up and was horrified of what he saw."T-This can't be t-true...!!".What was reflected from his large,brown orbs were his guardians,friends and family,chained to nowhere.He reached for them only to find himself unable to do so.He clicked his tongue and glared at his feet.It wouldn't move as what Tsuna instructed it to do.He then find himself slowly sinking to the ground."No,no,no..!! Not now! I have to save them!! Everyone..!!!!",the brunette pleaded but still continued to sank.His sight was soon covered by the darkness and when Tsuna opened his eyes once again,he was back in his room.His face was as pale as paper and cold sweat started forming on him.With haggard breaths,he stood up and went to the bathroom.He splashed himself with some water and felt more calm.His breaths went to their normal pace as he took a good look at himself in the mirror.He winced when he saw himself.He looked like a walking zombie in hunt for human brains.A sigh escaped his lips as he shrugged the thought off and prepared himself for school.Once he was done,he left the house without even eating breakfast or waiting for his brothers.

When he reached his class,he placed his bag down and sat there staring outside the window.He saw students of all different types which made him smiled a little.He then remembered when he hadn't met Reborn yet.'It sure was suffocating'.In all honesty,Tsuna was extremely grateful towards Reborn.If it wasn't for him,Tsuna wouldn't be able to meet all kinds of different people or be able to even make friends.Even though there are fights which causes sadness and sorrow,their bonds grew even closer than ever before.

In the midst of thinking,Tsuna's ear heard a conversation accidentally which piqued his interest."Hey have you heard the news? There are rumors that a transfer student is coming here today!"."Seriously?! Who would come now?",the girl's friend deadpanned."I know right..But there are also rumors that he's from Italy!",the other exclaimed,eyes gleaming with interest."Really?! Oh,he's got to be a hottie then!",the other girl replied as they went to La-La Land.Tsuna sighed and continued to stare outside.'So..Hayato is already here huh..If things goes as he expected,Tsunami will defeat Gokudera and gain his loyalty.'But....',Tsuna trailed off as he looked kind of uncertain.'Will Hayato be able to accept Tsunami for who he really is?',he asked himself as one who his hands gently touch his neck.His face turned solemn when an unfavorable memory surfaced.He shook the memory off,hoping it wouldn't bother him anymore.And it didn't....for now that is.

He then heard the door being slammed open and kind of pity the door.Standing at the entrance was none other than Sawada Tsunami,panting.He stormed to his place and plummeted onto his chair.'He looks irritated...Reborn maybe?',Tsuna wondered as he averted his eyes elsewhere to avoid eye contact.About less than 5 minutes later,their detestable teacher came in and informed them about a transferee.He then beckoned the transfer student to come in.The moment he stepped into class,a lot of swoons and groans were heard."This is Gokudera Hayato.He's from Italy and will be with us from now on so please treat him well".Gokudera merely 'tched' and look away."Well,do you have any questions for him?".As expected,there are a lot of hands raised up,majority of them from the girls."Do you have a girlfriend?!"."Why is your name Japanese when you're Italian?"."What type of girls do you prefer?"."Why did you transfer here now? Why not earlier?",all of them simultaneously asked.Tsuna felt his head hurt from merely just hearing those questions.'Luckily I'm not in Hayato's situation'.Tsuna decided to remain silent and tried not to show any emotions like sadness or nostalgia.Gokudera was really sensitive to that and could sense it almost immediately."Tch...So annoying..",Gokudera mumbled as he send them a glare.The boys gulped while the girls...just swooned even more with the exception of Kyoko and Hana.Gokudera,who can't take it anymore,snapped."Tch..Oi,you good for nothing teacher! Ask them to shut their trap and show me to my place already damn it".The teacher merely gulped and told him that he was to sit behind...our beloved tuna fish.'Seriously?!',Tsuna screamed mentally as he tried,TRIED,really hard to avoid contact with the bomber.But it seems that fate has some other plans stored for him.Gokudera kicked Tsuna's chair down and clicked his tongue,glaring at the innocent brunette.Tsuna merely kept his head down and tried really hard not to look up.Tsuna merely got up to the ground,picked up his chair and sat down as if nothing happened.The class for once didn't laugh at him nor jeer at him.'If I was still the old Dame-Tsuna,I would have been laughed at already.But...I kind of preferred that than this deathly silence'.Gokudera walked cooly to his seat and sat down like how a delinquent would.'Sigh...this is going to be a long day'.

Gokudera's mind was somewhere else when the teacher was teaching.It wasn't needed for him to listen anyways.He knew all of that already.'Why did Sawada Tsunami didn't react to what I did to him? According to Reborn-san,he should have shouted and would have caused a scene..So why?....',he asked himself as his eyes unknowingly trailed towards another brunetter,only with a lighter shade of colour.'What the...Oh no..Don't tell me...the one I kicked earlier was...his twin,Sawada Tsunayoshi..??',Gokudera thought as he swallowed a lump which formed in his throat.

The bell rang and students were busy packing their bags,eager to go home.When Tsuna got up,he wasn't expected to be confronted by the bomber."Are you...Sawada Tsunayoshi?",he asked as he tried to sound polite with a dust of pink appearing on his cheek.Tsuna looked at him confusingly.'....Is he mute..??',Gokudera questioned himself when he found himself waiting for the brunette's answer.Tsuna quickly took out a notepad and wrote something in it which was then showed to Gokudera.'Yes,I am.Why?'. Gokudera prepared himself as he apologized for his sudden behavior earlier.Tsuna scribbled into his notepad and showed it to Gokudera.'Oh..that...It's okay.I don't really mind it because I felt you have a reason for doing so'.Tsuna beamed a smile at a rather stunned Gokudera."Right...Then I'll be going now",the bomber said as he bolted outside the class,leaving Tsuna all alone.The brunette let out a sigh as he continued keeping his things.His pace slowed down eventually and soon stopped."I should be the one to say apologize,Hayato..".

When Tsuna was on the way back home,a sudden pain was throbbing painfully in his head."Arghh..!!".Tsuna craddled his head,hoping to ease the pain.He then felt a tingling sensation emmiting from his pacifier."What..?".The pain in his head multiplied and Tsuna felt as if his head was going to split open.'Red flame,explodes,die',these three simple yet taunting words echoes in his head.His eyes widened when he finally knew its meaning."Red flame..Explodes...Dies...",he gasped as he heard a loud explosion.He turned back,eyes filled with fear as he ran with all his might to the explosion site.'No..Please let me be there in time..!!',Tsuna begged silently.He can't afford to lose his loved ones again.A red flame meant a Storm Flame user and the only one who could use Storm Flames,well maybe not now but in the future,and explosives right now was.."Hayato..!!!!".

Tsuna reached the back of the school,seeing Gokudera holding multiple dynamites in his hands and Tsunami,with only his boxers on,with an orange flame ignited in his forehead.'A Sky Flame....',Tsuna noted inwardly as he hid behind the shadows and hiding his presence.He didn't want to be found out.He knew Reborn was here hiding so he need to keep his guard up.

'I challenged Sawada Tsunami to a duel,hoping to acknowledge him as the future Vongola Decimo but I wasn't expecting this...',the bomber thought as a sweat rolled down his face.In front of him was Tsunami who was just shot by a Dying Will Bullet screaming,"REBORN!!!! I WILL DEFEAT GOKUDERA HAYATO AND PROVE HIM WRONG FOR CHALLENGING ME!!". Gokudera then resumed the fight by throwing tripled dynamites but since it was too many for him to handle,some of it fell.'Shit!',Gokudera cursed inwardly.

Tsuna felt his heart clenched when he saw dynamites fell to the ground.'Tsunami!! Go and help him!!',he silently shouted but seeing Tsunami making no movements made his blood boil.He suddenly began running towards Gokudera but he knew he wouldn't make it.'No!! I mustn't fail again! No more!!',he thought as he suddenly sped up and saw a trail of Sky Flames boosting his speed,enabling him to reach Gokudera.He didn't care whether Reborn had saw that or not.His friends are more important than that.He pushed Gokudera out of harms' way and injuring himself in the process.When it all ended,his consciousness fades away and he submitted himself to the darkness.

'No way....'.Gokudera was in disbelief and shock.He was supposed to die but a blur of brown saved him.He saw his savior,laying down on the ground.He hurried to his side and shouted,"Why..Why did you save me?! I'm better off dead!".Tears roamed freely from his eyes as he cursed himself for having the twin brother of Sawada Tsunami save him.

Reborn watched at the sidelines as he narrowed his eyes."What..was that?",he asked silently as he recalled back what he saw earlier."That was no trick of the light.Those were Sky Flames.I'm sure of it".He jumped down from the tree he was currently hiding at and walked towards Tsuna.'Just what are you hiding,Dame-Tsuna?'.

Tsuna cracked open his eyes and saw the ceiling of his school infirmary.He turned his head to the side but regretted doing so.'Ouchhh..'.He then saw Gokudera,staring at him wide-eyed.Tsuna tried to recall what happened and paled when he did.He did something he shouldn't have but he can't just sit there and watch his friend die again.No,no more.As the brunette was searching for his notepad,the only way of communicating with the bomber since Tsuna didn't want to talk,he didn't noticed tears streaming down Gokudera's face.He only knew when he heard sobs.He looked up from his bed and saw Gokudera crying."I-I'm so glad that you're a-awake..!!",he said through sobs as he wiped his tears that kept flowing out."I-I'm so sorry".Tsuna looked at him with shocked eyes.His eyes turned glassy and it stung him.The Gokudera now,reminded him of the Tsuna he was earlier.The brunette got up from his bed and hugged Gokudera."It's okay.I'm fine.So don't cry anymore",he said softly but he was also crying.Gokudera who heard this,cried even more.How long has he craved for this warmth and those comforting words? Ever since his mother passed away,he didn't see the point of living anymore.But now,he did,He finally found someone he could trust and live for.Even though they just met,he had a feeling that he could trust the brunette and for some reason,he felt as if he had been with him for a long time.Strange right? But he couldn't care less."Thank you..".

Tsuna once again found himself in the dark place again.He wondered,'Maybe I should give this place a name since I often come here'.When he looked up,he saw his guardians and friends still chained up.'Why am I not surprised?'.But then,he heard something akin to the sounds of a chain being removed.He looked up and saw a Storm Flame appearing in front of Gokudera and melted those chains.Gokudera was then put down as he opened his eyes.He looked at the brunette and smiled.Tsuna's heart throbbed as he was longing to see that smile on that particular face once again.Gokudera then approached him and said something akin to a vow.
"I am the Storm like the violent gale for wreaking destruction,Gokudera Hayato",he said as he disappeared and his form was changed into a small Storm Flame.Tsuna cupped it using his hands and bring it close to his chest,hugging it."Welcome back,Hayato".


Wow...Too long...Anyways,enjoy reading!

INFO OF THE VIDEO ABOVE (If you watched it..) :
Song : ....Loop
Artist : Hidekazu Ichinose
*Katekyo Hitman Reborn,Gokudera's character song.

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