Squad Collab Book

By Legendary_Etta_7

365 0 0

Featuring on the Crew of Legend's New Crew Special! Welcome to the new Crew of Legends! Watch as the leader... More

Eyrin: A Guide on How to be Separated.
Purple: To the Top!
Lapis: Admin War!
Mlm: Welcome to the Kingsisleverse.
Roleplayers: Truth of Souls.
StoryTellers: Show Time!
Etta: Tick Tock!
Eyrin: I'm the Knowledge Here.
Yellow: Wild Chasers.
Blake: Hoenn.
Emerald: The Clash.
X: Game of Conquest.
Lapis: Go Rock Squad to Quad!
Purple: Black Magic Voodoo.
Mlm: Welcome to the Hoyoverse.
Roleplayers: Now I Got You.
Etta: Blood Moon.
Eyrin: Warzone Insanity.
Yellow: Know Your Place.
Blake: Sinnoh.
Emerald: The Meet.
X: Fear of Love.
Lapis: Almia Shadows and Questioning Lights.
Purple: Bonding.
Mlm: Welcome to the Warriorverse.
Roleplayers: Secondly-
StoryTellers: Shocking Siblings.
StoryTellers: Deathly Meet.
Etta: Darkness of Sight.
Eyrin: Rivaling Against the Deathly Master.
Yellow: PA?
Blake: Unova.
Emerald: The System.
X: Land of Sleep.
Purple: Tear of Trust.
Mlm: Welcome to the Legendverse.
Roleplayers: Stupidity of Light.
StoryTellers: Buggy Problems.
Etta: Meet the Beat.
Eyrin: I'm Literally Messing with You.
Yellow: Topic of Usage.
Blake: Kalos.
X: Extermination Day.
Lapis: Ice and Flames.
Purple: Tired Problems.
Mlm: Welcome Back to the Pokeverse.
Roleplayers: Discovery and Fall.
StoryTellers: The Fall.

Lapis: Vampiric Bonds.

18 0 0
By Legendary_Etta_7

Lunick was a little shaky the following day, having spent most of it in the bed and then wounded up in the infirmary. Wendy apologized for something, but she pretty much took control of the Trauma Pursuit Division until he was back up. She had them continue the search for the Clan in hopes to get rid of one of the problems. That slightly backfired when nightfall hit.

Solana was separated from the guys while Spenser was taken out instantly. Murph panicked before he put up a barrier, blocking the attack. It didn't last as it was shattered and he was torn down.


Spenser stirred as a soft voice filled his ears. A haze filled his mind, so he had to shake his head to clear it before the voice cleared up.

"Oh, you're up-" Spenser sat up, everything blurring as he gulped.

"What-" The voice noticed something as he felt himself get pressed against a tree very gently.

"Stay here. I gotta-" Spenser had almost nothing else to pull, so he stayed where he was as shuffling filled the air. A strange smell filled the air as the person returned. "Sorry if it doesn't taste good. I promise that it'll help." He took the food, which turned out to be soup. His taste buds recoiled at the first taste. They weren't wrong about that. He forced himself to finish as it had cleared the haze slightly. They took the bowl as he shuddered.

"Thanks-" The person hummed before he was able to scan them. Brown hair, green eyes, really pale skin, dark clothes... and fangs. Seeing that, he pressed his back against the tree as the boy paused. Something must've dawned on him as he backed away.

"I'm not here to hurt you. That clan nearly tore you to shreds. I'm glad I was able to intervene." Spenser was quiet. The clan attacked? Fear raced through him as he looked around.

"Where-" The vampire paused as he got to his feet. "I had two companions. If they were also attacked-" Footsteps filled the air as Solana ran over.

"You're ok!" The smaller boy turned away as she hugged him. Spenser gulped before pulling away.

"Were you-" She waved his comment off.

"They didn't like my aura." Spenser smiled before she paused. "Where's Murph?" He gulped.

"He was with me when we got attacked... but he's not here now-" The boy finally spoke, having packed his stuff.

"I can go looking for him after I help you back to where you guys came from." They glanced at him. "It'll be a lot easier for me to bring your companion to a safe resting point rather than here in the middle of nowhere." Spenser nodded as Solana smiled.

"Thank you!" He nodded before they headed back to the Sanctum.


After leaving them there, the boy practically teleported to the caster's side. It wasn't hard to track a Covenant, so he was able to check him. His heart fell when he saw the bite mark.

"Brats-" A soft glow escaped his hand as the wound closed up and he could hear the blood flow start moving again. A gentle noise escaped the resting male as the vampire picked him up.

He got him back to them as they got dinner. Billy took him under Tiffany's guidance as the boy smiled.

"Thank you-"

"Of course. Take care." He was out the door before they could stop him. Spenser gulped as Murph trembled.

"Let's get him settled-"


In the morning, they discussed what happened the previous night. Lunick was with them, unable to speak for some reason.

"Vampire? Then why'd he help when his kind attacked?"

"I have no idea." Lunick scanned them as Spenser frowned. "I think we should go after him and ask."

"It's daylight. We won't find him."

"Yeah, but if we wait for nightfall, we'll be a target for an ambush." Lunick nodded, agreeing with the green haired male. Solana gulped.

"How will we find him?" Lunick seemed to look at Murph, who paused before pulling out a spellbook. An idea must've hit as he paused.

"Wait... Spenser, you said you got soup from him, right?" Spenser nodded as he got to a page. "Most Vampires leave an essence in anything they make. So we can track it with that." Spenser nodded as Lunick scanned them. He then pointed at Murph, Solana and Spenser before gesturing towards the door, almost telling them to charge. Solana paused.

"Are you sure?" He nodded before rubbing his face, pain instantly taking over. Spenser gulped.

"Right. Let's go."


Finding the boy wasn't hard. He was trying to get a fruit from a tree, failing miserably.

"Come on-"

He was nowhere near it before his grip slipped and he fell. A whimper followed as he made a coffin from his cloak. Spenser eyed the fruit before going over and scaled the tree. Getting the fruit was a walk in the park as he landed on his feet and knelt down to the boy, who had emerged from the cloak coffin and stared at the fruit.

"Thank you-" He took it with a gentle grip and latched onto it, snucking it dry of its juices. Once it had withered, he made it disappear before scanning them.

"All good?"

"Yeah..." He paused. "You guys are-" Spenser smiled as the kid stood up. "Is there a reason you're here?" Solana frowned.

"I have a personal question, but we're here to ask you some things." He nodded before he stretched.

"Alright. I'm ready." Solana hummed as Spenser got up from the ground.

"You're a vampire, but you are out here in the sun. Why is that?" He paused before looking at the ground.

"Curse of Sunlight. I'm not as attached to the night as I should be because of it." He sighed as he picked his head up. "The Unending Dragons don't understand that Giratina isn't the only good blessing. I was thrown out because my blessing wasn't good enough." He then paused. "At least that's what I assume was the reason. I don't actually know..." Murph paused.

"They never said anything?"

"All I know is that I got a weird marking on my arm. When I showed it to a higher up, they told me they'd look into it. They instead used that time to prepare a ritual that led to my banishment from the clan." Solana's book was out as she held out a hand.

"May I?" He paused before pulling up his sleeve, revealing the mark. She flipped through the book for a moment before speaking.

"Darkrai. Darn..." Murph paused.

"Darkrai? As in... the singular Blessing that can rival the God-like Blessings?" The Vampire blinked as she nodded.

"Blessings like Giratina can overpower it, but they prefer to stay away from it since it has something nothing else can affect. Consciousness." She put the book away and smiled. "Good blessing to have. Especially as a Vampire. Darkrai is one of two that are advised to not sleep at night and prefer non-human stuff." He smiled as Spenser hummed.

"Would you be able to help us with the clan? We've been trying to get them off our backs." The Vampire paused before looking at the ground.

"To an extent. I can point you in the direction of what to do, but because that was my clan at one point, I can't do much physically." He seemed to pause for a moment before continuing. "I believe that if I got a new master, then that would be different since I would be guarded from the banishment. But while that Banishment is in place, I can't get within a 5 mile radius of the clan home."

Solana glanced at Spenser as he hummed. This would be their one chance to strike the clan. Not only that, but a Darkrai Blessing assisting the Conclave would also benefit against future threats. He also considered what Lunick would do. Lunick wouldn't leave someone like this boy to fend for themselves, especially since the Trauma Pursuit Division's goal was to prevent that. He glanced at Solana before she nodded. She knew what he was thinking. Murph nodded as well. They knew that Lunick would agree and would be grateful for the added support. Spenser knelt down and smiled at the kid, who paused.

"Then if needed, I'll be that protection." The Vampire scanned him for a second before nodding.

"Ok... though... I don't know the incantation to-" Solana snorted rather loudly, giving Murph up as he tried to discreetly pull out his spellbook. The other two boys giggled as Murph shot a look at Solana, who had pulled her book back out to avoid his gaze.

"Excuse me-"

"Spenser, why are you trying to accuse me of something?"

"I'm not the one that threw the caster under the bus."

"Do you two mind!?" The Vampire's giggles hadn't stopped as he grabbed his mouth, trying to not seem rude. Murph was more focused on the other two, who lost it. Murph grumbled something softly before flipping to a page and going over to the kid, who regained his composure to not get hit with lightning. "There. That should help."

"Ok..." Spenser stood up as Kellyn scanned the page. He then gingerly grabbed the green haired male's hand and spoke in a soft voice.

"Siluno Intimieos."

A soft glow covered the grip before fading, showing a mark on the back of Spenser's hand. The Vampire nodded.

"There. That should do it." Murph smiled.

"Then in that case, let's get back to the Sanctum and update Lunick. We can also get you registered so you can help us out further." He nodded before Solana spoke.

"Before we go, we didn't get introductions." He paused before smiling sheepishly.


"Spenser. This is Solana and Murph."


Lunick wasn't in the Trauma Pursuit Division's area, so they got him comfortable with the Go Siblings and got his Dagger modified. Sven joined them to meet the new member before they started talking.

"Darkrai, eh?" Kellyn nodded. "I say, that's the strongest Blessing in the Conclave. Unless there's Magearna Blessings within." Kellyn blinked.


"Yeah. We don't have a lot of god-like blessings around here. So you might be the strongest." He hummed before the door opened and Lunick joined them. A faint voice escaped him as he looked around.

"What's going on?" Sven gave a worried look to the others as Murph went over.

"Sit down. You're shaking." They grouped up at the table so he could rest.

"That... doesn't answer my question." Spenser smiled before gesturing to Kellyn.

"Lunick, this is Kellyn. He's the Vampire that helped us last night. He's here to help the clan and whatever else we need." Lunick scanned him as he glanced at Kellyn. "Kellyn, this is Lunick. Leader of the Trauma Pursuit Division." He nodded before Wendy's voice bounced into the room.

"And a pain in the ass." They all sighed as she appeared behind the bluenette. She scanned Kellyn before looking at Lunick, whose face was unreadable. "Why do you take all the good ones?"

"Why must you barge into my territory while I'm deciding to kill off the Angel Crew?"

"You don't sound like you were plotting death."

"No one plans a murder out loud." She snickered before looking Kellyn over again.

"Vampire huh? You really want to work against your allies?" He had a better comeback than Spenser was preparing.

"Maybe they should've kept me as one. They wouldn't have this loophole." Solana snorted before the group giggled. Wendy smiled before Murph noticed Lunick had slipped away. How he did it was unknown, but Murph spotted a look of pain as he slipped towards the dorms. The others hadn't noticed as Wendy spoke.

"Well... since we found a loophole, what's the plan?" Kellyn hummed as Spenser realized Lunick's disappearance.

"The clan home is in the Chromo Highlands. Targeting the head of the clan and forcing him to back down would be a good start. Once then, the clan should keep their distance unless something intervenes. But... nothing should." Wendy nodded before Spenser paused.

"So... what should we do?" Solana probably went to say that it's Lunick's lead until she noticed that Lunick wasn't there.

"Good question." Wendy sighed before pushing some hair behind her hair.

"It's probably best that someone goes after the clan. I'll go try to get Lunick up, but you best get going until he is."


With Kellyn being able to get near the home again, he was able to not only lead them there, but get them through to the head of the clan. And their entry wasn't quiet.

"INTRUDERS!" Kellyn gulped as his dagger hissed, quickly cutting down Vampires while Solana's aura flared to life. Spenser was able to hang back, keeping a fully loaded rifle as they got to the head office.


While waiting for the team to return, Lunick was silent in the Angel's Crew Lobby. Wendy was talking to him in a soft voice as he listened, keeping quiet. Sven noticed before going over to Barlow, who was eyeing them.


"I have no idea." Lunick finally said something in a soft voice as Wendy nodded. He then got up and left, going who knows where, while she called someone. Sven strained his ears.

"Yes. Chairperson? Can I speak to you in private in about... 15 minutes? That would be great. Thanks." She smiled as she slipped out.

Lunick waited in his room until Wendy knocked. He sat up as she entered.

"Good news. We'll be able to temporarily link our teams so that you aren't getting stressed out. Hopefully that'll help. The bad news is that you may have to be the one giving orders to your team so that they don't think the change is permanent." He nodded.

"I'm fine with that. But until I figure everything out... I don't want to lead without direction." She nodded.

"Right. I'll text you everything so that it's not obvious." He nodded as she paused. "In the meantime, when your team gets back, get ready to look at your messages. I'll have the next task there."

After she left him to prepare, she explained the situation to her team. Sven paused.

"The others won't like it with how Lunick made you out to be." She waved his concern off.

"I'm going to send all the orders to Lunick. He's going to address them to that team. It'll be safer for both teams." Sven nodded as she gulped. "Meanwhile, I need all hands on deck to help Lunick be able to take control back."

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