The Adventure of a Lifetime A...

By CrazyKpopMama

428 36 0

The last 5 years of Lynn's life have been all about loss and rebuilding. Stray Kids, her favorite K-pop group... More

Into the Unknown
Shock and Awe
Let's go!
Blush for days
What had been
Questions Answered
Passions bloom
Running High
And so it begins
Information Revealed
Passions Ignited
Falling Deeper
Fears Unspoken
The Pain of Reveal
Letting Go
Time to Play
Warm, Cozy and Aroused
Text and Love
He's Finally Free
Demons Expelled
Shining Light
Nightmares Relived
Pains of Horror
The Sun will Shine
Bells Ahead
The Can't Be
Is there Hope?

On the Other Side

7 1 0
By CrazyKpopMama

This is the Moment from Jekyll and Hyde the Musical

Awaken and Silent Cry by Stray Kids

Nearly a week had passed since we moved in. Life has been amazing. That first night, all the guys stayed over, falling asleep in my bed with me in the middle. Being surrounded by my lovers was soul healing. At some point, Don had snuck in and taken a photo, sending it to the family group chat. I loved it as did each of the guys! I planned on printing it and hanging it up in my room.

JYP had called, demanding a meeting with the guys. He knows something is up. I mean, it's rather obvious to everyone. Even Wooyoung has ask Changbin what's up. The guys have all been dreading this. They decide to put their collective foot down and tell him they would not meet at the JYPE building. Instead, he has been instructed to meet them at Nari's Place. He isn't happy but agrees. Seriously, he really doesn't have a choice.

I go with them, but sit close by in one of the private rooms close by to not bring suspicion. As soon as he walked in, he was on the phone. Good thing for me, as I was able to lock in on it immediately. Sure enough, he was being tracked. I shut down that shit real quick and made it seem as if he was now leaving the area. I'm hoping whoever is tracking falls for it. Just in case, I send a message to Nari and the guys that they'll need to leave through the back. I keep monitoring as Jay Park himself enters the room. I was thankful he had actually come alone as Chris had requested. Nari even lets me know he came in a ride share, so I don't have to worry about trying to do anything about a car.

"Bang Chan, I need to know what exactly is going on. Why haven't any of you renewed your contracts as of yet? And I see Hyunjin is with you. I thought he was on Jeju Island? What is going on? I've been trying to call you and none of you have accepted any of my calls. Then, I hear none of you have been in for while. I even came to your apartments one day and no one was around. Have you been avoiding me?"

I give the go ahead that all bugs on him and his phone are down. He doesn't know I can hear everything via Minho having a video chat open with me. Actually, none of them know I'm listening except Chris and Minho. I'm hoping they won't be too upset. I can only imagine the expression JYP is giving to the guys right now. I can hear the anger, but there seems to be an undercurrent of worry in his voice. Why does he almost sound like a parent?

"PD-nim, you might want to sit for this. First, did you know you had tracking devices on you? And bugs not only on your phone, but one was on you, to listen in on conversations?"

I was texting Chris and Minho letting them know what I'd found on him. Someone is going to be extremely pissed that they can't track him anymore via his phone. Nor will they be able to listen to any conversations or messages. I can almost guarantee his house and car is bugged too.

"What? NO, I don't!"

"Well, you don't now. But yes, you did. Someone had been tracking all of us, but that was stopped a while ago. They were also bugging 3Racha studio and all our practice rooms. I don't like that and will not put up with it. That's just one of the reasons we will not be resigning with your company." JYP stands up quickly. There is a flash of hurt and anger on his face. I glance at Minho.

"No, sit down. We've tried for years to talk to you and constantly were interrupted. I'm guessing by whoever was bugging all of us. You aren't going to like what we are about to tell you. You may not even believe us. But this, this is why we won't be back. As of today, we are severing ties with JYPE and Div1." Minho finishes, quickly looking around the room. Looking back at Chris, they both shake their heads in unison. It's time for JYP to know exactly what has been going on under his nose.

I listen as they each start telling their stories. I had not heard them all before and am left reeling with shock. The depravity of the people that have done this infuriates me. I'm glad I am in my own room, because there is no way I could stop the tears pouring down my face. I hear the absolutely shock from JYP himself. Minho has turned the phone so I can see JYP's face. I watch the tears track down his face and I know immediately. This man was completely oblivious about what was and still is going on, in his own company.

Someone has made sure he is never around. I can only imagine how they have done this and how many are involved. I know the little front desk chick is. I've caught conversations. I just don't know yet who she is speaking to. I sense someone walk in and look up to Nari. She is also listening via an earbud and obviously also had no idea what each of them had dealt with. She sits beside me and we hold each other while we cry. Our hearts are breaking for the atrocities they have had to go through.

After a while, the guys stop talking. Now, we wait for JYP's response to what has been told. There is nothing but the sounds of crying. I know it's from both the guys and JYP. I begin to worry he doesn't believe them fully. I want to get up and go slap the man. But I saw his face. Minho had moved the phone back down, but I know what I saw. Minutes go by, with nothing being said. Finally I hear JYP being to speak.

"Boys, from the very beginning? Chris, you were a baby. All of you were! How did I not see this? How did I become so blind to my own company? I feel sick to my stomach right now. And so very angry."

Chris watches as JYP leans forward, elbows on the table, his head falling into his hands. The tears haven't stopped. They really hadn't thought he would react this way. But personally, I'm glad. I truly felt, he'd never known.

"I failed all of you, miserably. And if it has and is happening to you, then I know it's happened to others. It stops now. Even if that means I shut my company down. I recently bought back some shares. I have remained the majority stake holder the whole time, but this puts me at owning 70% of the company. So, where does this leave you? Are you going to continue making music? Are you joining another company?"

"We have our own building and 3Racha has started our own company. It will be coming out in the next couple of weeks. We all own stake, with me, Changbin and Han being the majority holders. We've moved as well and no longer live in the apartments. That's the reason you couldn't find us. We need to know if you are going to have a problem with us keeping the Stray Kids name."

"There will be no problem from me. Truthfully, I always wondered if you would have your own studios. I hoped one day you would. This is not how I would liked to have it done, but I understand. Do you have the funds to do everything?" He watches as Chris shakes his head yes.

"We have a silent partner also helping, in case. But we have everything paid for in full right now. The building has been fully paid for. The renovations are nearly done and all equipment has been purchased and delivered. We will be fully ready to open once the announcement comes out."

The watch as PD-nim takes a deep breath before finishing. "I have always thought of you each as sons. Knowing what I know now, hurts. I'm angry. No angry doesn't even begin to cover what I feel and don't quite know how to deal with it all. But it will be dealt with. I need the names of each person. I will never be able to apologize enough for what you went through. I am so sorry to have failed you and the others so bad. Never again will I be so blind to what people can do."

Turning toward Hyunjin, there are tears in his eyes. "Don't ever keep me in the quiet again. I am so sorry this happened to you. I'll never be able to make it up to you. But, and I mean this, if you need anything, let me know. Now, I think it's time for me to have some hard meetings with each of the groups; then go fire the entire executive board. But first, how did you kill the bugs and tracking?"

I look around at the guys. I look at Minho, the silent question I'm asking, he understood. I don't know if Lynn is willing to meet JYP, but it doesn't hurt to ask. I watch as he looks down at his phone. Nothing is said and I know she is contemplating. Suddenly, I hear the knock on the door and know it's her. I look over at Changbin, mouthing her name. Changbin's eyes go wide, looking around quickly. He glances at Minho, the realization that she has heard everything hits him. That's why Minho was on his phone.

Changbin and I both stand, meeting her as the door opens. I smile at Changbin and lean over to tell him it's all going to be ok. We both take her hands, leading her toward him. I watch his eyes take in that we are holding her hands. PD-nim looks between Changbin and I, then back at Lynn. When he looks back at me, I see the question in his eyes. I look at her and Changbin and smile, then turn to him and shake my head. We think he's known we were all together for a while. Never once has he questioned it though. Today, I have a feeling, is the day he does.

"So, I think I've been missing some things going on. The rumors, they are true?"

Changbin looks at his lovers and decides it's time. "That we, as in all the guys, are together? Yes. Minho and Han are handfast married. We know no one understands it. We know the government will not accept it. Someday, we all plan on handfasting together. Whether you believe it or not, we know we are soulmates. We were destined to meet and always be together. If there is a rumor about her being with us or one of us, then it's true as well."

He watches the astonishment go across PD-nims face. Then he sees the one thing that actually surprises him. Acceptance.

"And who is this woman that you two are holding on to? It's very obvious she means something to you two. And from the looks on each of your faces she means a lot to each of you. I can see the love shining through from each."

My heart in my throat, I look at Chris, Changbin and then each of the guys. Stepping out of their grasp, I walk up to JY Park. Bowing respectfully at him, I stand up.

"Hello, Mr. Park. My name is Lynn Smith. I'm the one who discovered all the bugs and tracking devices. And to answer your question, they are just as important to me. I love them, exactly as they are. I don't know how it happened, or why, but I feel beyond blessed. They are my soulmates. The final 8 pieces of a lifelong puzzle. I always knew something was missing. Life had lessons to teach me before it was time to meet them. And now, our puzzles are complete."

PD-nim sits down, looking at Lynn. I'm not sure how this is going to go, honestly. Chris and Changbin both walk to stand beside her, their arms going around her. Changbin watches PD-nim, waiting. When he smiles, I'm shocked.

"Changbin, don't look so shocked. I'd settled it in my heart a while back that all of you had a relationship I would never understand. Yes, there are rumors. No, I don't let them get too far. Or I try not to. So this, somehow doesn't really surprise me. That being said, you know the public may not be happy if it gets out. So, I have suggestion to help some of it. It's obvious you all definitely love Lynn. One of you needs to marry her, so that no one can come across and say anything. And when you do, I'd better be invited to the wedding. And to the handfasting."

They all look at him in shock.

"Ummm, sir, we haven't even discussed marriage. I'm still recovering from surgery, so..."

"Why are you here then? Boys!!!"

"No, don't get on to them please. I'm nearly recovered. I'm fine. This was not a meeting I was missing. I was positive you were being tracked like they had been. You have someone in the company that has been listening, to everything. I stopped it in the studios and practice rooms. They've been trying to break back in, but my programs stop them. Just so you know, the little receptionist is in on it. I caught a conversation with someone, but have no idea who it was. This goes deep. You're going to have a fight on your hands."

"Well then. To legitimize everything, I am hiring you as a consultant. We'll post-date everything. Let's get it worked out boys that you and I together hired her because we had suspicions of things going on. Now, I'm going to leave you. Lynn, thank you. You'll be hearing from me. Let me know where I can send house warming gifts to."

With that, PD-nim walks out. We are left reeling from all that has just happened. Nari walks in, tears still fresh on her face. The boys all look up, realizing she heard everything. They rapidly look at me, now realizing I heard everything as well. The only two who knew I was listening was Chris and Minho.

"You heard us, didn't you? Now you know everything." Jeongin looks down. He had shared a few things today he hadn't shared till now. He felt ashamed and dirty. How can Lynn still love him? The tears that had stopped, started back up.

"Jeongin, look at me. I see what you are thinking. Don't you dare think I'll ever think that I'll love you less. You are my soulmate and I love you so much. What happened to you, to all of you, was not your fault. Never, and I mean never, will I look at you differently because of what you went through! Those sick assholes will pay, one way or another. Now come give me and Nari a hug."

He looks at her in awe, feeling the power of her words. She means it. Wait, she really means it. I gasp and a sob comes out. Jumping up, I run and scoop her up into his arms, making her squeal as he spins her.

"You mean it. I was so afraid. I was so afraid you wouldn't want to be with me, or any of us, if you found out."

I hug him even tighter. "I'll always love you Jeongin. Never forget that. You are my soulmate, as are the others. Nothing could make me not love you."

Chris grabs Nari, who hasn't stopped crying. She has been like a mother to all of them. He had a feeling she heard. He looks at her and Lynn's ears. Of course Lynn wanted her to know. And honestly, it is only fair her and Hanuel know.

"My boys, my babies. I can't believe we didn't know. You know I'm telling Hanuel. Or, you can tell him. Either way, he deserves to know. He's going to beat himself up over it, like I am. I know there is no way we could have stopped most of it, since it was before our time, but that doesn't make it any easier. I'm angry. And I'm with Lynn. I want to stomp them into the ground and destroy every single one of them. JYPapi had better follow through or he'll be included!"

I cracked up laughing so hard at the JYPapi. Chris is making gaging noises, which made it worse. Jeongin starts laughing with me too. Eventually everyone is laughing.

"Please Nari, for the love of everything good. Never call him JYPapi around me again. Ugh."

"Ok, ok. I won't do it again. I wish you could have seen your face though! Definitely telling Hanuel."

"Naur! He'll never let me live it down."

"Too late dear one! Now, come give me hugs again before I go back to work. Don't worry about dinner tonight as I'll send it to you. I love you boys like you are my own. I know I'm not your mom's, but just know you can always come to me. Hanuel feels like you are all his son's. We're here for each of you. That extends to you Lynn and your kids. We love you all."

We surround her with a hug. Pulling away, I felt a sharp pain. We all break away from one another just then. Ignoring the pain, I go sit next to Seungmin, leaning against him.

"You ok Lynn?" Seungmin looks down at her, with a worried look. He has a weird feeling, but can't quite place the feeling he is having. Shaking his thoughts, he figures it's just from everything that was just shared.

"I am now. I was a little freaked out to actually meet him. Promise me that the secrets stop today?" Looking around at them all, they all shake their heads. "We fight our demons together. Period."

The rest of the day is a flurry of activity as the guys get moved permanently into their new apartments. They had gone back and got the last of their stuff today. Like Hyunjin, they had donated most of their old furniture, with only a few important pieces being kept. Lynn kept the monitoring up all day, just make sure nothing drastic was said. So far, so good. JYP's phone had been hit a few times, but wasn't able to get through. Lynn knew she's pissed someone off pretty bad, but at this point she just doesn't care.

Over the next few days, Changbin stays with Lynn at her apartment. The more he thought about what PD-nim had said, the more it made sense. If one of them married Lynn, though it would put her in the spot light, it would eliminate some of the issues with them living with in the same building. There would be reason for her going in and out of their building. The more he thought about it, the more he realized he really wanted to be the one who gives her his last name. Not just because of what PD-nim said either.

He knows she can't have any more kids and that's fine. He had learned during his military days, that he is unable to have kids of his own. At first, he'd been devastated. But once he'd accepted it, he realized it wasn't as bad a thing as he thought. He just doesn't know if Lynn would be ok marrying him. He knows she loves him and wants him, but he knows her bias is Chris. He feels such an intense connection to her though. Ugh, get out of your head Bin and just go talk to Chris!

Entering Chris's apartment, his heart is beating like crazy. "Hey Chris, I, umm, I need talk to you."

"Hi Bin, what's up?" Turning, I take in Changbin's face. "Yo, what's wrong Bin? Why do you look so freaked right now?"

"We need to talk about what PD-nim said."

"Which part Bin? We've been talking to him a lot lately."

Taking a deep breath, I just say it. "Marriage."

Chris looks at Changbin. This was not a conversation he was expecting. Ok, well, he knew they were eventually going to have to have it, but damn. He takes in the very serious expression on Changbin's face.

"Binnie? It's you? You want her to be the one to officially marry her, don't you? Why Bin? You know she can't have any of our children, like it matters. My family knows I'd rather adopt anyhow, but your family..."

"I can't have kids Chris. At all. There isn't even a chance with me." Changbin hangs his head, as the tears spill over. It's the last secret he had kept from everyone. The one he was ashamed to share. He felt like he was less of a man than the others due to it. That's why he had never told any of them.

"Binnie. Oh my love. How... When did you find out?"

"Military. We all got tested. I can't ever have kids. I've been afraid to tell any of you for so long."

"Why would you be afraid to tell any of us? Jagiya, talk to me. Please." Chris grabs Changbin, pulling him toward him. I can't believe he has held this secret for this long.

"I was devastated when told. I'd always thought maybe I could use a surrogate. But even that was taken from me. Chris, am I even really a man? I mean, I know I am, but damn that hurt! So, yes. I want to be the one to marry Lynn. Besides the fact I'm madly in love with her, I just feel like it should be me. No, not should. I want to. I've wanted to since that first night. I don't know how to describe the feelings I have Chris! UGH!!!!!"

Jumping up, Changbin paces back and forth. Chris watches him, letting him pace. He knows there is nothing he can do to take the pain his love is feeling. Finally getting up, he stops him, pulling him in for a kiss. As much as Chan would love to be the one to marry Lynn, he doesn't feel the pull he can tell Changbin is feeling. He's watched them together. They definitely have something special, more than any of the others have.

Stepping back, he smiles down at his lover. "We need to talk to the others Bin. You know they deserve to know. And don't you ever feel less than again. You are everything to me. You are everything to the others. So, what if you can't have children! That does not make you less than a man. I am so sorry you felt the need to hide this from us. Please, no more secrets my love. Now, ultimately this is going to be Lynn's decision. Are you prepared if she says no? Have you thought about that?"

"I know. I'm scared Chris. Scared to talk to them. I know I shouldn't be, but I am. I'm afraid they will look at me different. Can we call them over? I need to get this done before I chicken out too bad. Besides me, I need to know how they'd feel about me possibly marrying Lynn."

Chris laughing, calls the guys over to Changbin's. The guys immediately picked up on the tension rolling off of Changbin. As they go by him, they each hug him. As they all sit around the living room, they watch Chris walk up, hugging Changbin from behind. It's as if he is holding him up.

"I have something to say. Please, just listen before any questions or comments. I've hidden this from all of you for so long and I should have."

As he begins telling them, Chris holds him tighter. He can feel him quacking with fear. Oh Bin.

When Changbin stops, he is terrified to look up. He begins to turn in Chris's arms, when he is stopped by someone taking his hands. Hands he recognizes as Jeongin's.

"Seo Chang Bin, don't you dare. You are not less. You never have been, never will be. When I first met you, I was in awe! Your rapping skills absolutely amazed me and still do. The day when I knew I was madly in love with you, I thought my heart would burst. I was so terrified you didn't love me the same. When you did, nothing else mattered! Please my love, never think you are less of a man just because you can't have children. There is nothing wrong with you my love, nothing! You are perfect as you are."

He ever so sweetly kissed Changbin, before pulling back and going to sit down. Each of the guys came up, expressing their love to him through words and kisses. Chris feels the love they have growing even deeper with each one. But, he knows there is one more thing to talk about. One, that he too, is worried about.

Changbin turns in Chris's arms. Looking up, he brings Chris's lips to his for a kiss. "One more thing to discuss. Are we ready for this?"

Going to sit down among the others, Chris clears his voice. "We have one more thing to discuss. Binnie, are you ready?" Binnie takes a deep breath. It's now or never.

"We were all there when PD-nim mentioned marriage."

Hyunjin watches Changbin's face. He thinks he knows where this is going. He's known it for a while. Him and Felix even talked about it last night. Though there are all definitely soul-mates, there is something special between Lynn and Changbin. They had all sensed it from the beginning, though none had spoken of it to Changbin. To be truthful, he and Felix were surprised Changbin hadn't mentioned it before! We think it might be due to Chris. He can tell though, that Chris isn't upset at the idea. No matter what, she was all theirs, period.

They all looked at each other, then at Chris. Chris could tell by the expressions they were all for it. The next thing he knows, all of them speak at once.

"FINALLY!" The all shouted at the same time, then laughed hysterically. Poor Changbin, sitting next to Chris, is left in shock. Chris pulls his lover on to his nap, snuggling his head into the crock of Changbin's neck.

"Shit! Do you have a ring?" Han looks expectingly at Changbin. If he doesn't, they got some shopping to do.

"Um, well, I may have one that is being held for me by my cousin? He just knows it's a jewelry gift. So, think we can go pick it up?"

Mass chaos ensues as they all jump up to get ready. It's late morning and they want to make sure they are able to sneak out. But before then, they call Don over.

Don is so confused when the guys said to leave without Lynn knowing. Which right now is no big deal as mama is taking a nap. He walks over to Changbin's. Before he even can knock, Jeongin opens the door pulling him in.

"Hey, what's the rush?" Taking in the nervous looks from all the guys, his oh shit meter goes into overdrive. "Um, guys, what's going on? You're kinda scaring me right now?"

"You too bro? They freaking called me in a panic! What's going on?" They've got Tony on a video call. Oh shit, something big is going down.

Chris looks at Tony on the screen and over to Don standing in front of them. "Well, we have a question. You all know your mom is our soul-mate. In a few months, we had already planned on having a handfasting ceremony like Minho and Han had done, but with all of us. First, we want to know if it's ok with you if we handfast to your mom as well?"

"Really guys? Do you even need to ask? Of course! As long as mom is good with it, so are we. We just want her happy!"

Tony notices Changbin's expression. Yep, there's more. He knows it. He decides to call him out, because he has got to get back to work.

"Spill it Binnie. I can tell there is something else you want to say. What's got you looking so nervous?"

Don looks over and notices Changbin's expression for the first time. Oh, there is definitely something else going on. Crossing my arms, I wait. All of a sudden it hits me. Mama had even mentioned it. JYP had said something about marriage. Wait. Does Changbin actually want to marry my mom?

"Um, yeah. I...well see...I..."

"You want our permission to marry our mom don't you?" Don looks on as Changbin stutters, going red and then has to rapidly sit down. "Oh my god, you do? And the rest of you are ok with this? I'm confused." Tony yells he is too.

"Yes, I want to marry your mom! Why wouldn't I want to? No, it doesn't change the fact that we are all soul-mates. But I feel an extra special bond with Lynn. I don't know how to explain it, but I've just found out that all of them (motioning to all the guys) already knew it. So yes, I am asking permission from you two to ask for your mom's hand in marriage." He sits there, ringing his hands as he waits.

Don and Tony look at each other through the phone. They'd known her and Changbin had a special connection. You could tell. There was just something about them when they were together that was different from the others. The both grinned at each other. At the same time, they both shouted "Yes!"

There were immediate shouts of joy from everyone. They make plans for dinner that night. Changbin is going to ask Lynn to marry him after dinner. Tony ends the call, knowing that so many things have changed, are changing. It's been a beautiful thing to watch and he can't wait to see what the future brings for all of them.  

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