Holding On to Silence Until;...

By Anonymous_QueenDom

394 40 0

This will be the story Crowded Silence, but in our male lead's POV. If you did enjoy reading my first ever st... More

1 | Art Gallery
2 | Alone
3 | Strangers to Friends
4 | Friends to Brothers
5 | Grief
6 | Holding On to Silence
7 | Until; You Came Along
8 | Meeting Again
9 | Confessions and Promises
10 | Family and Friends
11 | All About Her
12 | Knowing You
13 | Creating Memories
14 | Think Before You Speak!
15 | Hush-hush
16 | Surprise! Surprise!
17 | There's More to It
18 | Will She?
19 | That Was Her!?
20 | Best Friend's Sister
21 | To Do List
22 | True Gem
23 | Wedding Eve
24 | You May Now
25 | Let It Out
26 | Vacation
27 | I Asked, She Told
28 | What're We In, 1756?
29 | Conflict
30 | Mom's Past
31 | The Appropriate Specialist!
32 | Reports
34 | A Strong Rival
35 | Delayed By An Hour
36 | Fathers
37 | A Happy Start
Bonus 1 | Beach Trouble
Bonus 2 | Who's Aaron's Father?
Bonus 3 | Happy Ever After

33 | Foolishly In Love

6 1 0
By Anonymous_QueenDom

"What're you nervous about?" I asked Hanna. "Didn't you say you did well in your exams? Why do the results bother you then? You'll get good grades, I'm confident about that."

"I know I did well, but who's not nervous when the results are to be out?" She asked.

Last night we'd stayed over at the Kelseys. Somewhere in the middle of the nights when I and Hanna were...well, kinda busy, she'd received a text on her class group informing the students that their results were to be published today.

Of course, she'd seen it only during our ride back home early in the morning.

"You're nervous? No, you're beyond that. Look at you!"

She was practically in cold sweat. I don't know what's gotten her so worked up, though. She's always been an excellent student. All right, I agree that this time around during the exam preparations our wedding preparations were going on too, but I don't think that it ever got in her way. She'd managed everything very well.

"Do you think my hormones are toying with me?" She asked after observing herself for a minute.

Ah, the pregnancy hormones!

"Maybe, now go get ready if you want to be at the campus before, or at 10."

That's when her results were scheduled to be released both on the college website and on the notice board. She preferred to go check them in person rather than scrolling through the phone.


An hour later, I dropped her in front of the campus and drove towards my workplace. Halfway through, my phone rang...oh wait, it was Han's! Seems like she forgot it here.

I picked it up and saw that her HOD was the one calling her.

What happened?

I didn't think much and answered immediately.


"Isn't this Hanna's number?" The lady on the other end of the line asked.

"Yes, ma'am. She was nervous that the results were going to be out today and forgot her phone with me." I clarified.

"Oh, is this you, Mr. Yeoman? I apologise for being rude earlier."

Was she being rude, though?

"Um...is Hanna all right, ma'am?" I tentatively asked.

Why else would the HOD call? But wait, if something isn't right with Hanna then they would've dialled my number and not to her own one, no?

"What's happened to her?" The lady chuckled a little. "And why'd she be nervous about the results? We called to congratulate her! She didn't only top her class, but also the entire master's programme. That qualifies for topping among all the courses under the M.Sc. programme too."

Wait, so she's telling me that Hanna topped all the courses under the master's programme which, if I'm not wrong constitutes of some 13 to 15 departments, thus some 300 students!?

And to think that she was nervous. I shook my head.

"Does she not know about this yet?"

"Not yet, the results will be put up on the notice boards in 15 more minutes. For now only we teachers have seen." She clarified.

I so need to be beside her right now!

"Ma'am, can you please keep Hanna from seeing her results? I wanna be with her when she learns this, please?" There, I said it.

I don't care if I sounded like a fool as I said that. All I cared about now is to see her and be able to hold her in my arms.

"We can do that. Head to the principal's office once you arrive, Mr. Yeoman."

"All right ma'am,"

After ending the call, I sent a text to Rosy informing that I'd be at the office an hour later than usual. Then I sped back on the road I came from.

20 minutes later, I stepped into the campus and hurried towards the principal's office.

"Johann?" Hanna frowned when she saw me.

Yeah, I might've happened to have forgotten my manners and entered without knocking.

"Sorry about entering in like that." I rubbed the back of my neck, feeling embarrassed.

"That's all right, Mr. Yeoman." A middle aged lady smiled at me.

That must be the HOD.

"What's going on? Ma'am, why was I called in and why's Johann here?" Hanna asked, looking all confused and absolutely adorable.

"I was just informed that you're about to faint." I smiled at her, but she frowned.

"I don't feel like it." She said. She's taking it seriously? I wanted to laugh. "Besides, how can one inform you of the future?"

"I think we should tell her now." Principal ma'am suggested.

"You forgot your phone in the car and HOD ma'am called." We took our turns explaining to Hanna and by the time we were done...

"I can't believe this...I...Johann..." Hanna turned to look at me.

"It's, but the truth." I comfortingly ran a hand over her arm.

"Why's it that hard to accept?" Her HOD asked with a warm smile on her lips.

"She'd personally planned for the wedding while preparing for the exams. She's just overwhelmed that neither of the events affected the other. Both turned out equally successful and the fruit is much more sweeter than expected." I looked at my wife affectionately.

Her teachers not only congratulated her, but gave blessings for her future too. I needn't say that Hanna was in high spirits. Then at around 10.30 am we proceeded to leave, but just when I was about to pull the door open, someone opened it from outside and Louis entered in with a flask in his hand.

"Thank you Louis," Principal ma'am said and took the flask from him. "Mr. Yeoman, would you like some?" She asked as she twisted open the cap of the flask and the smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the room.

I was about to deny, but Hanna caught my attention.

Her complexion paled visibly and she clasped her mouth with her right hand while her left clutched her stomach.


"Where's the toilet?" I asked as I supported Hanna. Louis pointed at a door on the corner of the office and I entered in hastily with Hanna. "It's all right..." I rubbed my hand over her back while mumbling soothing words as she threw up.

A minute later she stood up straight and gargled.

"I'm fine now, guess should avoid the flavour of coffee from now on till I give birth." She snorted. "You go, I'll wash my face and come." I nodded and walked out.

"We're sorry that happened." I mumbled as I stepped into the office.

"What's wrong? Is she all right?" HOD ma'am asked.

"She is, after all it's normal for women to grow intolerant, or sensitive to certain foods and flavours during gestation." I shrugged, totally forgetting that these people don't no know about Han's pregnancy.

Right then the would be mother came into view.

"Double congratulations Hanna," Hanna looked at me at that, I smiled sheepishly making her sigh.

We then took our leave; I'd work too. But instead of driving to the office, I took her to a nearby park and let her take in fresh air, by the time we reached my office, it was 11.15 am.

"Why'd you bring me along? You should've dropped me at home."

"Am in not allowed to spend time with my baby and wife?" I pouted.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes at my childish antics, I laughed.

Then I got engrossed in work while she read a book, but how long was it going to keep her occupied? Naturally, she got bored after some time and insisted on returning home on her own.

"There's no way you're going alone. Either I go with you, or you stay till I finish my work."

I knew she'd choose the second option, because according to her I was late to work this morning.

She doesn't treat me like the boss I am, ugh.

"Then give me something to keep myself occupied." I thought for a while.

Then it clicked on me. Right! How can I possibly forget!?

"Have you ever witnessed an interview?"


"I'll be interviewing candidates now for the editor's post, stay beside. I could use some advice from a writer like you!"

"Stop flattering." She blushed.

Shortly after the interview began and candidates came in one by one. After every candidate went out following their interview, Hanna would give me a look.

Clearly not satisfied with their performances. And every time she looked at me, I'd suppress the urge to laugh at her expression.

Aftet half an hour, the final candidate came in and he seemed to have had coffee just now. So when the mister took his seat, Hanna ran to the toilet.

"If you could wait for a moment." I got up to follow Hanna, but stopped when I remembered something. I pulled out a spray bottle from the drawer and handed it to him. "Please wear this. She's sensitive to the flavour of coffee." With that I ran after Hanna. When we came out again the room smelled of the perfume I'd handed to the man. "Thank you, mister." I smiled a little at him which he awkwardly returned.

Then Hanna suddenly stiffened beside me. I looked at her with concern.

"I'm fine." She assured.

We took our seats and I was about to start interviewing the man when there was a knock on the door and it opened slightly to reveal Rosy. She hastily entered in.

Must be something urgent.

"Sir, there're some mails that need to be responded for us to start working on the recent cover design project. It needs to be done now." She explained.

"I'll do it after the interview, Rosy. He's the last candidate."

To respond it, I'd have to go through the details and that'd take about 20 minutes as there wasn't just one paper in Rosy's hand. I knew those were the mails and she'd printed them for me to read its contents.

"It's urgent sir, we need to reply to the client and he wants it now."


"I can wait if it's that urgent." The man said.

"No need for that." I slowly turned to look at the one who'd spoken. "I'll interview him, you go through the mails."

"You sure about this, Hanna?" I frowned.

"It's not like you're going anywhere. You'll be sitting beside me while I question him. Am I not allowed to lend a hand to my husband?"

She was using my own trick on me. I snorted.

"All right."

Then I got busy with the mails and Hanna was questioning the man after Rosy left the cabin. As much as I wished to listen to what she was asking and what the man was telling, I couldn't do so. I only heard them and not listen, I need to concentrate on the mails here and I was doing it by cross checking the printed ones with those on the inbox while simultaneously typing a response.

Suddenly a text popped up on the screen. I opened it to find it was Hanna. From the corner of my eyes I saw her holding her phone while pretending to go through his resume.

"Can I hire him if I'm pleased with his answers?" The text read. I refrained from turning to look at her.

"Yes," I didn't give it much thought.

She knew what she does and I trust every decision she made.

"Don't you trust me too much?"

"You earned it and you deserve it."

"Congratulations, Mr. Sheridan. You've been hired. Join tomorrow, working hours will be from 10 am to 6.30 pm. As for your salary details, Rosy from earlier will brief you tomorrow." Hanna said.

She sounded like a professional. Who says love fades after marriage? Yeah, I just fell for her; harder.

"Thank you, Mrs. Yeoman."

"No need to thank me, your appointment order will be mailed to you by midnight. All the best." She replied. The man shook hands with us and got up from his seat to leave, when Hanna spoke again. "Sometimes, what we think is useless might actually prove to be the heart of the content," She said with no emotion in her voice, that gave me shivers. The man visibly stiffened for a moment. "I hope you'll do your job well."

"O...of...of course! I will do my best." Hanna nodded looking him directly in the eye.

He let out an awkward smile and left.

"What was that?" I asked her. She shook her head. "Hanna, please. Something's definitely bothering you, come clean. It's not good for the baby if you stress out." She sighed and pushed the copy of Mr. Sheridan's resume to me.

"Does he look familiar?" She asked.

I frowned looking at the photo on the resume.

"I think he does, but am not sure. You know him?"

"You know what mummy's name was?" Was? She means her maiden name? Why's she asking that now? Hanna noticed my confused look and let out a sad laugh. "Her name was Tyra Sheridan."

My eyes widened. What on earth!?

"Why did you hire him then?"

That man was Hanna's uncle! Now that I observed closely, he resembled Ryan who shared his mother's features.

"He's good at his job. We cannot lose such an employee because of family affairs."

"But Hanna ___"

"No Johann, he'll work here. I got to know that his life hasn't been easy all these years and I'm guessing none of the Sheridans are doing well. I want to show him that mummy's presence in their lives wasn't their bad luck, but her absence was, please."

"How're you planning to do that?"

"Don't tell anyone about us being related to him. We'll keep him in the dark and bring mummy in front of him when he retires after 5 years, or at least when he decides to leave to company."

"What if fortune doesn't shine on him?"

"Anything he earns from here will be better than what he's earned till now, I learnt that much by interviewing him. I don't ask you to pay special attention to him, just treat him like other employees and give him a raise only if he deserves it, rest will work out on its own. As for mummy, I'll talk with her."

"As you please." I hugged her.

My work was done soon and we prepared to leave for home. She was still hung up on her uncle, I can say that by just looking at her. Even when we were in the car she stared out of the window without registering what was happening. So I took a different route from that which led home and sped on the highways. It was only when I parked the car did she notice her surroundings.

"Why're we here?" She asked. "It'd be difficult for you to go to work tomorrow from here!" She looked around.

"It's friday tomorrow and my weekly off." I smiled at her and tapped her nose as I whispered into her right ear.

She slapped her forehead for forgetting it, making me laugh.

"We're going to spend the weekend here?"

"Yeah, you need to get enough rest and the villa is just the place, come." I wrapped an arm around her waist and led her in.

We freshened up and ate something light for dinner then decided to stroll a little.

"Thank you." She pecked me gently.

"At your service any time." I kissed her cheeks. "How 'bout we swim a little?"

"Okay," She readily agreed.

We swam for a while and played in the pool by splashing water on the other. She was the one who started it.

"You wait!" I swam towards her and grabbed hold of her leg pulling her to me.

"No, no, no..."

I laughed, splashing more water on her and then the yard echoed with her laughter as I tickle attacked her.

"Let's get out of here."

I carried her out of the pool as it was getting late at night. She'd catch a cold at this rate.

"Set me down, Johann. You won't be able to hold." She suggested once we were out of the pool.

I smiled.

My Cupcake, always worried about others. She still remembers how I wasn't able to straighten my hands after the first time I carried her to her room from down the living room.

"It's a great feeling to be able to hold the baby in my arms even before its born." She frowned.

"So you don't care about me? Set me down!"

I compiled, but didn't let her go. Instead pulled her in and felt her lips curve up into a smile against mine.

"If I didn't care about you then we wouldn't be expecting a baby right now, am I not right?"

"Shameless..." She blushed hard and wriggled out of my embrace, dashing into the house.

I laughed and followed behind. She'd entered the bathroom and I heard the shower running.

I took the time to take my wet clothes off and wrapped a towel around my waist. I waited until she came out and when she did, she avoided my gaze after the first glance.

Let me be clear, she's avoiding me, but not in a rude manner. It was adorable to watch her pink face and her shy eyes as she stole glances at me.

I deliberately walked towards her and stood in front of her. She further lowered her gaze as I bent down to whisper in her left ear.

"Wait for me." With that I walked into the bathroom, a content smile playing on my lips as I recalled her reaction.

When I came out after my shower, I saw her sitting on the bed; wrapped in the blankets like a cocoon, I burst out laughing at the sight.

"Stop laughing!"

I went to sit beside her and hugged her. She buried her face in my chest and inhaled deeply.

"We'll have mom, dad and Ryan over tomorrow and talk to them about Mr. Sheridan, okay?"

She didn't reply, but tightened her grip on me.

"You don't deserve me, Johann. You deserve someone better, I burden you with a lot of my problems." She said. I snorted.

"Funny that you say that, I actually thought I was the one who burdened you with mine."

"Guess, we're both fools then." Hanna laughed.

I smiled as I pulled away from her and moved my hands from her back to place them over her belly.

"Yeah, fools who are foolishly in love with each other."


Author's Note:

Good day all! Enjoy reading.

All right, back to writing my other ongoing story, see y'all there.

Read my other stories on Wattpad #Crowded Silence (completed) #Beauty The Beast (completed) #Yours Through Deceits (ongoing)

Follow me here and on IG, link on my Wattpad profile, or simply type in anonymous_queendom

Read, comment, vote and share.

Thank you!

Hope you enjoy :-)

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