Infatuated-Draco Malfoy x OC

By MattyandTheosGirl02

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Infatuation is never a good thing, especially for newly found deatheater, Draco Malfoy. Feelings of any sort... More

The start of something new
He's just that bad
Eleanor White is victorious
Stranger things have happened
From bad to worse
Saving Juliet
I hate you, Draco Malfoy
The girl who got hurt
Im sorry
The Deatheaters
The invite
I don't belong
Getting along
Daddy dearest
The truth
The crossroads
My keeper
The ties that bind
Through the hard times
A brothers love
Exchanged words
Sage green
Christmas with you
Malfoy Manor
Juliet Walters is...
The letter
The Nott's
The Dark Lord
Stuck with you
Juliet Nott
Graham Montague is an ass
Oh so mighty headmaster
The prophecy of one
Figuring it out
The girl tells all
Now or Never
The Dumbledore's
The riddle of it all
I wont watch
I'm new here
Holding back
The Slytherin boys of 1943
Life on the line
You're a bitch
He isnt capable of such things
He has a soft spot for you
Let's kill Dumbledore
Save me to save you
The astronomy tower
A heart of steel
Knock down my walls
The lost Diadem
The curse of the damned
Two Nott's, a Malfoy and a Riddle
The darkest parts of her
The first time...
Let me go
The Last Time
Juliet's Epilogue
Draco's Epilogue
Final Authors Note

The room of requirement

33 1 0
By MattyandTheosGirl02

☼☽⋆。°✧ ✧⋆°。☾☼

Juliet had spent the rest of her day not paying attention to anyone or anything. She was constantly on the look out for a head of platinum hair and a pair of grey eyes and her inability to concentrate had earned her a week's worth of detentions from Snape and disappointment from Eleanor.

The blonde girl had become increasingly annoyed with her best friend, she wasn't listening to what she was saying and she wasn't helping with any of their assignments. So, when they both arrived back in their dorm at the end of the day and Juliet was pacing around whilst watching the clock, Eleanor snapped.

"Jules! If you have somewhere to be then just go! Stop pacing around, you've been a night mare all day" Eleanor let out a loud huff before flopping onto her bed.

"El I'm sorry-I..."

"Jules...go" Eleanor didn't even look up and Juliet felt a pit in her stomach. She didn't want her friend to be mad at her but she had to go and meet Theo.

She shook her head before turning around and leaving the dorm. The walk to the Slytherin common room was a long one and it gave her plenty of time to think about how much of a bitch she'd been all day. It shocked her how much influence Draco had over her mood and they weren't even really together, it made her wonder how reckless she could become.

As she entered the dungeons, she could make out Theo's body leaning against the wall, his hands stuffed into his pockets. She quickened her pace and his gaze finally found her.

"Right on time" Theo pushed himself forwards, meeting Juliet in the middle of the corridor.

"So...why did you want me to meet you?" Juliet watched him intently.

"Draco's orders, we are going to start work on the cabinet and he's going to meet us there" Theo started walking and Juliet followed him, walking by his side.

"Where is there?" Juliet's eyebrows were furrowed deeply.

"The room of requirement" Theo smirked slightly as he saw the shocked expression on Juliet's face.

"Seriously? It's real? I mean I've read all about it but-..."

"Of course you have" Theo chuckled slightly.

"Sorry that I like to fill my brain with information. Just because yours is the size of a pea. Honestly-what is it with people mocking us ravenclaw's. Don't hate us because we are so much smarter than-.."

"Juliet! Please Shutup! We're here" Theo let out a loud sigh but Juliet looked around the corridor with an unimpressed look on her face.

"I don't see anything" Juliet crossed her arms over her chest.

"Hang on" Theo closed his eyes and envisioned what it was he wanted and when he opened them, he was happy to see a large door in front of him. Juliet's mouth had fallen wide open and she didn't wait for Theo's signal, she walked straight in.

The room was large with stone pillars throughout but it was crowded with all sorts of things, Juliet wasn't sure why this was the room that Draco had decided to put the cabinet in. The room would present itself however you wished for it to be and maybe Draco had wished for it to stay hidden and the room decided that the best way to do that would be to put it in a room full of crap. She couldn't help but marvel over all of the trinkets that rested around the room, everything was old, very old and most of it had probably been untouched for years. Her fingers brushed over mahogany boxes and crystal cut glasses as she walked through the room but something felt...strange. Juliet whipped her head to the side and her eyes fell upon what seemed to be a pile of rope, she felt drawn to it and when she got closer she could make out a box, hidden beneath the rope. Her hand was extended out and just as her fingers went to touch it....

"Juliet" Theo's voice broke her from her trance and she looked at him quickly before looking back at the box. How curious.

"Yeah?" She walked away from her previous spot. She was losing her mind, that's all.

"This is it" Theo lead Juliet around a pile of old furniture and there sat the large black cabinet. It was dusty and battered, no where near in good enough condition to transport anything.

"This is what you have to fix? He may as well of asked you to repair a broken snitch" Juliet scoffed loudly.

"It's a piece of shit isn't it...we won't be able to fix it, will we?" It was obvious that Theo was nervous and Juliet understood why, fear of losing his family was obviously resting heavy on his mind.

"I'll do my best, I won't let you lose your family" Juliet gave him a sad smile but when Theo started laughing, she frowned.

"I don't give a fuck about my family! My father is a waste of space, a shell of a man. I'm doing this for Draco and his family, they've been more to me than my father ever has" Theo shook his head as he spoke.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realise. If it makes you feel any better, my father was apparently a waste of space as well" Juliet shrugged her shoulders, she never thought she'd be bonding with Theo over their useless fathers.

"Was?" Theo dropped down onto an old sofa.

"Yes, he died when I was a baby...I don't remember him but he's the reason I'm a half blood. He was a pureblood wizard and my mother said he was hardly ever there, always going away for god knows what and then one day...he just never came home" Juliet gave Theo a tight lipped smile a she dropped down next to him on the sofa.

"I'm mother died too when I was young but she was everything to me and isn't your last name your father's name? You could find his family tree and've got more family out there" Theo didn't know if this was the right thing to say but he did know that if there was any chance he had more family out there, he'd find them.

"Unfortunately I have my mother's name...all my mother ever told me was his first name and I never got very far with that" Juliet sighed loudly.

"What was his name?" There was a deep crease resting between Theo's eyebrows.

"Tiberius...and I've seen photos...he had brown hair like mine and brown eyes. That's all I know" Juliet smoothed her skirt out against her thighs. Theo watched her with slightly parted lips, his mind was racing, it wasn't possible....

"Was his hair curly? Like mine?" Theo sat forward, watching Juliet intently.

"Yes it was but-....oh my god" Juliet's eyes widened as she looked at Theo. "Are we? Are you...?" Juliet pointed between her and Theo.

"I don't...there's no way. It has to be a coincidence" Theo chuckled nervously.

"But...I don't...." Juliet looked down at her hands. There was a possibility, her father may not be dead, her father could be Tiberius Nott, a deatheater and an asshole.

"Juliet I-..." Theo placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to bring her back to reality but their peace was shortly shattered.

"Hi" Draco's voice didn't even catch Juliet's attention, she was in a state of shock. She'd spent her whole life living without her father, watching her mother struggle to care for her and now, there was a possibility he was alive and that he didn't leave them without a choice but that he left on purpose so that he didn't tarnish his pureblood name.

"Nott what's going on?" Draco looked at Theo who had gone a ghostly shade of white before walking over to Juliet and placing his hands on either side of her face "Jules...are you okay?" Draco's eyes searched her face. Worry over took him as he took in her frozen body and wavering eyes.

Suddenly her head snapped upwards, her eyes piercing into Draco's.

"Yes, I'm fine. Let's just...get started" Juliet stood up and walked towards the cabinet, keeping her back to the boys as she fiddled with it.

"Where were you Draco?" Her voice cracked as she spoke and all of her emotions washed over her at once.

"My father he wanted an update on the cabinet...." Draco trailed off as he watched Juliet, she was distracting herself.

"Mhm and what did you tell him?" The girl pulled out her wand and closed her eyes as she waved it over the large piece of furniture.

"That we are getting closer....Jules can you just stop for a second" Draco finally walked forward, grabbing Juliet's wrist gently and pulling her wand from her grasp. He searched her face before turning to look at Theo again.

"What happened?" He looked between them both "did something happen between you two? Is that why you're both acting strange?" Draco's eyes were like slits and his breathing quickened.

"No!" Theo practically shouted.

"Then what is it? Jules?" Draco looked once more at the small girl who was now pressed against his chest.

"I think...well...I might be Theo's sister" Juliet gulped loudly, even saying it out loud, sounded wrong.

"What?" Draco let a snicker surpass his lips "is this a joke?" He looked at Theo who just shook his head.

"The only things I know about my father are that, he's a pureblood with brown hair and brown eyes and I know his name....Tiberius. No last name, I took my mother's name when I was born and I was telling Theo just now and...." Juliet's words trailed off.

"And, when she said it, it was too much of a coincidence, so I asked if he had curly hair, like mine and Juliet said he did" Theo finished talking for Juliet who was still trying to process it.

"Theo...go and find a photo of your father...from when he was younger. You have the photo albums of your mother after she birthed you, there must be a photo of him in there and seeing as you are both the same age, he would look the same" Draco nodded his head at Theo and Theo did the same, leaving the room to go and retrieve all the evidence they'd need.

"Jules, listen to me" Draco took her face in his hands again "it doesn't matter, it won't change anything. You'll always be Juliet Walters".

"It changes everything Draco, I thought my father left without a choice, that he was killed. But if this is true then he didn't...he left to protect himself and He left his newborn daughter alone and he let my mother struggle by herself to care for me when he had all of the money in the world!" Juliet fell apart at her own words, collapsing into Draco's arms as loud sobs left her lips.

"Why didn't he want me Draco?" Her voice was muffled into Draco's chest and Draco couldn't do anything to console her except draw small circles against her back.

"If this is true then he's an idiot for not wanting you because you are the most amazing woman I've ever met Juliet Walters. Beautiful, smart, brave. It's his loss and quite frankly I'll be glad to know he didn't raise you because he didn't do a good job with Theo" Draco placed a delicate kiss against the top of her head.

"Will it mean that...I'm destined to be a-..."

"Don't finish that. No, it's not happening, whether he finds out about you or not...I won't let them have you" Draco's grip tightened, he would walk through hell itself if it meant Juliet didn't have to become one of them.

An out of breath Theo reappeared a few minutes later, with a leather bound photo album in hand. He held it out to Juliet who was now sat back on the old sofa, with Draco at her side. She took it with hesitation, letting out a breath and she opened the book. The first few photos were of Theo's mother holding him as a newborn baby. She was an exquisitely beautiful woman. As she carried on turning the pages, she stopped suddenly, lifting the book closer to her face. There he was, her father, sat at the bedside of Theo's mother, his finger being hugged by one of Theo's tiny hands. His brown curls were flopping over his forehead just like Theo's did now and just how they had done in the photo her mother had showed her.

"It's him" she handed the book back over to Theo and closed her eyes as a tear escaped them. Draco's hand was secured firmly over her knee and his thumb ran back and forth over her skin.

"I'll kill him...I'll kill him Juliet. For cheating on my mother...for abandoning you and yours and for lying to me my whole life. I could have had a sister, I wouldn't have been alone" Theo's fists were clenched tightly and his nostrils were flared. He had meant every word.

"No...leave him for you know who, he'll end up dead anyway" Draco was in as much shock as they both were. His best friend's sister was the girl that he strived to love.

"Theo..." Juliet's voice was hoarse as she opened her eyes and looked at him "you do have a sister and you'll always have a sister from now on" The brunette girl smiled widely.

"I think it's time I gave Draco the big brother speech" Theo smirked at Juliet as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Yeah, I think you should" Juliet let out a chuckle as she wiped the remainder of her tears away from her cheeks.

"Okay, enough of that. We have things to do" Draco rolled his eyes, knowing he was doomed now that he was stuck with two Nott's for the rest of his life.

☼☽⋆。°✧ ✧⋆°。☾☼

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