Random Funny moments

By saphirekl3

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The funny moments from life to the rants and updates I have is in here. More

teacher shenanigans/ bingo
Jenny's brother
best late to class excuse last year/ National Hate Barry day.
How Homecoming was
school story
severe locker jams and another part about what happened last meet
I'm innocent!
Indoors golf
The best mom ever!
This is what happens when i leave my friends alone
Hiding the body
Im adopted?!!!!
Salvation Army Adventures! (# 19)
Musical funny moments
Lady Gaga
Late night conversations
teacher shenanigans part 2 important thing in authors note
science wars
Do you think I'm stupid?!
Happy Early April Fools!
Hilarious moments/ bite me (short)
This is war/ Gator/ test schedule info
Saphire tells life
46 questions tag/ random things about me
Saphire tells life 2/ Ranting
How I am
Untitled Part 45
Scrapbooking disaster *Pls read*
Welcome back to school
My birthday
return of the shenanigans
Christmas Tag!
Unpublishing stories?/ logo
I got hacked. *important*
The twerking room, new account?
Adorable baby bunnies/ Elementary day

life writes #1: the fair so far

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By saphirekl3

So i wanted to say what's been going on so far with fair because it has been actually quite eventful.

Monday I hung out with Jess then Alexia showed her goats along with Caleb, who I had no idea showed goats. she did good along with him and then we walked along the pathways with her and she had her goat with her. She asked to be on the radio and told them she was the wool princess so they let her. I don't think I laughed so hard at fair since I was little. We ate our food and split up for a bit to adventure. First me and Jess went to the horse barn and got too pet one of her older friend's horse then a baby horse that was adorable. It was completely muddy outside (still is) so after a horse sneezed on her we headed back to the place I usually am during fair AKA the rabbit barn so she could meet my rabbits in real life not though a video or picture. She absolutely loves my lion head and so i got him out and showed her my absolute favorite spot in the barn. Next to the door leading straight to Ever's Area where we show, is a hanging green practice table where rabbit cages are in front of it and beside it. A few years back when i use to know some people showing rabbits too they showed me that you can sit under it. There use to be a cement platform under it but they got rid of it earlier this year before the fair started. From then we just walked around and got food or were with our friends. 

Today: My mom woke me up at 6 in the morning 

, which was not good since it's hard for me to sleep anymore so I fall asleep at 1 am most of the time. Even though i had everything laid out for today and didn't need to get up until 7:30 because the show starts at 9 and we have to get ready for the show.  my sister was in a very grouchy mood and of course, ended up getting me angry and forgetting everything. Waking me up before 7 gets me like this, easily put in a terrible mood. My sister showed my rabbit today since her rabbit, which I have nicknamed Ginny bear, is terrible at standing still but my lion head kept getting distracted because Cailum, a boy in my 4-H group's dutch kept running over to him. I kept mostly watching her instead of my Polish and the judge. My age group was the 14+ 15 year olds which I'm positive that I was the youngest in my age division since Karmen missed her calls out of the 12 or 13 other people (including Cailum and my sister) Cailum was on the other side of the corner I was standing at so i could see everything going on clearly. 

One of the questions had to do with what rabbit is judged on its markings mostly and I knew the answer because I use to have one, a dutch. He got to Cailum and asked him that very question and i wanted to laugh, he actually forgot it and was looking at the answer. Now that I remember, he even helped me learn it.  Anyways I ended up actually getting 7th! our fair has judges that plays favorites sometimes so I'm not use to placing in showmanship. My sister didn't get a ribbon at all while Cailum got 3rd overall. Snicks, my loin head  was panting form either being scared or the heat I have no idea which it was because he is a scaredy lion but it was kinda hot out when we showed. 

After that my mom and sister left and I stayed with Jess and we hung out with Caleb, got my rabbits out after eating our pizzas we bought from the Pizza Hut food truck not too far away (Caleb stole fries from his younger sister before he came over.) My aunt and uncle found me and so I showed them where our rabbits were along with Kristie and Hannah's (my cousin's cousins that we talk to) rabbits under my rabbits and next to Ginny bear. 

Funny thing with Caleb being around my rabbits, my Polish ended up jumping on his back (in front of the barn advisor, who thankfully didn't notice it,) so I put her away and got out Snicks. Caleb pulled Snicks up against him and cuddled him to his chest with his own head laying on Snicks'. I'm not much of a fan of Caleb's but it was cute I admit it. 

Later on we (Jess) got fried cheese and 'shared' it while sitting at the front of the goat barn. Caleb left to check on his goats while Jess and I watched Alexia show her sheep.  We then stayed in the rabbit barn and hung out there, every once in a while letting the kids that wanted to pet whichever rabbit was out. That happened a lot but I honestly don't mind since the kids usually love it and all our rabbits are friendly, so if you find one of my rabbits or Ginny bear if there is one or two girls there messing in the trunk it could be me and I'll always let people pet them. Even if I'm not they sometimes come up to the cage door and want pet. It's really hard to miss them seeing as they are at the very end of the room toward the middle and there is literally only five rabbits including them on that end that and I keep forgetting my jacket on top of my Polish's cage.

My last show is tomorrow and I'm hoping to have both of my rabbits in their own breed category and that they have it all figured out so there is no last minute changes like the last years have gone and I have no distractions at all so I can write another chapter of OBS soon. 

I'm leaving it off here. The song is Lullaby by Paradise Fears which has been helping me get to sleep actually and giving me inspiration for new chapters. 

QOTC: what is your favorite animal at the fair? I don't have one since I'm way to use to all the animals (mostly rabbits, cows, and sheep because I have rabbits and my cousin has cows and use to show sheep which I helped with a little) and am a big animal lover.

Keep doing what you wanna, kl3~~

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