To Love A Beast

By 8-Youtsu-8

10.8K 352 147

Chizuru's forgotten past comes back alive when she meets a mysterious fellow out in the forest. With her new... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 18

297 7 12
By 8-Youtsu-8

"Hurry up" Souji shoved Heisuke towards the water. He made a fist and yelled ,"Oi don't push me Souji!". Souji smirked and waved his hand so the young man can jump into the stream. Chizuru was crouched between the blades of grass, knowing Heisuke will manage to drown in 2 feet of water.

"I feel bad for leaving Osamu-san behind" she sighed. Souji grunted and ruffled her hair,"Don't stress on it Chizuru, he was asleep. Besides you promised to spend more time with me". In no time or place has she promised that, but she did feel bad for sneaking out without saying anything...even though she was kinda mad about the kiss.

"Aaahh!!!" Heisuke yelled as he attacked the ducks one by one, each biting him from top to bottom. Feathers were flying all over the place, Heisuke grabbed a duck but it snapped its bill on his nose. He threw the duck at Souji, almost hitting Chizuru.

The duck was making a big fuss, Chizuru had to coo it for it to calm down. Souji rolled his eyes when he saw Heisuke trying to pry off a duck from his cheek. He stepped into the water being forced to get his sock wet. But Chizuru quickly grabbed his wrist,"Okita-san you can't" she began.

Souji turned and raised his eyebrow,"Don't worry Chizuru-chan, I'll be back so don't miss me so much". He waved his hand, he knew she would start nagging him that he would get a cold and his condition could get worse, same old same old.

She still didn't let go of his hand, to test her patience he set one foot in the water,"Look Chizuru-chan, I got in already. I guess you'll have to let me go". She had those determined eyes that under no circumstance she will let him get wet, Chizuru tugged on his hand. Souji sighed, knowing there was no getting through to her,"Chizuru...will you let go of me so I can kick Heisuke's ass at catching fat birds?" he stated smirking at her. She nodded no, Souji noticed she was also clutching the brown duck Heisuke threw at them. This was giving him a great idea, he put another foot in the water. Chizuru let go of the duck and went to grab his other hand. In a matter of seconds, he crouched and encircled his arm around Chizuru's waist to hoist her up on his shoulder.

"Okita-san!!! What are you doing!!?" Chizuru cried, trying to get a grip on his shoulder and back. "Hahahah! Look Chizuru-chan, now we're both in the water!" he teased spinning around making splashes, and scaring duck towards Heisuke's direction. When he saw Souji having taken 'advantage' of Chizuru he ran to him and shoved him,"You pervert!!!".

Souji fell with a loud oof and fell in the water, so she wouldn't fall hard, Souji placed Chizuru over his chest. After the incident, she processed where she was and who she was on. Chizuru looked up to see a grinning Souji, he was nearly soaked. His brown hair managed to get fully wet and undo his topknot, he winked at Chizuru, making her blush. She hadn't noticed her hair was also wet but not as much, her ponytail got loose giving her a bedhead kind of look.

"A-ano, eto...O-Okita-san, I ..." her face turned redder tham it was before. Her body was pressed against his chest, feeling his rises from breathing. Chizuru's heart was pounding from either nervousnouss or excitement, she can't even look at Souji.

She started to slide off but Souji wrapped and arm over her back and held her face,"Don't be embarrassed Chizuru-chan, I don't mind being like this" he smirked. But for her this is a life threatening situation, it's still winter and they are both in the water, his condition will kill him in a matter of days. "But but, Okita-san..", he removed a loose strand from her forhead and placed it behind her ear,"Just enjoy the moment, I still feel like punishing you for not telling me the whole story mmm?" he said in a low voice.

Chizuru's P.O.V.

We were both wet, the water was supposed to be cold but I could feel my body warm up being on him. Okita-san was smiling at me, it's the first time I have been this close to him. My heart is pounding so fast that I'm afraid he could feel it. I was still a little mad that he kissed me without giving it any meaning, but I will admit I wanted to be 'punished' again. But even if I wanted him to, for me it somehow feels like being unfair to Osamu-san.

Okita-san's eyes started drawing me in, he smiled wide, the one that makes my cheeks flushed. While he had his hand on the small of my back, he held my cheek tenderly, all while still managing that playful look on his face.

"You're too busy with that other man, you don't even know what I'm feeling Chizuru-chan" he said, pouting a little after. What was I supposed to know? That he likes spending his free time teasing me? Even if it hurts me a little that he sees me than just that, I can't help but get all giddy inside when he pretends to be jealous.

He started getting closer to my face, without noticing I also started getting close. The hairs on my neck standed up, my cheeks were feeling hot, and I couldn't look anywhere else but his lips. It still was odd we were having a moment out in the open with Heisuke somewhere around.

Our noses touched eachother, what was left to make contact were our lips. I took a deep breath waiting for another teaseful moment, Okita-san's eyes never left my face. His grin was still painted across his face, all that it needed was to be touched by another.

What would be a weird and unexpected moment, was stopped when there was a huge splash of water, making us soaking wet.

No P.O.V

Chizuru scrambled off of Souji and began coughing out the water, Heisuke had fallen over when he was tackled by a barrigade of ducks. That boy never learned that animals don't like him. Souji grunted and narrowed his eyes at the blue eyed man fighting off a brown duck. Chizuru crawled back to the blades of grass and tried to hide her embarrassment. Souji grabbed Heisuke by the collar to push him so he can fall again,"Get another duck, I don't like that one" he grunted.

Heisuke spat out a twig, cursing Souji under his breath, he got up to get the duck once and for all.

Heisuke managed to snatch two nice ducks, only leaving with a few bite marks and a starting cold. Chizuru walked behind the men still too embarrassed to talk to Souji again, she didn't know what was coming over her. Souji was her friend, and she didn't want things to get awkward between them. He took notice of her quietness, she had her head down and held her hands together. Souji let Heisuke walk ahead, he won't get lost.

Souji held out his hand, Chizuru stopped and looked at it in confusement. She wasn't sure if he was showing her something on his palm or he wanted her to take it. "Don't leave me hanging Chizuru, take my hand. I want to walk back holding hands with you" he told her firmly, almost sounding harsh but yet assuring.

She hesitates to hold it but he did the work for her, he gently pulled her next to his side. "By the way, I still want to finish your punishment when we get back. I'll be giving Heisuke a beating before that for interrupting us" he sneered. Chizuru giggled, already relaxed in his hold.

Evryone in Kyoto mistaked them for being a couple, although Souji did flaunt it more than to Chizuru's comfort.

A sweet old couple went walking towards them, the old lady smiled at her husband,"Oh look sweetheart, remember when we were young and in love?". The husband laughed and gave her a kiss on the cheek, he turned to Souji,"So how many kids are you younglings planning to have?".

Chizuru scoffed on the question and was about to correct him that they were not together, but Souji laid a hand on her tummy,"Well sir, it so happens we are expecting a child until next summer" he grinned widely. The old couple gave them their conrgatulations and walked away, reminiscing about their early days.

Chizuru was so red, words couldn't even come out. Although the joke was harmless, many thoughts came into her head. Did he actually want to start a family? And with her!?

She was red all the way home, Souji smiling to himself, Chizuru didn't let go of his hand after the old couple thing. Heisuke went to kill the ducks he finally caught, he knows Chizuru hated doing such a thing. They both stopped at the gate, Souji really wanted to kiss her but played it cool.

She looked up at him not knowing what to say, Souji admired how her big cinnamon eyes got brighter after every passing second. He bopped her nose,"Wouldn't it be great if what I said were true Chizuru-chan?" he chuckled. She turned red and giggled,"Umm, I-I never thought about it"

"Oh? So you wouldn't want to have kids with me because I'm a weak man? That's low Chizuru"

"What!? N-No! That's not what I meant! I wa-as talking about now..." she stuttered, Souji started chuckling and pinched her cheek,"You look so cute when you blush Chizuru, I'll have to tease you more" he said in a low voice.

(His voice changed...) she awed, someone cleared their throat loudly in the background. Both turned to see a bruised Osamu leaning on the door,"I was wondering what was taking you so long Little One, did Green Eyes make you waste time with his petty chats?" he smirked. He groaned painfully as he slumped his shoulders. Even talking wore him out.  Acting like a spoiled child, he held out his arms for Chizuru.

Chizuru walked towards him to help him go lie down again, Souji put his arm around her shoulder,"Well you see Black Eyes, I was sure that she needed a break from taking care of your weak ass for almost three nights straight" he taunted.

"It's different compared on how you pretended to cough just so she would stay in your room" Osamu growled.

Souji slightly flinched at the last comment, hoping Chizuru didn't hear, (That sneaky bastard) he smirked.

Chizuru stood inbetween them incase they decide to go at it with eachother. Heisuke was calling Chizuru, the ducks were already prepared to be cooked. She reluctantly excused herself, afraid they would start fighting the moment she turned around. Osamu followed behind, limping ,"I'll go with you Little One" he sneered at Souji's direction, who smirked back.

In the kitchen, Heisuke had the water boiling already, he needs Chizuru's help with the rest. Osamu took an eyeful of Heisuke's bites and bruises, "Had a tough time didn't you?" he smirked. Heisuke narrowed his eyes threatening to throw a knife at him,"Urusai! We only got duck because you told Chizuru you wanted to try it, so be grateful!!".

Chizuru giggled, Osamu liked being in the kitchen because there were different smells he hadn't sniffed from, besides when Chizuru wasn't looking he'd take a small bite of whatever she cooked.

His bruises were fading away, and he wasn't so weak anymore, and it made Chizuru glad. "How are you feeling today Osamu-san?" she asked, she dumped chopped carrots in the pot.

"Better than three nights ago" he sighed

"I'm glad"

Chizuru accidentally made boiling water splash on her fingers, burning her,"Ouch!!". Osamu ran next to her to see what happened, Chizuru held back tears but the burn looked like it really hurt,"I'm fine, I'll just put cold water on it".

Osamu grunted, he grabbed her hand and started licking it. Chizuru flinched and took her arm away, Osamu grabbed it tighter and started licking,"I'm relieving the pain". She felt uncomfortable but not like she could take her hand away again.

Souji walked in and almost had a cow, he grabbed the rolling stick and smacked Osamu,"Bad dog". Osamu growled and punched Souji in the stomach,"Osamu-san!! You can't be hitting Okita-san!" Chizuru cried as she ran next to Souji to make sure he wouldn't have an attack or faint from the hit,"Well in all fairness Little One, he hit me first".

Souji scoffed and grunted while holding his abdomen, Osamu really did pack in quite a punch...I wonder why. "Both of you please stop fighting, someone will get hurt" Chizuru begged, straightening Souji's back.

Souji felt better, he smiled at Osamu,"Not that I don't want to slice your spine in half and feed your leftovers to the poor, but get out".

Osamu-"I was here first. You can get out"

Souji-"Well since you're closer to the door, it's easier for you to leave"

Osamu-"Well since you're such a pain in the ass, it's better if you leave"


Osamu (gritted teeth)-"Get out Green Eyes"

Souji (smacking top of head)-"Oi, don't bare your teeth at me"

Osamu was about to hit back but came up with a better idea. Chizuru was doing who knows what with the duck at the counter. Osamu winked and sneered at Souji before groaning loudly and swaying around.

Chizuru heard him and went to him quickly, holding his back and hand. "What's wrong? What is hurting?".

He pouted and hugged Chizuru around the neck as he nuzzled his head on her, "He hit me" he pouted.

Souji gawked and glared, prying him off Chizuru but she was consoling him!

"Okita-san, please don't be hitting him. He is hurt enough already. No more bullying" she scolded

"Excuse me??? He's totally faking it!" he exclaimed as he saw a grin on the dark haired man's face. Osamu clutched on Chizuru tightly, indulging on the back rub she gave him.

"Why would I fake? I am hurt. Tell him, Little One"

"Okita-san, I'm sorry but if you hit Osamu-san again I'll have to ask you to leave the kitchen" she said expressionless

"Chizuru!!" Souji gasped

Over the next period of time while Chizuru cooked and settled disputes, Osamu and Souji kept trying to steer her attention from eachother.

Souji was called in by Kondou and Hijikata. As much as he wanted to stick around and annoy Osamu, Hijikata would be put in a bad mood. They were waiting for him in the small room where they usually had their meetings. "I'm here Kondou" he announced. Both generals nodded at him and motioned to take a seat,"Something wrong?" he asked. Kondou sighed,"We are well aware about the situation with our new guest, Osamu-san". Souji kinda expected this conversation to be about him,"What about him?".

Hijikata cleared his throat,"It seems there is something going on between Chizuru and him". Souji smirked, even if Osamu liked Chizuru he couldn't give a rat's ass,"And? What does that have to do with anything?".

Kondou glanced at Hijikata and started chuckling,"Hahaha! Well I would've thought you would be bothered by it but I guess I was wrong. Anyways it's about the Choushuu.."

"Which is?"

"Due to the recent ambush, they made a clear point that we are not done fighting. Our men will have to be relocated to attack properly, playing such a dirty trick is not forgiven" Kondou said with much disgust in his voice. Souji wasn't suprised, in fact he was excited to get to fight again. He was never satisfied with the amount of killings, he always wanted more enemies down. "Then why only call me Kondou-san? You should tell everyone else, I'll go get them", he started getting up but Kondou stopped him.

"That's where you come in. I'm afraid that you won't be joining the battle, Souji"

He narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth,"Why the hell not?".

"You are still sick Souji, your weird flu hasn't gone away. I can't risk you being weak when we will need your strength"

Souji slammed the wall with his fist,"I can still fight with this damn cold! What kind of samurai would I be if I don't fight along with my comrades!?".

Kondou shaked his head, already used to his frustration,"Souji, your body is in no condition to handle a sword. They will eat you alive if you go". He had heard enough, he threw the door open,"I am not weak Kondou-san! I have to be by your side in every battle no matter what!".

He stayed quiet for a little and turned to Kondou,"Are you taking Chizuru?".

"Well...we were discussing wether it would be safe for her to go"

His anger was rising even more, Kondou would think twice about taking Chizuru to danger instead of him, he would not allow it. "Don't you dare take her in a place where she would be executed in a matter of seconds" he glared at Kondou, who was taken into shock.

"I can abide to that, if it would make you feel better, Souji"

"I don't want Chizuru knowing about this attack, Kondou-san" with that Souji stormed out of the room leaving Kondou with the words in his mouth. As much as he hated yelling at him, he can't help it when Kondou didn't want him with him, it hurt. He went to his room to calm down, he wasn't even hungry anymore.

Chizuru's P.O.V.

I didn't see Okita-san in dinner, I worried something might've happened. So before I went to bed, I brought him his dinner, heated up. I excused myself inside and saw him slumped over his futon while staring at his sword,"Um, I thought you might like to eat Okita-san". I placed the tray kn the floor to await his response, he just kept staring at his sword. "Do you think I'm pathetic?" he suddenly asked me. What hurtful words to himself, there shouldn't be any reason for him to think that way. Okita-san was a great person and a brave warrior,"Of course not, Okita-san. Why would you ask such an awful question?" I asked him, feeling his sadness.

He laid the sword on the other side of the futon and huffed,"Kondou-san said I wouldn't be fighting in future battles if I still have this stupid disease" he answered with much hatred. I suddenly got sad, his tuberculosis was slowly killing him,and I had no idea how much time will be left for him. I am actually glad Kondou prevents him to fight, his condition can worsen. "B-But Okita-san, maybe it's becaues Kondou-san is worried you will get killed" for some reason my cheeks got hot, I'm also worried he'd be killed.

I could feel his stare at me but I was to shy to look back at him, suddenly my brain decided to remember what he said earlier. "I still want to finish your 'punishment'", I wonder if he had forgotten about it. Even if he didn't, I would still feel bothered he would do it just to tease me. He got closer to me, "It looks like you want to say something Chizuru" he smugly said. I wanted to know if all the things he had said were true or just jokes, because my heart wouldn't contain being laughed at.

Okita-san probably knew what I was thinking, his grin said it all, I'm blushing already. He got closer,"Can I punish you now?" he said in a low voice, sending chills down ny spine. Not even Osamu-san's voice gave me chills but it made my skin tingle. I could feel his breath on my cheek, that's when I blurted out by accident," I don't like to be teased Okita-san". I put a hand over my mouth, Okita-san looked surpised. He was mad, oh no, I don't know how to fix it.

He held my cheek, like how he did down by the stream. His face was serious, I think I got him really mad. His thumb rubbed circles on my lips, Okita stared at them before looking into my eyes. His beautiful green eyes twinkled under the moonlight, "You think I only tease you for fun?" he said. Well yeah, that is the only thing he would do, kinda like a hobby. I nodded my head slowly and looked down, I heard him chuckle and grab the other side of my cheek with his other hand. He brought me closer to his face and grinned widely,"Oh Chizuru-chan, you are so cute". He nuzzled my nose with his, and gently placed his soft lips over mine. I was surpised at first not knowing how to react or feel but the tenderness of the kiss intoxicated me. I kissed him back slowly, and held his wrists lightly. His tounge crawled out and grazed my bottom lip, I opened my mouth to invite him in. My toungue found his and would caress it, his kiss was not deep but sweet. I was losing myself in his lips when I heard really low growls outside of his room.

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