Elysium Is Falling

By tallgirlwithsneaks

7.2K 1.2K 521

"People fear what they don't know and hate what they fear." * * * * I have never been fond of doing the... More

Part I
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
Not important anymore
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
Part 2
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~

~Chapter 10~

185 58 21
By tallgirlwithsneaks

( the continuation of chapter 5)


Hot tears ran down my cheeks as the cold blade of the knife was against my throat.

Jeremy's eyes were fixed on mine as I laid on the ground hopelessly.

"Jeremy please," I begged with my last strength.

Whatever he had given me in that juice had drained every ounce of energy in me, and I had no power to fight.

"Don't make this harder, Blake," he said. "For the sake of both of us."

He pushed the blade into my flesh a bit and then said, "It's been an honor to have known you Princess Blake."

I closed my eyes and waited for nothingness to engulf me but instead I felt something weird inside of me.

It was like a surge of energy passing through my veins making me feel like I was high.

I exhaled hard trying to calm down my restless body, and then suddenly I heard glass exploded. A cold strong air burst into the room and I could feel my hair whipping around my face and also how sharp pieces tore into my skin.

"Blake!" I heard Jeremy yell over and over.

Then suddenly he fell silent in between the chaos.

I kept my eyes closed, too afraid to see what was going on, but I could hear something being slammed hard into other things.

I curled my body and used my hands to protect my face.

Sharp pieces dug into my hands and I yelled out in pain.

The rushing air was making it difficult for me to pull air into my lungs.

I drew in the final drag of air and everything fell silent.

** * *

My eyes flickered open and I felt myself on a bed.

I looked down onto the colorful sheets and then around the wooden room.

Fear started to pound through my heart.

Where the hell am I?

I tried to pull myself up but I crumbled back onto the bed out of pain.

I groaned loudly.

I lifted my hands to my face and I saw deep wounds across them and blood spilling out.

"Honey?" My mom said as she burst into the room.

I froze for a moment when I saw my mom not knowing what to think or say but the pain quickly snapped me out of my trance.

"Mom, my hands," I whimpered as I finally managed to sit up.

She walked over to me and sat on the edge of the bed. As she was about to take my hands, I saw my flesh around my wounds pull together, closing the wounds.

"Mom, what the hell is going on?" I asked in a shaky voice.

"Hon, you need to calm down," she replied calmly.

"How can I calm down?!" I exploded.

Nothing was making sense anymore. Everything was feeling so surreal, then realization hit me.

"Honey , please"

"Jeremy tried to kill me," I uttered as I got off the bed and started to pace.


"Jeremy, actually wanted to kill me...but something happed which doesn't make sense but it did. And Somehow..."

My leg crashed into the bedside stand as I paced causing the lamp on it to topple over.

I watched in panic as the lamp fell, waiting for it to shatter into millions of pieces, but it stopped failing inches away from the floor. I looked at my mom's confused face then back to the lamp that was levitating above the wooden floor.

"Mom, am I doing..." I trailed off.

She nodded her head.

"But how's that..."

"Blake, I really don't know."

"Antonella?" A woman's voice called my mom.

"Pick that damn thing up," my mom whispered franticly to me then said, "I'm here, Marie- lee."

I quickly scooped up the lamp and put it carefully back on its place.

"Oh there you are," A woman around her thirties said as she entered the room. "I've done everything you have asked me....she'll be leaving by tonight."

"Good, good, thank you" my mom said dismissing her. But instead of leaving, she just stood in the middle of the room.

Mom signed, "I'll pay you your money once everything is done."

Marie-lee's lips pulled into a pleased smile then she walked away.

"What was that all about? And why was she so informal with you, doesn't she know you're the queen?"

"Honey, look at me."

I looked at her and I quickly realized that she wasn't in her usual attire; I was too engrossed in my pain to have noticed previously.

She was wearing a dark blue demine trouser with a red check shirt and her sleek black hair was tied into a high ponytail.

She differently looked different.

"So, we're hiding?"

"More you than me. Your father wants to kill you because of what you are, so I need you to get out of here."

I thought for a moment, how could my dad, my own father want to kill me? I didn't doubt my mother cause my dad's reaction to the whole 'not-being-human' thing was far from comforting but rather anger.

But something inside of me couldn't believe it. How could consuming love turn into hate over night?

"But Jeremy was the one...."

"You know, Jeremy. He's your father's puppet. All he did was the dirty work."

I sank onto the bed next to my mom and she pulled me into a side hug.

"Listen to me, Blake," she said. "Everything is going to turn out fine, I promise."

I wanted to believe that but I wasn't naïve enough to.

* * * *

"Here you go, girl," Marie-lee said as she passed a cup of tea to me.

Everything in this freaking house was wooden, the, the wall, the floor, the furniture. Everything!

Okay, maybe I was over reacting because of the stress of the fact that my Dad wanted to murder me was getting to me. And I was taking it out on wood.

I know, real mature.
I took a sip from the tea and placed the cup back on to the table.

"Well, you're looking different," Mom said to me as she entered the kitchen.

I had changed my clothes to a high waisted short, a grey sleeved shirt and a black jacket but it was tied round my waist.

I also ran water through my hair and let it air dry to take away my over polished and refined look.

For the first time in my life, I actually looked normal and that's kind of ironic consider the fact that my life was drifting further away from normality.

"Marie-lee, where's the things?" Mom asked.

"Oh don't worry, I didn't forget them."

She rushed out of the kitchen and returned with a leather backpack. She took the contents out of the bag and lined them on the table.

Clothes, money, medicine, passport, ID and some sort of ticket.

Mom took the passport, opened it, examined it and then passed it on to me.

I took it and saw a picture of me and next to it said 'Snow Sanders.'

"It looks real enough," Mom said.

"Mom, for the hundredth time what's going on?"

She shot me a look and I immediately kept in my curiosity.

"You know we're the best in the business," Marie-lee said with all pride.

"Of course you guys are," Mom said. "That's why you're so expensive."

"Perfection doesn't come cheap, Antonella."

Mom ignored her and continued to check through everything while she stood next to me.

When she was done, she took out a huge stack of paper dollar bills from the handbag and placed it on the table.

My eyes almost popped out of my head when I saw the money.

Yeah sure, I am a princess but no one had ever exposed me to so much cash.

The woman's lip pulled into a smile and her eyes glittered in delight.

"You remember the deal, right?"Mom added. "That you should keep your mouth shut?"

"Of course, Antonella! Once I'm paid I'm loyal to the end."

"Well, since we are in agreement over that, then it's time for us to leave...Blake?"

I took the last sip of the tea and stood up from the table. Mom handed me the re-packed backpack and I put it over my shoulders.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you, Marie-lee."

"You too, Antonella."

The woman walked us to the door, Mom and her said their final goodbyes and then we walked out of the wooden house.

There was a black car parked at the sidewalk and a man stood outside the car.

He gave my mom a nod and she nodded back to him. When we got closer to him Mom said, "Vous savez ce qu'il faut faire."

"Oui Madame," he said while opening the car door for us.

My French wasn't excellent but I was able to pick up some words like; "that he,' you and 'this'

Okay, so my French is crap.

We got into the backseat and he closed the door. Then he went to the passenger side of the car, he pulled out a gun from the glove compartment and then walked towards the wooden house.

"Mom?" I said in fear and shock.

But she didn't reply.

Marie-lee opened the door for the man and he walked into the house.


She still didn't reply.

There was an uneasy silence lingering around everywhere but it was quickly shattered by a tension creating gun shot.


I saw the man rushing towards the car and mom quickly said to me, "Quado se trata de segredas de quarto e uma multidao n definitivamente tres."

I picked up quickly what she was saying as this was Portuguese and it was like my second language.

"Wait Mom! No!" I yelled.

But it was too late

She got out of the car and shot the man in the head as he was running towards us.

Immediately, his body fell forward and hit the ground.

My heart was beating uncontrollably and I felt like I knew nobody. Everyone was showing me different sides to them that I would never imagine existed.

"What the hell, Mom?!" I yelled as she got into the driver's seat and drove away.

"I'm trying to protect you, Blake."

"By murdering people?"

"In retrospect, I only murdered one person. Xavier murdered the other one."

My brain started to overload. "Are you even listening to yourself? How can you even say that?"

"Listen, Blake. No one in this world is perfect. The ones that do pretend they are are even further away from it. So don't judge me by the methods I use to protect you."

I didn't reply.

She signed heavily, "I'm taking you to the bus stop that is out of town, we'll get there at sun set. Once you get on the bus you won't be Princess Blake anymore but Snow Sanders. You'll detach yourself from everyone in this place, including me. You'll start over and never once think of here."

I leaned the side of my head against the window; I could feel tears building up. I couldn't take this crap anymore.

"Blake, don't you dare cry," Mom said. "I know it sounds harsh, but I know you. If you start you'll never come out of it and I need you to be strong, hon."

Strong? Hell, how can I ever be strong?

I wanted to yell, I wanted to scream, I wanted to shout, I wanted to cry.

But Mom was right, if I cried, I would never be able to come out of it.

A\N Thank you so much for all your support and I'm lucky to have readers like you guys. Thank you for the 2.65K views, 445 votes and 212 coments. You guys are awesome.

I'm so sorry for the late update but school has been slowly murdering me :) as my final internal exam is in July and my external exam is in September and also my prom is in September.

But thanks for sticking around and making me feel like that I'm actually good at writing. 

Have a awesome Sunday


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