The Fury Of The Storm

By Silverflare-2

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Trueborn son of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister Sold to slavery Forced to become a warrior Willing to... More

How could this happen?
No Matter The Cost
We Meet Again
Second Sons Part 1
Second Sons Part 2
Second Sons Part 3
The Raging Storm and The Roaring Dragon
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New Road
Ai Art
Heart to Heart
The Whole Truth
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Ai Art
Ai Art
AI Art
Love and Betrayal
Regrets and Revival
The Beginning
A Better Path
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His Journey Begins Now
The Tale To Be Told Begins Thus
Final Trial
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Liberation Of Volants Part 1
Liberation Of Volantis Part 2
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The Time Has Come
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Forming Alliances
Full Circle
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Love and power
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Beyond The Wall Part 1
Beyond The Wall Part 2
The Meeting
The Storm and The Fire
The Reunion and the Wedding
Bound in Honor Part 1
Bound in Honor Part 2
Bound in Honor Part 3
The Great War Part 1
The Great War Part 2
Remember The Fallen
Next Strategy
True to your Word
Ready For War!
Vengeance For The Fallen
The Flood

Honoring The Fallen

1.3K 48 96
By Silverflare-2

Kings Landing

Two days later

Cersei's room

The former queen sat in her chambers by order of queen Daenerys Targaryen. Even though she was happy that her son, Davion, was alive, she was filled with guilt.

Just then, Jaime entered her room. Grey Worm. Jaime greeted, and Grey Worm nodded at him. Might I speak to my sister alone? Grey Worm looked at Jaime. Jaime then gave his weapons to Grey Worm and left the room. Once they were alone, Jaime looked at his sister and former lover. "I should kill you."

"Why haven't you?" Cersei asked.

"Because it's not what your son would want." Jaime said. "I don't know what's worse. You being pregnant with Euron Greyjoys' child or the fact that you thought that you could win against Davion and Daenerys."

"I suppose he gets his resilience from his mother." Cersei said.

"I don't know who he gets it from, but it wasn't you or Robert. He's stronger than you both. He's smarter than you both." Jaime spat.

"What will he do to me?" Cersei asked. She was worried that Daenerys would have her killed.

"When Davion wakes, he will personally see to your punishment." Jaime said.

"He still alseep?" Cersei asked. "Perhaps I deserve to die. I only ask that he waits until I give birth to my child to carry out my execution." She said.

" Think he wants you dead? He's had many chances to kill you." Jaime said. "If he can show mercy to Euron Greyjoy, he can show mercy to anyone."

Davions room

Davion stirred in his sleep. He then opened his eyes and saw Daenerys sleeping on a chair.

"Dany?" He called out.

Daenerys woke up and looked at him. She then smiled and held his hand. "You're awake. You're finally awake."

"How long was I asleep?" Davion asked.

"Two days." Daenerys said.

"Are you angry with me?" Davion asked, knowing that some of his friends and family would be upset with him for his attitude.

"It depends on your reason." Daenerys said. "What was your nightmare about?" She asked.

Davion sighed and sat up with the help of his wife. "Thank you. Do you remember the first night we spent together on the ship when we sailed to Winterfell?" He asked.

Daenerys blushed. "How could I forget."

Davion chuckled and groaned. "Laughing hurts. I had a nightmare. I saw my grandfather, Tywin, on the throne, and he told me that you would never be safe. I thought that offering my mother her life would prove him wrong. On Dragonstone, after she rejected my offer, I had the same nightmare, and something in me broke. I only thought about protecting you and our child. I wanted them dead even if it meant that I had to be like them. I'm sorry, Dany."

Daenerys shed a few tears. She then held Davions hand. "You're not like them. You are Davion Baratheon, the Storm King and Father or Liberation. You are the Raging Storm. You are my husband and father of my child. I love you with all my heart, and that won't change." Daenerys leaned in to kiss Davion.

"Where are they?" Davion asked when they broke the kiss.

"Your mother was in her room. She's being watched by Grey Worm. Euron is in the black cells being watched by Dario." Daenerys said.

"Perhaps I should see to them?" Davion asked.

"I had your mother sent to the Dragonpit. There's something more important I want from you." Daenerys said.

"What's that?" Davion asked.

"To decide her fate." Daenerys said.


The high lords of Westeros were seated in the Dragonpit waiting for Davion and Daenerys to arrive. Cersei Lannister was brought in the center and saw them all seated and ready to judge her.

"Where are Davion and Daenerys?" Sansa asked.

"On their way." Tyrion answered.

Just then, Davion and Daenerys arrived. They saw the high lords of Westeros. Among them were Wilas and Garlan Tyrell.

Davion managed to find their whereabouts thanks to his sister Mya and Lord Varys before the war.

"Apologies for my late arrival. Davion said. As you can see, I had trouble getting here." Davion pointed at his arm that was in a sling. His old injury from the Great War had acted up again.

Davion stood next to his uncle Tyrion and looked at the lords and ladies.

"We are here to decide the fate of the traitors, Cersei of House Lannister and Euron and House Greyjoy." Tyrion said.

"It's not for you to decide." Cersei whispered,  but unfortunately for her, Grey Worm heard her.

"You are not here to speak!" Grey Worm shouted.

"Grey Worm." Daenerys said, and Grey Worm stood down. She then looked at Cersei. "What were you saying, my lady?" She asked.

Cersei was annoyed that Daenerys called her a lady. She then looked at Daenerys. "I said it's not for them to decide." She looked at her brother, Tyrion, and then the rest of the lords and ladies. "It's for our king to decide."

"The only king we have has not decided if he is willing to take up the responsibility as sole monarch of Westeros." Yohn Royce pointed out.

Davion sighed and stepped forward. "You are all the most powerful people in Westeros. I believe you have the power to choose a king as well."

They all looked at each other in confusion. One truth was clear to them, either Davion or Jon was fit to rule, but they didn't know how to decide.

Edmure Tully then rose from his seat and stepped forward. "My Lords and ladies. He cleared his throat. I suppose this is the most important moment of our lives. What we decide today will reverberate through the annals of history. I stand before you as one of the senior lords of the country. A veteran of two wars, and I'd like to think my experience has led to some small skill, in statecraft and underst-" Sansa cut him off.

"Uncle." Edmure looked at his niece. "Please sit down." Once he sat down, embarrassed, Yohn Royce spoke up.

"We have to choose someone." He said.

Samwell Tarly cleared his throat. "Why just us?" He asked. "We represent all the great houses, but whomever we choose, they won't just rule over lords and ladies. Maybe the decision about what's best for everyone should be left to... well, everyone."

All the lords started laughing. "Maybe we should give the dogs a vote as well." Edmure said.

"I'll ask my horse." Yohn said.

Jon looked at his friend. "While your reasoning is sound, if we give the people a vote, it will only cause more violence."

Varys nodded. "I may want a ruler who puts the people first, but if the people don't get the ruler that they want, there'll anarchy."

Edmure looked at Tyrion. "I suppose you want the crown."

"Me? The imp?" Tyrion asked. "Half the people hate me for killing my father, and the other half hate me for following Daenerys. I can't think of a worse choice."

"Who then?" Ser Davos asked.

Daenerys stepped forward. "While I was watching my husband recover, I had nothing but time to think about the bloody history. About the mistakes that were made. I even had some books to read about it. As I was I was reading and thinking...what unites people?" She asked. "Armies? Gold? Flags?" She then looked at Bran. "Stories." Bran smirked at her, almost as if he knew what Daenerys was about to do. "There's nothing in the world more powerful than a good story. Nothing can stop it. No enemy can defeat it. And who has a better story..." She looked at Davion. "Than Davion, the Merciful. This shocked everyone since they believed that Daenerys would want the throne. The boy, born to Robert Baratheon, and Cersei Lannister. Sold to slavery, by his own mother. The boy who took what his father taught him to believe was his enemy, as his wife. A warrior, a liberator... a leader. A man who freed Volantis and wields the legendary Targaryen sword, Blackfyre. A man who fought for the North when he didn't have to. The man who killed the Night King. The man who brought peace in Essos and ended the slave trade. A man who brought peace to Westeros. A man who is worth giving up the Iron Throne for." She smiled at him.

"Dany I-" Davion was cut off by Daenerys.

"I gave up wanting the throne the moment I met you, Davi. I just didn't know it yet." Daenerys said. She walked to him and held his hand. She then looked at everyone. "I've been talking about breaking the wheel for a very long time. I now realize that it breaks when a Targaryen does not sit the throne." She looked at Davion. "I don't condone how your father ended the Targaryen dynasty, but he had the right idea. My family history consists of too much war, blood, and death. You, my love. You ended all of that. You brought peace by being merciful."

Sansa rose from her chair. "I agree with everything you've said, but Davion can not rule alone."

"He won't." Varys said.

"We'll be there to guide him." Jon said. He knew that this was the best solution to him not being king and the realm, not knowing who he really was.

"We will stand by his side." Daenerys said. "And a new dynasty will be born, one of honor and mercy. Just as Davion is."

"I know you're tired of fighting." Tyrion told his nephew. "I shouldn't ask this of you, but I am. One last fight for the realm. I know that I never wanted to be king. You've never craved power, only to do what's right, but I ask you now, if we choose you...will you wear the crown?" He asked. "Will you lead the Seven Kingdoms to the best of your abilities, from this day, until your last?"

Davion looked at his uncle Tyrion, then his wife, and then all the lords and ladies. He took a deep breath in and exhaled. "I will." He said.

Tyrion smiled. "Then to Davion the Merciful of House Baratheon, I say aye."

"Aye." Jon immediately spoke up. It was quiet for a few seconds, and then Samwell spoke up.

"Aye." He said. Davion gave him a surprised look. Daenerys had spoken to Samwell and apologized for killing his father and brother, and all Samwell said was that he remembered when his father told him that there were no easy choices in war.

"Aye." Garlan Tyrell said.

"Aye." Wilas Tyrell said.

"Aye." Yara said.

"Aye." Trystane said. One by one, the high lords and ladies of the realm pledged their fealty to Davion Baratheon.

Daenerys looked at her husband and smiled at him. "Aye." She then looked at Cersei. "What do you wish to do about her, my king?"

Davion looked at his mother, who looked terrified and proud. "Take her to her chambers. I want to speak to her alone." Grey Worm then took Cersei back to her chambers. They watched as Grey Worm escorted Cersei.

"Are you sure you want to do this, my love?" Daenerys asked.

"I have to do this." Davion said, and he followed Grey Worm and Cersei.

Daenerys saw Jon and Sansa about to leave, and she walked to them. "Might I have a moment alone with you, Jon?" She asked.

Jon looked at Sansa,  Arya, and Bran. "I'll be with you all shortly." They nodded at him.

"I wanted to thank you, and I also need your help with something." Daenerys said, and Jon raised his eyebrow.

Cerseis room

"Thank you, Grey Worm. Leave us." Davion said.

"Yes, your grace." Grey Worm bowed and left.

Davion looked at his mother. "Is it true that you're pregnant?" He asked.

"Davion-" Davion cut her off.

"Yes or no." He said.

"Yes." Cersei said.

"I wanted you dead." Davion said. "You brought me into this world, and I wanted you dead. Do you even understand how much of a monster I must be to want to kill my own mother?" He asked.

"I never meant for this, my son. Please forgive me." Cersei begged.

Davion sighed. "I will forgive you, but not today. It will take a long time before I can see you as anything other than the woman who betrayed me. You will leave Kings Landing. You will live in the Iron Islands where Yara Greyjoy will teach your child their new ways." He said, and Cerseis eyes widened. "When my brother or sister comes of age, he or she will rule as a Greyjoy. I will personally legitimize my sibling."

"You would have me and child live amongst savages who want me dead?" Cersei asked in disbelief.

"Yara has given me her word that nothing will happen to you. You will still be a mother." Davion then opened the door. "I just hope that you can be a better mother than you were to us. This is your sentencing. I pray you find some peace with it." Davion left and closed the door behind him, and Cersei broke down in tears.

Black cells

"I'm surprised you came to visit me, my niece." Euron said.

"It wasn't my first choice, but I came to personally tell you that Davion Baratheon is king." Yara said.

"Of course he is." Euron spat. He then groaned as he got up. His foot was heavily bandaged by Samwell. He limped to the cell door. "I never thought you'd bow to a Baratheon, like your father."

"Yes, well, unlike my father, I won't start a rebellion." Yara said. "Do you know why Davion spared you?" She asked.

"Because he has no balls... just like little Theon." Euron smirked.

Yara smiled. "My brother died a hero. A Stark and a Greyjoy, and unlike you, he will be remembered. Davion Baratheon is now the most powerful man in Westeros. He's stopped the slave trade and now has brought peace to this once damned country. He spared you because he's not like you... he's better. I told you before that you're nothing more than an afterthought to him, and now the Greyjoys are his allies. His kingdom will thrive, and you will rot and fade away from everyone's memory. Goodbye, uncle." Yara walked away, leaving Euron to think about his mistake to underestimate Davion.

Throne room

"Is this as wide as the door opens?" Daenerys asked.

"Unfortunately." Jon said. "Perhaps he can break through?"

"No, his neck is long enough. Come on in, Drogon." Daenerys said. The dragon managed to get his neck inside the hall, just as Daenerys said. "Stop." She commanded, and he did.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jon asked.

"I know very little of our family's history, but when I touched the throne, I saw it all. Daenerys said. From when Aegon conquered the Seven Kingdoms until my fathers death. I want the new generation to be better and not fight for a chair made of swords." She patted her stomach. "I don't want my child to know this horror and bloodshed over that chair while it's still here." She looked at Drogon. "Dracarys." Drogon then spewed his flames onto the chair. He spewed it again and again until the hair started melting. Finally, the Iron Throne was no more.

Small council chambers

The next day

"You fucked me." Bronn told Tyrion

"No I didn't." Tyrion defended himself.

"Yes, you fucked me right out of getting Highgarden." Bronn snapped.

"He didn't do anything. It was me." Davion said as he entered the chambers. "You were never going to get Riverrun or Highgarden. Not while their heirs still lived. My mother played you, but unlike her, I have a solution to all this."

"Fucking Lannisters." Bronn whispered. "What's your solution then?"

Two weeks later

Euron woke up in a cell. This was unfamiliar to him. He could tell it wasn't his cell in Kings Landing. He looked up and saw Davion sitting outside the cell.

"Where am I?" He asked.

"As far away from the world as I can get you." Davion said. "A place where you can never hurt anyone, ever again."

Euron groaned as he got up. "I knew you'd be too weak to kill me." He smirked.

"No. I'm strong enough to let you live." Davion said.

"Oh, you're a killer, a monster. The Raging Storm." Euron said. "The legend I created."

"All true. You helped me become the Raging Storm when I needed to be it, and I'm alive today because of you... I made it it home because of you... I liberated slaves because of you... and I saw my sister and the rest of my family... because of you, but when I returned to Westeros, I knew that I had to become something more, and I did. Then I defeated you without killing you. Davion then walked to Eurons cell. You're the reason I became Davion, the Merciful. Thank you, Euron." Davion turned to walk away but stopped when he heard Euron slam the cell bars.

"You think I won't get out of here?!" Euron snapped. "Do you think they're all safe from me?! Daenerys? Your child? Your mother? Do you think I won't kill your family?!"

Davion turned to face Euron. "No, I don't, because you'll have to go through me to do so." He calmly said and then left.

"I'll kill them all, Davion Baratheon!" He shouted. "I'll kill them all! I'll kill them all!"

Davion then walked to meet Bronn, Yara, and Grey Worm.

"Do you think that prison will hold him?" Yara asked.

"It will. When the so-called new masters took over, they made stronger bars, which made it impossible to escape." Davion said.

"Smart." Bronn said.

"I hope this is enough payment for you, Noble lord Bronn?" Davion asked.

"The whole of Astapor all for me? I fucking love it." Bronn smiled.

"It's your home now. Enjoy it." Davion said.

Kings Landing

When Davion arrived back in Kings Landing, he saw that the Iron Throne was destroyed and a new throne was in its place. It had stag horns on its side with a dragon at its head.

"What do you think?" Daenerys asked.

"I think it's significant." Davion said.

"Try it out." Daenerys urged. Davion walked to the new throne and sat down. "How does it feel?"

Davion smiled. "Like it's not mine."

"It's yours, my love. It has always been yours." Daenerys said and kissed her husband.

"Our child will sit the throne, and his father sits one day." Daenerys said. "Are you ready for your coronation?"

"I finally am." Davion rose from the throne and saw Kinvara. "You said I would die."

"No. I said I'd have to watch you die." Kinvara corrected. "I was trying to make sense of it all, but then I realized that the Lord of Light didn't want me to bring you back, because he wanted to see if you could bring yourself back...and you did."

Davion chuckled. "So what happens to you now?" He asked.

Kinvara smiled. "I find peace."

Davion knew what that meant. "Thank you for everything, Kinvara. I'll never forget what you've done for me."

Kinvara smiled. She then walked away. Davion and Daenerys followed her, and they saw her walk out. She walked in the direction of where the sun was shining, and they saw her remove the necklace. Within seconds, they saw her age into dust.

The next day

Davions coronation

All the lords and ladies or the realm were in the throne room to watch, and Davion the Merciful, of House Baratheon, was about to be crowned king.

"My Lords and Ladies of the realm. We are all here to crown not only a king but a man who has put his heart and soul in protecting the realm and further." Tyrion spoke up. "He has fought for all of us, and now we will fight for him. I present to you, Davion, the Merciful, of House Baratheon, the first of his name, king of the andals and the first men, Lord of the Seven kingdoms and protector of the realm"

Everyone cheered, but it was not Davion who walked in. It was his wife, Daenerys.

"King Davion Baratheon sends his apologies, for he might be late, my Lords and ladies." Daenerys said.

"My queen. What could be more important to the king than attending his own coronation?" Varys asked.

The three eyed raven looked at Varys and smiled. "Honoring the fallen."

Shores of Blackwater Bay

Davion sat on the shores alone. He looked at the waves and thought of everything that brought him to this point. He remembered how his father was so proud of him when they went hunting for the first time. He remembered how he and Joffery would chase each other around the royal gardens. He remembered finding a kitten for Tommen. He remembered Ned Stark and how he said that he was proud of Davion. He remembered his friend Robb. He remembered his cousin Shireen when he would gift her books. He remembered his uncles, Stannis and Renly. He remembered Takmet and Leona. He smiled at all those memories. Davion shed tears of happiness. All the people he loved who couldn't be there, but he knew they would all be proud of the man he is now.

Hi guys, here's another chapter of the Fury Of The Storm

What did you think of the lords and ladies choosing Davion as their king?

What did you think of Daenerys burning the Iron Throne?

What did you think of Bronns reward?

What did you think of Cersei's punishment?

What did you think of Eurons' punishment?

This story has one more chapter left. I'll let you all decide if I should continue or not

I'm open to suggestions for this story

Please comment and vote

Thanks guys

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