Darkest Desires

By Cassie_brat

960 54 0

Aurora Gomez is a 22 year old girl, who had to learn how to survive on her own after the death of her parents... More

Description And Warnings
Chapter 1 - Aurora
Chapter 2 -Aurora
Chapter 3- Aurora
Chapter 4 - Lorenzo
Chapter 5- Aurora
Chapter 6- Aurora
Chapter 7- Aurora
Chapter 8 - Aurora
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 9 - Aurora

42 2 0
By Cassie_brat

I got home tired after classes. Having taken the bus again and walked for like 30 minutes, I am exhausted.

I knew I couldn't sleep though, I had to start prepping my defence for moot court. My opponent was my competition the entirety of law school, so I knew I  wasn't going to win easily.

Trying to fit that in with the studying I had to do for the bar exam, and the work I did at the club. I might lose my mind.

I had a big late lunch with Molly, so I skipped dinner still busy with my work.

After some time, my brain was too fried to continue. I took a long shower and wore my pj's to get in bed.

I kept tossing and turning unable to get my eyes to close. I huff. Today's girl was a red head, and my god she was loud.

I can't help, but drift back to what happened in the car. His fingers in between my folds, working up shivers that ran down my spine while he focused on the road as if that was nothing to him, a second nature of a sort.

He pleasured me without even trying, and I craved it again. I can't help but feel jealous, it should be me screaming, not her.

Damn it Aurora, snap out of it!

I decide to sleep with headphones with my music on loud after internally telling myself off and settling on how I could never let something like that happen again.

I'm not going to become one of his concubines, plus I don't even think I'm Lorenzo's type.

He seems to like women who are well off with supermodel features.

I may be beautiful, but I'm far from well off or being an innocent looking little princess who's probably never even had a single scratch growing up.

He definitely likes them feminine, delicate and I'm far from that...

Wait... why would I care what his type is?


I finally fell asleep after all the noise and only woke up in the morning when it was time to get ready for the brunch at Mollys house.

I got ready tying my hair up in loose curls, leaving two loose strands on either side of my face.

I put on the dress Molly got me and i cringe looking at myself in the mirror. It's pretty, but it's more her style, I'd never be caught wearing anything with pink flowers.

I sigh taking my bag with my changing clothes for work when she texts me she's here and I rush out. I bump into the red head on my way out, but not him.

"Nice dress." She says and I smile, and let out a quick thanks before rushing past her.

"Hey!" She calls out to me as I reach the bottom of the stairs, I stop and wait for her to reach me.

"I'm Phoebe", she extends her hand and I take it.


"That's a nice name" she smiles and I let out another "thanks"

She sighs, looking like she's battling something. I raise a brow, "look, I know you don't know me, but do you think.." she sighs, "Do you know if Lorenzo has a girlfriend? He's so closed off and all we do is fuck, but I want more you know?"

I smile at her sympathetically. She's been here twice now, but based on his record , it'll probably be her last.

He has one night stands, and repeats some girls I'm guessing if they're good , but the only constant girl I've ever seen him with is that bitch.. Satan, or was it Santana? Argh who cares.

I'm pretty sure she's the girlfriend, she walks in and out of the house like she owns the place, but I'm definitely sure she knows about all the other girls. Lorenzo isn't so discreet.

"You seem like a nice person, you deserve better than him. Trust me."

She looks down sadly, "I guess I have my answer"

My phone starts ringing before I can respond and I know it's Molly, "I have to go, but we'll talk more some other time?" I smile at her knowing very well I'll never see her again.

She smiles at me and nods.


I'm on my third mimosa now and I've only been here for two hours. It's as boring as I thought it'd be. Rich men talking in small groups about business, politics and women sharing the latest gossip.

I'm standing with Molly and two other girls as they share the latest gossip about some girl our age getting caught with a married politician and blah blah blah. I down my drink and tell Molly I'm going to get another before I leave them.

Sometimes I forget how different her and I are until she brings me to one of these things.

"Wow, I know these things are a snooze fest, but you look like you're on the brink of death."

I look to my left at the man talking to me. He's... handsome, quite handsome actually, with blonde hair cut short and piercing green eyes that go perfectly with his slightly tan skin. He's smiling at me and I notice the dimples on the side of his full lips.

"I don't know what you mean. I couldn't be having more fun" I fake a smile.

"Could've had me fooled" he smiles and extends his hand, "I'm Jake"

I meet his extended hand with my own, "Aurora."

"Like the northern lights? That's beautiful"

I blush for some reason, "uhm, thanks, but please call me Rori."

"So.. Rori, how come I've never seen you around here before? I'm pretty sure I'd remember you."

"I was dragged here by my friend.. Molly, it's her parents' event."

He narrows his brows, "You're friends with Molly? Well, can't say I'm not disappointed in her for not introducing us earlier."

The bartender finally hands me my drink and hands him his.. water, "You know Molly?"

He nods, "I work with her dad, I'm one of the doctors at the hospital."

My eyes widen, impressed, "wow, you look young to be a doctor." I giggle at his bored expression, "I guess you get that a lot huh?"

He nods, "pretty much.. What do you do?"

I sigh, knowing this is where he either becomes a perv or an ass. I don't hide what I do, never have.  I'm not ashamed of being a stripper, but with this type of crowd.. I usually get two types of reactions.

The perv: the one who throws out some sexual remark and innuendos that'll have me wanting to kick his balls and the ass; the one who thinks they're too good to talk to talk to me and, throws some crude remark before looking at me in disapproval and walks away. The latter's usually from females

"I'm a part time stripper."  I state blankly. His eyes widen and I think he waits for me to say I'm joking, but sees my blank expression, no hint of humour.

"Wow. That... I heard it pays well." He awkwardly lets out.

"It does, I guess."

"Well, that's all that matters right?"

I almost laugh at how uncomfortable he seems, " you don't have to do this you know?" He raises a brow before I continue, "You don't have to act like you're not tempted to walk away from me and end the conversation. You're uncomfortable. It's okay, I get it."

He relaxes and smiles, " uncomfortable? No, I'm not uncomfortable. I wasn't expecting that answer, yes, but that doesn't make me not want to stand here talking to you instead of them" he bobs his head to where everyone is in the garden.

Okay, that I didn't expect. I look him in the eyes, my brows narrowing, not believing he said that. He's not judging me because of what I do? That's new.

"Rori!" Molly rushes towards me, her long yellow sundress bunched up in her hand, pulling me out of this trance those green eyes had trapped me in. "Ah I see you met Jake, I'm sorry , but can I steal her from you for a minute. It's important."

His eyes still fixed on me, "sure, hoping to run into you again Rori."

All I can offer is a nod before, Molly pulls me and rushes us into the the house, "mind telling me where the fire is?"

As I try to keep up with how fast she's walking us up the stairs. She reaches her room and locks us in.

Panting and pacing, "he's here. He's here Rori". She heaves.

She looks like she's on the brink of a panic attack, my eyebrows narrow "who is?"

She stops pacing and looks at me, "the hottest man I think to ever walk on this earth."

My shoulders relax and I roll my eyes, " and here I thought somebody died."

She laughs, "okay no seriously, I know how much you hate men and I thought you might have needed saving... well.. actually Jake moree than you."

"What's that supposed to mean?

She laughs, "come on , I'm sure you were seconds away from telling him off.. and Jake's one of the good ones, he wouldn't deserve your wrath."

I roll my eyes in response as she sits in front of her mirror touching up her lips, "plus I was serious about the hottie. I see him like once a year and each year I just wanna jump his balls. Gosh I hope this is my year."

I groan at my horny best friend, "okay well let's go get you that hottie." She smiles and grabs me by the arm. We walk back down.

Across the lawn, talking to Molly's parents I spot Licifer. I internally groan already knowing this is the hottie Molly was talking about.

Why the hell is he even here? Everyone here has clean money. Well as clean as business men can get.

"I wouldn't mind waking up next to that every morning." She whispers before we reach them.

His eyes are glued to mine as soon as he spots me, I swallow, as the memories of yesterday come flooding back and I'm instantly throbbing down south.

"You?" Is all he says and everyone looks at me confused.

"You two know each other?" Mollys father asks.

"I work for him." I simply say looking to Molly, "Lorenzo" I mouth to her.

Her eyes widen in realisation and he gives her a once over, looking disinterested as usual.

"What are you doing here?" Lorenzo demands.

I roll my eyes at him, "Molly's my friend. With all the background check you did on me,I'm surprised you didn't know that."

He huffs, "If you think I actually wasted any of my time reading through your file, then you're delusional."

I don't t respond, but we seem to go into a death glare contest, until Molly clears her throat and extends her hand, "Hi, I'm Molly." She beams.

He only looks down at her hand, but doesn't reciprocate. Grade A arse.

"Mr Romano, is that you?" A woman comes up to us out of nowhere, "my husband has been trying to get a meeting with you for ages." She smiles.

He looks at her, "yes, well, tell the governor I've been busy, but I'll make time for him. Maybe."

More faces start showing up, all showering Lorenzo with compliments and praises like he's the president and it makes me sick.

I need a drink.

I sneak away from the crowd heading to the bar, getting myself another mimosa. Why the hell is he even here? Ugh!

I stare at the group, as people start to disperse and eventually it's just Molly and him talking. She's absolutely red in the face, probably blushing.

Is he flirting with her? Can he flirt. Maybe he's only a terrible person to me? He does hate me after all. I let out a sigh.

"I knew I'd find you back here." I look to my left to find Jake and my scowl is replaced with a smile.

"Are you stalking me?" I ask playfully.

"Nope, just a perfectly timed coincidence that we both ended up here again."

I nod, "of course." Smirk.

"Maybe... the perfectly timed coincidence could happen again? At a table, sitting down, maybe with some food accompanying the drinks." He smiles

He's asking me out? Even after I told him I was a stripper? I narrow my eyebrows, "You're asking me out?"

He lets out a nervous chuckle, "was it lame? It was wasn't it? Okay let me start over. I can get this right"

I laugh, "I think you did okay." I sigh, "I really wish I could , but-"

"Aren't you going to be late for work?"  I groan knowing who the unwanted interruption is coming from. I look at Lucifer, "go away."

He smirks, "I think she was talking to you." He says to Jake.

"No, actually, I was talking to you." I correct him.

He rolls his eyes, hands in his pockets, and stands there. That's it. He just stands there. I grow annoyed, "shouldn't you be catching your next prey or something ?"

He smirks, "don't tell me one good orgasm in my car has you jealous Aurora" my face instantly burns with embarrassment. Jake looks uncomfortable, "I should go.." is all he says before he walks away.

I rub my temples, "I don't have the energy for you today." I say about to walk away, when he pulls me by the arm, dragging me away from people to the other side of the house.. It's empty here, except the few occasional passers by.

He pins me hard against the wall and I let out a breath from the pain, " what the hell is your problem?"  I ask him.

"Shouldn't you be getting me my answers instead of flirting with some kid?" He asks angrily.

"Do  you get a kick out of being a pain in my ass Luci?"

"I told you to stop calling me that." He says as he places his hands on either side of my head, coming dangerously closer.

"Move." I breathe out and he smirks, voice low,  "do I make you nervous Aurora? Me being this close?"

He move his one hand to hike up slowly from my knees to my thigh in between the slit of my dress, "Do you want me to stop?" He whispers in my ear.

His fingers reach my inner thigh, dangerously close to my cunt. "Tell me to stop."

All I do is shut my eyes as my breathing gets heavier. I need to stop this. I have to stop this, but my already wet throbbing folds say otherwise.

He nibbles on my lower ear then places a soft kiss there too. His fingers find the band of my underwear.

My head tilts back and I grab on his shirt to keep myself from falling when he starts trailing kisses down my throat.. to my collarbone.

Somehow, I manage to pull myself out of my daze and knee him in the groin. He folds over in pain groaning.

I smile satisfied, "That's what you get for cockblocking you ass." I spit before walking away.

I definitely need a medal for being able to walk away.

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