King of the hero's |My hero a...

By _kosu_

91.2K 1.5K 1.3K

In this timeline, Izuku Midoriya was born with the Gum Gum quirk, which allows him to stretch and blow up his... More

My rubbery quirk
Training with All Might
The UA entrance exam
Class A's introduction
Gum Gum vs Santōryū
Class A's battles and leader
The USJ incident Part 1
The USJ incident Part 2
Sports festival preparations
The obstacle course
A kids game????
A Perfect Duo
A burning family
Uraraka's Will
Gum Gum vs Diable Jambe
An Immovable Object vs An Unstoppable Force
The sports festival's winner
A King's Meal
A deal with the devil
Class A's interships
Kodomo Yūsutasu and The Old Man
Deku's Bizarre Adventure
Three Girls One Rabbit And Guardian Dog
A Burning Friend
The calm before the storm
The Hero Killer Stain
A New Dawn
Class A's Reunion
The Final Exam
Class A's Resolve
A Fateful Encounter
The Summer Camp
His Hero
A lost friend
Tomura's Master
All Might vs All For One
Gifted blades
Akuyaku Gakkō
The hero licensing exam
Izuku Midoriya Vs Katsuki Bakugo
The Big Three
David's Mistake
Chisaki's Deal
The Lagoon Squad
The Lagoon Squad vs The League of Villains
The Deku Agency's Will
Kai "Overhaul" Chisaki
Lemillion's Rage
Shigaraki's Message
Unexpected Reunions
Hidden Talent
A Gentle Man
A Bouncy Battle
The Number Two Hero: Endeavour
Tomura's Statement
Class 1-A's Tournament
Class A's Decisive battles
Class A's Decision
Distant Memories
Intermission Chapter [Explanation on all of my OC's]
Poking The Bear
Australia's Last Hope
The WhiteStache Agency
The Justice Association
Loose Ends

A New Threat

318 4 14
By _kosu_

Cover Story: Mina and Tsu work together on a class hero training exercise.


"You two must be Nine's subordinates." Revy grinned as she looked at the red-haired woman and wolf man.

"And you two must be Shigaraki's. I think it'll be best if we were to just cut straight to the point and discuss why we're here, don't you think?" The wolfman proposed, making Dabi smirk.

"We should. Now, we have a proposal. You join us, you get protection from the Heavenly Demon and Sand King, along with that the pay will be good and we've already got Overhaul on our side. We're a growing army that can use your help."

Thinking over the man's words, the two looked at each other and activated their quirks, but in retaliation, the two LoV members snarled.

"What do you think you're doing?" The two growled, immediately making the two stand down.

"They're strong." The wolfman noted as he felt the pressure of Revy and Dabi lift off of him.

"Then I guess they mean business." A white-haired man announced as he walked out of the shadows to stand next to his companions.

Looking at Dabi and then at the man, Revy pulled out her guns, but before her companion could say anything, the white-haired man raised his hands in the air to signify that he was harmless.

"Two hands Revy, you have my utmost respect, I wouldn't want to fight you when we're here to make deals." The man smiled while lowering his hands.

"So you're Nine, it's nice to meet you." Dabi grinned as he stuck his hand out to be shaken.

Looking at the man's hand, Nine stared into his eyes and then shook it, "It's nice to meet you too, I don't think I've heard of you before. What's your name?" Nine asked.

"Dabi, I'm fairly new around here," Dabi revealed, gaining a little laugh from Nine.

"I see I see, well then, your proposal seems very intriguing and does sound nice, but I need one thing. As you can see, I have machinery equipped around my face and all around my body due to a surgery I had a while ago. If I use my quirks too often my body... deteriorates, my body isn't suited for the quirks I've obtained so for a while I've been trying to find a healing quirk that allows me to heal my injuries while I simultaneously use my many quirks. If you can promise that you will help me find a quirk that suits my needs, I'll happily join." Nine proposed.

Looking at each other, the two LoV members smirked, "That should be easy, really good healing quirks are rare but they can be found here and there." Revy said, meeting the man's demands.

"Then, I guess I'm a member of the League of Villains. My group will also become a part of it, but only I have full control over them. They may accept commands from you, but if I tell them to do something they'll listen to me." Nine stated.

"That's fine, personally I don't care, it'll be the boss who does." Dabi shrugged.

"I see, well then What's our next move, do we come back with you?" The red-haired lady asked.

"Well yeah, but isn't there meant to be another member of your group?" Revy noted, looking around to see if they were in the room.

"I'm right here." The mummified man stated as he descended from the ceiling using the red bandages that covered his entire body.

Drawing her guns, Revy pointed toward him and hovered her finger over the trigger. "Stand down, he seems to be really good at hiding his presence. That's good," Dabi thought out loud. "Well then let's get going, our car has enough space to fit us all in it," Dabi said while smiling.

"No, it doesn't, there's only enough room for five of us," Revy stated, giving him a confused look.

"Then I guess you'll have to sit on my lap." Dabi grinned as she rolled her eyes.

"I should shoot you for this shit." Revy snapped back, pointing one of her guns at Dabi's crotch area.

"I'd burn the bullet before it'd hit me, relax." He stated before walking away and leaving Revy with an annoyed look on her face.

"Fucking dunce."


(Somewhere in London)

"Oi, Vista what's going on?!" A pineapple-looking man yelled through his earpiece while gliding through the hair.

"Everyone, where I'm at, has been dealt with, what's your situation, Marco?" Vista said as he knocked the final lackey down onto the floor.

"I'm flying over to thatch right now bu-" Before Marco could finish his sentence, he heard a booming laugh from behind as a grand presence leapt passed him.

"Marco! Tell everyone to regroup in Piccadilly, I can sense his presence!" Whitestache demanded before landing in Piccadilly Circus.

Halting himself to a stop, Marco hovered in the air before switching channels to announce his commands to every member of their team. "Listen up everyone, make your way to Piccadilly Circus, Wolfram is here!" The phoenix-looking pineapple announced before diving down and joining his leader on the front lines. "Pops, I've told everyone what's next?"

"Support me with healing and take out whoever comes near until the rest arrive, I want to deal with Wolfram." Whitestache grinned before Wolfram slowly descended from the sky.

"Whitestache, you've been waiting for me eh?!" Wolfram smirked.

Spinning his naginata around in his hand, Whitestache only met Wolfram's gaze before stating, "You've done a great deal of bad over the years but nothing has topped what you did recently. Taking the life of one of my dearest brother's wife is an unforgivable sin, I should take your life right here and now but only my brother and his family have a say over that." Whitestache stated, making the villain only smirk even more.

"I'm far stronger than the last time we met." Wolfram calmly retorted.

"We'll see about THAT!" Edward shouted as he cocked his fist back and punched the air, sending a massive quake toward Wolfram who dodged out of the way.

Immediately, Wolfram shot metal beams up out of the ground to attack Whitestache but they were destroyed by Marco who made a massive blast of fire that destroyed the beams, allowing Whitestache to continue his assault.

"Don't run!" The blonde man yelled as he jumped up into the air to swing his sparking naginata at the villain, forcing him to block.

"You're still as fast as ever aren't you?" Wolfram stated before kicking the hero in the stomach, knocking him into a building behind him.

Noticing that all of the civilians had evacuated and that most of the team was nearly at their location, Marco sighed and flew up to Wolfram. "You're outnumbered, just leave, when Pops gets up you'll lose." He bluntly thought out loud.

"Move bird," Wolfram grunted as he appeared in front of Marco with a sparking fist to punch him in the face, sending him flying through multiple buildings.

"Hurting my sons will not be tolerated!" The blonde man declared as he smashed his sparking fist into Wolfram's stomach, sending a massive tremor through the man's body before knocking him away.

Landing in a random office block halfway across the city, Wolfram began to mutter to himself as blood gushed from his mouth. "He's too strong to be dealt with, he's an All Might level threat... there's only one way I can beat him." He coughed as he sat up, only to be pushed down by a familiar figure.

"Sit down Wolfram, do what you need to do here, I'll distract them." A green-skinned woman stated before using her vines to help her travel across the city.

"She said she wouldn't help me, I guess she still has a soft spot for me." The man chuckled, wiping blood from his mouth with his left hand while using his right hand to ascend himself into the air. "If we succeed Master will have no choice but to make us the head of his new society." Wolfram grinned as the ground beneath him began to shake. "I am metal and metal is me, metal is everywhere so I AM EVERYWHERE!" The criminal chanted.

Where the ongoing battle was raging, pieces of the ground began to crumble as cars, underground trains, pipes and metal minerals that were stored in the ground began to erupt from the ground and into the sky.

Striking Whitestache in his rib, Gale smirked before turning around. "He's done it." She stated, walking away from the hero in front of her to watch the destruction around her.

"He's... there's no way his quirk should be this strong. So the device Shield made was as strong as I was told." The hulking blonde hero gasped. "I won't allow my city, no my country to be destroyed!" The man declared as he leapt passed Gale only to be grabbed by one of her vines.

"You're not going anywhere Newgate." She mischievously grinned before being engulfed in flames by an unknown source.

"Shit, it looks like I'm late, but not too late." A feminine voice stated from on top of a building.

"You took your sweet time getting here Spades!" Whitestache yelled, gaining a laugh from his former student.

"Sorry pops, Father wanted me to stay for a bit longer, but I'm here, I'll hold her off, go get him and bring him back, I have a few words for him." Spades responded before diving down shooting multiple bullets of fire at the stunned Gale.

Snapping the vine that was holding him suspended in mid-air, Whitestache descended down to the ground before leaping once again to see the levitating Wolfram in the sky.

"Ah, so she couldn't keep you." The criminal stated.

"Of course not, there are only a handful of people who can and she isn't one," Whitestache replied.

"Then I guess I must be on that LIST!" Wolfram shouted before caving the ground around Whitestache to dig him deep underground.

In response to this attack, Whitestache cocked his fist back and punched it against the air forcing a major tremor throughout the city and Wolfram's manipulation to halt long enough for him to leap out of his hole and slash at him.

"Not so-ARGH!" Wolfram winced as Whitestache followed up his failed slash with a quake smash to the face, sending him rocketing down to the ground.

"I'm not done with you!" Whitestache declared as he used his amazing strength to propel himself down to the ground. With his Naginata coated in his haki and his quirk at the end of the blade, the man planned on taking Wolfram right there on the spot. "YOU'LL PAY FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE!" The hero yelled before crashing his blade into the villain's sternum, sending a tremor throughout the country and destroying where they currently were.

"ARGH!" Wolfram cried out as blood spurted from his mouth.

Inside the city, everyone began to run as the city collapsed in on itself. "Pops is being too reckless, what's wrong with him, the government is gonna be on his ass!" Marco stated while picking up civilians to take them to a safe area.

"It's probably because of Wolfram's destruction of the country, he was tearing everything up, not just here!" Vista replied.

"The country? I thought it was just this city!" Marco replied as he flew up higher to see what outside of London looked like. "My... God." He gasped as he saw parts of places torn up.

Realising how high up they were, the civilians being held by Marco's feet began to scream.

"Oh, my bad, let's go back down." He sighed as he descended down to his comrades. "Thatch, take them somewhere safe, Vista and Haruta come with me," Marco demanded, picking up his comrades and flying them toward Gale and Spades who were exchanging blows.

"It feels like your buddy just got the beating of a lifetime, are you sure you don't want to go and help him." Spades grinned before burning another vine.

"Your awfully cocky for someone who just lost their mother, could it be that you never really cared for your mother?" Gale responded, angering Spade.

"Don't you ever talk about my mother's death like that again!" Spades roared as she created two massive fire dragons.

"You're still easy to provoke I see." The African criminal smirked while enveloping herself in her vines to shield herself.

"TAKE THIS YOU BITCH!" Spades shouted, sending her two fire dragons to destroy Gale only for the criminal to appear behind her from the ground and stab her through the stomach with a wooden blade. "ACK!"

"Hehe, you're shortsighted as ever, you thought I wouldn't travel through my vines to get to you," Gale stated while pointing to the ground that was replaced by her vines due to the concrete before being destroyed.

"Shit, let go!" Spades pleaded as she incinerated the haki-covered wooden blade sticking through her. Using her quirk, Spades flew away from the criminal.

"Well, I think I've had enough fun with you, I'll be going now, don't miss me too much," Gale laughed before sinking into her vines and travelling toward the unconscious Wolfram who was lying in front of Whitestache.

Clutching his chest, the blonde hero began to breathe heavily as his vision became blurry. "I overdid it again, but he wouldn't have gone down if I hadn't used that much force." The man stated, taking a step back to sit on a random piece of debris.

Appearing out of the ground, Gale wrapped up her teammate and stared into Whitestache's eyes. "Taking a break after nearly destroying your country? What a noble man." She quipped.

"You poisonous witch, do you know how hard it is to use my full might ever since that day?!" The man barked.

"I have a faint idea, but that's none of my business. You may have won this battle, but even you know I'm winning the war." She smiled.

"I should kill you both right now," Whitestache stated to himself as he clenched his fist.

"And kill yourself in the process? You do seem like the type of fool to do such a thing, but you can't since who will be left to pay for the mess you created." Gale replied, gaining a sigh from the pro.

"You've won this time, just take your man and leave." The hero coughed.

"Goodbye Edward Newgate."


In a flat somewhere in Musutafu, a familiar green-haired woman was fixing her son's vacant room before she heard a knock on the door. "Mhm, who's that?" She wondered before leaving her son's room and opening the door. "Oh erm, All Might, what are you doing here?" Inko asked with a curious look.

"I know this is abrupt but you're gonna have to come with me, I'll allow you to pack your things and whatnot, but you're going to have to come with me," Toshinori responded.

"May I ask why?" Inko inquired.

"There are two reasons, UA believes your safety is at risk and... your son has a child that we need you to look after. She's only happy around him so we assume she'll be fine around you as well."

Immediately Inko focused on the word, 'Child' and her mind began to spin. "My baby boy is a... father? And so young... I'm gonna beat that delinquent when I see him!" She yelled with her fists clenched.

"No no, it isn't his he saved the child from Kai Chisaki. Usually, we would look after her especially since her quirk is very dangerous and valuable, but she only likes Izuku and a handful of students Mrs Midoriya."

Pausing for a moment, Inko unclenched her fists and smiled. "See that's my boy, he's such a good boy saving innocent lives and looking after them even if he has school." She smiled, clasping her hands together while thinking of her son running around and playing with a toddler.

"I can never put a finger on this family. Anyway, don't worry about your job, we've already told them about the situation and UA will compensate you handsomely." Toshinori continued.

"Ah right, okay, that's fine anyway I was planning on leaving them anyway. Being a manager of the financing department gets boring after a while you know. The only thing you find interesting after a while is the recruits, it's so fun to see the internees stumble about and pretend to be professional." She rambled, allowing All Might to connect the dots in his head.

"So that's where Midoriya gets his mumbling from." He whispered to himself.

"Anyway, I'm gonna finish up this curry I'm cooking and then start packing. Come in and sit down." Inko smiled.

Looking at his watch, Toshinori nodded and closed the door behind himself. Turning around, he saw Inko walk over to the stove and continue to cook. Observing her, he felt himself feeling entranced by her. "I haven't asked Izuku many questions about his father so could you tell me about him? I heard he's not here, he's apparently in America." Toshinori asked, walking over to the dining table,

"Hisashi died after taking a trip to America shortly after Izuku was born, you'll know about the incident, it was the incident where you and Star and Stripes first teamed up." The woman revealed, making the pro gasp.

"Ah yes, I remember that day clearly, many were lost but many were saved. I apologise for not saving your husband." Toshinori apologised.

"It's fine, I got over that years ago. The only thing I regret about the whole thing was lying to Izuku, I didn't want him to know that his father died at such a young age. I was gonna tell him when he got to twelve, but he doesn't ask about his father. It's like he's just accepted he's not here." Inko stated, making Toshinori smile.

Standing up, the hero walked over to the stove to help the woman, "Your boy reminds me of myself a lot. When I was younger my father also died in an accident and my mother told me he had gone away for a long time too just like Izuku I accepted that my father wasn't a part of my life so his existence didn't mean too much to me. Oh and here's the pepper." He explained, taking Inko by surprise.

"I see and is your mother still with us?" Inko asked.

"She... died of an illness when I was thirteen. She'll forever be dear to me." The blonde man smiled sombrely.

"Don't worry I'm sure you've made her more than proud." Inko smiled as she chopped up the last peppers to go inside the curry. "So what about your love life, I know you have a secret girlfriend out there." Inko joked, nudging the pro only for him to chuckle and scratch his head.

"I... haven't had a girlfriend in nearly thirty years."

Dropping her knife on the board, Inko stared at the pro with a shocked expression. "You're kidding me, right? I mean I get if it was like ten years, but nearly three decades?!"

"I know, I know it's bad. But every woman wants a hero until he's busy every day." Toshinori sighed, making Inko laugh.

"I can see how it can be frustrating, but I don't think it's that bad. I'll be honest, most women nowadays only want the luxurious life being a hero brings they don't understand how hard it is." Inko said, taking All Might by surprise.

"Yeah, that's... exactly it." He replied before passing her some seasoning.

For the rest of the afternoon, the two would talk and discuss their experiences before Inko decided to begin packing.

Once she was done, All Might took her to UA where she would begin another chapter of her life.

(DONE, for a chapter that had 0 planning, I'm quite happy for myself, did you guys like it or Nah? I will say though that all the actions in this chapter do have consequences and I do know that so don't worry, I have the ending planned out (even starting from at least an arc before the last arc) it's only this arc and the next two arcs that I don't have planned out perfectly, but that's fine, I know my end goal so the middle should be fine.

Anyway, here are some of the new characters that appeared in this chapter (Gale isn't new so if you wanna see her go to "A New Dawn" to see what she looks like:

Whitestache (Edward Newgate)

The Phoenix (Marco)

The Flower (Vista)



Chimera (Chojuro Kon)

Slice (Kiruka Hasaki)

Mummy (Hoyo Makihara)

(P.S All WB pirates aside from Blackbeard and
Jozu are in England)

Anyway, those are the new characters for this chapter

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