When The Wicked Witch Meets t...

By FindMeIfYouDare

215K 8.1K 441

What happens when the Big Bad Wolf meets his mate? He kidnaps her of course! He's in for a nasty surprise tho... More

When The Wicked Witch Meets the Big Bad Wolf
The Wicked Witch of the West Wing
Connect and Reconnect
A Tragic Tale and A Flaming One
The Big Mad Wolf
What Rhymes With Witch
Magical Matters
I'll Show You Mine
If You Show Me Yours
The Truth
Before She Became The Wicked Witch
Her Sign is a Sign
How a Witch Plans a Party
Pain In the A** Parents
The Nightmare Begins
Secrets Revealed
Why I Want You
Darkness Becomes Her
Escaping Her Cage
A Deal with the Devil
The Beginning of the End
Finally Forgiven
More to Come

Royalty Arrives

7.6K 309 13
By FindMeIfYouDare


 Okay I know I said I was going to introduce characters but this chapter ends up being more about the silliness of Jenny's birthday :p I wish I could have a birthday like this. The end is kind of a surprise but it does mean that NEXT CHAPTER I will be introducing new characters! I mean it this time next chapter there will be more people to meet!

Okay so on the side is a picture of Violet's dress (I don't know why its all smooshed up like that but whatever you can still see it!) and it has wings that are pretty! Yeah for fairy godmothers!

The Wicked Witch

On the morning of Jenny’s birthday I explain the plan to everyone and then go to get myself dressed before going to wake up the birthday girl. Nerves flutter in my stomach as I float up the stairs, waving my wand as I go changing the entire house into an enchanted castle at least for the day. The idea was to make Jenny a princess and what princess doesn’t live in a magical castle?

“Good morning Princess,” I sing happily as I float gracefully into Jenny’s room landing next to her bed. Using magic I open her blinds to let the morning sunlight stream into the room. Sitting up groggily Jenny takes one look at me and squeals. I’m not surprised at her enthusiasm after all she’s gotten her first good look at how the day is going to go all from how I’m dressed. The gown is long and various shades of pink, it ties behind my neck and my skin has a slight shimmer of what looks like fairy dust on it. Beautiful pale pink wings have sprouted from my back and to complete my fairy godmother look I’m carrying a beautiful magic wand.

“Violet you’re a fairy!” exclaims Jenny jumping out of bed to come examine me closer. “Why are you dressed like a fairy?”

“Well Princess,” I say smiling broadly. “Today is your birthday and so for today I am your fairy godmother.” I sweep her a perfect curtsy. “So shall we get you ready for breakfast princess?”

“Do you have a dress for me to wear?” asks a awed Jenny.

“Why of course Princess,” I reply sweeping her another curtsy before ushering her to stand in the middle of the room. “Now spin around for me.” It’s a classic Cinderella moment and as Jenny spins I change her outfit into a beautiful pale blue princess gown with white satin gloves, a sparkly tiara, and naturally glass slippers. When I’m finished I turn her to face the mirror and quickly cover my ears as she lets out and ear-piercing scream of delight.

“Violet I look amazing!” she shrieks turning this way and that while smiling so big I swear it must hurt. “What’s next?”

I smile down at her, “Ready for breakfast Princess?”

“YES!” And with that I escort the dazed Jenny through her transformed house to the dining room. We eat breakfast alone served magically by simply asking our dishes for what we want. I make sure Jenny has at least some form of protein and fruit to go with all the sweets she asks for. She doesn’t seem to mind but she keeps looking around for everyone else.

Finally as we’re finishing breakfast she cracks. “Where is everyone?” she asks.

“The other had chores to do before they can join us Princess,” I say smiling serenely. This fairy godmother act is way easier than I thought and a hell of a lot more fun.

“Okay,” Jenny says agreeably. “What are we doing now?”

“I thought you might enjoy a carriage ride through the enchanted forest,” I reply as we head toward the front door. As the doors open of their own accord it reveals the surprise waiting for Jenny in the driveway. It’s an ornate carriage with six snow white horses pulling it. Standing next to the carriage is Arthur and Ivan. Both are dressed like footmen for the carriage and bow and utter a “Good morning Princess.”

“Good morning!” squeals Jenny as she goes down the steps to get a closer look at the first part of her present. Bouncing around in her dress she greets each of the horses stroking their noses and feeding them bits of sugar I conjure up for her.

“Ready to leave, Princess?” I ask as she comes back over to where Ivan and I have been whispering as she had Arthur with her.

“Yep!” Ivan and Arthur help Jenny into the carriage as I stand to the side watching. “You’re not coming with me?” asks Jenny looing over when she sees I’m not with her.

“No not today Princess,” I say. “You have to go on your own so that I can get everything ready for your ball later.”

“I’m having a ball?!” exclaims Jenny her eyes widening.’

“Every princess needs a ball,” I explain going over and kissing her hand before Ivan and Arthur drive the carriage away.

The moment it’s out of sight I rush back into the house picking up my skirt so that I don’t trip. I fling open the door to the kitchen to find all the other members of the house sitting around eating scones and drinking coffee. When they see me enter they all look up sheepishly but before I can yell at them for loafing around I see Lucas dressed up in his prince costume. I know I created it for him but that doesn’t make the sight any less appealing. His dark hair is held down by his crown but his eyes sparkle when they see me. He got on a blue tunic with a crest on it, black pants, knee-high brown boots, and a deep red cape. He looks good enough to eat!

“What are you all doing just sitting around?” I demand finally finding my voice after looking my fill at Lucas.

“We were waiting for you!” De huffs getting up and straightening her costume. De selflessly agreed to be the evil witch in our little drama for the day. She’s going to ‘kidnap’ the princess and take her to her magical tower. Then the ‘prince’ being played by Lucas is going to show up and save her. It sounds simple but the amount of magic need to pull it all off is astounding. Thankfully Aunt Marye has agreed to use her magic to set up the ballroom for the ball after the prince and princess return.

“Well scoot!” I say shooing her out the door. “They’ve already left so you need to get into position to kidnap the princess!”

“Okay I’m going sheesh!” Donning her black cloak De gives us a bow before vanishing from sight.

“Where did she go?” ask a stunned Lucas.

 I chuckle and go sit next to him as Aunt Marye and Monique laugh quietly too. “De’s never been very good ad fortune telling or real life illusions but if she ever wanted to be a magician she’d make millions. The whole vanishing act or sawing people in half is stuff she excels at. Her skills are incredible but she doesn’t seem to think they’re impressive when compared to mine. Truthfully I’d trade with her in a heartbeat.”

“Each and every witch has his or her own set of skills Delilah’s simply differ from yours,” says Aunt Marye.

“Oh look she’s met the carriage,” says an excited Monique as she gazes into a bowl of water. “She’s offered the apple and Jenny’s taking it. Oh she took a bite of the apple! Now she’s fallen asleep okay good now they’re taking her to the tower.”

 “That would be your cue prince charming,” I say turning to Lucas. “You’ve got to ride your big white horse all the way there.”

 “I don’t see why I had to be the prince,” sighs Lucas as I pull him to his feet and escort him outside to his charging steed.

“Because you’re her oldest brother,” I say as I lean my head against his shoulder as we near the horse he’s going to ride.

“Yeah that’s why,” Lucas says sarcastically. “It has nothing to do with you wanting to see me dressed up as a prince.”

I splutter a bit while he laughs at me. “I resent such accusations! I didn’t not make you prince just to see you dressed as a prince, though it is a bonus! Now off with you! You have a princess to rescue!”

“Yes ma’am,” he says smiling down at me while his eyes sparkle with laughter. Leaning in he kisses me slowly before whispering in my ear, “Next time I have to go save a princess it better be you waiting for me in the tower.”

“Shoo!” I say somewhat breathlessly as I watch him mount up and ride off into the forest to rescue a princess. Though I hate to admit it I wouldn't mind being saved by a prince as long as that prince is Lucas.

The Big Bad Wolf

Standing at the bottom of the tower I heave a heavy sigh looking up at the entire length I’m going to have to scale. I know Violet said the idea of a prince climbing a tower to save a princess was a classic but I gotta say I feel sorry for those poor saps. Though if it was Violet waiting for me at the top instead of Jenny I might find the idea more appealing. . .

“Princess!” I call out trying not to roll my eyes as I sound like a complete fool. “Princess oh Princess! Please let down your hair!” If anyone could see me now they would probably die of laughter. Me - the big strong alpha dressed up like a prince and getting ready to climb a rope of hair to rescue a pretend sister. It’s a good thing I love Jenny and want to make her birthday special.

An endless stream of hair tumbles from the tiny window and stops just short of hitting the ground in front of me. Gritting my teeth I grab the hair and begin the climb upward. Being a werewolf makes the climbing easier for me then it would for a regular guy but it’s not exactly fun. When I reach the top I pull myself through the window and land gracelessly on the floor only to hear the sound of laughter at me landing.

Looking up I see Jenny dressed in her princess gown sitting on the floor having a tea party with Delilah who’s changed out of her evil witch costume and into a ball gown. “Just on time,” says Delilah smiling. “It’s a good thing you weren’t late. Princes should never keep princesses waiting!”

I resist the urge to roll my eyes and spoil Jenny’s day. Instead I force myself to bow and offer my hand to Jenny, “Princess I am here to escort you to the ball.”

Giggling Jenny stands up and comes over to offer me her hand, “How are we going to get down though?”

This time I really do groan unable to suppress my annoyance that I have no idea as to how Violet planned for us to get down from the tower. “A little help here please!” I yell to the room in general. Violet told us that if there were any problems all we had to do is ask for help and she would hear us. My plea had obviously been heard because the scraping of stones could be heard as a stairwell reveals itself from beneath the floor.

As we ride away from the tower Jenny turns around to look behind us from where she’s sitting from in front of me. “It’s gone,” she says in awe. “Where did the tower go?”

“Violet probably got rid of it,” I reply while trying to figure out where the hell the horse was taking us. Violet had said the horses were magical and would bring us back home but I have no clue if mine knows what it’s doing. I don’t recognize anything but then again this is Violet’s magical forest not the one that’s normally behind my home.

“She’s a good fairy godmother,” Jenny says turning back around. “I really like Violet do you think she’ll stay with us forever.”

I really wish my siblings would stop asking me questions like this. Earlier today Arthur made a similar query and the thing is I have no idea how to answer them. These are the questions that have been haunting me but I can’t voice them not yet at least. “I don’t know. I really hope she does though.”

“Me too!” Jenny says as we near the giant monstrosity that was once my house. I just pray that Violet can put it back to normal after today is done.

We enter the house and I lead Jenny down a hallway until we reach a set of double doors which lead to the ballroom Violet’s created. Two fake people, or people Violet’s created for toady stand before the door and open it for us as we near it. What is revealed is an exact replica of what the ballroom looks like in Beauty in the Beast which I’ve been forced to see by Jenny only about a hundred times.

She squeals when she sees it and as everyone turns to look at her and curtsy and bow. The room is almost empty because I told Violet that I didn’t like it when she made large groups of people. It freaked me out last time when I saw all those girls who looked like her, the only difference being scent. Those girls didn’t have any smell none of the people she made did and it was freaky.

Aunt Marye and Monique stood to the side but came forward to say happy birthday to Jenny when we entered. Delilah had gone over to join Ivan who looked beyond pleased to see her again. Arthur was sulking in the corner until Jenny came in then he jumped up to see her. Violet stands near the edge of everything simply smiling and watching everything unfold. Music starts up and everyone starts dancing. It looks almost magical as I walk over to join Violet.

“It’s perfect,” I murmur slipping and arm around her waist. She’s still wearing her fairy godmother costume and it looks beautiful on her. “You really outdid yourself.”

“It was fun to make her a princess for a day.” She replies leaning her head on my shoulder. “Every girl wants to have her own personal fairytale even if it’s only for a day.”

“So if this is what she gets for her birthday what am I going to get for mine?” I tease pulling her out into the room to dance. She laughs at me as we start to waltz.

Everything is going perfectly until she eyebrows furrow in concentration as she stops dancing and looks towards the door. “What’s wrong?” I ask as I feel her tense.

“There is someone in the house. I don’t know who it is but they’re coming this way -” Her words are cut off by the door being thrown open as two people come into the room.

“WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?” Booms a loud voice I know only too well. It’s my parents.


Yup the parents are home for their little girl's birthday only to find things have changed a wee bit! Now the question is how is Violet going to react to meeting more werewolves? We all know how she feels about them! Bwahaha she's gonna throw a fit or maybe something else even more dramatic. . . hmm I'll have to think about that! Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

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