Manifest: The story

By RandomWriter910

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[WARNING: This story may contain sexual activity such as sex (nsfw), rape & etc. Abuse, Murder, some cringy s... More

Chapter 0: A story begins with it's origin.
Chapter 1: Beginnings
Chapter 2: The Patrols
Chapter 3: Shadows of the devil I
Chapter 4: Shadows of the devil II
Chapter 5: Shadows of the devil III (⚠️)
Chapter 6: The one who has it
Chapter 7: The webs of New York
Chapter 8: The New York Arc
Chapter 9: His containment
Chapter 10: The Vans Family... And Vlad.
Chapter 11: The Kanomato bloodline.
Chapter 12: Society I
Chapter 13: Society II
Chapter 14: The Spanish Arc
Chapter 15: Back in the hometown (⚠️)
Chapter 16: Society III
Chapter 17: A talk between siblings...
Chapter 18: Vacation [Adumfor Arc]
Chapter 19: Case I [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 20: Case II [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 21: One closes, other opens [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 22: Society IV [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 23: Lurking in the shadows I [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 24: Lurking in the shadows II [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 25: Lurking in the shadows III [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 26: Isabella's rage [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 27: Power [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 28: The weeding [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 29: The festival of challenges I [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 30: The festival of challenges II [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 31: The Prophecy
Chapter 32: The Third Order
Chapter 33: The path towards a change I
Chapter 34: The path towards a change II
Chapter 35: The path towards a change III
Chapter 36: The path towards a change IV
Chapter 37: Lewd on the day they became a couple (⚠️)
Chapter 38: The path towards a change V
Chapter 39: A gift.
Chapter 40: Maria and Viki I
Chapter 41: Society V
Chapter 42: The order's meeting
Chapter 43: The Third Year I
Chapter 44: The Third Year II
Chapter 45: The death stone
Chapter 46: Nikolov I
Chapter 47: At the bar
Chapter 48: The Devil Council
Chapter 49: The Third Year III
Chapter 50: An interesting friendship
Chapter 51: Vladimir
Chapter 52: Maria and Viki II
Chapter 53: Loss of one manifestation...
Chapter 54: Maria and Viki III
Chapter 55: Nikolov II
Chapter 56: Iskra
Chapter 57: Alexandra
Chapter 58: Viki and Lubo I
Chapter 59: Mitaka
Chapter 60: The Mystery I
Chapter 61: The two sisters
Chapter 62: The Mystery II
Chapter 63: The Mystery III
Chapter 64: Issy
Chapter 65: The confrontation
Chapter 66: Amelia
Chapter 67: The Order's Decision
Chapter 68: A Ivanov reunion
Chapter 69: Seraphim 13's decision
Chapter 70: The place hidden away
Chapter 71: Back to the demon kingdom [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 72: Cursed Energy I [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 73: Cursed Energy II [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 74: Cursed Energy III [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 75: Nikolov III [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 76: The seal [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 77: New duties [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 78: Power-hunger I [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 79: Happy Halloween! [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 80: Power-hunger II [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 81: Power-hunger III [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 82: Power-hunger IV [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 83: Last year on the arena [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 84: The tournament returns I [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 85: The tournament returns II [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 86: Tatsumaki's report [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 87: Viki and Lubo II [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 88: Viki and Lubo III [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 89: Queen under the Eclipse [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 90: Endangered I [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 91: Endangered II [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 92: Nyan's escape [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 93: The High Council [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 94: His Resitance [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 95: The folder [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 96: A winner, a loser and a lesson I [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 97: A winner, a loser and a lesson II [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 98: The two siblings, that changed [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 99: The fate of them all [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 100: The hope of the demon kind [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 101: Back in the old days I [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 102: Back in the old days II [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 103: Back in the old days III [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 104: Short Intermission I [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 105: Short Intermission II [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 106: A being of a different kind [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 107: The Time is nearing I [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 108: The Time is nearing II [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 109: A time for beautiful fireworks... [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 110: Return to me [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 111: The next step of the Third Order [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 112: Nikolov IV [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 113: Preparation for the Festival [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 114: The Festival I [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 115: The Festival II [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 116: Tough Luck [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 117: Society VI [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 118: Upcoming war! [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 120: Japan, Asa's home [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 121: A pinkish trait [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 122: Familiarity or Not I [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 123: Familiarity or Not II [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 124: Chainsaw cutting through the Control [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 125: Bloody Path [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 126: Fub and Tat's visitors [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 127: Gem in the left eye I [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 128: Gem in the left eye II [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 129: Pinkish Blood [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 130: Upcoming Vidin Event [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 131: Enact the Plan [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 132: Maria's letter [Return & Round Arc]
Chapter 133: Mountain Crusher [Return & Round Arc]

Chapter 119: A success with consequences [The New York Festival Arc]

5 0 0
By RandomWriter910

As Emily came back in the base on the meeting table she sighs and sits down just on time too, she was still injured after her big fight with Vlad.

J: You look quite injured there sweetheart.

Emily: Shut it before I shove that hand of yours up your own ass in ways you never thought of.

J looks away nervious and sighs.



1. Devil Host [???]

2. Nature Manipulation [J]

3. Negativity Inducement [Jessica]

4. Blood Manipulation [Georgi]

5. Magic Manipulation [???]

6. No manifestation [Issy]

7. Energy Manipulation [Emily]

8. Artificially Enhanced Physiology [???]

9. Cloning [???]

10. No manifestation [???]


???1 stood standing as everyone else besides Issy who was in her organised room as he looked at them.

???1: Yurimo was defeated in battle, Emily and Issy are injured badly... It seems despite success we do suffer great damage and a loss.

J: Yeah, but now we have bigger issue on our hands...

???1: What could that be?

J: Well you remember that ancient demon sister of Nyan?

Emily: What about her?

J sighs and turns on the tv which shows dots and that purplish-orange dot was her, Diara which surprises everyone when her energy vanished for months after the whole events in Adumfor.

Emily: Damn... Wait isn't that UltraX's dot nearby?

J then notices it a greenish-orange dot with some pastel outline and he was confused maybe he thoguht it was broken...

???1: No... No... This is impossible, this thing must be broken there is no way they are in Japan right now, are you...

J: I think Diara is, but UltraX must be dead, oddly enough it tracks the body, not the living person itself, so which means she must be carrying his body who knows.

???8: Number 9 is in Japan as we speak. His clones are scouting the area for the War devil for the next step of the plan.

J: God, this is not good...

Emily and Georgi sigh as they thought it was not that big of a deal.

Jessica: The Demon stone is not in Elaina at all even though they have it, they hid it too well since nobody can track or sense them unless they have been a holder of one or used its power...

J: Which also means we will need Diara alive too and knowing the War Devil is controlling a girl against her own will, it is even worse since she keeps the death stone in her left eye and only that devil can pull it out without harm.

???1: J you seriously care about a little girl's yee?

J: You know my stance on this organisation and order's plans, but my nature goes against it so is Number 9 and his clones, he does not like hurting kids or people who cannot do anything against us.

???1: Hmph.

???1 continued looking at the TV noticing that the dot that marked Ultra was moving on its own which the others do not look at and he was irritated that his mission for the stones is gonna be cut short if Diara gets her hands on the death stone or even Ultra is somehow alive and goes for it.

Jessica: I recall Diara had the power to split a devil and the body they habit if that body's soul is living which is the case for Asa Mitaka.

Georgi: Well this will be interesting, if he is alive maybe I can finally see what managed to scare the boss so much.

Georgi chuckles as ???1 turns around and a slash hits the door cutting it in half with ease, that slash passed an inch from Georgi which cutted a piece of hair off as it fell on the table.

???8: It is not his favourite topic you know, especially with the new number 5.

???1 does know this might be the last replacement they can get after the deaths of some members, his sister, and Yurimo and then the betrayel of Amelia leading to shortening the numbers quicker then expected... He also knows that Emily is eventually gonna have a chance too so he wants to make sure she remains loyal.

Jessica: So boss, do we leave number 9 to do it or send someone else?

???1: Even if I wanted to say he can do it on his own, Georgi pack your things you are going to Japan via private organisation plane.

Georgi: What, really?!

???1: As of starter I want you to scout around Japan and if any sight of UltraX is caught...

???1 sighs.

???1: Fight him, if you end up near death just evacuate, you are too valuable to lose.

Georgi: Yes, boss.

Georgi gets up.

???1: With that today's meeting is concluded.

End of Chapter

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