𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓹𝓱𝓮𝓬𝔂 𝓒𝓱�...

By user3456247

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A boy swallows a cursed finger-finger of a demon, becoming a curse himself. By the news that spread around Se... More



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By user3456247

Chapter 39: Prophecy's child
January 17th, 1988

The Council was having a meeting, discussing the current situation in the Jujutsu World. The Jujutsu Commander kept quiet as it listened to their suggestions.

"Commander-sama, May I?" Yoshinobu Gakuganji stood up and made his way onto the center which made the room become silent. The commander nodded, letting him speak.

"I wish to discuss about the prophecy that occurred us the other day." Gakuganji glanced at the pregnant woman that sat opposite of him. "Tsk." She scoffed with her arms folded against her chest.

"Suzuki-san, let him speak." The commander spoke. "What is that you mean, Gakuganji?"

"The prophecy said that a child will be born into the Suzuki clan. A daughter. A child who will have the power, just like Gojo Satoru's and his six eyes."

Gakuganji spoke and glanced at the leader of the Gojo clan also known as Satoru's father before he continued. "The Six Eyes is a rare inherited gift, unique to the Gojo clan. The prophecy has it written that this child will be the end of the Jujutsu World-"

Reina's eye twitched from anger as she furiously stood from her seat, her green eyes filled with anger. Her shadow was seen behind the wall of her seat, "How dare you?! Accusing an unborn child of such nonsenses! I will not tolerate such accusations on my child based on some stupid prophecy." She yelled and accusingly pointed her index finger at Gakuganji.

"The prophecy never fails! Just like it didn't with Gojo Satoru, it won't with Suzuki Asami!" He argued back.

"Enough.." The commander began. The two ignored and kept arguing, "How dare you even speak of my daughter's name?!" Reina's fist began being surrounded by her cursed energy with her dark hair that was lifted into the air with the same power surrounding them,

The commander slammed their fist against the wooden floor, "I said enough! Both of you, sit down!"


The woman came into the view. She had short pitch black hair that was the length to her shoulders, her skin was pale with her hazel eyes and a scar on her left side that slashed through the top of her eyebrow down to her cheek.

"Silence, Reina! You will address me as everyone else in this room! Now, sit down." The Commander, whose name was Hama, spoke with her furrowed eyebrows. Reina felt a touch on her arm as she was tugged down by the Gojo next to her.

"Sit. down. You know how Gakuganji is..he always has been Kamo-sama's little pet." He whispered into her ear before releasing the grip on her wrist.

"Gakuganji has shown me the prophecy and I had chosen to trust in it. My granddaughter will be trained from young age into a sorcerer and none of you will not mention the prophecy to her, Am I clear?"

Everyone said 'yes' except Reina who had her head lowered, "Suzuki-san, Am. I. Clear?" Hama spoke through her teeth. Reina glanced to the side, not daring to look into her mother's eye,


3 days later

A loud yell was heard from the Suzuki clan's headquarters. Reina was giving birth to her child. The leader of the Gojo clan bursted inside at the hearing of his close friend's scream of pain.

His eyes widen as he glanced towards the room who was in a huge mess. The windows shattered with the table hanging out of it, the remote thrown into the television with the lights flickering.

"Get off of me!" Reina cried out as she tried getting out of the nurse's hands who had restrained her. Gojo interfered and had shoved them all off of her, "Gojo?" She breathed out. Reina was in no state to talk, her eyelids were shutting close as she was covered in sweat.

"How long?" He questions, his gaze snapped at the doctor. "She's been in labor for about 10 hours now."

Gojo was shocked back by this. He crouched down to Reina's position and held her hand, "Listen to me, Rei. Do not close your eyes, okay? You're going to get through this...with me. I'm here for you..." He spoke in a calm voice, not taking his eyes off of hers. The two wondered where the father of the child was, but the white haired had felt she only needed someone by her side. And Reina's wish was full-filed, the one person she wanted by her side was her best friend.

"now push." He ordered. Reina let out a groan as she pushed the hardest she could. The Kamo woman felt strong cramping in the abdomen, groin, and back. Her muscles tightened at every move as she kept her cursed energy in tact of not throwing another thing across the room.

"Almost there!" The female doctor yelled. Reina's grip on Gojo's hand tightened as he held in the pain, "Come on, Rei. Do this for your daughter! Do it for me!"

After another loud scream and groan that came from the woman, cries were heard across the room. Reina relaxed as her head fell onto the pillow. She weakly glances at the Gojo and mouthed a thank you.

He simply smiled and stood by her side in time as they cleaned Asami, wrapping her into a blanket before handing her into Reina's arms.

"Hi, baby." Reina whispered in a sweet voice as she smiled at her daughter. "I'll leave you two be." Gojo spoke and was about to leave before he was grabbed by his wrist. He glanced behind his shoulder, "Please, stay."

After a second, he smiles with a nod as he watched the two. "Do you want to hold her?"

He was taken back by this question. "Oh, no- I mean, I would- I don't want to disrespect Suzuki-kun by holding his first-born child before him." Gojo waved his hands awkwardly, receiving a laugh from the Kamo.

"Don't worry. Ikari will get the chance when he arrives." Reina spoke with an eyes-closed smile and handed the baby into his hands. He noticed the short red hair that she had. Gojo held her carefully as his gaze softened, "She's beautiful, isn't she?" Reina spoke with her glance on the two.

"Just like her mother.." He mumbled as Asami wrapped her small hands around his index finger and held it towards her chest.

10 years later

Asami grunted every time she had thrown an attack towards Masamichi Yaga. They were in the training room as the man taught her about hand-to-hand combat.

"Come on, You call that a punch?" Yaga teased. At that time, Reina stood by the doors and peeked inside only not to be seen by the two. Asami panted softly as she glared at the man, "I'll show you a punch."

Yaga smirked and motioned with his fingers for her to bring it. Asami's body was surrounded with her cursed energy that soon turned into a black one. Reina's eyes widen at the scene.

The 10 year old Asami disappeared out of their sight and before Yaga could react, he was punched directly from the side-shoving him into the wall. He regained his strength quickly and glanced around the room, "Come out, come out, wherever you are~" He teased.

Asami was about to land another kick towards his head from the sky, as he dodged it and grabbed her leg. Yaga threw her across the room which in respond, she landed on her feet and glared at the man with a grin. Asami pushed herself off of the side and jumped from wall to wall with immense speed.

Thud. Yaga was defeated with a sneak attack he had received-Asami kneed his face and jumped back behind him before she elbowed his back.

Reina's eyes widen as Asami's red irises glanced directly into her green ones. The Kamo woman stumbled back and held her chest in fear.

Asami snapped out of her trance and rushed to Yaga's side, "I'm so sorry, Yaga-Sensei!" She began apologising and helped him to his feet with worry and apologetic look in her eyes.

Gakuganji was correct about it all. Asami Kamo Suzuki is destined to be the ruler of them all..the whole Jujutsu World.

"The red haired leader will lead the Jujutsu World into their prime era once again. With her by their side, she'll lead them to every victory. Her destiny is to be the light and darkness to the whole world; Her kindness, selfness and love will bring the light into the world, while her temper, uncontrollable power will bring the darkness. No man nor woman will not respect her or her commanding presence.."

Hama's words echoed through Reina's mind as she spoke what Gakuganji has told her what he read in the prophecy. Realisation hit the mother,

Asami is The Prophecy's child.

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