The Blind Girl's Guardian Ang...

By XxImmortalsKissxX

32.8K 285 57

*read anyway please. its kills me to say this, but its on hold. im just really behind on things and ill work... More

1: Ava The Blind
2: Out To The Wild Steel City
3: Ava Valentine Who?
4: The Man Who Ran Into Me (Literally)
5: The Knight In Shining Armor. Without The Armor
6: I Like Evanescence, What About You?
7: Romeo's a Joker and Juliet's Blind. . . This Is A Happy Love Story
8: Evacuate The Dance Floor If You Value Your Lives
9: Dark Matters. . . Not That Stuff From Space
9 1/2: Dark Matters. . . Not The Stuff From Sapce
11: Her Name Is Ava
12: Peace at Mind. I Think. . .
13: Dancing With Angels
14: The Cat's Out of The Bag (Who Put The Cat In There In The First Place?)
Note To Awesome Readers and Unicorns With Braces
15: Rise of the Fallen Demon Queen
16: Lilith's Wrath
17: Angel of Darkness
18: The Light Within The Darkness

10: Look What The Wind Brought Me? Damn Not A Pony

1.3K 11 4
By XxImmortalsKissxX

AN: the best kind of watch is the one drawn on your wrist with a magic marker and is always at 12 o'clock. Eternally break time!

Ava's POV

I sat relaxed in my bath, the warm water un-stressing my bones and muscles. The silence only broken by my iPod played “Damned and Divine” by Tarja Turunen in its dock. I sighed. A nice bath usually got me relaxed. Buy not so much this time.

Sometimes I think that my parent's just care about themselves. But also wonder why they keep me. I'm just a waste of space. A waste of. . . everything. It's annoying. Mind boggling. The song ended, and in it's silence, I heard wings flap. Like a huge bird outside was flapping away.

I'm guessing Big Bird or penguins can't fly.

I listened sat up, only to meet the blast of cold air to hit me from the lack of warm water, causing me to shiver. I listened to the steady beats fade away, then masked by the sudden sound of Evanescence's bashing guitar.

I sunk back into the bath, lip deep now to get warm again.

Was there seriously a big-ass bird outside my house or was that just my imagination? I've never heard a bird that big before.

It could be Iggy!

Shut up, stupid. Iggy's just an amazing character from a James Patterson book. You don't need to keep that in mind.


Shit dumbass! No such thing as flying mutant bird kids!

Would be cool. . .

Did I seriously have an argument about genetically-enhanced avian bird kids from a book? I must really be going insane.

Not insane, divine. You're a beauty, Ava. That's why I chose you.

I groaned aloud. Not you again.

Honey, you need me. And I need you.

Then can you quite my eternal argument and tell me what the fudge-muffins was outside my window?

All I could say, Ava, is that humans are not alone in this world. I'm proof.

I squeezed my eyes close. So you're an alien parasite planning to take over my body, but need my okay to actually do that?

That soft voice that had been filtering through my mind gave out a soft laugh. Female.

Oh, Ava. You are a laugh sometimes.

Thank you. Now explain.

Time will explain everything.

Well time's not all that nice to me. . .

That creepy female voice didn't respond.

I sighed. This is seriously frustrating. That voice just popped into my head one day and declared it wants to help me. And that it, she, needs help. From me. Help with what? Directions to an insane institute? Next We Are The Fallen concert? World domination?

Hope not the last one.


Sheila Valentine's POV

“Archer, I worry about Ava. I know that she thinks we hate her, but its to protect her. I'm scared to think what society might do to her. To us To the entire family,” I fretted. Archer and I sat on the California King together. He took off his glasses and put down the book he was reading.

“Sheila, it's okay,” he wrapped a comforting arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him. “I know we can't leave her here forever. And one day, someone's going to find out about her.”

“But what would we do when they do?” I asked sadly, biting my lip.

“We'll tell them that the baby we buried 16 years ago was the wrong one and that Ava just came back to us. We'll hire someone as a witness. Something along those lines.” Archer said simply. He had the answer to everything.

I nodded, “But I think she hates us. Thinks we're to self centered. I .'m starting to think it was a bad idea to hide her from society. What if she sneaks out and the world is harsher than she thought? I'm scared.”

“Stop worrying. One day, we'll let the world know about her. And we will take that punishment of lying if we have to.”

I nodded sadly.

Archer kissed my forehead, “Let's get some sleep,” he whispered. “We have a big day tomorrow.”

I brushed a hand through his gray streaked black hair. The same black as Ava's. Though her's is a bit darker than his ever was.

He leaned over and turned off the light.


Ava's POV

December came, bringing cold winds and rain. There was no sign of the alien chick in my head and I was giving my parents the silent treatment. Julia, who was not only my caretaker, but mentor too, was giving me less work for the “approaching holidays and stressed home life”.

I sat at a cafe table, waiting for Sage from the bathroom. The wind was whipping through the streets, snagging anything with not held down. I was bundled up with a t-shirt, a sweater over that, a scarf, a big jacket, a soft beanie, long pants, thick socks, gloves, and my signature Doc Martins. Even then, my face was bare to the harsh 40 degree winds.

            I rocked back and forth with my iPod turned up high above the wiping winds. The actual cord to the ear buds snaked down inside the back of my sweater and peeked out into my pocket to the source. I fidgeted with my necklace, running my index finger along the smooth surface of the crescent moon. I’ve worn this 9 years now. And I haven’t taken it off since I got it. Hanna told me that this was what the moon looked like on certain nights. I want to see it on those certain nights. Not so much the sun because I’ve heard that people go blind if they look directly at it.

            “Oh Ava, I forgot to mention that Spencer might be joining us in a bit,” Sage said plopping down on her chair across from me, instantly taking me away from my thoughts.

            I arched my eyebrow, “Oh really? When’s he gonna get here?”

            “In a few minutes,” she said.

            “Oh and you decide to tell me now?” I laughed.

            I heard the slight slurp of her drink then Sage’s satisfied ahh. “Yup. So I heard you were at Addison’s Fiesta last night. God I’ve never been. And let me guess, she gave you hell because you were with Kassper. Oh, I also heard you broke her arm.

            That made my spurt ice tea from my nose with laughter. It’s not a pleasant experience. “No! I broke her nose!”

            Rumors. No matter where you go, they’re there.

            “Still you broke something! Girl your feistier then I thought!”

            “Good afternoon ladies!” Spencer said. He pulled up a chair, the scrapping of the chair made me flinch slightly from the kneeing sceeeaaach.

            “Hey Spencer!” we said in unison.

            “I have a question, Ava, did you really land Addison Blackwatter in the hospital in the coma?”

            Okay that was even more hilarious then me breaking her arm. Sage and I doubled over in laughter.

            “No, I wish. I just broke her nose.” I said proudly.

            “Not as good but hell yeah!”

AN: sorry, but ive been busy! So ill try and post another chapter soon. Like this week soon. So hang tight! (seriously, hang tight, that mouse is gonna get away!)

. . .that was the lamest joke Ive ever made. And I don’t even get it!

Please vote, fan, and comment! Love you all with all my awesome heart!

Queen of Awesomness

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