
Von krissyy21

794 80 13

Krissy is just beginning her new career freshly out of college. As she begins to try new things and explore n... Mehr

Chapter 1 - The Bar
Chapter 2 - Connections
Chapter 3 - The Date
Chapter 4 - Isolation
Chapter 5 - Weekend Getaway
Chapter 6 - Confessions
Chapter 7 - Trauma Bounded
Chaper 8 - Reality
Chapter 9 Birthday
Chapter 10 - Challenges
Chapter 11 - A Village
Chapter 12 - Holiday Spirit
Chapter 13 - Friend or Foe
Chapter 14 - Friend or Foe (cont.)
Chapter 15 - Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 16 - Life or Death
Chapter 17 - Adulthood
Chapter 18 - Celebrations
Chapter 20 - Back to Life
Chapter 21 - Red and Blue
Author's Note
Chapter 22 - Work Retreat
Chapter 23 - Revealed
Chapter 24 - Lockdown
Chapter 25 - Confrontation
Chapter 26 - At Last

Chapter 19 - Realization

24 3 0
Von krissyy21


"Might Be" by DJ Luke Nasty plays outside the door instantly turning the mood back up.

Haley and I instantly start singing,
"I got a feeling that you might be.. Do I turn you on, you can tell me if I'm wrong," We dance in the mirror together.

Samaria walks in with a smile on her face and a hickey on her neck. She looks at the FaceTime call.

"Oh hey Keith!" she waves before putting her attention on us.
"Ya'll I'm leaving with sir out there. He is fine and I swear I almost fucked him in the hallway."

"Yo. What? I've never seen ya'll like this." Keith says on the phone concerned but everyone ignores his comment.

"Go ahead babe, leave your location on.I get to go home with hot mama." Haley smiles kissing my cheek causing me to smile.
"Yay me!"

Samaria hugs the both of us before walking out of the bathroom.

"Krissy! Pick up the phone." Keith says catching my attention.
"Oh hi baby. I think we're gonna head home now. My phone is about to die. Can you stay up for me. I'm gonna call you back when we get back to the air bnb."
"I'll wait up for you. I'll call you if I don't hear from you in like thirty minutes. Do you want me to call you an uber?"
"No, it's okay. I'll call you. Bye, babe."

I end the call and grab Haley's hand. We walk back into the club. As we head towards the exit, I feel a hand on my waist causing me to turn around. Turning around, I notice it was the light skin guy who was next to us.

"I didn't mean to scare you but you left your bag," He says handing me my purse.

"Oh shit. Thank you," I put my purse on my shoulder. The liquor was catching up to me and I almost fell as we continued to walk through the crowd.

Before you knew it, I woke up in the backseat of a car. Sitting up slowly, I realized I was laid on Haley's lap whose head was faced towards the ceiling.

"Haley," I say shaking her. Her head snaps up.

I look in the front seat to see the guy driving from the club. We were in a Mercedes-Benz. There was also the other guy he was with in the passenger seat.

"How did we get here? With them?" I whisper to her.
"I-I. I think he offered to take us home since we were too drunk to call an uber. I'm not sure. My phone is dead. I think you passed out."

Before saying anything, I close my eyes and lay back on her lap.

"Yo," the guy from the club says standing in front of the car door. Opening my eyes, I try and sit up but instantly fall over. Shit.

"Be careful," he says helping me get out of the car.
"Who are you?" I ask as he picks me up bridal style to carry me inside of the bnb.
"How did you know where our airbnb was?"

"Your friend told us. We already carried her inside. My name is Pierre. Yours is Krissy, right?"
"Yeah. Well, thank you Pierre." I say as my head falls back. It was getting way too heavy to hold up.

I point him in the direction of my room. He lays me across the bed and sets my purse on the nightstand.

"You need anything else?" he asks. He was such a gentleman. I cant believe we trusted strangers taking us home. This was a whole new level.

Feeling a weird knot in my stomach, I run to the bathroom and to the toilet. Everything was coming up. This is disgusting. Sighing, I lay my head against the bathroom wall. Tears welled in my eyes. I don't feel good at all.

"I'm gonna grab you some water, okay?" Pierre says standing in the doorway. I nod my head then remember Keith. Fuck, I was supposed to call him.

Crawling to my purse, I put my phone on the charger. After flushing the toilet, I wash my hands and drink the bottle of water. I still felt sick but the water helped a little.

Pierre set two more water bottles on the nightstand.

"We're gonna head out. If you need anything, just call. I'll write my number down somewhere."

"Thank you so much, I'm sorry."
"No you're fine. It's okay."

I close the bedroom door behind him and sit on the floor next to my charging phone. My phone begins to ring snapping me back in my train of thought. Keith was calling.

I answer the FaceTime call with my eyes barely open.

"Are you on the floor?"
"Yeah, I think. I finally got water. Pierre was so nice."
"Who the fuck is Pierre?"
"I don't really know, he took us home from the club. I don't even remember how I got in the car or even leaving the club."
"Baby, you gotta be more careful and aware. You lucky he wasn't crazy or something."

"Mama, look at me." He says causing me to finally fully open my eyes.
"You hear me?" He asks.
"Yes baby. I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize. You're okay. That's all that matters. Take off your make up and change clothes."
"Okay," I nod my head and go into the bathroom. After taking off my make up and washing my face. I brush my teeth and slide into my bonnet. It's like I was on autopilot.

I slide on one of Keith's shirts that I packed and walk towards the door.

"Where are you going now?" Keith asks.
"To check in on Haley,"

I walk to her room to notice her door cracked. Peeping through the crack, I notice she was in there with Pierre's friend. Her and her boyfriend had broke up about two months ago, I wasn't even mad at her. At least she's okay.

I walk back to my room and close the door. Crawling underneath the sheets, I set up the phone.

"I threw up Keith."
"You just had too much to drink."
"You probably don't even like me anymore. This is so not good," I groan.
"Baby," he lets out a little laugh.
"It's four am. Come on, let's go to sleep. I love you."
"Okay. Don't hang up. I love you too."
"I won't"

I blow him a kiss before closing my eyes. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

>>> The Next Morning

My eyes flutter open as the bright sun shines in through the window. My head begins pounding instantly. I feel that familiar knot in my stomach again and I run to the bathroom. After emptying my stomach again. I brush my teeth. Looking in the mirror, I realized the mess on the bathroom counter. What the hell happened in here?

Looking around my room confused, it was a mess. I had way too much to drink. Grabbing one of the water bottles, I chug it instantly. My phone had died so I plugged it in. Once it cut back on, the time had said 1:36 pm. Damn! What the fuck?

Sighing, I walk out of my room. Samaria was asleep halfway hanging off the couch. Boy, we had a time last night.

Haley's door opens and she walks out. She wore an oversized black tee and her hair looked like a birds nest.

"Girl." She says.
"Right. What in the hell were we thinking?"
"How did we even get here?"

Before I could respond, a guy walks out of Haley's room shirtless.
"My boy Pierre dropped us off. Ya'll were fucked up. Like I'm talking in out of consciousness."

Samaria sits up looking around confused.

"Ya'll. I fucked that man."

That was her first thought? We all start to laugh.
"Raw!" She exclaimed.

"Oh shit Sam." I say.
Haley scratched her head and looks at the floor meaning she probably did the same.

"Ya'll. Okay. We gone be straight. Um, I'm pretty sure there's some clinics around here. Also, we need food too. First though, let's clean up and get dressed. We can't waste the day," I say.

Everyone agrees and we go our separate ways. My phone buzzes on the night stand.

Tiana was calling me from her tablet. Answering the phone. Her and Taylor's heads were in the camera. Kane's head poked between theirs.

"Hey my babies!" I smile.
"We miss you!" They say in unison and Kane barks.
"I miss you guys too. What are ya'll doing?"
"We just got back from the dog park. It was fun. We met more dogs."
"That sounds like fun. Kane probably had such a good time. You guys being good for daddy?"
"Yeah! Do you want to talk to him?" Tiana asks.

"Yeah." I say. She runs towards his room.

"Daddy!" She barges in his room. She flipped the camera to reveal a shirtless Keith. He was lying in his bed playing the game. She hands Keith the tablet and runs off.

"Mm. Look who's awake," he says.
"Hey. Did I call you last night?"
"You don't remember anything?"
"Not much. Just bits and pieces. The crazy thing is that was only the first night. I'm so ashamed. Who told us to get that drunk?"
"Ya'll were most definitely lit. I don't think ya'll have been that drunk around us ever."
I shake my head and sigh.

"I'm sorry."
"Why are you apologizing?"
"Because I woke you up to deal with my bs."
"No, no. I'm glad you did. You did exactly what you were supposed to. I just wish you'd be more careful ma.
"I will be from now on. Last night was definitely rough."

We talked on the phone as I got dressed for the day.
"I'll call you later. I'm gonna go get something to eat now."
"Alright baby."

>>> 5:46 pm

"Yo! No way I said that," I burst out laughing. This debrief was needed. Looking back at it we really were acting like a bunch of fools.

"Apparently the guy I left with is also friends with Pierre and Anthony. His name is James."
"Damn, they must've been plotting. They had their mission for the night," Haley says.
"Right, now that's crazy. I lost my purse and that man found me. Thank God for him. I would've been sick."

"Maybe we should invite them over for like a kickback/game night type deal." Haley suggests.
"We don't know anybody that lives here though,"
"But they might!" Samaria says pulling out her phone.

Samaria calls and invites them over. We make sure the space is clean and begin to cook dinner. Food and maybe drinks would be a pretty chill night.

About two hours later, everyone was here and we were eating and playing games just getting to know each other. Mj and them would be sick if they saw us. It kind of seemed like a replacement.

They were pretty cool actually. I hate that they met me in the state I was in. Occasionally, I would catch Pierre checking me out. Did he not see my ring? Adjusting it on my finger, Haley turns up the music.

I could tell everyone was starting to feel their drinks.

"I'm scared!" I whine as Anthony hands me a red cup.
"You don't have to drink as much as yesterday," he says.
"Right! Come on. Plus you got some food on your stomach you'll be good."
"Fine," I give in to peer pressure.

"I swear after this weekend I'm never drinking  again."

A couple of drinks turned into a whole lot. Samaria plays No Hands by Wake Flocka and everyone instantly gets hype.

"Go Krissy! Bow, Bow, Bow!" Haley and Samaria yell.

"Aye!" I yell as I dance on the couch.

"All that ass in your jeans!!" Haley joins me on the couch.

The guys hype us up and the vibe was good.
"I have to pee, I'll be back." I say running towards my room. As I pee, I hear my phone ring. After washing my hands, I answer Keith's FaceTime. I try to make myself look as sober as possible.

"Hey handsome," I smile.
"Hey. You doing okay?"

He squints his eyes at me.
"Hm?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

Before he responds there's a knock at my door.

"Yo, you good?" I hear Pierre say from the other side of the door.
"Yeah," I yell back.

Keith has an irritated look on his face.
"What you got going on?" he asks annoyed.
"What you mean?"
"That's bruh from last night?"
"Yes. It's a group of us though so nothing like that."

"How many of ya'll are there?"
"Exactly. Think Krissy. The hell you think 3 guys want with 3 girls they met at a club?"

"I get what you're saying but that's not the case. Well not for me, personally."
"I trust you, I do. Your ability to make smart decisions is hindered when you're too under the influence though. Don't drink more than you can handle. You really showing your ass right now."

Keith had never used such a firm tone with me. It was such a dad tone of voice. Then again, we didn't really argue. I understand where he was coming from because if the roles were reversed, I'd be feeling the exact same way.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you," he apologizes.
"No. It's okay. It's something, I needed to hear. Um, kiss the girls goodnight for me. I'll call you back before I go to sleep."
"You mad at me?"
"No baby. I'm more disappointed at myself."
"Hey, don't beat yourself up."
"I'll call you in about forty five minutes."
"Alright baby."

Walking out of the room, I felt myself sober up more as I go to grab a bottle of water. Everyone was still turnt and enjoying themselves. Pierre notices me in the kitchen and joins me.

"I noticed your ring. You look pretty young. How long have you been married?" He asks.
"Yeah, I'm twenty three. I'm engaged. I've been engaged for about four months."
"Oh okay. Things are still fairly new."
"Yeah. What about you? What's your situation?" I continue to sip my water trying to sober up.

"I'm single. I'm twenty four. I guess I just haven't found my person yet. Especially not the one I want to marry,"
"Maybe, you're looking in the wrong places." I shrug.

His eyes travel towards me,
"Maybe I am," he says after a few seconds.

"I'm probably about to head to bed. It was nice meeting you though, Pierre. I'll see you tomorrow at Brunch,"

I say goodnight to every one else and walk to my room to take a quick shower. After changing clothes, I call Keith back.

"It's still kind of early," he says.
"I know but I'm tired." I set up the phone on the nightstand.

He looked as if he felt bad, like it was his fault that I was in bed early but it wasn't at all. I honestly always felt so bad mentally after drinking. Maybe it's time to actually stop.

"I love you," he looks at me.
"I love you." I say before closing my eyes.


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